LushAttic's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in LushAttic's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, January 30th, 2004
    3:57 pm
    Nasa find intelligent life.
    in it's own offices.

    The fact that the shuttle will be retired should not have been an excuse to retire one of the best scientific advances in space exploration in years.
    Monday, January 26th, 2004
    3:54 pm
    Bill Gates get's honorary knighthood More ripping off)
    Thanks doc.

    David Dimbleby: (hushed tones) Well, we now see the royal Queen walking her royal walk, very demur, very dignified, with her royal royalness and everything. We watch her now as she quite literally puts one royal foot in front of the other as she walks towards the line of scruffy plebs who aren't fit to polish a turd on a chain, never mind get knighthoods. Hah, if I was walloping them on each shoulder with a sword, I wouldn't hold back. Do you want some, eh? Do you?

    David Dimbleby is restrained by a right hook from Princess Anne

    Queen: So what do you do, then?

    Bill Gates: (beeps loudly) Exception at Address Buckingham Palace. This program will now terminate.

    Queen: Never mind about that, young man. There's ten of you buggers to see today and my crown is killing me.

    The Queen takes out her sword and lowers it, but can't seem to get a purchase on Bill's scrawny shoulders.

    Bill Gates: Incompatible hardware. This program will now terminate.

    Queen: Hey, wait a second. I remember you. You sold me that Prince Charles program that was full of bugs.

    Bill Gates: That's his fault for spending all his time in the greenhouse.

    Queen: But it never said that on the instructions. He's been one long headache. Even that Princess Diana upgrade we bought him crashed.

    Bill Gates: That does not compute. I don't know why you're complaining. The Royal Family have more in common with my products than you'd think.

    Queen: How so?

    Bill Gate: They cost shitloads of cash and they never even work.

    Queen: Oh, for god's sake. You rich people are all the same.

    She swings the sword and cuts Bill's head off

    Bill Gates' Head: (turning blue) Bill Gates has suffered a fatal exception. This program will now terminate. Please spend 10 hours on a modem downloading new updated head. That'll be £1,999 please. Don't forget, piracy is theft!

    Long John Silver: Yaaar, it's a living.

    Current Mood: amused
    Friday, January 23rd, 2004
    2:14 pm
    More health nonsense
    I've now been booked for an ultrasound and two Scans I've never heard of,plus it seems I may have a trapped nerve in my back so need physiotherapy.

    I can hear my kidney doctor now,bloody Lupus Doctors they love writing out request forms.
    2:02 pm
    Ice on mars?
    Apparently so.

    Woo and indeed hoo.
    Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
    10:51 pm
    Go with the Flo' part 2
    I went to the Flo this evening to see what was what.

    so I have a top 5 reasons why we should consider returning.

    1,It's big.
    2,Thursdays are empty in the evening
    4 the food is cheap and they do 2 for 1 deals now.
    5 Still a good location.

    I didn't get to speak to the landlord,problem with plumbing apparently
    I asked about availability on first thursday,they do have a regular darts tournament run by the local police but that is not every week and is random when they are there,I'm sure we can work something out,and downstairs would be big enough anyway.

    I haven't posted this to PNN yet,but will tomorrow.

    I'm not very good at arranging things like this so if someone else wants to do the neccesary,feel free.
    12:35 pm
    Going for it today,will probably pop in to the Flo afterwards.
    My head is still rather fuzzy after last night.
    it should clear after a nice breakfast.
    (I think I may have been slightly drunk,is that 1773 or whatever it's called particularly strong?)
    Tuesday, January 20th, 2004
    12:15 am
    An update from Joe
    I know there have been a few newcomers to my Journal recently so feel free to look back at the previous updates from Joe.

    Hey hey.

    Hello again everyone. It’s been a while, so here’s the Joe-vs-cancer update.

    I’ve been getting better most days. The scar across my neck is healing and what’s left of my eye socket is apparently not looking too bad either. I’ll admit that thus far I’ve resisted staring deep into the hole where my left eye used to be – I’ll do that in time. I understand that the back of the socket is OK but there’s a hole through into the top of my nose that you could put your thumb into (though that’s not an invitation to do so).

    I’m back driving and doing ‘normal’ sorts of things. Between hospital visits I’ve been going out and about most days to pass the time.

    Life with one eye ain’t so bad, you know. It’s simple things that I’m missing. I’m now completely oblivious to a passenger if I’m driving (no bad thing); depth perception can be a real problem – I reached out to shake a mate’s hand the other day and missed, and most days I wake up, open the eye and it takes a few moments to realize why the other one hasn’t opened.

    But don’t get me wrong. Generally things haven’t been as bad as you might imagine.

    However, this is where it begins to get difficult. Radium treatment starts today at 3.30pm. Whilst in the last seven/ eight weeks I really haven’t felt ill at all, this is anticipated to make me feel very unwell indeed. It’s going to be every day for four weeks. It’s expected to make me feel extremely tired and nauseous. It’s likely to affect my….er, concentration and reverse some of the healing that’s been going on. It’s likely to give me a cataract in the remaining eye, make me lose weight (no bad thing) and make swallowing, eating and drinking nigh on impossible.

    For the duration of the treatment, my voice will deepen and be huskier – I expect to be sounding like the bastard offspring of a union between Brian Blessed and Fenella Fielding.

    The cancer started in my tear duct and spread through the lymph system into my neck. The initial tumour appears to have crossed the ‘mid-line’ (the bridge of my nose) and this means that radium may very well have to be applied to the right hand side of my neck as well. This will kill any hair follicles in the area, so a beard will be out of the question. More importantly it will also destroy my saliva gland.

    One saliva gland I figure I can live without – I’ll eat slowly, drink plenty and chew gum, etc. But both sides? I’m now going to investigate the possibility of buying a St Bernard dog – they always seem to have spittle to spare.

    The doctors still seem relatively confident that this bout of radium should be about the end of the treatment. Although – and here’s the science bit – because some of the cancer in my neck had escaped the lymphatic system and there’s a possibility that it’s already in the normal tissue and blood, I’m in for a lifetime of scans and tests.

    This week’s a big one – no fewer than fifteen different appointments at the hospital. My old life seems an awful long time ago.

    Treehouse-wise, I’m here most days. I apologize for not contributing much lately – I haven’t been feeling particularly witty or erudite. However I will admit to being somewhat buoyed when no-one nominated me in the Deadpool.

    So there you have it – the current state of play. They reckon that radium creeps up on you. By the end of week two it’ll start knocking me about and the effects will stay with me for a few weeks after the treatment ends – a sort of radiation sickness I suppose. All being well, I’ll keep you informed of how my own personal Chernobyl is going.

    Thanks for listening (again).


    Current Mood: sympathetic
    Monday, January 19th, 2004
    12:51 am
    Another Missive from the pen of T Blair.
    Found this in a bin around the back of Downing Street.*

    My fellow Americans,

    When I asked the former Yorkshire and England batsman Len Hutton to look into the death of Matthew Kelly, I did so with only one thought in my mind: that I will smear the bastard if he has a go at me.

    On the other hand, if I am cleared I will ride around London in an open-topped bus with my hat tilted at an angle so jaunty that it could bring a smile to Ann Widdecombe's face.

    We are all very sorry about what has happened. But now is not the time for scapegoats. That time will come when I'm in the shit over something else.

    Do we really want to hand the country over to that odd looking rightwinger who is always giving me such a hard time? Frankly, I'd rather Michael Howard got the gig than Gordon.

    Anyhoo, what is vital is that we don't prejudge the report in any way. This is why I will be leaking it to the Times before you can ask 'where's the fax machine?'

    As I said to Cherie the other night, 'OK, love, if we must but only if you wear the bag again.'

    Sorry, that last bit isn't relevant but I've been under a lot of stress lately. I wanted to re-record my Simpsons cameo with a couple of jokes Alastair had worked out but they wouldn't let me.

    Not to worry. Tomorrow I'm playing a tart with a heart in Fat Friends.

    *A lie.

    Plagiarism is such a dirty word,I prefer ripping off.
    Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
    9:41 am
    In reply to Dougs outburst on the Big read.

    this has been brought to my attention.
    Saturday, January 10th, 2004
    11:14 pm
    I'm still alive.
    I've just been given another appointment to have a full CT scan.
    lying in a noisy machine for an hour is not my idea of fun.
    This wasn't in the brochure.

    oh well,if it keeps my doctor happy,who am I to argue.
    Sunday, January 4th, 2004
    1:23 pm
    Junk E-mail.
    It has dried up,I haven't had a bit of Junk mail for a week now.

    How am I going to find out how to extend the size of my penis now?
    Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
    8:52 pm
    Computer nerd Question.
    When I start up XP,it opens the System 32 folder,it's not in the startup folder so I assume it's somewhere in the registry.
    Any help in what registry key I should be looking at and Deleting?

    It's not a major problem just annoying.
    Friday, January 2nd, 2004
    8:20 pm
    1964 Election coverage.
    Yes,BBC parliament are at it again.

    From 9 am til 10:15pm on sunday 4th,we get a complete rerun of the election coverage.

    should be a great programme for politicos and social historians alike.
    Much cushion plumpage and cold drinks shall be in evidence.
    Wednesday, December 31st, 2003
    9:39 pm
    New year thoughts.
    This time last year (according to the doctors) if I did not respond to the drugs I was given I could have been in rather serious trouble.
    Thankfully I did,so I guess I have to say 2003 was better than 2002.

    I just hope that 2004 brings at least a reduction of my drug regime.
    And I can get a little fitter.
    (I hope he's called Fred or Charlie).

    Here's to all of you,thanks for your thoughts in the last thirteen months.
    Monday, December 29th, 2003
    7:03 pm
    Question 1,Is it happening (in an event like way not a hip kind of way)?
    Question 2,where?
    Question 3,Who will go? (apart from me,any excuse...)
    Question 4 Why?
    Question 5 enough stupid questions already.
    Friday, December 26th, 2003
    6:29 pm
    SWG Personal news
    Well I just opened my Holocron and am told to become a Ranger.
    Luckily I was going rather well in my scout skills so rather handy news.

    I've just also started out as a creature handler,I can just about get master ranger and 2nd tier creature handler without giving up any Skill points.
    I'll leave my carbineer skills as they are because frankly with my Elite carbine I'm pretty hot.

    I've also been badge hunting and have got my 20th badge today,very good news indeed.

    and all this from a player who refuses to use vehicles or mounts.
    though I do need to get a few more funds as I'm down to my last 50000 credits.

    see you in the cantina at Bestine (Intrepid galaxy)
    ask for Abe.

    Death to the rebel scum.

    (note to the uninitiated,it might be sad but it is fun.

    Current Mood: geeky
    Current Music: Pink Floyd~Live at pompeii
    Sunday, December 21st, 2003
    12:01 pm
    David Icke and Skeptic news.
    The most sane person in the world will apparently be on Talk Sport on Crimbo eve at 10.
    should be good for a laugh (or maybe not).
    hopefully there may be a phone in.

    in other news,Nick Pullar (of Skeptics in the pub fame) was on Radio 5 last night.
    poo-pooing the "ghostly image" on a cctv of Hampton court palace,explaining he finds it
    unbelievable that a ghost could open and close a security fire door.
    but surely they had those in the 16th century?

    in other news Hampton court palace reports visitor numbers have fallen year on year
    for the last ten years,I would just like to point out these last two stories are totally unrelated.
    Friday, December 19th, 2003
    9:01 pm
    another SWG update.
    At last,Vehicles have been added.
    it was annoying at first as players were leaving them lying around everywhere decaying and blowing up.
    but players have worked out that you can store them in your datapad at last.
    the game is now running extremely smoothly,even with the graphics whacked up.

    note about my character I'm just on the verge of becoming a master scout and master Marksman.
    (I appear to have given up on the Artisan tree but am keeping the skills as they are useful).
    Still not enough Doctors though (grr),I spend 4 hours poisoned the other day constantly losing stats.

    THis is still a very friendly game (a player just gave me full body armour worth 50000 credits free)
    Thursday, December 18th, 2003
    8:42 pm
    Joe's latest update.
    I forgot to post this so I'm sure you'll be wondering,this guy is rather amazingly chipper.

    Hey hey

    Back from the brink again, hello everyone.

    Treehousers, I feel I may have made a mistake. Last time, you will recall that I told you the second bout of surgery was straightforward. It was described to me as ‘routine’ – a ‘selective neck dissection’ – but, damn, it’s knocked me about a bit.

    The tumour in my neck was less than 2cm in diameter. In its wake it’s left a 12” scar that travels vertically behind my left ear and horizontally across my neck. I’m currently being held together by 40, or so, metal staples – it looks awful.

    My mouth and tongue have spent the last few days numb. I’ve found this quite distressing. Looking into a mirror and seeing just one side of your mouth opening is something I hope that no-one else here ever has to see. It was routine surgery - I wasn’t expecting to wake up looking like a stroke victim. At the risk of leaving myself wide open to Treehouse innuendo, there’s been times these last few days when I really haven’t been able to spit or swallow.

    Otherwise, I’m managing most things well. My crooked mouth is giving me a bit of trouble when pronouncing ‘s’ or ‘sh’ sounds – if I’m called up for Christmas karaoke, I guess that ‘She Loves You’ is a non-starter.

    All this said, the feeling seems to be (very slowly) returning. If I have any choice, I’d dearly love my mouth to straighten. The rest I’ve decided I can live without. The staples come out on Thursday and hopefully things will get better everyday from there.

    As you know, I’ve been in generally very good spirits and I’m only taking painkillers late at night. But last Friday in hospital was a strange day. I don’t know if it was the combination of drugs/ anaesthetics/ etc, but I couldn’t/ didn’t want to wake up. I couldn’t speak and spent my few waking hours with a tear running from my remaining eye.

    At the risk of sounding very corny, I strapped on the headphones, played the CD’s that you’d sent for me and felt the goodwill of the Treehouse pulling me out of a very dark place indeed. It was horrible. A real low point (I hope my lowest), but I rode out the storm and made it through to the dawn.

    So what happens next.

    In a week or so I’ll get the results that will determine whether I need more surgery (as I understand, highly unlikely), chemo/ radium therapy (50/50 possibility) or nothing else at all (also about a 50/50 prospect). There's other possibilities too, but I'm not thinking about them. Until then I’m visiting outpatients every day and trying to go about getting myself better.

    The hospital, my family and friends have been taking good care of me. As have you lot.

    Thanks for the march of the (pauses to check) 172 Joes, the cards, the messages and just for being here. You have no idea, when everything else in your life is falling apart, how reassuring it is to come here and find that dogs are still wearing hats.*

    More news as we get it.


    * only funny if you visit the treehouse.
    Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003
    10:12 am
    the pros and cons of StarWars Galaxies.

    Great game
    Friendly players
    shallow learning curve
    good interface.


    won't work through ZoneAlarm firewall.
    not enough Doctors and Healers.
    not enough Entertainers.
    no vehicles (yet)
    can't wait for space add on.

    (if you are playing it,or are starting a new character start in Intrepid and look up Abe).

    anyone know of any other decent cheap or free firewalls?
    I like Zonealarm but neither party seem to want to resolve the problem (they blame each others code)

    Current Mood: nerdy
    Current Music: Ho ho ho-Merry Christmas Bitch~Bling Crosby.
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