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[04 Apr 2004|09:28pm]
Look at my new awesome icon! ::pauses:: You know guys ... I really have the coolest icons ever ... it's cause I've got such good connections with such talented people. ::nods:: ... Or I did three papers and a load of dishes for each icon maker. Two loads for Nicole. You decide ...

Saturday was ... I dunno ... a day ... only cool thing that really happened was some REALLY UBER episodes of Reboot. Bob ... Dot ... Enzo ... AndrAIa ... awwwwwwwww ...

My Sunday ... day ... )
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Quick update on the important things [02 Apr 2004|02:09pm]
[ mood | busy ]

I feel a little sick. Not like, throwing up sick or any sort of symptoms sick, but just physically a little unwell ... if that makes sense.

I'm registered for all my classes, the exact way I planned out my schedule!!! WOOHOO!

Heh, I'm typing too loud, the kid in front of me just stared at me.

I'll post my schedule when I'm not in class.

I paid my rent and signed my lease for my apartment yesterday. Lan moved almost all of her stuff in last night, but I'll be moving my things in slowly over the month, and I'll probably get my bed in the middle of the month.

Lan knows a girl in her C++ class who's going to give us a couch AND a loveseat in exchange for Lan tutoring her in C++. AWESOME!

I don't remember if I posted this here or not, but my summer plans are also now in place. I will be working here at FIT for ten weeks under Dr. Oswalt in the SARA REU program. I'll go home after May 2ndish, arrive back here the week of May 17th, and stay for ten weeks. I'll go home sometime around August 1st until the beginning of the next school term.

Lots of things have fallen into place this week, which I am VERY excited about.

This weekend, I will be very busy. I have three tests (C++, Calc 2, Physics 1) and two homeworks due (Chem 2 and Physics 1) next week. In addition, I have signed up to help out at FITCon this weekend, which I'll do a few hours for the next three days (including 8 am on Sunday). George, Matt, and I also bought tickets to the Pirate Bash on Sunday, and we're going to see MANATEES!!!!!

Everyone who reads this who may not have my best friend Nicole as a friend should read this post. It's very thought-provoking and touching.

Guess I better pay attention now ... or go look at icons!

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MAN do I love lunch! [27 Mar 2004|11:45pm]
Heather's little ABC survey thing )

Dude, tonight George, Matt and I went to see the play, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. It was wonderfully funny! I also played some Morrowind and did a little Physics homework.

Now I am tired and I will sleep. Tomorrow I'll update my journal with a full account of the week, and then it's work work work (just like at the Wicket company!).
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In a random burst of creativity, I have changed everything ... [22 Mar 2004|07:42pm]
[ mood | creative ]

Ahh! I have a new header! And it's SO COOL!!!! [info]caitie_icons is the awesomest person ever for making it!

(And I changed my journal layout)


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[22 Mar 2004|02:18pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]

I was looking at the icons and 'thirsty' is right under 'sore' ... and it's so cute I had to post again ...

But I'm not really thirsty cause I have a bottle of water, and it's one of the cute little 12 oz ones instead of the psychotic 20 oz ones.

Awww ... it's like a baby ... my baby Dasanis ... they need names ...

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[22 Mar 2004|02:18pm]
[ mood | sore ]

From my Lord of the Rings community:

"The Tolkien Society has declared Thursday March 25 Tolkien Reading Day, "A world-wide reading event for schools to show children & teachers the joys of reading Tolkien and the 'applicability' of his works to teaching in general." "

March 25 was the day Sauron and the Ring were destroyed.

I'm so tired ... I feel like I'm going to fall asleep right now. I've felt like this all day.

Can't think of anything to write ... I hate files ... they're stupid ...

Oh yeah! MIT emailed me and said I didn't get their internship (they were kinda sorta my last choice anyway. MIT people scare me). So that's one down, two more to find out about. Dr. Oswalt didn't email me back.

I talked to Rosiene about taking Civ 1 and Writing about Lit ... he didn't seem to think it would happen. Well, crap.

Ow ... ow ow ow ow ow ... my tummy hurts, and it just got worse ... owwwwwwww.

Um, yeah, he said he would talk it over with his department head and come back to see him tomorrow. He's like Oswalt--he doesn't make appointments. ::sigh:: When I'M an important person ...

Um. Finished my book. It was cool. I wish there was more ... it's a very cool idea. If you want to know more ... ya know ... read the book ...

I'm so not conscious enough to be in class.

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[19 Mar 2004|02:32pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

30 more minutes and the week will be over ...

I have to run errands today, though--pick up transcripts, go to the bank, go to Wal-Mart, and go to Sugar Mill to check out my new apartment.

On Wednesday night I found out that the apartment they had us down for wasn't going to be available until like, two weeks after school ended. Lan and I could fill out a form to extend our stay on campus by two weeks, but the cost of that (for me at least) for two weeks would be almost exactly what I'm going to pay for a month of rent at Sugar Mill.

So, my mom called Sugar Mill on Thursday and found out that they have an apartment, 115, that's available April 1st. Lan and I both agreed that this was MUCH more preferable. Now, we have someplace to put furniture if we find any, we don't have to worry about storage for a week after school ends, and Lan has a place to escape her roommates if she wants to!

I have to remember to pick up the Little Paper, which lists places that are moving and want to sell their furniture. Irene says they might have it at 7-11.

Tomorrow is the first day of spring! And I hear in Philly it snowed today! I feel good now, but everyone says that summers suck down here. It's almost a definite that I'm going to be here over the summer, working for Oswalt.

I also spent more than an hour talking with Irene this morning, because Baksay has money left over in some program that he doesn't want to go back to the school. So, I work more hours, and get more money. Huzzah.

Also, the course catalog newspapers came into the office today, so I took one. Matt and I scribbled down a schedule for him before I went to work at one, so all I need to do is get mine in place, and then go see Oswalt about taking Civ 1 and Writing about Lit at the same time.

Which reminds me again to stop by registration to pick up that form as well as the transcripts ... I need to put money on my PantherCash, too.

I want to learn Greek. Not the language, I couldn't do that on my own, but the alphabet. It seems easy enough. I've been thinking about it for at least a week now.

Ack, I keep forgetting that the Phi Eta Sigma ceremony is this Sunday. I've GOT to remember that. Matt's mother is coming down, which'll be cool.

Isn't this class over yet?

This new book that I'm reading, The Fairy Godmother, is REALLY cool. A lot of people have been asking me about it. I enjoy it a lot--Elena is a strong character, and the fantasy world is beautiful, magical, and wonderful.

Class is over!!! ::pause:: FIVE MINUTES EARLY!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

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Good night! [18 Mar 2004|12:28am]
If you only knew the power of the dark side.
Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.
"You do not know the power of the Dark
Side." There are two possibilities: you
are a Star Wars geek, or you are unreasoningly

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

And happy St. Patrick's Day!

P.S. Yay David!!!
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[15 Mar 2004|02:29pm]
Hmm ... C++ class ... pointers ...

I got another hour in work! ::dances around:: That's why I wasn't at lunch, is because my new hour is from 1-2 on Mondays. So on Mondays I now work 9-11, 12-2.

Ya know ... I really like work. I really do.

Last night I finished my Tolkien biography. Very VERY cool book--I enjoyed it immensely.

Now I'm reading a book by Mercedes Lackey called The Fairy Godmother. It's pretty cool starting out, and the blurb tells me I haven't even hit the real plot yet! Awesome awesome.

::not doing Nicole's survey until tonight::

So I randomly have this article to write for Crimson ... at least I hope it's just the one ...

Better go before Ajay gives us something else to do with the easy pointer project.
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Phone Post: [14 Mar 2004|04:34pm]
107K 0:28
“Hi ... this isn't Jenni, in case you figured it out which you probably couldn't because we sound ... pretty much alike ... some o' the time anyway. Yeah, this is Heather, and Jenni was too lazy to try out the "post by phone" thing on her own, so of course, you know, she made me do it for her. But, that's my role in life, I guess. So, yeah, I guess we'll ... see if it works. Buh-bye!”

Transcribed by: [info]jenjaina
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[13 Mar 2004|11:55pm]

am 58.1%
You Beat Me?

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[13 Mar 2004|10:57pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

So since I'm not going anywhere, maybe I'll make a post, yes?

Yesterday ... oh my gosh, yesterday. I got out of Chemistry early and bought a muffin from the SUB cause I ran out of Pop-Tarts on Thursday. Then I went to work a bit early, which was good, cause Tamera never showed up ...

Lynn got a date for the QuarkNet thing, so we put it on this flyer and started printing them to send them to schools. There were a little more than 75--plus, I had to include photocopies of ANOTHER flyer. These all had to be folded into thirds--I am now the MASTER of this. However, towards the end, the printer started making loud "BANG!" noises. One of them scared me so much I jumped in my seat. Marissa was trying to figure it out when I went to Physics.

Upon returning, I found that there had apparently been a pin in the printer ... randomly ...

So, I finished up the brochures and went to lunch, where Matt showed me something called "Celebrity Jeopardy." Poor Sean Connery ...

Then I went back to work for an hour, then to C++, where I finished the project I found was due that day.

After this, I went home and got my Sugar Mill application, and started for the SUB to drop off my backpack. On the way, I ran into Lan, and she offered to walk with me. When we got there, we asked what was available. The lady said she had a two-bedroom two-bath that we could move into on May 7th. We were thrilled! In order to hold it, she said, she would need a $150 deposit, plus our $50 application fees. I had an extra application, which I gave to Lan. However, the lady would only take money orders, which I didn't have.

So, Lan and I walked back to campus so I could get more money and my phone, and she could get her credit card and car. We drove to the bank, but the lady there said money orders cost $4, and they were 87 cents or something at Publix. So, we quickly drove there, slowly running out of time--Sugar Mill closed at 5:30. We got our money orders in an extremely long line, and I bought two bags of chips for the RP session which never happened.

We drove back to Sugar Mill, turned in our applications and fees, and then drove to the FITSSFF meeting which lasted a long time. I got a brand new FITSSFF T-shirt.

After the meeting, a bunch of us wanted to go out to eat, but we waited for Lan to get back from changing her laundry. People couldn't decide on where to eat, however, so one group left for the Rat, and the rest of us (me, George, Dana, Kat, Mike, and Ben) went to Friendlys. I had a Caesar salad (duh) and the Forbidden Fudge Brownie. It was very good.

After that, Kat dropped George and I off at the SUB so we could meet up with the others to role-play. However, apparently there was a Magic draft going on, so George and I went home.

Once there, Kat IMed me and invited me to go with her, Dana, George, and Mike to the beach, to watch the Atlas 3 rocket launch!!! After talking to Nicole, I met George in the parking lot and we drove to Kat and Dana's apartment in Sugar Mill. Their apartment is SO COOL--much better than Dan's or Mischa's--and their rooms are awesome!!! Kat even has the Arwen and Aragorn Barbies!!! So awesome ...

Then Mike arived, and we all went in his car up Route 1 to Cocoa Beach. We overpassed it, but did a quick U-turn and found the beach.

It was beautiful--there were no clouds, and the stars were bright. We could see the lights of Cape Canaveral across the ocean. The others had brought blankets, so they spread them out on the sand for us to sit on. We talked until It Happened.

All of a sudden, there was a bright orange light from Cape Canaveral that lit up the entire section of sky. After a couple seconds, that light rose from the ground, ascending into the sky. When it got high enough, it cast an orange light on the ocean waves. It was so magnificent. Then, something like 30 seconds later, we heard the rumble from the ignition. The rumble continued for a long time before it died out. The light tracked across the sky over the ocean, until the first sequence stopped and the light went out. But, the second rockets fired, and the light began again, though it was dimmer. It faded until it looked like a normal star, then eventually faded away.

We sat on the beach discussing what we had seen and how amazing it was, until someone said "What's that red thing on the horizon?"

It was the moon, and it was blood red. It was amazing. We watched it rise out of the ocean and into the sky until it turned orange. We left then, but Dana and I kept looking back at the moon and the ocean.

In the parking lot, we were next to a hotel and randomly saw a guy with George's hat inside ... it was creepy.

Driving back to Melbourne, Dana said we should go to Wal-Mart, so we did! Dana, Kat, and Mike got some shopping done. I would have, as well, but I left my card at home.

We got back to Dana and Kat's apartment and helped put their food away, then hung out in their living room. There was an awesome air mattress that I really liked--maybe I'll just get one of those for my Sugar Mill apartment!

George, Mike, and I left somewhere after 3, and George and I got gas at the Mobil station before he took me home. I went to bed at 3:45.

It was so amazing.

Anyways, update on the door situation: The locksmith came, and they had to slice open the window screen in the living room so he could get in and dismantle the lock from the inside. And the window screen was like, level 99 Uber Screen of Doom, so it was very hard to cut.

The locksmith said he wasn't going to diagnose what was wrong with the lock right now; they'd take the old lock back to the shop and tear it apart on Monday to find out what was wrong. They installed a new lock, but the handheld programmer won't work, so they had to call in this other girl to come in with a computer so that they could program our cards to work. Our cards now work, but for some reason we don't have to enter our numbers like we usually do at this hour. They'll fix that later.

I assume they had to call all these guys from home. And the thing is, this is a fire hazard, especially because those screens were VERY hard to break into. The lock guys told us that while this hasn't happened before, they KNEW this could happen and had told FIT not to get these kinds of locks. Each lock costs like, $500, too, and FIT's going to have to pay for the new one and the ripped screen.

Well, the door's fixed, I wrote about yesterday ... except for the door, nothing else happened. I woke up at 11:30, then slept from 4 until 7:30ish. Now I'm going to go buy chocolate.

Check out my OTHER new icon!

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I want to live liiiike cannibals ... [13 Mar 2004|08:58pm]
So get this guys ...

APPARENTLY, I'm trapped in my apartment. Cause the door won't open. The security guy said they were calling in a locksmith. But he got here and couldn't open the door and then they went away ... I don't know where ... being as I can't follow them ...

::snickers:: This is freaking awesome ...

Random quizzes ... )

Oh yeah, new icon--very cool. And there's a new color bar on my user info page--go check it out!
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Haikuness, and other. [08 Mar 2004|08:05pm]
LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:jenjaina
Your haiku:i jotted down the
questions to ask sally ride
at three i went up
Created by Grahame

i got home and the
guys were going to be out of
the week hasn't it

dan who was coming
back from wherever and the
office my physics

that the four guys were
going for the week hasn't it i
wish they all could be

and had about a
weeks worth of stories of what we're
supposed to turn

up sally ride gave
her talk tomorrow.what's more
i'm getting all his

almost made george late
to being early to class heh
and i did really

i remember it
heh yeah that's been my first day
of doe season are

dave he made fun of
matt heh heh poor matt and jon
finished my lab

gamera that i
critically failed my
wake up roll and had

sound today.ow george
your stupid computer broke
my hard drive to his

awesome i've got
a chem review right but i'm
going to do so good

dude their house is so
pretty it's got all dressed
up and went with dan

we were like it's so
nice and lan helped me write
my first warning!i

don't remember what
mandy was going on but all
the way back to work

mischa didn't finish
it all.hehe and george watched
everything was

know these are really
starting to annoy me lvimhtsln
me too.shut up!it

go i'm a happy
girl everybody knows
that the four guys were

witch_baby_ 102%
ziemkowski 98%
coldbluefire31 95%
cranbonite 95%
gegenschein 95%
psychocharmer 95%
velvetphile 92%
poisontounge 61%
How compatible with me are YOU?

jenjaina's LiveJournal Friend Stats I
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Most easily-distracted:
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Oldest on LJ:
Newest to LJ:
What Are YOUR LiveJournal Friend Stats?

(Beta - May be slow for those with large friends lists)

You are WILD AND CRAZY KIDS. You couldn't get
through life without a little fun... or a neon
colored t-shirt. You are a team player and
really into Omar Gooding. GO YOU!

Which old school Nickelodeon show are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Spiritual Advancement
In a survival situation, you:Scream for help
Your hidden talent is:Resourcefulness
Your gift is:Ability to acquire wealth
In groups, you:Work for a common goal
Your best quality is:Your sensuality
Your weakness is:Your laziness
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
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[08 Mar 2004|02:01pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | In C++ class ]

Huzzah! I have my missing bag!

See, my bag was gone ... like ... not at the airport ... and the dudes delivered it to me here at FIT, and I thought they would take it to the mail room, but luckily Irene called and found out that it was at the admissions office instead, so I got it and now it's at the PSS office waiting for me to come get it after C++ class. La.

And Dr. Oswalt came in during work and asked if I wanted a research job over the summer ... so if I don't get an internship, I may have something else to do!!!

All in all, today is a good day. Except for the whole ... being busy thing ... which happens every day. I stayed an extra hour at work to help Irene, too, so I didn't eat lunch with the gang.

La. Gotta pay attention in class ... cause apparently that's what people do.

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Fa na na na na ... [03 Mar 2004|03:57pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "You Raise Me Up" - Josh Groban (originally Secret Garden) ]

La! Okay, just came back from my fourth ever driving lesson. It was cool, although my hair kept deciding it liked being between the armrest and Mr. Cardinal's arm. Grr.

I kept realizing that my body was too tense and relaxing it, but I guess I didn't do a good enough job on that count, because when I got back home my hands hurt from gripping the wheel! Not that I had been holding it in a death grip, but tight enough so that an hour of that made them hurt a little.

Other than that, today I listened to music (country on CMT and the radio, Nickel Creek, Josh Groban, and Heather's CD) and worked on scholarship essays. I woke up at nine--I guess my body doesn't like sleeping in so late. I also finished Mirror, Mirror by Greogory Maguire while I waited for Mr. Cardinal--it ended up being more about the Borgias than any Snow White story. Oh well.

Last night, I finished through Day 11 of Dad's story. Days 12-13 (or 14 or 15) are hiding somewhere between Dad's printer and Heather's bag. Grr. I wanna know what happens. And how many more comma errors he can rack up. ::winks::

I switched my stuff from my old backpack to my new one today cause I felt like it. Guys, it rolls! (And rocks, HA!) It's so cool. No more back pack problems for me, yippee!!

Okay. So at some point I need to write about everything that's happened in the past umpteen days before I forget forever. I'll backdate the entries, though, for your convinence.

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[02 Mar 2004|12:12am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Okay, I'm not going to do an LJ of any substance because there's SO much to write about. Let me sum up: Nicole was awesome, being at home is awesome, life is awesome!


I'm reading so much!!! I have three more sections (days) in my Dad's book to edit, and I finished Ender's game on the plane. I bought five more books at Barnes and Noble, and Dad gave me two biographies on Tolkien to read. Huzzah!!!

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[25 Feb 2004|06:32pm]
[ music | "Never Let Go" - Josh Groban ]

On Wednesday, I took Nicole with me to Chemistry. Spectacularly, it was a day that Dr. Baloga chose to perform an experiment. Also, the stuff she was talking about didn't require much of a background in what we had previously learned, so Nicole both learned something and was interested in the class!

After that, I studied for my Calc 2 test (kinda) while we watched Somewhere In Time. I love that movie ...

At 11, I picked up the key for the seventh floor of Crawford and went to work for an hour. After that, I went back to my apartment for two hours, ate lunch with Nicole, and just generally hung out. It was cool.

At two, C++, then I'm sure there was more hanging out ... or studying ... or both ... Then Calc 2 test! I feel really good about it, but I won't get my score back until I go back to Florida.

After that, Nicole was getting a headache. We watched some freaking awesome Reboot episodes until me, Nicole, George, Matt, Jon, and NonSideburnsMike (what's his new name? I forget) left for the theatre. We watched the movie (not going to go into that here), and when home in silence.

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[25 Feb 2004|01:42pm]
Nicole just SAT ON ME!!!

I was trying to read the Bible and she sat on me and sang bad songs ... what a bad, heathen best friend ... does she care? DOES SHE?! No ... cold and heartless, that's what SHE is ..

CLASS, bye!!!
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[24 Feb 2004|05:02pm]
[ music | "Sand in my Shoes" - Dido, Heather's CD ]

On Tuesday, I had work from eight to eleven. Irene was having an especially rough day, and I tried to help her as best I could. It was a pretty hard week for her in general, and she says she was glad I'm there to help.

At eleven, I had Physics, and I met up with Nicole for that. Or Maybe that was Monday ... in any event, Nicole went to *a* physics class of mine. He didn't draw a DemonStudent, but I showed her the ones I'd copied into my notes.

Work for another hour more, but there was a presentation going on for the faculty down on the second floor, and Irene told me to go help myself to the food (and also pick up some more stuff for her and Stephanie, hehe!). So I had some tolerable Rat pizza, a free Dasani, and some awesome cookies.

After work, I went to the SUB and watched everyone else eat, and then went to Chem lab. Because of a miscommunciation, the GSA who was going us that class was twenty minutes late. Still, Steven (Stephen?) and I got done with our lab in normal time.

That would have been all well and good, but in the middle of lab, Steven turns to me and says, "Look outside." I looked, and WOW! The sky was SO dark with rain. And out the other side of the lab, the clouds were pretty white. Several minutes later, the downpour started. Rain EVERYWHERE. I was like, "Noooooooo! How can I be trapped in here, doing Chem lab when Nicole's here and it's RAINING!!!"

As soon as I finished lab, I raced to the SUB, burst into the work area and demanded Nicole go outside with me (even though she had already been outside in the rain ... freaking whore ...

So we walked into the Jungle of course, and we crossed the waterfall in our shoes (and my socks), and saw a random turtle, and crossed this random log, and walked in the rain and talked, where ever we wanted to go. Then we went to the Quad and splashed in the puddles it creates. Then Nicole dumped her Dasani ALL OVER ME!!!

It was perfect.

Back at the SUB, we were SOAKING, so we shared the wealth, and then the table shared its colors with us ... heh heh ...

Then UBER stupid showed up, and I saved Nicole by taking her to Calculus 2 lab with me, but Sameer was going fast to review for our test, so she got NOTHING out of it.

At some point in the middle of class it started getting cold ... REALLY FREAKING COLD. After class, we had George driving us to my room and got changed into dry, warm clothes. Mmm ... so nice. But we were still cold.

We went to the theatre to get the tickets for The Passion of the Christ, and then we went to Barnes and Noble for hot chocolate. I saw ALL these books that I wanted to get, but I held myself back ... or Nicole, George, and Matt dragged me away, whatever ...

Nicole and I shared a hot chocolate with a sad face (aka no whipped cream). Then we decided we wanted pizza, so George drove to the Papa John's, and we ordered an itty bitty pizza and breadsticks. And Matt spilled our hot chocolate on the floor and the employees like, just stood there and stared as we cleaned it up. Losers.

We got our pizza and ate on the hood of George's car with the country music blaring. Then we went to the Blockbuster nearby (while George got hopelessly lost CROSSING A STREET and I saved the day), and rented Somewhere in Time. Then we went to TGIFridays, which George seemed to think had relocated to the FIT campus. Bwahahaha! Loser.

Anyways, TGIFridays! And we got this waiter named Tim, but when Nicole and I came back from the bathroom George and Matt were like, "Hey, our favorite waitress is here."

And I was, no way!!! So when Tim came back, I told him to tell her that we were her favorite customers and we said hi. And before, I had only heard her name (amidst lots of restaraunt noises, mind you) so I thought it was Elaine, but it's actually Delenn! How cool is that? ?She came over to say hi, and aww, she's so cool.

We forgot to ask her about the color-changing cups that Friendly's guy told us about though ... oh well.

Anyways, George and Matt ordered a brownie thing and so did Nicole and I, but Nicole ate like, a bite and I had to finish off the whole thing. I couldn't eat the last few bites though, I was just SO FULL.

Outside of TGIF, Nicole and I picked flowers for each other and sat on George's car while he played country, and sang along with the songs really loudly. Then we saw this couple a little ways off and we watched them and awwww, they were SOOOOOO cute.

After TGIF, we went to the SUB and watched this video from Iowa that Alicia had put together. It was so awesome ... some of it I had seen before, but the rest was new and CRAZY. It was side-splitting!

Then home ... sleep ... nice sleep.

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