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Selcycer Detagurroc

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(3 fathoms | go deeper)

[13 May 2004|02:30am]
Dude! Who knew Leonard Nimoy was a photographer? Not a half bad one either.

The notion of being photographed nude by him is kind of odd though. Then again, i'm picturing him in his Enterpise uniform with those weird high heeled go-go boots.


Now that i think about it a little more, i'm also picturing him using a tricorder instead of a camera.

(1 fathom | go deeper)

[03 May 2004|04:22am]
Dammit....i wish i'ld stop hearing voices in the wind.

Damn you wind!

::stabs sky::

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[01 May 2004|10:39am]
Hey, i've been up all night working on something, and i'ld show you if my godamn Earthlink webspace weren't a sketchy heap of non-existant crap!

I'm going to sleep...all of you email Earthlink and tell them how pissed you are.


(4 fathoms | go deeper)

like thunder...or not [29 Apr 2004|06:44pm]
[ mood | pained neck ]
[ music | Kodo : Zoku ]

How High Is Your Sex Drive?
Your Sex Drive Level Is.. - 86%
This QuickKwiz by eva71 - Taken 100992 Times.

The golden age of online quizzes, questionairres and random number generators is over. Now all we have left is this. 86%? Anybody could've told you that.

Not to mention the grotesque amount of code required to display such an ugly little box.


Feels kind of a shame to break my silence with this, but about DVD censorship and the "Clearplayer". Let me know your thoughts.

The Article.

(3 fathoms | go deeper)

Help Me. [06 Apr 2004|03:28am]
Okay, so i've got this damn song stuck in my head, and i keep trying to find it, but i don't know what it's called or who its by. So i'm gonna describe it and you're gonna do your best to help me figure out what the hell it is so i can nail the bitch to the wall. Here goes, and thanks for participating in advance.

So the chorus is something like "...everybody knows its Mindy (or mandy, i dunno)" and then the bridge is like "Baa BuBu Baa Bu BaaBa Ba Ba Bu Ba!...and so on" and one time, on the Drew Carey show, Mr.Wick played it on the harp and it was awesome. He also played "Popcorn" by Hot Butter, but i know that song and have please help me.

Also, i might do a phone post, just so you can hear me singing it. Booyeah.


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[26 Mar 2004|10:58pm]
What the world needs now...

... )

(5 fathoms | go deeper)

[26 Mar 2004|07:20am]
I've seen Michael Stipe's Wiener.

(go deeper)

Orange [20 Mar 2004|06:48pm]
[ music | Emperor : In The Nightside Eclipse ]

Rapidly, this is turning into a dream journal.

Last night, dreamt i was at some garishly colored theme park in a part o the country which i had totally forgotten existed. Zamekashpe or some such. It had the appearance of any other boondock, hicks and militant morons, all save for this incredibly overdone, overmanaged theme park, the name of which i never learned. In order to go on the boat ride (which was integrated into a stage show of sorts, you had to don a fully color coded outfit. My boatload's color was orange, bright orange suits. I didn't want to wear one, so i passed on the purple hippo song and dance extravaganza. Everything at the park was in the same kind of color coded mayhem. All the beverages at the juice bar, as i reccall, were bright orange as well.

At one point i was confronted by some random hick as i was walking about the park. i think i had just come out of shop of some sort, which was a whole other ordeal i cannot recall. For some reason, i was clad in my green army jacket, PFC khaki shirt and had black gardening gloves on (the kind with the little rubber grabber dots) with fingerless leather gloves over them. I actualy own this combination of gloves. Anyhow. I was assaulted by this hick who noted my miltaristic garb and took offense (something which has also happened in real life). He began to jabber about my gloves and how i was all set up and then asked me if i wanted to "try them out" in an attempt to pick some sort of fight. I looked right at him and in a shocked, offended and defiant tone said "No!", and then walked away.

I ended up hanging out at the drink shoppe towards the front of the park, with various strange hick friends i had aqquired throughout the park, when my family, or friends or whoever i ended up in this boonie with showed up. Apparently, it was time to go. I looked over the water where the purple hippo show was going about its motions while boatloads of people in brightly colored suits floated by. I thought about how i never even knew this country existed before i came, and decided that i wanted to go home with the hicks, to see more of this bizarre country on the way back home, instead of going the straight and narrow with my family.

(4 fathoms | go deeper)

[14 Mar 2004|05:05pm]
I hate glitter.

Glitter and Balet.

(1 fathom | go deeper)

wanting nothing more than to sleep [13 Mar 2004|05:00am]
[ music | Porter Ricks : Spoiled ]

If it weren't for the open-cab design, a fire engine would make an excellent vehicle for clearing mobs of zombies. As it is, it seems, perhaps, that a more suitable alternative would be a Brinks Truck. I'ld consider a big rig if they weren't so damn difficult to manuver and if the carrying space wasn't so severely disseperate from the cab.

the garden of earthly delights, reflected, through a glass darkly )

(1 fathom | go deeper)

Christians Vs. Media [10 Mar 2004|06:26pm]

Gimmee yer think thoughts, eh?

(9 fathoms | go deeper)

[07 Mar 2004|10:48am]
[ music | Ween : Ice Castles ]

woke up this morning feeling like i'ld fallen through the looking glass. everything was the same, but its like i've been redirected into another stream of reality, differnt consequence. It seems as though, every passing second, i'm growing more distant from the stram of reality i knew. No that there's any way to go back, but its odd feeling.

The sun here is to bright, the gravity is slightly more watery and the air is dryer.

Something is horribly wrong.

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Hey, everybodys doin' it! [07 Mar 2004|01:54am]
[ mood | half in the bag ]
[ music | White As They Come : Secret Chiefs 3 ]

So, as it seems appropriate to expess ones sentiments in song lyrics, i figured i'ld give it a shot. Why the hell not, i'm a whore for pop culture, even if it is five years dead.

As White As They Come
Secret Chiefs 3

As white as they come
I feel pretty dumb
They're all better than me
I think we agree
I was born with no soul
But I'm in control
Of the worlds destiny
I'm white as can be

Afraid to die, afraid to answer why
Afraid to be, afraid to act like me, or like me

As white as they come
I act pretty dumb
You know better than me
I'm sure we agree
I'm as white as the pope
You can see there's no hope
Now why would I lie
We're all gonna die!

An empty shell, an empty heart as well
A burnt out light, a void that swallows life, swallows life...


Now intermingle that with "Where is Love" from "Oliver!" and i suppose its a picture, of sorts.

Revel, rejoice! That's all you get.

Unless you download the song (album 'First Grand Constitutions and Bylaws')


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We Got Hosed [01 Mar 2004|01:21am]
[ mood | bummed ]
[ music | some fuckin thing ]

It's nights like this that make me remember, the oscars, more often then not, piss me off. Last year made me kind of forget, just like the Clinton administration made me forget how god awful it is having a Republican in office. Fuckin' Al Gore. Even i wanted to vote against that snide turd-burglar.

I've decided i need to write more...not here per se, just make a more cohesive clotting of thoughts on work. You have a million good ideas in your lifetime, but whenever you need em, they all run and hide, unless you capture their little asses and shove them into a pulp prison. I think its the same with some ordeals in ones life. If you don't wrangle the little monsters, they'll run amok in your head until the day you die. Apparently, that sort of thing sometimes stris up poltergeists, and seeing as i really don't like poltergeists, it may serve me well to bust out the daisy wheel from time to time.

Maybe i took the Oscars a little too personaly, but it seems clear that excellence isn't neccesarily rewarded. I suppose its for the better that i'm reminded, as one should strive to overcome personal hurdles, rather than those set by the populous...but i just can't get the expression on Bill Murray's face out of my head. Sean Penn my ass...when is the next time Bill is going to get a chance at a role like that? Le sigh. I suppose it's not much use lingering on, but it feels like a knife in my heart too. Fuckin bunch of dinosaurs.


who the hell needs 11 oscars?

(3 fathoms | go deeper)

fore : for : four [18 Feb 2004|09:12pm]
[ mood | odd wad ]
[ music | The Fairfield Four : Lonesome Valley ]

So i'm posting this, primarily because i haven't in a while and i need to brush up my chops...writing wise. Gluh...dumb words. You need to work harder dammit!

Secondarily, i'm posting a request to all out there who may be able to help, so read if you please.

I need access to industrial equipment. Not to manipulate it or rent it, just to grab sounds off the stuff. Industrial air-conditioners in your place of work, turbines, whatever. if you got an inkling of a large machine you have access to, or at least can go in earshot of, please let me know...gimmee da hookups yo. Also, even though a machine doesn't seem to make that much noise, it doesn't mean i can't pick something up off it. i have my ways.

So heres where that ends and this begins.

I've been having strange dream fragments as of late. The odd dreams where you do something thats utter nonsense and wonder why the hell you were spending time and energy when you should be sleeping, dreaming of such things. A dream where i tried on three different outfits...why the hell do you even remember anything like that?

Registering for community college is a bitch. i've spent the last two weeks trying to prove to GCC that i have the intention of remaining in California so that they stop gouging me for sub-par classes. i don't mind for a second that community college classes are sub-par, as hey have their moments and leave a great deal of space for forensic observation of...norms...i suppose (who are anything but normal). But paying seven times as much a unit (as the asian transfer students which riddle the campus are) is just a broomstick in the poo-place. Finaly haggles them down by showing them antiquated work stubs from one of the few time i worked. God bless the movie industry.

Super Nintendo rocks. Anyone who says otherwise can step up and get a beat down. Booyeah.

The strangest damn thigns make me cry. They don't seem all that strange to me, but to others primarily. It just seems strange that i've been doing it over them so much recently. All having to do with The Submarines and America Sings (now defunct attractions at Disneyland) and the fact that Kermit has been refused his birthright of death with his alter-ego Jim Henson. hear me now and believe me later, Kermit should've been allowed to die along with his god. The unholy propagation of his persona is blasphemic to everything that Henson stood for. Frank truths about life. Instead, a hollow shell of his previous self makes flirty flirty with Jessica Simpson (the vile golem, incarnated of the combined dander of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilleraglalgla) for a quick suck and a buck. FTN brothers, FTN.

Star Trek rocks. Step up for your beat downs. line forms here.

I'm neurotic and my approach to realtionships lacks refinement. Funny how you figure these thigns out. over eager? Perhaps. Just not wanting somethign to slip away twice. Why is it i ever meet anyone i like, theres an immediate inflicted period where i am towed away from them by consequence? It feels like be pulled downstream, flailing for a branch which seemed like a sure thing 20 feet before and i still desperately hope to contact 20 feet past (all the while a rather large stone pulls up fast from behind).

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