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LiveJournal for An Oddity.

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Friday, November 21st, 2003

Time:7:27 am.

My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?
Comments: Add Your Own.

Sunday, November 16th, 2003

Time:2:30 pm.
Time for some wolfenstien! Hell ya...
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, November 14th, 2003

Time:7:47 pm.
Kristen is away for the weekend, back home with her What to do....oh what to do....
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, November 13th, 2003

Subject:....drink me...DRINK ME....rofl....
Time:7:13 pm.
You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Comments: Add Your Own.

Wednesday, November 12th, 2003

Subject:Don't do these!
Time:11:24 pm.
Name: Andrew
Do you like it? Sure, it's me.
Nicknames: luv, ass, babe
Screen names: AnOddity everywhere.
Birthday: August 17th
Sign: Leo
Location: Home, in front of my desk.
School: Finished University
Status: Taken
Crush: Only one.
Virgin? Nope
Natural hair color: blondish brown with reddish highlights
Current hair color: shaved, so none.
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Birthplace: Brampton, Ont.
Shoe size: 10 1/2
Bra size: None, thankfully. Only in an alternate reality.


Parents: Got'em.
Siblings: Two younger sisters
Live with: Roommates and g/f.


Number: 2
Color: Blue/black
Day: Friday.
Month: October
Song: Too many
Movie: Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Matrix, Seven, Silence of the Lamps
Food: Pizza
Band: Too many
Season: Fall and Spring.
Sport: Hockey, football, and baseball
Class: English
Teacher: None
Drink: Eggnog, yes I know...disgusting!
Veggie: Corn on the Cob, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery
TV Show: 24 and CSI
Radio Station: 107.9 and 102.1
Store: Hot Topic, Old Navy, and Borderline
Word: what?
Animal: Dogs.
Flower: No prefernece
State: Unconscious

[This Or That]

Me/You: You
Coke/Pepsi: Coke
Day/Night: Either
CD/Cassette: CD
DVD/VHS: DVD Widescreen
Jeans/Khakis: Jeans
Car/Truck: Car
Tall/Short: Shorter then 6'0"
Lunch/Dinner: Dinner
NSYNC/BSB: Neither
Britney/Christina: Songs? They sing, I only see videos....maybe I should take off mute.
Gap/Old Navy: Old Navy
Lipstick/Lipgloss: Neither
Silver/Gold: Silver
Alcohol/Weed: Either

[Love And Relationships]

Do you have a bf/gf? Yes
Do you have a crush? Only on her
How long have you liked him/her? Almost 2 years
If you're single why are you single? Not
If you're not single... give details...: Private
How long was your longest relationship? 1 and a 1/2 years
How long was your shortest relationship? 1 month
Who was your first love? Kirstin
What do you miss about them? They've been 'replaced'.

[The Past]

What is the one thing you would change about your past? High School experience.
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life? Choosing the wrong degree probably...
Last thing you heard: Leaf hockey
Last thing you saw: My computer screen.
Last thing you said: damn.
Who is the last person you saw? my g/f
Who is the last person you hugged? my g/f
Who is the last person you fought with? roommate
Who is the last person you were on the phone with? some student
What is the last TV show you saw? Leaf Hockey
What is the last song you heard? Don't remember

[The Present]

What are you wearing? My pjs
What are you doing? doin' this thing
Who are you talking to? no one
What song are you listening to? none
Where are you? tv room
Who are you with? my g/f
Are you online? yes
How are you feeling? tired and sleepy
Are you in a chatroom? no


What day is it tomorrow? Thursday
What are you going to do after this? sleep
Who are you going to talk to? my g/f
Where are you going to go? my bed
How old will you be when you graduate? I was 25
What do you wanna be? Dunno...myself.

[Have You Ever?]

Drank? Yep
Smoked? Yep
Had sex? Yep
Stolen? Yep
Done anything illegal? Yep
Wanted to die? No
Hit someone? Yep


Do you write in cursive or print? Print
Are you a lefty or a righty? Righty
What is your sexual preference? Girls
What piercings do you have? Had ears and a nipple
Do you drive? Yep
Do you have glasses or braces? I've had both
Did you like this survey? Looong

[Physical Appearance]

What do you most like about your body? Chest
And least? Stomach and ass
How many fillings do you have? Some
Do you think you're good looking? Average
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? Some do.
Do you look like anyone? Maybe Edward Norton


Do you wear a watch? Yep
How many coats and jackets do you own? 4.
Favorite pants/skirt color? Black
Most expensive item of clothing? Leather jacket
Most treasured? None
What kind of shoes do you wear? shoes, docs, etc.
Describe your style in one word: Casual

[Are you....]

[Understanding] Sometimes
[Open-Minded] yep
[Arrogant] can be
[Insecure] Yep
[Random] Yep
[Hungry] nope
[Friendly] can be
[Smart] guess so
[Moody] sometimes
[Childish] Sometimes
[Independent] yep
[Hard Working] Yep
[Organized] Yep
[Healthy] Yep
[Emotionally Stable] yes
[Shy] oh yes
[Difficult] Sometimes
[Attractive] Average, I think
[Bored Easily] Sometimes
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Time:6:28 pm.
Another night to kill.
Hopefully it's a little more exciting then last night, as that was boring.
There is just no one around this time of night.

Though I must say it is nice to go out for a smoke after my shift. Not to mention walking around campus at night, very peaceful.

Only 1 hour to go...
So if anyone wants to spam me, go right ahead. Please! ;)
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Tuesday, November 11th, 2003

Time:5:22 pm.
So I'm sitting here bored at work.
Got another 2 hours to go. Arrgg....
Distract me, please!
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Saturday, November 8th, 2003

Time:11:23 am.
Got go downtown today. Promised Kristen I'd get her computer hooked up to the internet. Plus, it'll allow me to do a little searching for her x-mas gift. Might stop by borderline to buy a belt. Need a nice one.

Oh very odd dreams lately, as I keep imagining myself having body peircings again. Truthful I'd love to get some, but I'd loose my job if I did get anything too dramatic. Course that's my excuse, I could just be being a pussy. Might just have to settle this craving with a tattoo.
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, November 6th, 2003

Time:1:21 am.
Saw Matrix: Revolutions tonight. Not a bad conclusion to the series. Some scene's dragged and some weren't necessary, but the plot was certainly resolved.
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, October 30th, 2003

Subject:I don't do this too often...
Time:7:02 pm.
Damn...I cannot believe it. I actually read an article in the Toronto Star that had someone arguing for the protection of the institution of marriage for hetrosexual people! My response: "Are you kinding me?", minus a swear word. The guy was actually arguing for the protection of religious beliefs over civil rights!!! People have got to get a clue. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms should always take presidence over religious beliefs. Why? Because religious 'rules/guidelines' are not always based unbiased views. Religious orders/groups have got to get a clue. Having any kind of rules that pointly discriminate against another segment of society are wrong, period. No matter who wrote the 'rules'!

This is the problem I've always had with organized religion, especially religious orders that do not have a clue about actually 'progressing beyond' the founder's views and beliefs. It's called 'updating'. Afterall, shouldn't humanity use its knowledge gained over the last 2 centuries to improve upon the insights and philosophies of some of its greatest imaginaries?
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Tuesday, October 28th, 2003

Time:9:52 am.
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
AnOddity goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Winnie the Pooh.
bdsmchick gives you 15 green cola-flavoured gummy bears.
buuunny tricks you! You get a piece of string.
emmaleen gives you 5 brown coffee-flavoured nuggets.
littledeath gives you 12 light green grapefruit-flavoured nuggets.
mystic0323 tricks you! You lose 4 pieces of candy!
ravenfyre gives you 13 pink lemon-flavoured gummy bears.
sweetvein gives you 2 light orange cinnamon-flavoured pieces of taffy.
tnsechick gives you 17 blue chocolate-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
AnOddity ends up with 60 pieces of candy, and a piece of string.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Friday, October 24th, 2003

Time:5:23 pm.
Got haired at York full-time, salaried!
Ooooo baby.
Now I have to wait and see how much they take off from me in taxes. Ugg...
Oh well...I'm in the working world.
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003

Subject:Random thoughts
Time:6:26 pm.
Wow...nothing like a good bike ride to get the body all hot.
Something always satisfying about a good sweat, whether from one kind of exercise or another.

One of my friends was talking about getting a python. Made me think about getting a pet, course then I realised I lived with 4 other people, including the girlfriend, and knew it probably wouldn't fly.

Damn, I need to new doc martins. Just gotta find a pair a like. Course I need to get another tattoo too. Oh baby...
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Sunday, September 21st, 2003

Time:11:38 am.
Saw this done on one of my friends journals, so I was curious.
Hrmm...I'd say this was me.

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
33 56 44 67
Comments: Read 4 or Add Your Own.

Time:11:28 am.
VNV party was good.
Couldn't stay as long as I would have liked, but oh well.
Wish they came on earlier then 1am though!
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Saturday, September 20th, 2003

Time:1:32 pm.
Fel give me a call.
You got the number I believe. ;)
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Tuesday, September 16th, 2003

Time:7:49 pm.
Going to the VNV bash on friday.
Should be interesting!
Comments: Read 9 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, September 13th, 2003

Subject:I don't do this relax! :P
Time:8:18 pm.
ten movies you own:

1. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring: Extended Edition
2. Matrix
3. Dances With Wolves: Extended Edition
4. Fight Club
5. Seven
6. Usual Suspects
7. Momento
8. Akira
9. Almost Famous
10. Tombstone
11. +50 more

ten cds you own:

1. U2: everything
2. Garbage: everything
3. VNV Nation
4. Jim Hendrix
5. Bob Marley
6. White Stripes
7. David Bowie
8. etc...

five women you'd like to screw:
('cause it's funny, like these would ever happen)

1. Shirley Manson
2. Anna Paquin
3. Carrie-Ann Moss
4. Kirsten Dunst
5. Rebecca Romjin-Stomas

five men you wish you were:

1. Bono
2. Harrison Ford
3. Jet Li
4. Einstein
5. Shakespeare

last two movies you have seen in the theatres:

1. Pirates of the Caribbean
2. American Wedding

two recent movies you want to see:

1. Matrix - Revolutions
2. Underworld

three movies you need to buy:

1. Pirates of the Caribbean
2. Indiana Jones Trilogy
3. Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers: Extended Edition

three bands/groups you have seen in concert:

1. U2
2. VNV Nation
3. Sarstock

three bands/groups you want to see really badly:

1. Garbage
2. AC/DC
3. U2

name four states you have been in:

1. New York
2. Massachusetts
3. Florida
4. Drug Induced?

top five places you'd like to live:

1. Downtown TO
2. Barbados
3. Farm Country
4. England
5. Australia

top three dream jobs:

1. writer
2. writer
3. writer

five stores you could spend a million dollars at:

1. Chapters
2. Hmv
3. Best Buy
4. Siren/Silver Cross/Hot Topic
5. Sportscheck
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, September 12th, 2003

Time:7:12 am.
John Ritter(54) and Johnny Cash(71) die.
Man, not a good day.
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003

Time:7:10 pm.
Today has been interesting.
I'm really going to have to get used to all this new information. Feels like information overload, though the job does not seem that difficult. Just quite a bit of paperwork. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the full-time position when it becomes available. Seems like a nice office, even if I'm the only guy. ;)

York was quite busy for the 1st day of Frosh week. I'm not going to like how it is in a weeks time, that is for sure. York has 49 thousand students! Ugg...
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

LiveJournal for An Oddity.

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