Dragonfly Queries [entries|friends|calendar]

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And the cockroaches led the way [04 May 2004|08:17pm]
[ mood | constricted ]
[ music | Joy Drop - Sometimes Wanna Die ]

Do you ever feel like you are caught within a whirlwind of torrents and gales, tearing and crushing at your body until you cannot breathe?

I can't breath.

Have you ever wanted to scream, but no sound will spill from your mouth?

Today I was silent.

Then the vision came as the dust settled upon the air, flecked by a surreal light with no defined source. All the shades of grays, the shades of browns and taupes and creams; all the colors of the rotting earth and soiled spirits- they all danced for me. And the cockroaches led the way....

1 flock of socks| nork!

Vampire results. [01 May 2004|02:18pm]
[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | Finch - What It Is To Burn ]

Your Vampire Life (female) by EvilKirin
Your Username
How Many Years From Now You Will Be Turned...9
You Will Be Turned By...An Elder
Your Signature Power Will Be...Change Form (wolf)
Your Vampiric Lifemate Will Be...
You Will Lure Them Into It By...They Ask For It Willingly
How Many Years You Will Live For...2,914
You Will Finally Be Killed By...
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Mmmmhmmmhmmm.. I like. Very much so. Though I was hoping for Orlando Bloom....

I used my full actual name, but seeing as how I don't want any more stalkers, I've removed it from the box. Ooo.. I like the creator's username, too. Ki'rin.... -Purr.-

1 flock of socks| nork!

[24 Apr 2004|12:00am]
[ mood | surreal ]

I feel better already. As if I'm floating in a dream...

Sometimes I question whether there is anything to my ramblings, or if they are just that: foolish ramblings.

3 flock of socks| nork!

Smile and nod. [21 Apr 2004|09:36pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Blink 182 - I Miss You ]

Happy Birthday Taaaaalyn! -Throws flesh-eating confetti.-

OMFGWTFLOLOLOLOL!!11one! The hunk of Az just moved! Let's all poke it and maybe it'll live again! XD

-Falls over.- x_x

10 flock of socks| nork!

Boxes and weapons of mass destruction [15 Apr 2004|09:48pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Evanescence - Understanding ]

Bwahaha. I actually got a humorous forward.

1) Go to http://www.google.com

2) Type in (but don't hit enter): "weapons of mass

3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the
normal "Google search" button.

4) READ CAREFULLY what appears to be a normal ERROR
message. Make sure you read the whole error message.
Someone at Google apparently has a sense of humor.
Read whatever pops up.....even if it says error!!

Oh, yes, tomorrow is my Cardboard box experience. I shall be "homeless", though I will be equppied with what I have suitably declared my Magical Cardboard Box (MCB). Why for? A fundraiser in my community to help the homeless. How long? 20 hours! TWENTY HOURS WILL I BE A BUM! And I shall sleep in my lovely box, draw all over my lovely box, and take photos of my lovely box. ^^

Friends have promised to come "watch me be homeless", bring me food, and prod me. XD

5 flock of socks| nork!

Fwee [12 Apr 2004|05:53pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Blink 182 - I Miss You ]

Fill it out, I'm quite prepared to be abused. XD Of course, stolen from [info]psycodragon22 ^^

1. I ____ Az.
2. Az is ____.
3. Az needs _____.
4. I want to ____ Az.
5. Az ____ my ____.
6. Someday Az will ____.
7. Az reminds me of _____.
8. Without Az, _____.
9. Az can be _____.
10. Az is _____.
11. Worst thing about Az is _____.
12. Best thing about Az is _____.
13. I think Az should ______.
14. If Az was an animal, she'd be a _________.
15. Right now, I bet Az is thinking ___________.
16. Az makes me want to ________________.
17. Az probably tastes like _____________.
18. If I could spend the day with Az, I'd ____________.
19. I'd ___________ for Az.
20. Az is made of __________.
21. Az is the greatest _________ ever.
22. If I could be Az for a day, I'd ___________________.
23. I want to give Az ___________.
24. The song Az reminds me of is ________ by ____________.
25. If I were Az I'd vote for ______________.

6 flock of socks| nork!

When drama turns into comedy [10 Apr 2004|10:56pm]
[ mood | highly amused ]

Mmm... boot-legged copy of LOTR: Return of the King with whacky subtitles..... goodness. ^_____^

I do believe the person who was in charge of the permanent subtitles was a near-deaf Chinese individual with only a slight knowledge of English. Some of my favorites that I remember:

"The time of the Oaks has come." ~Pig-man orc
(The time of the Orcs has come.)
Fear the trees!

"The Oaks have taken the bridge." ~Some man or another...
(The orcs have taken the bridge.)
All orcs apparently became Oaks. Not maple, not birch; but Oak.

"Because I gonna leave apart with Arwen." ~Sam
(I have no idea what he actually said, I was laughing so hard. I didn't expect Arwen to have an affair!)

"The ring is my birth from the stray of my son." ~Frodo
(The ring is my burden.....?????)
Um.. okay Frodo!

"The light from the evil star is fading." ~Elrond
(The light from the Evenstar is fading.)
Oh yes, Arwen's true last name is Evilstar.

"Welcome to Rising Garth!" ~Pippin or Merry
(Welcome to Isengard!)
I'm imagining Garth Brooks...

"....she comes with her stick on." ~Orc, referring to Shelob
(....she comes with her stinger.)
But a spider waving a stick would've been so much scarier.

And there were many more, some so terrible and slaughtered that they were simply random words thrown together. They almost always used "Gandalf" when "Gondor" was said; and Smeagol was spelled Smigel.

6 flock of socks| nork!

School pride baby [08 Apr 2004|08:20pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Random Things I Find Amusing At My School:
(Even if you don't agree)

~We have cameras, too, Wolfy. But some are facing strictly the doors to the girls and boys bathrooms.

~Several bathroom doors are /locked/. They work well enough, but still, we have no /access/ to them. Why? Too many people smoke in them. Yay, go us.

~We cannot sit on the floor because it promotes sex. And there is a true story from years past (one that the teachers won't even /tell/ us) which has brought this rule into being.

~The librarians are sadistics Nazis who are jealous since they have no social life, and so think you shouldn't have one either.

~The English teacher throws inanimate objects at his students (*coughcoughmecough*).

~The students throw inanimate objects back, without getting into trouble.

~Instead of learning about chemistry or english, we learn about trashcan parties and Hal, who was quite horny. Yay for college stories.

~Apparently we have the highest rate of teen pregnancies in some measured region. WHOOT, I'm surrounded by sluts!

~It isn't uncommon to lose one's appetite while heading to lunch, due to the sight of two people sucking on each other's faces.

~During study hall, instead of studying we watch Happy Tree Friends episodes on the math teacher's computer.

~We have new, random saftey drills to prepare us lest all those terrorists finally decide to attack our "valuable" high school. Oh yes, we are at such a high risk for terrorism.


~The kids seem to get shorter and more immature with each descending grade. This year's sophomores are worse than last year's.

~I seem to be a good stalking victim for the creepiest guys.

~The pep assemblies hardly have any pep at all.

Okay, done for now. ^^

19 flock of socks| nork!

Check-up [07 Apr 2004|08:44pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Blink 182 - I Miss You ]


Pardo- Sorry I haven't been on lately.. I'm about to send a short e-mail, as well.

Eld- You've gone insane, haven't you?

Alue- I skimmed your entry, and that sucks that you won't be on AIM much. Evil math!

Wolfy- Hope all is well with you, sassyboned stickybuns. XD I'm sure your entries would tell me if you are, but I haven't time other than to check my e-mail and post this.

Hyb- -Hugsnug.- Not sure if you'll check your LJ and see this, but I sent you a short e-mail as well.

Everyone else- HIIIIIII! I'm still alive and all is well, I just haven't been able to sign on lately.

Also, to those who provided me with questions in response to my last entry, I'll still get around to them. ^^

6 flock of socks| nork!

You heard Talyn. XD I am so spoiled. [03 Apr 2004|03:16pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Talyn Greywolf: *declares april 3rd international lavish more love and attention on Az then usual day.*


Stolen from [info]pardouncia with love, who stole it from another, and thus forth.

Ask me a question, any question...
I will answer it to the best of my ability...

13 flock of socks| nork!

[01 Apr 2004|08:03pm]
[ mood | sad ]

We sold Ghost....

..but he's going to go to a good home. And I have several days to give my good-byes.

4 flock of socks| nork!

Randomness [26 Mar 2004|05:54pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Evanesence ]

spazley**: i am SOOO ready for spring
spazley: and summer
cougaress88: yeees! warmth! sun! flowers! allergy..
spazley: allergy.. bah..
spazley: but fun clothes!!
spazley: instead of static-y sweaters
spazley: and evil winter coats of hate
cougaress88: yees!
cougaress88: We'd actually be able to see what i wear underneath a coat
spazley: haha
spazley: maybe even your skin!!
spazley: gasp
cougaress88: What?! No way?! I have skin?

**Name changed to protect the innocent

4 flock of socks| nork!

Argh. [26 Mar 2004|12:28pm]
[ mood | angry ]

For the first time, I'm actually disappointed and mad that school was closed today. Stupid fog, couldn't you have come another day?!

So Spring Break has officially started a day early.

6 flock of socks| nork!

[24 Mar 2004|03:59pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Evanescence - Anywhere ]

I liiive! I live!

And now that I realize I am actually still alive, I'm quite hungry. But then if I venture too close to the kitchen, I shall lose my appetite since it smells like burnt muffins. Why? Because Mom burnt a muffin this morning. And the aroma clung to me all day, causing friends to even protest before they knew what it was.

The ironic thing is that it was a bran muffin. Jenni claims that my mother burned me symbolically. My poor burnt muffin corpse..

Mm, these new Evanescence songs are so delicious. Which brings me back to the hunger subject. AGHH! We're out of string cheese! >_<

3 flock of socks| nork!

Still alive, still odd. [21 Mar 2004|05:37pm]
[ mood | antsy ]
[ music | Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters ]

Haaaappy days. ^__^ Cast party was very fun last night. Even if Matt attacked me several times with his E.T. impersonation. He's so freaking creepy when he does that! They all think it's quite funny that poor moi is seriously FRIGHTENED by E.T. Gah. But anyway, yes, there was much wrestling and pop chugging and belching going on. We knocked the lampshade off of one lamp about seven times. Good thing it was broken to begin with. ^_^;;

I'm managing to spit out my essay, though I still have 2 1/2 paragraphs left. Thank goodness I didn't select a thesis that has seven body paragraphs like my last two essays... o_o;;;

AGH! Forensics districts are tomorrow! Go away butterflies, go away! I don't remember eating you, so why are you in my stomach?

Maybe they're attracted to the flower petals I ate on Friday. Flowers are tastey, y'know.

Aaand nothing else matters!

6 flock of socks| nork!

[19 Mar 2004|07:11am]
[ mood | excited ]

First play performance tonight. o.O

5 flock of socks| nork!

Gagging on waffles [17 Mar 2004|07:10am]
[ mood | cranky ]

I don't get to use late start Wednesdays to my full advantage. Nope, instead, I have to be at school the same time I am every other day. While other students get those two lovely...extra... /hours/. Instead, I must perform with the other actors and actresses in the Drama Club's play during school. Mwee, I get to skip school, so that's a plus. But still, extra sleep.... -Pine.-

At the moment, though, my parents are invoking a one-sided battle. Well, my Mom induced it, and then my Dad took one perspective, joined it, and didn't bother to ask 'why' about anything. Which leads me to thinking that no one ever asks "Why?" anymore.

Why do you feel this way?
Why are you interested in this type of music?
Why do you draw the things you do?
Why do you love the internet so much?
Why do you react that way?
Why aren't you in a good mood?
Why are you happy?
Why do you do this? Why do you do that?

Nope, hardly ever asked. It's sad, I think, because simple questions like that could reveal reasonable explanations, and even hidden secrets. It'd save so many arguments, bring better understanding, and perhaps strengthen bonds. But anyway, just another thing the world is lacking these days.

The one question I asked in my dream last night, which shall be explained in another entry, was:

"What happens when angels bleed until they're drained?"

6 flock of socks| nork!

[16 Mar 2004|07:08pm]
[ mood | concerned ]
[ music | Trapt - Headstrong ]

I think today was Official Depressed/Mopey/Gloomy/Sad Day for all of my friends at school. Seriously, nearly everyone was frowning throughout the day. I, on the otherhand, must not have gotten the memo. Everyone was tired, sore, sad, gloomy, depressed, etc. while I was quite chipper. Until I told Sarah that I was sad because everyone else was sad. But even then, that was a lie. Well, except for Nik. Nik's sadness made me sad, because he endured the day staring at the ground and being withdrawn. I would've hugged him numerous time if it didn't seem uncharacteristic of me. I hate seeing him depressed... I know my other friends will get well, but he really worries me sometimes.

In other news, I'm going to districts for Forensics!!! Holy shit it's next Monday!! Az needs to get her ass in gear!

2 flock of socks| nork!

Who is this crazy teenaged girl? [15 Mar 2004|09:00pm]
[ mood | devious ]

I'm sitting here... just sitting here.. with a plastic bag over my head. I'm waiting here, just waiting here... til time brings what's ahead.

Har har, look, poetry. And I bet you don't know the meaning behind it, either. See, someone may look at it and say "Oh, she feels like she's being slowly suffocated, and just waiting until she runs out of oxygen, turns blue, keels over, and dies. Yeah, that's it. How sad..."

And you'd be WRONG! -Cackle.- See, there's no real symbolism. It's quite simple, actually. I'm literally sittign here with a plastic bag over my head, for I just put red undertone hair dye in my hair. And now I am waiting for the timer to go off, so I can wash and rinse. Yarr, see, some poetry has no deep meaning, English teachers. Sometimes a story or poem JUST IS.

Now let's all pretend that really was a poem, so I can actually make my point.

6 flock of socks| nork!

Of course. [14 Mar 2004|02:33pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Nickel Creek -When You Come Back Down ]

I don't like it when I get these sudden bad feelings where I already know the answer leads to disappointment. I hate it when I'm right.

Once again, after looking forward to Sunday all week, it only brings disappointment. As well as snow, wind, and gray skies. It's cold outside and I'm cold inside. Another day, another day. Another day for it to come my way. Or will it still not stay?

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