CSS Layouts and Resources
- Layout-O-Matic - Create a CSS layout by choosing demensions. Full page, three column, two column. All with header and footer. Nice tool!
- CSS 101 - Tutorials on CSS. Positioning and layouts with CSS.
- CSS Zen Garden - A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS. See the complete list of submissions.
- CSS Tableless Web Sites - Original list of over 900 sites from Web Nouveau's Donimo Shriver. Also has links to layouts, reference, tips, and tutorials.
- CSS Panic Guide - a guide for the unglued.
- Box Lessons - One, two and three column layouts.
- W3 School CSS - Tutorials and examples.
- BenMeadowcroft.com - Free CSS layout templates
- Project Seven - Free CSS layouts.
- Glish: CSS Layout Techniques - Useful cross-browser CSS layout techniques plus a blogger template and css hacks.
- The CSShark Answers FAQs - CSS FAQs, basics, NN4 issues, CSS-P and links.
- Blue Robot - Contains a FOUC article, Css layouts and tutorials on centering.
- No Margins Here, Thank You! - There are no margins on this page in Netscape 4, but it uses CSS and valid XHTML Strict.
- CssLayouts - Links to layouts.
- A List Apart: Past Issues Topics arranged by category, title or author.
- Nemesis Project - Tips, trick, tutorials and css layouts.
- Brain Jar - Features technical articles, tutorials and examples of programming for the web. It's not intended as a "cut and paste" site but rather a learning resource.
- Position Is Everything - Advanced CSS demos and bug reports.
- CSS Style Sheet Resources - Many links to various CSS tutorials and resources around the Internet.
- CSS Depot- Several CSS layouts.
CSS Lists
- List-O-Matic - Create 9 different list styles.
- Listomatic - Shows the power of CSS when applied to one simple list using samples .
- Consistant List Indentation - A fix for indentation distance of lists in Gecko-based browsers.
CSS Misc.
- CSS Link Styles- Defined- Tutorial on how to create CSS link styles (pseudoclasses).
- Background Image Replacement - Tip on replacing images with text for text-only browsers.
- Hanging Punctuation - Hanging punctuation puts the punctuation into the left margin so the text lines up.
- Colored Scroll Bar Creator - Select colors from a drop down list. Automatically generates your code.
- Link Specificity - Q: I tried to apply CSS to my hyperlinks and the hovering didn't work. How come?
- CSS Menus - QNX styled menu made with CSS.
- CSS Scrollbars Demo - Gives 12 examples of colored scrollbars.
- WebBuilding.com - Links - CSS sites, font issues, tutorials, demonstrations, compliance issues, DHTML tutorials and resources, examples. [some links are dead but still has good resources]
- W3C Buttons - Imageless button tutorial.