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[what a weekend] [27 Apr 2004|12:41am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Underworld soundtrack. ]

friday night [info]bloodflower went back to Cessnock.. bye bye joel! :( it was great having you over! :)

saturday night was my 22nd. The Green Party was a great sucess. thanks to everyone who came along :)
a round of applause for [info]doubledupinside and [info]ghostchild who provided music goodness. :D
thanks for all the sms's during the day everyone. *hugs* another good birthday. :)

sunday afternoon we lit up the huge joint that Amy and Oats rolled me. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... bliss.
i did take photos of the beauty... i'll post one some time soon. ;)

have had a few issues come up today that i'm not very happy about. chinese whispers can be a nasty game to play. but what's done is done... it's made me think a bit more about my future as well... i don't feel so stable anymore. :/

i spent most of today playing the Sims. man, that can be so addictive. at one point in my game i had adopted a baby, neglected it and had social services take it away from me! lol.. i'm a bad parent! :P then later on one of my chick character was burnt to death and the grim reaper came along and the dude character had to beg for her life back, with a game of paper, scissors, rock. haha! and i won! bam! take that grim reaper! hehehe
mmmmmmm, i should play some more of it now. >:)

a shower, then the sims.
sounds like a plan :)

1 shade of grey - imprint colour

[my mouse needs a mousepad] [18 Apr 2004|02:02am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | tori amos - she's your cocaine ]

friday was shopping day with [info]darth_hedgehog. we went into Perth first and then to Fremantle. the op-shops had fuck all. crap! all i managed to find was 1 top. 1 throw rug and 2 cushion cases. bah! why won't people get rid of funkier shit? :P we got a late lunch and headed back to my house where [info]xejon met up with us. we watched season 5 Ab Fab. really good episodes :)

saturday [info]blood_flower arrived for his lil holiday in Perth. :) it's great to finally meet him! he is real! *nods* all day i've been smoking more than usual.. :P he is already a bad influence, tho i'm sure he'll try and say it's the other way around... pffft. please! i'm a good girl! *nods*

tomorrow is hopefully stil shopping with my mum. :)

next weekend is my birthday. :)

9 shades of grey - imprint colour

[bang bang] [15 Apr 2004|10:25pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | the cranberries - animal instinct ]

let's see...

today i watched Gothika and Kill Bill Volume 1.
both are awesome movies!!

thanks [info]dael_leterel. i like this. :)

i want to go see The Dissociatives if they come to Perth. :)

time for a bath.

*still got that crazy Kill Bill music in my head*

6 shades of grey - imprint colour

[wheeeeeeeee] [14 Apr 2004|03:03pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | muse - new born ]

i've just discovered a new science project in the front yard! i could smell something funky... i could see a LOT of flies... hmmmmmm thought my brain. i wonder what's over there... i go look and what do i find??

a rat. a dead rat. a semi-not there rat. a rat crawling with beetles and 3 different types of flies. mmmmmmmmm, how sweet it is to love this sick shit. i've found something to do!!! :D

already taken half a roll of film.. take another half tomorrow.. then the same the day after and so on until no more rat.. but then, there is a nice rat skull for lauren to do art things with :)

this is going to be a science/art fest. :) wooot!

15 shades of grey - imprint colour

[lalala] [12 Apr 2004|03:30pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | noise... ]

pictures around my house.

images )

i stuck these up last week. i mentioned it in an earlier entry. :)


21 shades of grey - imprint colour

[dead rat!] [11 Apr 2004|06:05am]
[ mood | amused ]

ok. so now i'm glad i was awake.
Shibby brought a rat inside and dumped it on the rug in the middle of the lounge. sure, she caught a rat.. no worries. but this one's guts were hanging out and it smelled. lol
the rug is now outside, as is the rat. :)

what a way to start a very early morning.. :P

9 shades of grey - imprint colour

[i should be sleeping gawd dammit] [11 Apr 2004|05:50am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | veruca salt - Resolver ]

i can't sleep. :/


2 shades of grey - imprint colour

[Amy's Quiz] [11 Apr 2004|12:13am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | stone temple pilots - down ]

Have you ever~
made love to something that's not a person (ie. vegetable, vibrator, pie) - nope.
spewed in a strange place - my 19th birthday. i passed out on Ash and Jo's bed, spewed in my hair and all over Jo's pillow. oops :P
been caught with your pants down - nope.
freeballed - freeboobed?! :)
eaten playdough - lol no.
drunk straight from the bottle - yep
cried over a movie (what was the last one?) - yep. Igby goes down.
cheated on someone - no.
had someone cheat on you - yeh.
gone to china - nope.
seen a stripper - nope.
rymed someone - takes me back to the old Loft conversations.. lol
chucked a sickie - yeh.
stolen someone else's cigarettes - i do it every night.
sent flowers - nope.
given someone underwear - gave my dad boxer shorts for christmas last year. they had little vampire bats on them. :)
prayed - i'd call it wishing on a star.
blamed someone else for something you did - when i was a kid, yeh.
taken the blame for something you didn't do - yep
flashed - yep.
forged a signature - can't say i've had to.
lied to the police - nope.

do you want to~
run a marathon - i've done the city to surf. :)
try cocaine - i'd try it if i could ever afford it :P
go to a nudist beach - nope.
have an orgy - i guess it depends who with..
eat a whole block of chocolate - i'd puke. yuk!
have sex with one of your friends - yeh.
learn ballroom dancing - nope.
commit a crime - me? commit a crime? pfft *packs her pipe*
yell at anyone - i love being loud :)
masturbate - not atm..
take a plane ride to anywhere - sure.
see a tourist attraction - in Egypt would be nice.
order a martini - i don't drink.
have a pair of those rollerskate shoes - no thanks. require too much energy on my part.
go in a giant maze like on 'the shining' - i want one in my backyard.
contact the dead - for sure.

pisses you off - a lot. people mostly.
makes you horny - damania.
makes you hungry - pot!
is your favourite snack to eat in the movies - skittles :)
position do you sleep in - on my side, one leg bent. like a h :)
makes you happy - very little.. :/
are you looking forward to - a trip to melbourne.
new people would you like to make friends with - smurfs.
would you like to be doing in five years - i honestly dont know. music photo-journalist would be fucking dandy :)
do you miss - feeling whole. being happy.
is your chinese astrology sign - dog.
languages do you know - english.
musical instruments can you play - nothing i am any good at.
books would you recommend - dopeland - john birmingham. Survivor - Chuck Palahnuik. (sp?)
are your indulgences - weed. music.
do you believe in - music. weed. energies that make the world go round.

the end.
now everyone else do this quiz. :)

2 shades of grey - imprint colour

[stolen from mikkali and sandgropa] [10 Apr 2004|01:46pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | the cranberries - empty ]

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

"As far as attitudes to witchcraft were concerned, the colonies were affected by what was happening in England but to a much lesser extent."

Witchcraft - by Geddes and Grosset.


4 shades of grey - imprint colour

[08 Apr 2004|11:43am]
happy birthday [info]gidgetgein
1 shade of grey - imprint colour

[lyrics of the day] [08 Apr 2004|11:38am]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | muse - map of your head ]

I'm sick of feeding my soul
See people who'll never know
Just how purposeless and empty they've grown
Because their language confuses
Like computers refuse to
Understand how i'm feeling today

I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I am freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head

I saw a liquid control
That gives life to a soul
I hit my head on it and woke up to know
That i was all alone
Wearing just socks and a 'phone
Someone screaming like their world might explode

imprint colour

[07 Apr 2004|10:59pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | muse - jimmy kane ]

downloaded a whole bunch of muse songs. woot!


all day, all i wanted to hear was Matthew Bellamy's amazing voice..

at one point, i swore i could hear Muse coming from someone's backyard, but it was only a lawnmower. :P

i got:

can't take my eyes off you
jimmy kane
house of the rising sun

muse are great!


4 shades of grey - imprint colour

[the green dog] [07 Apr 2004|12:52pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | underworld soundtrack. ]

watched this movie earlier.
Billy Corgan does all the music for it and even appears in it for a second.. it's cool. :)

good movie too... it's made me feel all crazy-like. :P

imprint colour

[try to] [07 Apr 2004|10:50am]
[ mood | ehhhh ]
[ music | Filter - Miss Blue ]

watched American Splendor last night. i really enjoyed it.
except now i have a huge urge to try and write a comic again.. hehe

i put up a few of my old art pieces yesterday. mainly sketches and experimental pieces. it makes the house seem brighter, i like it. i took some pictures of them up and around as well. i might post them at a later date.

today, i wish i was still asleep. :(

3 shades of grey - imprint colour

[loop] [05 Apr 2004|11:23am]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | filter - where do we go from here? ]

there's a strange empty feeling deep down inside of me. :/

i need to feel complete.

but i know that's not going to happen anytime soon..

oh the joys of living. :P

10 shades of grey - imprint colour

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