Vorador's journal

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
1:34 pm - I dont like to be alone!
Dude my parents are leaving next weekend, for all the retards thats the 8th. My girlfriend probly wont wanna stay with me because she's going to her dads...this does make me sad. Oh well its her dad. Looks like I will be all alone. Anyone wanna come and hang out for the weekend?

current mood: rejected
current music: Cradle of filth "hell awaits" (slayer cover)

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
5:26 pm - Poopy
Hello all. I just wanted to update really quick since Ryan has a dope ass computer. I miss you Alicia. Love you

current mood: hyper

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Monday, February 4th, 2002
11:48 pm - Good song
Hey all. Ive had a good day. My back has not been fucking with me today. Seen my girl all day.....love it! Went to something and Misshhhy was there. She brought her brother. Tomorro is gonna be a special day. Well im going to watch Blade.

all I do
I can still feel you

numb all through
I can still feel you
hear your call
underneath it all
kill my brian
yet you still remain
after all i've died
after all i've tried
you are still inside

all I do
I can still feel you

your remain
I am stained

current music: Nine Inch Nails - underneath it all

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
11:57 pm - Pain is only fun for so long.
My back is really jacked up. It only hurts at night. I wanna rip out all the tiny little area that hurts. It puts me in such a bad mood, I cant sleep, I cant lay down!. This is fucking gay. Had a cool day went out to eat with Alicia food was good. Probly doing the same thing tomorro. I think something was wrong with Alicia tonight. She seemed bothered by something. I asked her what was wrong and she said nothing, but I dont know. Shes probly gonna get mad at me for writing this. Oh well. I love you baby. Im out


current mood: irritated
current music: Bad boy bill and Richard humpty vision

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
11:32 pm - Dude, I think its gonna snow!
I love snow, but I finaly have a reason to dis-like it. If it snow's real bad then I cant go anywhere. I hate staying home. Tonight is once again NES night. Game of the night is ZeldaII . I sitting in this basement. Its soo fucking cold. Oh well, im out!

I love you Alicia

current mood: annoyed
current music: Sandstorm

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
9:33 pm - UHHUHUHU
Had a badd ass dinner with my girl. It was so good. Chicken and noodles. I am bored and tired so im gonna put on a movie and go to sleep. Or play a game or 2. As we speak my girl just called. Well thats all for today. Goodnight all.

Game of the night.....Mike Tyson's Punch out. (NES)

current mood: tired
current music: George Bush in da bizackground

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9:28 pm - UHHUHUHU
Had a badd ass dinner with my girl. It was so good. Chicken and noodles. I am bored and tired so im gonna put on a movie and go to sleep. Or play a game or 2. As we speak my girl just called. Well thats all for today. Goodnight all.

Game of the night.....Mike Tyson's Punch out. (NES)

current mood: tired
current music: George Bush in da bizackground

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12:22 am - She...
...she means everything. She is so great. She makes me happy. She makes me feel good about being me for once. Id still be lost if it werent for her. She gives me confidence. I now know that I am not here to be shit on my whole life. She makes me laugh. She makes me feel non stupid when I embarrass myself. She makes me feel loved. And most of all she makes me feel ALIVE.

Of course im talking about you Alicia. I love you with all my heart.


current mood: happy
current music: Nine Inch Nails - Wish

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Monday, January 28th, 2002
10:24 pm - Im bored
Well to day was cool spent the whole day with Alicia. Stuffed my face all day. I swear to god I should weigh like 400 lbs. Im in such a good mood right now. Im so not tired so im gonna be up all night I think. I wanna talk to my bitch but shes sleeping. Oh well. Im gonna goplay some classic 8 bit NES.


current mood: loved
current music: Type o Negative - be my druidis

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10:23 pm
Well to day was cool spent the whole day with Alicia. Stuffed my face all day. I swear to god I should weigh like 400 lbs. Im in such a good mood right now. Im so not tired so im gonna be up all night I think. I wanna talk to my bitch but shes sleeping. Oh well. Im gonna goplay some classic 8 bit NES.


current mood: loved
current music: Type o Negative - be my druidis

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10:19 pm
Well to day was cool spent the whole day with Alicia. Stuffed my face all day. I swear to god I should weigh like 400 lbs. Im in such a good mood right now. Im so not tired so im gonna be up all night I think. I wanna talk to my bitch but shes sleeping. Oh well. Im gonna goplay some classic 8 bit NES.


current mood: loved
current music: Type o Negative - be my druidis

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3:02 pm
Still waiting. Im so bored. looking forward to little cesars pizza tonight...oh yeah.

current mood: amused
current music: nine inch nails - heresy

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2:26 pm - You want the truth? You cant handle the truth!
I am about to watch a few good men with my girlfriend and her friend Missy. But anyways, I guess I cleared things up with the person who hurt my feelings so I feel a bit better. I just got dont eating chunky soup, it was mmm mmm good. Now im just wating for my woman to get here. Well im gonna go I guess.

current mood: Sinister
current music: Marilyn Manson - Tainted love

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
10:46 pm
Yo whats up all? I had a cool weekend. I spent it with MY BITCH. We had a blast. Id like to say that a few people need to grow up. You know who you are. Im not mad at anyone but holy shit some people are so "imature". Anyways, I had. I finaly felt like updating my journal so I let my girlfriend update it for me. Oh yeah, someone said something that was not true and it hurt...I cant beleive she said it. Well if you know who you are I forgive you, but Igor is mad at ya. lol

current mood: pissed off
current music: Static-X

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12:51 pm
Hi everyone, this is alicia (porters g/f for all of you who didn't know) We are sitting at my dads right now. I just thought I would say hi and say how much fucking fun we had. We came up on thursday night and we didn't do anything. Friday a bunch of our friends came up here and we partied like whoa. I forgot to say earlier that we got to sleep together!! Saturday was cool too I guess. We went downtown and froze our asses off but we had fun in the process. We came back to my dads and I got pissed off and it was just all sorts of fun!! Then we played Pokemon Monopoly and that was the shit. My parents came home drunk and my dad was acting all stupid. It was sweet though. I guess I will stop boring you all sense this isn't my journal. bye

current mood: crazy
current music: Gwen Stafani: Hey baby Hey baby Hey!!!

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Tuesday, September 18th, 2001
8:37 pm
Today was a pretty good day. I had a hockey game and watched pantera videos again. I can watch that shit over and over. Right now im bored as hell. Nothing to do. I need to get more friends on my friends list.

current mood: bored
current music: Megadeth - angry again

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Monday, September 17th, 2001
8:13 pm
Today was pretty cool. I started my job at party city. Its fun and easy. Looking for something to do wednesday. Call me guys. Im tired so im gonna do something I havent done in a while...watch wrestling.

current mood: crazy
current music: Kmfdm

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Sunday, September 16th, 2001
10:52 pm - Its time for everyone favorite little game......go to fucking sleep!!!
Thats what I am going to do right the hell now. 2morro should prove to be an interesting day!


current mood: tired
current music: Bombs over bagdad

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10:05 pm - Time...
...its so slow. I was looking at the clock it was like 5:30 or something. So after what seemed like 3 hours I looked at the clock again and it was only 6:20. What a long day. Its now like 10:something and im waiting for mr bill to hook me up.

current mood: amused
current music: Pantera - CFH

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Friday, May 25th, 2001
11:06 pm - First entry
Hello all who read this...my guess is very few people will be reading this as I just got this. I will make an actual entry soon.

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