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(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

[05 Jun 2004|04:45am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Atomic - "Live For This" ]

Live For This )

(2 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

My balls, your chin.. [05 Jun 2004|12:38am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | the Ramones - "The KKK Took My Baby Away" ]

Tiff got called into work. It sort of cut the night a bit short, but at least she'll have the money to pay her car insurance. We heard an ass rockin' song on the way home..

Anyway.. Tiff and I sat outside with Adam as he waited for Nate to come and pick him up. I told them about how I wanted to kidnap Chris, not to try and cheer him up, just to try and help him get his mind off of things. Sometimes a change of scenery helps. We were thinking maybe it would be fun to gank him during Fun Days..

(13 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Fall in line and march in time with me.. [03 Jun 2004|11:40pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Brand New - "Mix Tape" ]

I guess I'm once step closer to conformity! Today Momzilla came home with my.. cell phone. Yeah.. I was a little scared. I did really need one, though. It's all good. If I start sulking around Starbucks just so I can constantly complain about how long and slow moving the line is.. someone put me down..

(4 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

The only thing I know is awkward silence.. [03 Jun 2004|06:43am]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | Saves the Day - "At Your Funeral" ]

So, I'm officially weirded out by Matt. He has this way of spouting out random things about me that are surprisingly true. Like shit that someone normally wouldn't know about me. Like he was telling me things that were hanging on my walls and shit. It was pretty god damn freaky. It sort of reminded me about all of that shit with Jer and then Cid.. yeah.. it was freaking me the fuck out..

(10 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Just save yourself.. [03 Jun 2004|01:06am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Stabbing Westward - "Save Yourself" ]

So, I was just talking to Dustin. We haven't talked in a while, and he always IMs me and bitches about how I never talk to him anymore. Anyway.. it was wicked fuckin' depressing. He said that's he's re-enlisting. I think he's staying at Ft. Myer, though. We started talking about him going over to Iraq, which I really didn't want to think about.. but it could happen, and he mentioned that 10 guys that were in basic with him died in Iraq. That's really sad..

This is like the third time that I've updated my journal today. That's pretty damn disgusting. I'll try not to do it again.. but I make no promises. So, I'm talking to Matt again. That guy that I mentioned in the other earlier entry. He needs to stop liking things that I like. It's starting to get scary.. well.. not really.. but I can pretend that it's starting to get scary. I dunno.. there's lots of things going through my warped little mind right now. He's sort of like a dream guy. So, I'm assuming that he's got an arm growing out of his head.. or he's married with a million children. There has to be some sort of tragic flaw. I sort of hope that I don't find it..

(4 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

I can't control my fingers, I can't control my toes.. [02 Jun 2004|09:17pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Seether ft. Amy Lee - "Broken" ]

So.. yeah..

Last night Eddie stopped by and we swung over to Tiff's house and picked up Adam. I figured that Tiff would be by later. She said that she'd stop by after she left her Dad's house. Adam, Eddie, and I got gas and then decided to drive to Manderach Park. It was after hours and there was a cop lurking around. So, we decided to just head back to my house.

Once we got back to my house Eddie decided that he wanted to run home really quick and jump in the shower since he came to my house right after work. So, he left and Adam and I played cards for a while.

Tiff showed up a little while later. We smoked massive amounts of cigarettes and played Scene It. We were in the middle of the second game when Eddie called. Adam answered the phone. Eddie was drunk as fuck at Wal-Mart in Pottstown and wasn't sure how to get to my house. We gave him directions and he showed up about ten minutes later with some bug powder. It was glorious..

We played a horror movie trivia game. It was pretty fun. We thought of some damn good questions to ask each other. Eddie was telling me about this movie, I forget the name, but I want to watch it really fuckin' bad. It seems good as shit.

We ended up watching Session 9. Eddie and Tiff fell asleep about half way through, but Adam and I were awake the entire time. I was so into the movie. After the movie everyone left and I passed the fuck out. It was good times.

Yeah.. so.. I was talking to this guy named Matt. I met him like.. Sunday night or something like that. He was fuckin' funny as hell. We've got a lot of shit in common. Anyway..

(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

The very worst part of you, is me.. [02 Jun 2004|09:08pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Down By Law - "Hell's Song" ]

black passion

Your Passion is Black!

Passionate? Sure. Twisted? Absolutely.

You're seriously into a rush of emotions...

But often times it's mixed with a rush of pain.

You're all about the dark side of love, life, and lust.

What Color Is Your Passion?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Stole this from Keith.. [01 Jun 2004|03:16pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Moments in Grace - "Stratus" ]

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
Jaded_Star goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a ninja.
79:42_23 tricks you! You get a rotten egg.
acidblue gives you 19 red-orange blueberry-flavoured gummy bears.
backseat_rhythm tricks you! You get a piece of string.
brennaraven gives you 10 red root beer-flavoured miniature candy bars.
coldbluefire31 tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!
cryptsmell tricks you! You get a used tissue.
d4rkm00n tricks you! You lose 14 pieces of candy!
forgottenfew gives you 16 green vanilla-flavoured gummies.
kornhor gives you 16 red lemon-flavoured gummy bats.
lemonsqueezy tricks you! You get a piece of string.
Jaded_Star ends up with 46 pieces of candy, a rotten egg, a piece of string, a used tissue, and a piece of string.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Mother-humpin' hell!! [31 May 2004|11:46pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Movielife - "Single White Female" ]

I can't find the fuckin' Thrills CD that Irish Shaun burnt for me. It's gotta be in my room somewhere. Grr. That fuckin' pisses me off. I'm so mad I could spit fuck.. anyway..

(17 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Stole this from Danielle.. [31 May 2004|01:11am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Liz Phair - "Why Can't I" ]

Post a memory that you have of me that stands out most in your mind, in the comments to this entry. It can be anything you want. Then - post this in your journal and see what people remember about you. It could be any type of memory. Good or bad..

*EDIT* Now that I've posted this thing, I'm afraid that majority of the memories that will be posted, if anyone even actually does this, will be drunken sea tales.. eep..

(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Gah.. [29 May 2004|07:22pm]
Just got home.. Jackie just called.. I'm going to miss out on Blindside, P.O.D, and Lacuna Coil!!!!! WORK SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

[29 May 2004|12:08am]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | P.O.D. - "Will You" ]

You're a Mystical Catboy!!! You're quite
mysterious and stealthy. You find your peace
amongst the magical and spiritual aspects of

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Eating Your Childen = Bad / Eating Carrots = Good

(8 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Bang, bang.. fun, fun.. [28 May 2004|03:50pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Moments in Grace - "My Stunning Bride" ]

I guess I haven't updated in a while. Not all that sure why.. I haven't been online all that much, though. Kelly and Vinny are always on the computer. I don't want to keep them from each other..

I woke up this morning to the sound of one of Vera's babies screaming.. because Vera decided that she wanted to chew on her face. She ate all but the tail.. it was fuckin' gross to say the least..

Dave was moved out of Chester County and placed into Montgomery County. He shouldn't be in jail for much longer, but from what Tiff said his parole started over, or something like that.

I miss Chris. We haven't talked in a while. I probably shouldn't think about him as much as I do, but it's not obsession.. he's just that fuckin' kewl..

Anne broke up with Eddie. He's been a fuckin' wreck for the past few days. He's been coming over just about every day. He calls and we just drive around, he talks and I listen. He called last night drunk and shit. He wanted to come over, but I told him that it probably wasn't the best idea, and he actually listened. I was shocked.

I dunno what I'm doing today. I'm still trying to get my bedroom somewhat clean. Ha. I've been doing this for the past three weeks now. I've got too much stuff..

(6 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

What's so funny meow? [24 May 2004|03:22pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Lamb of God - "11th Hour" ]

I really, really want a grilled cheese sandwich. I think I might make one. I dunno why I just typed that, it was the very first thought that I had. I figured I might as well throw it into my journal. Now I'm just rambling..




In other news.. the official rainbow koosh ball of town house 103 died today. The exact cause of death remains unknown. An autopsy will be done tomorrow which should lead investigators toward an answer. The koosh served us well. As half of the team retired as Koosh Toss Champions, the other half being Adam, I've decided to say a few words about our beloved Koosh.

He served us well.. all except for the day that I threw him at Tim and he landed in the toliet. That sort of sucked, but other than that.. he was a good Koosh..

(4 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

It fell on my wank... [23 May 2004|04:46pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Random grunting from Tekken 4.. ]

Friday Sarah and I went to Upper Darby to see Jason Mraz at the Tower Theater. It was awesome. Way better than I had actually expected it to be. Everyone on the tour was great, and the Tower Theater is fuckin' awesome.

After the show I went to the P-funk Diner with Kelly. Ryan and Lindsay ended up coming in, and we sat with them for a little. Then Joey and John showed up. It was kewl. A little diner reunion of sorts.

Last night Tiff picked me up and we went to her house to start Dead Like Saturday! It was great! We watched Club Dread (Yes, Yes! God dammit!!) and then we watched the first four or five episodes of Dead Like Me. I loved it. It's an awesome show. I'm all ready in love with the character of George.

As of right now, I'm babysitting Danielle and Shawn. My mother invited Shawn and Josh over for the weekend. Josh ended up leaving last night, but I knew that sometime during the weekend I would be stuck responsible for all of the wee folk.

I've been playing Deadly Alliance most of the morning. My PS2 works now, obviously. If only I could find my fuckin' memory card. Oh well, I'll just have to buy a new one..

(Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Your empty eyes seem to pass me by.. [20 May 2004|03:23pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Eve 6 - "Promise" ]

I promise.. )

(2 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Last fire will rise behind those eyes.. [20 May 2004|03:43am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Sister of Mercy - "Cry Little Sister" ]

Just got back from the club a little bit ago. I rode down with Tiff, Kelly, Vinny, and Nate. It was all right. I got to see Joey, Stacy, Gavin, Jim, Jack, and I met Jim's girlfriend Kat. She seems really kewl and they're fuckin' adorable together.

I didn't get to see Chris, which sucked, but it's kewl. Things are kinda weird right now. I'm just a big dork, though.. I dunno.

I should go the fuck to bed. I'm going out to lunch tomorrow with Mom and Kathy. That should be fun. I'm going to start working weekends for Kathy scooping water ice at Zern's. Fun times to be had, I tell you.. scrog..

(12 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Meanwhile back at the ranch.. [18 May 2004|04:52pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Patti Rothberg - "Inside" ]

Jackie called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to work the Jason Mraz show this Friday. Of course I agreed, I think Vinny is going to come with me. The tickets arrived today.. it should be fun.

So, Vera (my hampster) had a bunch of babies. It happened either last night or this morning. My mom noticed it about an hour ago. She started flipping shit because when I brought my rat home the same exact thing happened. Haha. I dunno what I'm going to do with all of the babies.. I'll figure something out.

I really wanna work the P.O.D, Blindside, Lacuna Coil show on the 29th. Is anyone else going? I fuckin' love Lacuna Coil..

Stole this from Joey, thought it was pretty.. )

(4 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Nothing lasts forever and we both know hearts can change.. [18 May 2004|01:50am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Pearl Jam - "Black" ]

Nate called me yesterday. We talked for a while, and made plans to go to the park later today. I'm assuming that Adam is coming along. I haven't been to the park with Nathan in a really long time. It should be fun. Hopefully that will be what I need to cheer myself up. I've been feeling shitty lately. We'll see what happens..

(2 Confessions | Forgive me Father, for I have sinned)

Wig wam bam.. [17 May 2004|11:50pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Slipknot - "Wait and Bleed" ]

So, I added Jacoby to my friends' list. I guess he just recently got a livejournal. This should be interesting. He writes some pretty trippy shit. Hurray for Jacoby!

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