Anthro/Animal Artists' Community [entries|friends|calendar]
Anthro/Animal Artists Community

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Artwork for sale!! [11 Jul 2004|01:15pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Hey all! I recently moved and I'm trying to make a bit of room in my house so I'm getting rid of a bunch of original artwork to help clear out some clutter. I have full color originals (for cheap), sketches, pencil drawings, including pieces that i /was/ going to send to AnthroCon but missed the deadline (oops!) I also have Christmas Ornaments! They're really cute ;)

Please check em out and see if anything tickles your fancy? Everything must go!;

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Hi there Weres! [11 Jul 2004|01:41pm]

Hi folks. I've just noticed this community and thought I'd join. I Love animals and were critters.

Here's what I like to draw, hope to see ya 'round!

I have a VCL account under cybercat and the one at DA is lady-cybercat

Checkya l8r!
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My art and other such things... [11 Jul 2004|06:24am]

Well, I'm thinking much of my art fits under the heading for this community. All my stuff is fantasy female nudes and I lean towards turning humans into other things. Like one of my favorite pieces is a Tree Nymph where the tree IS a woman.

A thumbnail gallery of my art up til this point can be found here.
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You're in the army... meow. [07 Jul 2004|03:44pm]

I’m known as Kit the fox, I guess, one of many kitthefoxes around, so never mind that. What matters is that I’ve come to ask for some assistance and help from those who are willing to give it. Anyway, it’s been roughly two years since me and my colleagues have started “FurRevolt!”,
, a Russian militarized fur art gallery, basically carrying on with the themes expressed in AP’s “Furrlough”. We’ve got about 250 different drawings contributed by 60 different artists, ranging from professional Russian comic book artists and illustrators to novices in the field.
Well, I’m not here to brag about it or anything, quite the opposite – I’d like to ask anyone interested to send us whatever drawings of militarized, war-crazy, gun brandishing or just true-blue patriotic furs that you might’ve drawn at one point in your life. We’d be happy for any contributions in art that you might feel like sending to help the cause. ^.^ Just remember that this is a theme site, so hold off the yiffy stuff for later – we’re waging a war here! ^.^
You can flip through the manifest here – I sure hope nobody takes it seriously, though… 8-\ (Some folks have, and the last time I saw them they were buying water, locks, food and supplies to last them a decade or so, and forking the sign of the evil eye at us from a safe distance, so don’t be like them, ok?). More information about us can be acquired here here. Don’t worry, this site is bilingual, Russian and English alike, although there might be some menus and pictures without translations (my bad…), but we hope to provide them with such as soon as possible.
Once again, it would be a great to have foreign participants in our ranks! We welcome any input.
And thank you for your time, folks.
Chief-of-Staff for the Great and Glorious Furrevolt Movement, Kitsune
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newbie [05 Jul 2004|02:31pm]

[ mood | productive ]

Hi everyone! New artist here. This is just a "let ya know" that I do FREE comissions and art trades for ANYONE. My e-mail is, and I'd be happy to do any furry art or stories/bios FREE of charge for anyone as long as they don't invlove porn. I'll do nude, but nothing showing. Thanks for anyone who e-mails, I LOVE doing stuff for people.

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Leopardy goodness [05 Jul 2004|04:32pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Blues Traveler : But Anyway ]

Here's another sculpture - for all you 56k-ers, it's kind of huge behind the cut. ^^;

teh rawr )

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Recent doodle. [05 Jul 2004|02:14pm]

I rarely post my work here, but I'm very pleased with this doodle I did last night.

"Waiting for today to happen"

The handle on the sword is a bit too long, but apart from that, I think it is reasonable.

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New Artist [03 Jul 2004|08:21pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Hello, my name is Sabrina, I have been drawing anthros for about 6 months now and have managed to learn new tricks from all sort of anthro artists. I love seeing other people's work, and I am amazed at the talent I have seen here so far. I have a gallery on DeviantArt and Elfwood. For my first image, I woudl like to show my piece Wrapped in Chains. It stars my fox fursona.

Wrapped In Chains )

Any Critique is welcome. I'd also like to thank anyone in advance for any critique they offer, and I hope to see some more great art.

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sorry for the cross post... I'm just so darned proud :P [03 Jul 2004|03:11pm]

[ mood | productive ]

In a attempt to keep my mind off of things I paint.. but since I couldn't find any images inside my head I started looking around my room.... and my eyes fell upon my baby.... my GrayWolf statue. I made it in 2002... baked it and everything... things is heavy as can be.. but never had the guts to actually paint it.

And so... today... I grabbed a few brushed and some paint.. and here we go:



I even used the metal paint my father still had from the days he used to do models... the amulet on the GrayWolf statue now really really shines.

Some more pictures:


Back side

Front side

And last but not least, my favorite shot...

In short... I'm very very very very very pleased
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[02 Jul 2004|11:07pm]

[ mood | content ]


I haven't posted anything here in a while, so here's my latest:

Crows in Khaki!! )
His name's Hollow, and he's made an appearance in quite a few of my dreams now.. you can read more about him here.

And, for anyone interested -- I'm trying to save up to buy a guitar, and am therefore open for commissions. All prices are debatable, (no paypal, sorry!);
Check out my DA gallery for a sprinkling of some examples of my work, and please please please email me if you're interested.

Regards, Shada.

[crossed to several other communities.]

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My obligatory post. [02 Jul 2004|10:29pm]

So here it goes:

Hi, My name is Sersokhi. Local crazed coyote-raven. I am a furry artist and have been in the genre for sometime now. Say, 4 years? Haven't had the same name the whole time. Though I've been around. I rejoined LJ only a short time ago, I'm recreating my connections and making some new. I hope to view some lovely peices of work here, as well as submit a few of my own. I'm on deviantart, VCL and just recently joined elfwood.
^^ I have one peice I'd like to post as my 1st one. Critiques ALWAYS welcome ^^
Dual-personalities. )
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Last one, I swear... [02 Jul 2004|09:53pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Andrew Bird : 11:11 ] least until I finish my leopards. ^^;
I finally have decent pictures now! (sorry to be artwhoreing lately, but I'm excited about these)

better pictures of puma and tiger )

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woe unto thee! *does the woe kitten dance* [02 Jul 2004|04:39pm]

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Blues Traveler : Just Wait ]

Finished a puma!

click for the puma )

Yes, more craptasic webcam photos. ^^;

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Art dump? [01 Jul 2004|03:34am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Eagle Eye Cherry : Save Tonight ]

Haven't posted here in a while, but I spent all afternoon/evening making this here cute lil' tiger! (He's a gift for my boyfriend's dad).

click for the tiger )

I know, I know, the photos are awful - I used my $10 webcam. ^^;

Oh, yes, in case anyone wanted to see the colored version of my belly-dancing panda:
clickitay here!

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picture and scanner issues- [29 Jun 2004|05:03pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

First off, the Fire Dog.

Karisma Pencils paper. The scanner murdered it and...well, I will get to that.


Now, for scanner issues.
It's a Scanner made by Canon (Canonscan Lide50). NO matter what I do, what settings I tweak or what I do after in photoshop, I seem to lose a LOT of the original colour detail. Also, some bits that are dark show up as faded and much, much lighter than they really are.

Does anyone have any tips on how to fix this? Either through the scanner software or photoshop?

If anyone could help, I would be muchly grateful. :)

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Contest [25 Jun 2004|08:34pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Led Zeppelin-Kashmir ]

This is for Sibera's (From DevArt) contest.


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Web of Deceit for Rage: Tribal War now available [19 Jun 2004|06:11pm]

If you like werewolves, you'll want to take a look at the latest set of cards for the Rage CCG which features lots of werewolfy goodness from many different were-artists.

[info]northwolf and myself are the only ones who are members of wereart, to my knowledge.

You can get the download of the new cards from River Von and check out the previous two sets of cards as well.

Let me know if there's anybody else on there who's a member of the wereart community who I missed because I didn't know their handle on livejournal.
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Wow. First post. ^^ [19 Jun 2004|01:23pm]

[ mood | pleased ]

Yep, this is my first Were_art post. So happy I have something to put up now.

<a href=">This</a> is for Watergazerwolf's contest on dA to draw her. I loved doing this, it was so much fun. I got to coat my fingers in blue pencil crayon because it's cheap paper but bigger than my normal sketchbook.

Anyway, I hope you like it. ^_^

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Contest [18 Jun 2004|10:13pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Movie, Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone ]

This is my entry for Blairhound's (I think on LJ its necropuppie) contest.

The contest is to draw her character in the same species as your own character.

I need to quit doing things at the last minute...the contest ends June 20th and I just did this picture today.

Hope you guys like it!

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panda and a dragon [16 Jun 2004|12:50am]

[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | BNL : Old Apartment ]

artdump from sketches tonight:

dancing panda and a dragon in an art box )

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