Jen's Journal

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15th April 2004

8:39pm: Looks like my little brother is moving to Florida. I don't like this.

13th April 2004

8:43pm: Does Bush even know what he is talking about?
8:32pm: It's been a full day. Colleen went to daycare with her bunny slippers on. I think I am rambling on because I'm not making much sense. Maybe I should go to bed.


10th April 2004

5:07pm: Had the interview and the cache find with the newspaper reporter and photographer today. I think the photographer was taken with 3 year old Colleen who chatted away about Caching and her new hiking boots: which Colleen named "caching boots".

6th April 2004

8:48pm: I am not enjoying today. Too much cleaning today. Too much work. Too many phonecalls today.

Colleen has been "needing" more than just her 3 nightlights. She has a hanging lamp that glows red in her room, but I don't trust it. It's okay for a cute little lamp once in a while but it makes me nervous. It can't be that bad since the store at it on all day. It's one of those paper star lamps and now she wants to sleep with it on. She cries at night when I don't turn it on. I keep telling myself that she doesn't need it. Afterall, like I said, she has three of them already!!
6:28am: That's it! I am going to bed right after Colleen goes to bed at 8pm or 8:30pm. I am tired of only getting a few hours of sleep because of either the brats downstairs, the brats upstairs or the brats outside on the street. And have I mentioned the people upstairs own a horse or something upstairs?? This thing runs from one side of the apartment to the other and all hours. and it's not light. We have a cat. She runs. But this must be one of the BIGGEST, HEAVIEST cats ever!!

So I didn't get to sleep/bed until almost 11pm and woke to the kids running and screaming down stairs at 5am.

Why are some people so inconsiderate??
Current Mood: tired

5th April 2004

8:52pm: Today was a good day. It went by fast and I got a lot done at work. I had only a few claims (about 14) because I have done them all. That's a good feeling to know that your work is all done but you have some time to help others finish up theirs.

I did dishes today! I can see my counter-top again!! The apartment is actually coming together again and tiding up pretty well. And this is a good thing because our landlord is coming over to fix the light in the kitchen that SCOTT BROKE!! Actually he tugged on the light switch and it broke. So we don't have much of a light in the kitchen.

Ohhhhhh, I want to see this movie so bad!! I mean, come on!! Hugh Jackman!! MEOW!
6:24am: 6am came WAY too soon.

(Oh, and it's snowing!)
Current Mood: tired

4th April 2004

10:42am: Colleen and I had some breakfast of corn flakes with bananas in them. It wasn't bad, but I really like the fresh bananas instead of freeze dried ones. But it was still pretty good.

I was just reading over the posts right before the birth of Colleen. Still makes me wonder It's been slightly over 3 years, but still seems a world away.

I think I will bring Colleen up to look at some of the stores, I'm kinda bored. and she probably is too since she hasn't had a chance to get out of the apartment.

3rd April 2004

9:46pm: TAAA-DAAHH!!

Scott figured it all out. And so now you can see us in comic form. He's pretty proud of himself considering he's never done a animated icon before.
Current Mood: giddy
8:13pm: Okay guys.. you are all smart...

I've checked out this site and made each of us: Scott, Me & Colleen. but I can't get them to save. I got directions, but it doesn't give me one of the options in my directions... can someone give me directions on how to save this so I can use it as an icon?? What am I doing wrong?

28th March 2004

1:15pm: Boston was fun, but a very long day. We took the train down and had breakfast while traveling. Needless to say it was easier on me to just sit and let someone else do the driving so Scott and I could chat, listen to music or just watch the scenery.

We arrived an hour early for the expo so we decided to walk around and see some shops. We ended up walking to Fanueil hall/Quincy Market and looking around. But unfortunately the shops all aren't quite open yet (it's 9:30am), so we continue to walk around. We walk almost all the way down to the expo at the World Trade Center (Boston), when Scott says "let's just walk the whole way." Yeah, might sound great then, but my feet were killing me and I had blisters on my heel. The shoes are fine for walking if you aren't walking several miles, had I known I would have worn sneakers or hiking boots!!

So we get to the expo and there are hardly as many vendors as there were last year. Yeah, we did get our fair share of pens and post-it notes (oh and some really un-appetizing looking cereal). We decided then to leave the expo and head back to Fanuiel hall/Quincy Market. Most of the stores there are stores we have here now. So that wasn't as fun as we wanted but we did stop for lunch and get a HUGE sausage sandwich (mine had sourkraut on it!) and moved on.

We spotted a open air fruit/veggie/fish market. There was so much to look at and see, smell, taste... I had some raw oysters on the half shell. Only cost me $1! Got 3 HUGE artichokes for $2, got scott 5 peaches for $1 and then I got a huge bundle of asparagas for $1. Cheaper than in the store!! Wow, such "colorful" language too.

We ended up needing to stop and get a drink at a pub called The Harp. Had a drink ate some "too hot to finish hot wings" and snacks. It was nice to sit and relax a bit.

Ohhhh, we had PLENTY of time to sit and relax once we got back to the North Station. Infact, we had over 3 hours to sit and relax. Got Bruins jerseys for the each of us.

The train ride back to Portland was not as fun as the trip down, because the cafe attendant charged us for the drinks (our tickets we business class) and she didn't heat up Scott's dinner. But I napped because I had to drive back to Augusta (another hour north).

So we get home and I just simply go to bed.

26th March 2004

6:38am: Found out about my cold last night when I went to the doctor's for some routine bloodwork. It's not a cold at all. It's actually a sinus infection. I have some god awful nasel spray and some antibiotics to take. I took just the spray lastnight (as I haven't had a chance to pick up the pills) and WOW!! This morning I can breathe!! But I'm gonna take the day off and rest.

25th March 2004

10:57pm: M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!
Went and saw Disney on Ice with Colleen. She was so excited and I couldn't get her to sit still for atleast 10 minutes so I could take this picture.

24th March 2004

6:31am: I have a really bad cold. Or just a persistant one. My nose is all stuffed up and I have a fever. I could have fallen asleep on the couch but Colleen came by and asked me to cuddle her. So we cuddled, then she went to bed. Then I went to bed. No shows... nothing.

BTW, I have 2 interviews: one today, one next Tuesday. I'd rather get the job for the interview on Tuesday! It's the SUR unit which does fraud and research!

21st March 2004

9:35pm: I remember being in High School and this song having such an effect over me. I cried. I still cry when I hear it. I know how it ends and I know what happens, but I can't help myself from listening to it and crying again.

Okay, I admit it, I'm a sap.
Current Mood: sad
Current Music: Kate Bush - This Woman's Work

19th March 2004

9:46pm: You need to rent this movie: LEVITY. It's slow moving at first but picks up quickly but I really enjoyed it. It also has the best line I have ever heard in a movie for a long time:

"So, are you asking me out on a date? Because I gotta tell you, through the years I have really lowered my standards."
1:02pm: I love the phone...
I left for lunch late because I was talking to a member on the phone. He was older (born: 1928) and his wife had passed away a few years ago. So my guess was he was lonely. I was on the phone with him for a good 20 minutes, so I didn't get to lunch until 15 minutes late.

But the strangest part of it. He asked me if I spoke German. When I told him I spoke a little of it. He just started speaking it... like I was fluent...

  1. I said only a LITTLE!!

  2. How the heck did he know I spoke a little German??

But he was nice and started telling me about when he was in the Army in Europe... and asked if I had ever been to Germany.. I should have lied and said no... but yes, I told him I had. I felt bad when I told him I had to go and get some lunch.

That was much better than the first phonecall I had this morning:

Her: "I need a referal."
Me: "We don't do referals here, only Prior Authorization."
Her: "same thing."
Me: "No it really isn't. Do you need a referal or PA?"
Her: "This member is going to die of a brain tumor, because you people can't get your act together."
Me: "If you could just let me know which you need I will let you know, I have the PA screen up now."
Her: "If you fucking people in Maine weren't so fucking backwoods, this woman wouldn't be dieing."
Me: "Well, a referal is when someone needs to see another doctor. A PA is when the second doctor is going to be preforming a procedure."
Her: "I don't give a fuck, you people keep giving me the run around."
Me: (finally fed up) "I may be back woods, but I can tell the difference between a referal and a PA."
Her: "BITCH!" **CLICK**

Wow... I hope she calls back for more....

14th March 2004

7:00pm: Music was much different for me when I was younger (even as a teenager and into early 20s). I can't listen to the crap that is on the radio now, it makes me ill. I can't bring myself to even try. I am so disappointed in music now.

I have some favorite songs that I listen to over and over and it brings me to a different place and time. Some are good memories and some not so good.

I don't know what I am trying to say, but I just thought I would share.

10th March 2004

8:38pm: Lemon GirlScout cookies do not a dinner make.... but damn, they are good!!

So, POLL TIME: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GIRL SCOUT COOKIE ??? (feel free to share why if you want)

9th March 2004

8:24pm: I'm thinking I need to visit here for obivious reasons.
6:31am: My back has been bothering me the last few days/nights. So I took a painkiller lastnight just after dinner. I don't remember climbing into bed (must have been around 9:30pm), but I remember waking every hour until 1am, because I was afraid that Colleen would fall again and I was afraid that I would sleep to deep and not hear the alarm.

8th March 2004

8:41pm: Sometimes when you run too fast across the kitchen floor with socks on isn't such a good idea. Sometimes you can slip and fall. And your once cute pouty lips aren't so cute.
12:30pm: Am I the only one that has noticed this....

You know the chick that can "settle your taxes for $20"??

First, she's a lawyer and she can't say TWENTY correctly?
Second, that everyone that had tax problems is a minority??

5th March 2004

10:24pm: I'm going through and trying to find most of my music that I lost in the "great upgrade". Scott managed to salvage most (if not all) of his songs due to his iPod. I lost just about everything.

So, when I am up and running again, I will try to do that 10 songs on random thing.. but.. you will probably laugh.. or cry.
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