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Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
12:38 am - Whee! ^_^
Here's a new yiffy commission of Rally and Bayson done by Leo Magna.

Hidden to preserve 'virgin' eyes! )

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Saturday, May 8th, 2004
11:35 pm
1. What time is it? 11:35 PM

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate? David Alan Reynolds

3. Nicknames: Rally, No Mercy

4. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? I didn't have a cake >_> But 18

5. Pets: A gerbil

6. Hair color: Brown

7. number of piercing: None

8. Eye color: Color-change

9. Hometown: Sumter, SC

10. Town you live in: Columbus, IN

11 Favorite foods: Stuff

12. Ever been to Africa? No

13. Been toilet papering? No

14. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes

15. Been in a car accident? Unfortunately

16. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon, duh

17. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

18. Favorite Restaurant: Taco Bell

19. Favorite Flower: WEEDS, ALL OF THEM!

20. Favorite sport to watch? None, now

21. Favorite drink: Mountain Dew, I need to OD on MD

22. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate

23. Disney or Warner Bros.? They're both stupid now

24. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell

25. What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown

26. How many times did you fail your driving test? 1

27. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? This isn't an e-mail, and does spam about "lazy penis enlargement" or "overweight bestiality whores" or "fill my every hole" count as e-mail?

28. What store would you choose to max out your credit card? I can't get a damned credit card, even one that "doesn't require a credit history", because I don't have a credit history! Fucking liars!

29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Beat off..er... I mean, beat my favorite games... >_> Don't look at me like that

30. Most annoying thing people ask me? "Do you know your headlights are on?" They're automatic, dammit! Haven't you heard of technology?!

31.Bedtime: When I'm tired

32. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? This isn't an e-mail, dammit, and I'm not a psychic. If I was, I'd play the lottery

33. Who is least likely to respond? The people who don't, duh

34. Favorite TV shows? Cartoons and comedy shows

35. Last person/s you went out to dinner with? My Bay-Bay, of course ^_^

36. Ford or Chevy? Well, considering I own an MN12, I'd have to say Ford, dipshit

37. What are you listening to right now? Click-click-click, tak-tak-tak

38. What is your favorite color? Blue

39. Time you finished this e-mail? 11:45 PM

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Monday, March 22nd, 2004
12:54 am - Dear God, I've become a victim...
WARNING! XXX-Rated content and horrible anatomy!!! Artist is not responsible for seizures induced by viewing innapropriate and poorly-drawn material! )

current mood: bored

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Saturday, March 13th, 2004
10:39 pm - I want some opinions on my car.
Okay, first off, I got some cool decals for my car recently.

WARNING!: Highly bandwidth-intense!

Decal pics. )

Secondly, I'm considering a body kit for my car. Well, two, actually. I'm just not sure whether I should go for the $900+ Xenon kit (which is overused), or the $600+ Razzi kit (which I've never heard of before now).

Body kit pics. )

What do you guys think?

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Friday, March 12th, 2004
11:45 pm - I'm so fucking tired!!!!! >_< Fuck Cummins!
Ugh..now that I've scared everyone off, time for the revival of Slogan Generator.

Wouldn't You Rather Be Rally?
Get In My Rally.
Rally - It Does a Body Good.
Do You, uh, Rally?
You Too Can Have A Rally Like Mine.
You Can On a Rally, Can Do!
A Rally A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play.
Get the Door - It's Rally.
Rally-Lickin' Good.
Poppin' Fresh Rally.
If You've Got the Time, We've Got the Rally.
The Non-Sticky Sticky Rally.
Have a Break. Have a Rally.
Because I'm Worth Rally.
Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Rally from the Oven.
I Like the Rally in You.
With A Name Like Rally, It Has To Be Good.
Big Chocolate Rally.
Double the Pleasure, Double the Rally.
It's That Rally Feeling.
Feel the Rally.

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Sunday, March 7th, 2004
11:03 am - Dear God...
I found this banner ad while surfing through Need For Speed sites:

current mood: confused

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Sunday, February 29th, 2004
12:28 am - I'm about to toss my computer out the window into the neighbor's car.......
Most of you probably haven't seen THIS IMAGE yet, but I need to update it. My computer no longer gives me error messages, it just dies without warning. Here's a run-down of the problems within the last 2 months alone.

Cut to save people's friends lists. See, I can be a little bit generous. :P )

In unrelated news, I'm probably going to be selling some stuff on eBay in the near future (within a month or so), and I'm also considering another money-making idea, but I'm not sure of it just yet. Well, that's all my bitching for today. Actually, since it's 12:30AM, it's a new day, so there just may be some more bitching today after all. :P

current mood: bitchy

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Saturday, February 21st, 2004
11:48 pm - Why the fudge not?
gold heart
Heart of Gold

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Wednesday, February 18th, 2004
9:55 am - Certain people just really erk me.. *GAY MARRIAGE RANT!!!*
Monday night (I know I'm late posting this), I was at McDonald's. I sat in a booth so I could watch the news, and I happened to sit behind this one family that was butt-ugly. I don't normally say that, but they were. Anyway, on the news, they started talking about the record number of marriage licenses handed out in San Francisco, and the father of this family looked up at the TV and said, "That's sick!" OOH! I wanted to just knock the FUCK outta him right there, but unfortunately, the law protects stupid people.. On top of that, his oldest daughter (I'd estimate around 12 or 13) kept looking back at me with a really retarded face. I wanted to just hurl my burger at her, but that'd be wasting money and food. I don't spend $2 on a burger just to hurl it at someone.

I just wish people would get off their high-horse about this whole "gays shouldn't marry" bullshit. People claim the Bible says it's for a man and woman only. Great, more psycho-Christian Bible-beaters stretching the words of the Bible just so they can be prejudice... -_- And no offense to Christians, I'm one, too. I just don't like it when the Bible is twisted around to suit a prejudice group of people. Also, some people claim marriage is for reproduction. No, that's what a 40-ounce of gin and a broken condom are for! >_< I'll say it clearly so people will get the message.


Donovan Howard's image makes a good point.

current mood: aggravated

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Monday, February 16th, 2004
11:45 pm - Answering Mally's questions, and a weekend update. ^_^
1) If milk powder is make from milk, and talcum powder from talc, what is baby powder made from?
To quote Stewie from Family Guy, "Sunshine and farts! What the hell kind of question is that?!" XD Nah, it's babies, that's why we can't end abortion. Think of the baby powder industry!!! >_>;; Umm..next!
2) If this were all a bad dream, would you tell me?
Well, if it's a dream, telling you wouldn't matter because nothing in the dream would be real, therefore telling you would just be a waste because when I wake up, you wouldn't even know about until I told you, but it wouldn't matter because it'd just be a really weird dream in my messed up head, and *speech speeds up until head explodes*
3) The almighty wizard has left his keep, entrustin' it's care to ya for the weekend. all his crystals and spells are RIGHT there just BEGGING to be toyed wit'. what would ya do?
O_O Pretty crystals.... shiny.... *picks up a crystal and gets turned into Jeff Foxworthy* Damn those shiny objects around rednecks....
4) What would be your ideal future?
Me and Bay getting our own house and being able to be near my friends so I could see them more. ^_^
5) What would YOU do if ya lived in a shoe?
Be very tiny and stinky... o_O;;

1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond by asking you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed

(Although don't expect a quick response, I'm dumb at this stuff. :P)


And now for the weenend update. Cut for space-saving. )

current mood: silly

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Thursday, February 5th, 2004
1:15 am - I actually drew something halfway decent... o_o;;
Cut for 56Kers. PG-rated. )

current mood: accomplished

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Wednesday, February 4th, 2004
10:44 am - Okay, time for some updates
Last week was total hell. On my team at work, I'm basically ranked 3rd of the 4 people, and Friday-before-last (Jan. 24) through last Tuesday (not yesterday), I pulled the brunt of the work for my team. Why? Because 1st shift is full of shit. They say the machines are working fine, and yet all but one or two machines are down for various reasons. Hell, last Wednesday, I myself did over 1,000 parts, and usually I only do 200-300 on a good day. Last Thursday we had our team meeting, so we didn't get much done at all. Last Friday was okay, work-wise, but that's when I started getting sick. It started with just my throat being raw, but Saturday I started having coughing fits that just got worse through the weekend. I thought I was better Monday, but when I went in to work, the coughing fits started to really hit me. I was taking breaks every half-hour because it was just zapping my energy. Finally around 7 ("lunch" time at work), my team leader basically told me to just go on home.

About an hour after I got home, I started to feel a little better. I think all that oil at work dried out the air and made my condition so bad. Yesterday I went to the doctor and found out I have Tracheobronchitis. He prescribed an inhaler and some nasty cough medicine, but he also have me a week's worth of some antibiotic medicine. The week's worth he gave me saved me about $140 for 7 24-hour pills, which is $20 per pill. x_x Thank God I didn't have to pay for it though. I feel a little better today. I got some new (really good quality) sketchbooks yesterday so I can have something to do while I'm out of work until Monday. If I actually do something decent, I'll post it here. Anyway, I guess that's it for now.

current mood: sick

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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
1:17 pm - I need help finding a song...
I recently posted that I got Gran Turismo 3. Well, one of the songs on it is 99 Red Balloons by Goldfinger. Amazingly, I liked it, so I looked it up on KaZaA and Lycos. I found Nena's German and English versions, as well as one of Goldfinger's versions, but it's not the right one. The one in GT3 is fully English, but the one I found was mostly English with the next-to-last set of lyrics being in the original German. It's driving me nuts that I can't find the fully English version anywhere. If anyone could help me find this song, I'd really appreciate it, but I'll forewarn you about something. If you look it up on a search engine and you find it, but it says you have to download a plugin, DON'T DO IT! I did, and it installed 5 or 6 spyware programs, added a ton of useless shortcuts to my desktop, screwed up my IE and Windows settings, and eventually crashed my computer completely. I had to revert everything to an hour before to get it to work, so don't let this happen to you, too.

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Sunday, January 25th, 2004
7:59 pm - Today was fun!
Well, other than having to drive in shitty snow conditions, it was fun. ^_^ Me and Bay went up to the Greenwood Park Mall today to check out some stuff. We stopped by the arcade so he could play DDR, so I decided to look around and see if there was anything I liked. I kinda doubted it since they took out Ridge Racer V, but to my surprise, they actually had Initial D Ver. 2! O_O I almost fell out right there from the shock of it! It was a brand-new machine, too, not some dorky upgrade. Sure it was $1 per race, but to me, it was WELL WORTH IT! I also bought an Initial D Card that stores all my information. If you're actually interested in reading more about it, I'll soon be posting it on the LJ communities anime_n_racing and initiald. I also got GT3:A-Spec (that's Gran Turismo, not Grand Theft Auto). I know it's been out a while, but I never had a PS2 before, and it was $20. Well, now I go to update the communities.

current mood: amused

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Friday, January 23rd, 2004
11:05 am - WARNING! XXX POST!

current mood: horny

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
12:00 am - Well, yesterday just sucked fucking ASS......
But that's the past. This morning was very fun, though! XD Me and Bay did some naughties when we woke up. Oh, and another temp over where I work now knows about my sexual orientation, and that I have a boyfriend. Not only that, but I found out the girl who's a temp on my team at work is a lesbian, though she used to be bisexual. :P Today's just been really.....gay......

And now I leave you with a joke the guy temp at work told us today:

Q: What's the only thing worse than seeing two gay horses fucking in a meadow?

Can't see the answer yet. )

current mood: horny

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Sunday, January 18th, 2004
1:45 am - Bay's newest sketch of my character ^_^
Cut for 56K losers..er, users... umm..yeah... (G-rated) )

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Saturday, January 10th, 2004
5:47 pm - I'm so naughty.... >;D
Cut to protect virgin eyes and the easily shocked. WARNING: XXX-contents! )

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Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
10:56 am - Am I a lesbian now? >_>
I got my haircut yesterday, and I like it, but I noticed something. I've always had a girlish-looking face, and that mixed with this new haircut makes me look like a butch lesbian or something. :P I think I look like a tall version of my friend Alex now. XD God that's a scary thought.

current mood: dorky

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Sunday, December 28th, 2003
11:30 pm - Christmas "vacation" update
Me and Bay spent Christmas down at my parents' place, which meant we had to drive 623 miles on Christmas Eve. I got a good bit of money for Christmas, plus some other cool things. My parents got me a magnetic dart board and a cool wolf blanket thingy, my oldest sister got me a cool framed postcard (I'll have to scan that some time), my middle sister got me a cool wolf clock, and Bay got me 2 DVDs (The Fast and the Furious, and 2 Fast 2 Furious). ^_^ I also bought myself the first Initial D DVD strictly because I couldn't find it anywhere else, and I already had the second DVD. The I-D 1 DVD came with two funky music-demo CDs like they give to a radio DJ to preview. o_o It was weird stuff, but not too bad.

I also surprised some of my family with the gifts I gave them. ^_^ They weren't expecting any of it. I got my mom a blue crystal angel on a wooden mirror stand, my grandma on my mom's side a crystal statue of Jesus with a red heart in the chest titled "The Bleeding Heart of Jesus", my grandma on my dad's side a large fiber-optic angel with moving wings (the whole family said "That is gorgeous!" when I turned it on XD), my oldest sister a statue of an Native American angel girl on a log with a bear cub and a child on either side of her in front of a realistic pond-style thingy, and my youngest sister a statue head of a Siberian tiger. The look on my youngest sister's face when she unwrapped the statue from the packaging paper was priceless! XD Her eyes went wide as saucers and she gasped loud enough for the whole house to hear. Guess that time she spent in Iraq didn't harden her emotions too much. ;)

I got "joke" gifts for my mid-sister and my oldest nephew. :P My nephew (who is gay, but doesn't know I am) got a pack of those "it's happy bunny" (which always make rude, but funny remarks about people) mints, and the tin they came in said "Would you like to suck on a mint, since you already suck all the time?" Everyone was asking if it meant what they thought, but I said they should come to their own conclusion about it. :P My mid-sister got a basket of bath soaps, gels, etc. since my mom told me she likes that sort of thing, but on the packaging paper around the basket, I taped another pack of those mints, but hers said "Please enjoy a mint, because your breath smells like butt." XD OMG, it was so funny! I told Bay he should expect something from my parents, but neither of us thought he'd get something from my parents, grandparents from both sides, and my middle sister. :P

Some things about the trip sucked, though. Driving 1230+ miles was a bitch. Me and Bay couldn't sleep in the same bed together (we could, but it was very uncomfortable in a single instead of the queen we have here). Sexual things were limited to almost nothing at all... o_o We got little-to-no privacy. The screaming banchees known as my neices and nephews were annoying as hell. But aside from those things, it was a pretty decent trip. I love my family, but they can be trippy, plus that kind of trip takes a lot of money. :P Ah well. Time for sleepies.

current mood: See picture.. :P

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