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Java and Sound, Part 2
More Java Examples of sound in action.


Wiring Your Web Application with Open Source Java
A way to leverage open source software to lessen the burden.


Introduction to JavaServer Faces
A Swing-like toolkit for web applications.


Clustering and Load Balancing in Tomcat 5, Part 1  The latest version of Tomcat provides clustering and load balancing capabilities for scalable, highly available systems. In part one of this series, Srini Penchikala looks at architectural factors to consider in such a system and how Tomcat implements them.   [ONJava.com]

Java and Sound, Part 1  Where can you learn how to play simple audio clips with the java.applet.AudioClip class, as well as how to use the javax.sound.sampled and javax.sound.midi packages to do such things as load and play sound clips, and monitor and change the playback position within a clip? In these first excerpts in a two-part series of excerpts from Chapter 17 ("Sound") of Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition.   [ONJava.com]

Bug Prevention with Code Generation: A J2EE Case Study  If you had to drill 12,000 holes, would you prefer a manual drill, or its automated equivalent? Francesco Aliverti-Piuri describes using code generation for discovering bugs in a J2EE example.   [ONJava.com]

Using a Request Filter to Limit the Load on Web Applications  When your site is slow, users keep clicking and making new requests, which only makes things worse. Kevin Chipalowsky and Ivelin Ivanov present a servlet filter that limits the stress a single user can put on your Java web application.   [ONJava.com]

Lisp and Java  First-class functions are a powerful feature of the Lisp programming langauge. This article describes some ways they can be used, and explores how to approximate them in Java.   [ONJava.com]

J2EE Connector Architecture  This article looks at some of the challenges of legacy system integration, then introduces the J2EE Connector Architecture (J2EE CA) and explains how it can significantly reduce the problems of integrating your legacy system. It also offers a comprehensive example of how to use the current version of J2EE CA to access a common transaction-processing platform from a Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform application.   [ONJava.com]

Extending Maven Through Plugins  Maven is the build tool that does everything for you, from compiling code to setting up structures for process and documentation. But what if there's something more that you do and you want to integrate it into Maven? Eric Pugh shows you how to do this with Maven plugins.   [ONJava.com]

Lazy Loading with Aspects  AspectJ allows the Java community to apply modular crosscutting concerns, or aspects, to their applications. Lazy loading is one such crosscutting concern that can benefit from an Aspect-Oriented, rather than traditional Object-Oriented, implementation approach. This article presents an implementation of lazy loading using AspectJ.   [ONJava.com]

ONJava Reader Survey  This year's ONJava survey asks you which technologies you use, and where and how you use them. Help us shape the site and enter for your chance to receive three O'Reilly books of your choosing.   [ONJava.com]

Job Scheduling in Java  Scheduling recurring execution of a piece of code is a common task for Java developers. The Timer class has its place, but as Dejan Bosanac explains, developers with more sophisticated requirements might want to check out the Quartz API.   [ONJava.com]

Java APIs for Bioinformatics  An introduction to Java APIs for bioinformatics. This article includes usage information, examples, and current design challenges for API developers in the life sciences field.   [ONJava.com]

BlackMamba: A Swing Case Study  It's one thing to learn the bits and pieces of a Swing GUI -- how to create a model and wire it up to a JTable or JTree. It's quite another to think through and develop a full-blown application. Ashwin Jayaprakash uses an email client, BlackMamba, to show how the pieces of a Swing application fit together.   [ONJava.com]

MVC Heresy with SQLTags  When the "right" way is more than you need, is it wrong to do what works? Steve A. Olson introduces the SQLTags toolkit, which takes database access out of its traditional tier and puts it directly into JSP tags.   [ONJava.com]

Another Java Servlet Filter Most Web Applications Should Have  Adding to his previous must-have servlet filters, Jayson Falkner introduces another: one to activate client-side caching, so browsers won't re-request items they can just cache.   [ONJava.com]

Cooking with Java Servlets & JSP, Part 2  In this second and final batch of recipes excerpted from Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, author Bruce Perry shows you how to access an EJB from a servlet on WebLogic, and how to connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS) with a servlet or JSP.   [ONJava.com]

Configuring JBoss 4.0 JDBC Connectivity  JBoss uses the HypersonicDB by default, but with a few configuration changes, it can use any JDBC-equipped database. Deepak Vohra shows how to use Oracle, Sybase, MySQL and other databases with JBoss.   [ONJava.com]

Java vs. .NET Security, Part 4  Java and .NET address similar code security issues, but which one offers the best security implementation? Denis Piliptchouk's series concludes with a look at user authentication and permissions, and a final wrap-up.   [O'Reilly Network]

Cooking with Java Servlets & JSP  Learn how to use the Java Plug-in HTML Converter tool to generate the tags for embedding an applet, how to configure a javax.sql.DataSource for use in a servlet with the Tomcat web container, and how to use the JSTL's XML and XSLT-related tags, in these sample recipes from O'Reilly's Java Servlets & JSP Cookbook.   [ONJava.com]

The Eclipse Project Looks Ahead  EclipseCon revealed the Eclipse project as not just an IDE, but a rich client platform with a flexible architecture, an active community, and a bright future. Daniel Steinberg gives a summary of the week's events.   [ONJava.com]

Security in Struts: User Delegation Made Possible  Struts may not have an all-encompassing security scheme, but what it does offer is extensibility. Werner Raemakers looks at how to extend Struts' security by allowing one group of users to delegate permissions to others.   [ONJava.com]

Java Desktop Development  Java developers can choose between three primary GUI toolkits for desktop applications: AWT, Swing, and SWT. Andrei Cioroianu looks at the history, pros, and cons of each in this first article in a series on standalone Java development.   [ONJava.com]

Approaches to Mocking  Conceptually, you know what mock objects are, but practically speaking, how do you create and use them? Do you write mocks by hand or generate them automatically? Simon Stewart considers these possibilities and others, such as AOP-based mocking.   [ONJava.com]

Six Cool New JSP and Servlet Features  Bruce Perry describes six cool new features Java developers using Tomcat 5.x and other Servlet-API-2.4- and JSP-2.0-compliant containers will want to use in their projects. Bruce is the author of Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook.   [ONJava.com]

Eclipse: A Java Developer's Guide  A beta preview of Steve Holzner's Eclipse: A Java Developers Guide. This chapter is titled "Building Eclipse Projects Using Ant."   [ONJava.com]

Safari Gets Bigger and Better -- Safari Bookshelf, the premier electronic reference library for IT professionals and programmers, now holds more than 2,000 books from the industry's leading technical publishers. As the library grows, so does its functionality: searches are powerfully precise and as broad or specific as you wish; and now, with a Safari Max subscription, you can download chapters to read offline. Safari will help you save time, reduce errors, keep current, and save more money than ever with up to 35% off print copies of your favorite books. If you haven't yet gone on Safari, try a free trial subscription.

Using JUnit With Eclipse IDE  Test-driven development principles call for writing the tests before writing any code. Alexander and Olexiy Prohorenko demonstrate how this approach can be used with the JUnit testing tool and the Eclipse IDE.   [ONJava.com]

Java vs. .NET Security, Part 3  Java and .NET address similar code security issues, but which one offers the best security implementation? Denis Piliptchouk's series continues with a look at how each platform handles code protection and code access.   [ONJava.com]

What's New in Tomcat 5  In December 2003, the Apache Tomcat developers released version 5.0.16 as the first stable release of Tomcat 5. Jason Brittain looks at the latest features and offers insight into the goals established for version 5.0, which had a direct impact on development. Jason is a coauthor of Tomcat: The Definitive Guide.   [ONJava.com]

Managing Your Dependencies with JDepend  Attributes like scalability and maintainability are qualitative in nature and hard to quantify, even hard to know until your code fails. But by analyzing dependencies between packages, JDepend gives you a way to measure how well-architected your code is.   [ONJava.com]

Effective Unit Testing with DbUnit  Writing unit tests first can be impractical when your code will depend on access to a database. Enter DbUnit, which allows you to write simple XML files to fill in for the yet-to-be populated database for testing purposes.   [ONJava.com]

Juggling JOGL
Scaling, rotating, and animating with Java and Open GL

Java Cookbook: Recipe of the Day

You need to protect certain data from access by multiple threads.

Do it now.

Weblogs: Links & Commentary

Run anywhere? by Daniel H Steinberg [java.net weblogs]

Musings on Entity EJB inheritance by Srikanth Shenoy [java.net weblogs]

The grid in your future by Daniel H Steinberg [java.net weblogs]

Improving Web Services Performance through Fast Web Services - I by Rima Patel Sriganesh [java.net weblogs]
More Java-related web logs.

Today's News
April 10, 2004

Java Studio Creator: An IDE to Create Web Applications Read about Sun Java Studio Creator, the IDE that enables you to create two-tier Web applications.In addition, this easy-to-use tool simplifies and streamlines access to databases and web services from behind dynamic HTML user interfaces as easy as drag-and-drop. [Source: Java Technology Highlights]

Sun Introduces App Server 8 The latest offering incorporates Java Server Faces and WS-I support, and includes an SDK for J2EE 1.4. [Source: internetnews.com: Top News]

BEA, IBM Propose Java/BEPL 'Marriage' Vendors say merging BPEL and Java will improve business process applications. [Source: internetnews.com: Top News]

Upcoming Java Live Chat April 27, 11am: The J2EE 1.4 SDK and Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8 Guests: Tony Ng and Paul Ko [Source: Java Technology Highlights]

BEA, IBM 'Propose' Java 'Marriage' Vendors merge BPEL and Java to allow the two languages to be used together to build business process applications. [Source: internetnews.com: Top News]

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Wisconsin Java Software Symposium
Milwaukee, WI Apr. 16, 2004

New England Software Symposium
Boston, MA Apr. 23, 2004

Twin Cities Software Symposium
Minneapolis, MN Apr. 30, 2004

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