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lame [03 May 2004|10:30pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | hot rod circuit///the pharmacist ]

i was determined to practice guitar tonight and i forgot until now, when i'm off to bed. total suck.

hey! a year ago today was the first brand new concert i ever went to, at cat's cradle. they played with a static lullaby who i hated, the early november who was mediocre, and the fight who was a british band that rocked. also, it was senior + one junior skip day and after going to falls lake, we went strawberry picking where we saw drew collins for the first time. it was strange to find out weird coincidences like that- what i mean is, seeing him then meeting him for real as a best friend of my boy a few months later and realizing he was THE boy we thought was a hot migrant worker. just kidding on the migrant worker part.

my house is freezing, which should put me to sleep right quick. thanks, drizzling cold front.

17 break dances |♥| bust a move

every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end [03 May 2004|05:18pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | brand new///play crack the sky ]

"You do look so nice, my dear," said Mrs. Sutton to Sarah. She was pitifully ancient- about five years younger than I am now. I thought she might cry about Sarah's beauty, and how that beauty was sure to fade in just a few years, and on and on. She was very wise.

"I feel so silly," said Sarah.

"You don't believe you're beautiful?" said her grandmother.

"I know I'm beautiful," said Sarah. "I look in a mirror, and I think, 'I'm beautiful.' "

"What's wrong, then?" said her grandmother.

"Beautiful is such a funny thing to be," said Sarah. "Somebody else is ugly, but I'm beautiful. You say I'm beautiful. I say I'm beautiful. Everybody says, 'Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,' and you start wondering what it is, and what's so wonderful about it."

"You make people happy with your beauty," said her grandmother.

"You certainly make me happy with it," I said.

Sarah laughed. "It's so silly," she said. "It's so dumb."

"Perhaps you shouldn't think about it so much," said her grandmother.

"That's like telling a midget to stop thinking about being a midget," said Sarah, and she laughed again.

"You should stop saying everything is silly and dumb," said her grandmother.

"Everything is silly and dumb," said Sarah.

"You will learn differently as you grow older," her grandmother promised.

"I think everybody older just pretends to know what's going on, and it's all so serious and wonderful," said Sarah. "Older people haven't really found out anything new that I don't know. Maybe if people didn't get so serious when they get older, we wouldn' have a depression now."

"There's nothing constructive in laughing all the time," said her grandmother.

"I can cry, too," said Sarah. "You want me to cry?"

"No," said her grandmother. "I don't want to hear any more about it. You just go out with this nice young man and have a lovely time."

woo-hoo! i got a paid account today, so for two months i now can have 15 icons, although i'm only using 13 of them right now. i'm so excited, i just can't hide it. i need to reformat my journal sometime, not because i have new options from being a paid member, but because i've had it the same for a while and i need the change. generator is my favorite, though, so i won't be moving from that. but i'm afraid that asimo might have to go. say goodbye to asimo...(sniff)

today was such a tiring day. everyone at school was tired. or maybe just the top two grades and the few underclassmen who graced prom, too..yeah. it didn't help that there was no sunlight at all today, meaning also no warmth. so everyone just looked really groggy. personally, though, i love cold weather and stormy weather, so it wasn't much of a problem for me. ESPECIALLY since someone left an umbrella at my house that i get to keep forever, since at governor's school ryan broke my "get really tiny" umbrella. surprisingly enough, it's the EXACT same kind as the one he broke. fate?

speaking of weather issues, emily/eliza/amalia trio of "my boyfriend's back" and just me, AMALIA's "stormy weather" got in to cabaret. i'm so excited, i looove stormy weather and i am pleased.

a really cool looking bird with a day-glo reddish-orange crown just flew past my window and landed on the birdfeeder. i wonder what kind it is, and why it's so active when it's raining like it is.

10 break dances |♥| bust a move

there are two sides to everything. [02 May 2004|10:54pm]
[ mood | mixed feelings ]
[ music | alli with an i///operations manual ]

ze promenade was last night, the last one ever for me at DSA. it was exciting, but i won't go into details until i post my pictures..which will be next sunday so i can honor my vow, and keep my two proms together instead of overloading everyone (wah!) with some photos. but uh...yay prom! (rhymes with napalm. what is that stuff?) if you want to read about my night or week, i suggest you hop on over to emily's journal [[info]thisdizzydance] and see her entry filled with ugly pictures of myself. yummy. and from staying up so late (this year, crash site was destined to be my house), i really do need some sleep. so let me clear my throat.

wow, i'm so tired. and although i had such a great time, i'm kind of disappointed in people. in general, expectations really know how to hurt me. and that's all i want to say..wait, no it isn't. when you look at someone, you automatically judge them. at least, that's usually the case. turns out, when people look at ME, their expectations are automatically low. she dresses weird, must be a druggie. she is talkative and confident, must be a slut. wouldn't want OUR son to date her. and god, it just pisses me off when people make stupid assumptions like this that are SO FAR from the truth- could you be any farther? oh wait, you could also assume that since my dad is lenient with me because he trusts me (for good reason), that he, too, must be a bad person. well.

on the other hand, i guess i could put a stop to this by dying. or say, acting more stereotypical teen-- it would make perfect sense! you never expect the people who are actualy doing the things to be doing them, and the ones you expect to be really aren't. so maybe by me putting myself in the OTHER catagory, i can put everyone's fears to rest ! ha. what a concept. but i know i won't succomb to something as belittling as that would be. even if it means being automatically disliked by the greater populations of the world before i've even opened my mouth.

i wish i could see b more often than once a week, but oh, it might start some more talk. they must be having orgies, probably with that dog she takes care of so often.

oh my oh my oh my. http://www.illwillpress.com/fatkins.html

GO. to lighten the mood. i put a huge cloud alll over this entry, and it needs a little bit of sunshine. like a thunderstorm, this temperamental entry really reflects how i work.

for now this is everything we know. this hurts so much.
what reasons for the ones we've lost?
i can't make sense out of this, i've tried hard and will we ever see any of you again?
now we are the one’s that are left with all the pain.
for now this is everything we know. this hurts so much.
take your time and everything will work out. there is always something i wish i would have said.

25 break dances |♥| bust a move

it's okay to lower standards in the name of a good cause. you can bend the rules for us this time [29 Apr 2004|05:30pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | save ferris///support your local ska band (SYLSB!) ]

i got a 4 on my practice AP calc test from last saturday, and i had done prrrretty badly on the no calculator multiple choice. surprisingly, i did better than usual on both free response sections than i normally do in class. maybe it's just because i'm finally gaining some intellect. but when i word the sentence that way, i realize that i've moved no where. yay brains!

i sound like a zombie saying things like that. mmmm...brains..(mumbles something else unintelligible because i'm a slave to the zombie cause)..brains. right. today has been a crappy day, and i need to get it all out, so i apologize for all the times i don't and won't make sense. it's just the way things go.

why yesterday rocked )

why today sucked. )

no more on the blandness of today. b-b-but-- it was sunny, and that's a plus! we always need more melanoma. fright-o.

so i said the word lax, and it made me think about its history because i'm weird like that. i'm wondering, was it taken from "relax?" because it would make sense, being that lax means lazy and when you are relaxing, you're being lazy. at least, i am. someone who knows the answer to this question do me a favor and answer it. thanks. kthnxbye. OH NO! NOT THE KAY-THANKS-BYE! dag, yo. she busted out the kthnxbye.

15 break dances |♥| bust a move

pardon me, madam. will this be reflected on my frequent flyer miles? [28 Apr 2004|07:26pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | no doubt///suspension without suspense (yeah return of saturn!) ]

what is it in me that refuses to believe
this isn't easier than the real thing?

RX BANDITS JULY 6TH IN WILMINGTON! oh me oh my. this one's a definite. we HAVE to go. we can just happen to be on our beach camping trip over the 4th of july and go go go, as long as we shower. and then skank like we stole something, like matt embry's heart. or underwear.

today was my cabaret audition for "stormy weather," and i think it went fairly well. it's sad because i haven't had a voice lesson in two weeks, so i don't have all of its words memorized- but it's cool, i just glanced at my music a few times without losing my cool. it's what's important. there's been a little animosity pointed towards me by a certain girl filled with attitude, because this one time i told her what i was singing, she got mad and said it was HER song, and why didn't she think of it first, so SHE should sing it. i was nice and asked her, "what did the five fingers say to the face?" haha, i'm kidding. i may be blunt, but i'm not brutal. all the time. but yeah, i told her to shove off because it's not niec to decide to sing something just because you hear someone else already is.

for that painting that i mentioned doing about a month ago with YO FACE (well, my face) in the eye with all the other stuff, i decided to make a stencil for it instead- a five-layer stencil. i've never done a multi-layered stencil like this one and so i'm hoping the test goes well. if so, it will be in my art journal, since i took a vow of no picture-posting until two sundays from now. which might be a lot since it will have two proms and my booty in it.

do you hate me?
do you want revenge?
well i want to call you, but i won't.
we get so far, and then it just starts rewinding,
and the same old song- we're playing it again.

my pits are a-stinkin.
maybe from too many spins in one song.
alex is being my advocate as i learn to use gif animation tools, because right now it's total suck. i'm total suck. at this. get it? got it! good.

22 break dances |♥| bust a move

and all your plastic people with plastic hearts and smiles- they had the worst intentions all along, after all [27 Apr 2004|06:49pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | death cab for cutie! ]

i hate the fact that now since we own a digital camera, i feel obligated to have some sort of picture in every entry because otherwise, i or the casual bystander/reader will get bored. well, no more. at least for a few weeks, except in my art journal, i will give myself a break of not posting pictures. just because i don't want to come off as a camwhore, since they die brutal deaths by being bludgeoned by maces from medieval knights trapped in the future every day. yay run-on sentences!

anyways, no more polls that no one really helps me on. we (but mostly me) decided on the university of cincinnati for sure yesterday, and i'm glad. i was leaning towards that anyway from my dislike of continuous heat, which i know shouldn't be such a strong factor-- but hey. uneasiness is not something you want surrounding you while you're away from home for four+ years. moving on. we toured the design school, which is the same building as the fine arts, so i've already seen it a couple of times. we talked with the head of the digital design department, and she seems really cool. and i got a little intimidated when she showed us a bunch of projects that just sophomores had made..but she said most of them have had less training in the arts than i, and that i should do fine.

one of my worries in going to cincinnati was that i wouldn't be able to sing anymore since i didn't get into their voice program, which explains why i was considering miami so much. but we were able to find out that i can take voice lessons and still be in the choruses with all the other voice majors without the stress of actually being in vocal performance! and plus, it's with some of the best voice instructors in the world. i mean, really- it's cincinnati. i don't feel so bad about not getting into v.p. since i'm basically reaping all the benefits- being in a really cool major with guaranteed job placement, and still being able to do what i love, both singing and art.

i forgot to mention that cincinnati is on a quarter system like a high school instead of semesters like a normal college. so we start at the end of september and go until june, which is weird because i guess that dsa starts/ends around regular college time then? and in the design section at cinci, the fourth (or maybe third) quarter of soph year you do a co-op thing. so instead of being a full time student, you begin to do a quarter as a student, and a quarter at a paid job with credit. it's awesome. you get to basically feel your way around the industry and learn from the people already making a job from it while also getting the formal college training, and become the perfect person to hire. at least, i hope so.

the bouncing souls were playing two blocks away from my hotel, at bogart's. too bad that alias was on and i cannot miss an episode now that the season's almost over. yep, i'm a huge dork. apparently the vernon manor is the spot for bands to stay at when playing at bogart's or other places on vine street, which i guess is cincinnati's version of franklin street...yep yep. some rap group happened to be parked right in front of the hotel, and even though they got rooms to STAY in at the hotel, they barely left their bus. "the crew" was their name..sorry, still not a fan of rap. add a single 'c' at the beginning and the name is perrrrfect.

i need something free for macs that will do gif animation. alex says they exist, but my disbelief is high. anyone, anyone?

i haven't stenciled anything in a while, and i need to. bah. i need inspiration. my (well, partly my) art show opens next week! thursday, i think. coooooome if you wanna. (sounds like that weezer song.)

this thing is better than a 5-paragraph essay.

24 break dances |♥| bust a move

looks good on ya! [25 Apr 2004|10:19am]
[ mood | ready to go ]
[ music | the impossibles///(never) say goodbye ]

dad and i are leaving for cincinnatti pretty soon, to help in choosing what college i'll be at next year. every time i start to lean one way, i find out or remember something cool that brings me back to middle grounds. argh. let's hope this trip clears some stuff up. we're going to tour the design school tomorrow since the first time i visited, we only toured the art building. and if the design school is as good as the art school...man, it will rock.

i wish i had a paid account so i could make a poll in which i would ask all of you which college i should go to: university of cincinnatti for design or university of miami for vocal performance. tell me. again. please.

and i turned in my "do you have the coolest fashion" application for seventeen this morning, too. i was pretty detailed, even though i was a little repetitious. oh well. i'm still the coolest girl in the world. or, in my house. you can read it, if you like.

application for coolest style )

yesterday was the practive ap calc test, which went okay. the multiple choice no calculator was REALLY hard, but i did fine on the rest. the no calc free response wasn't as hard as i thought it would be..so i think i did okay overall. later (after a long nap) i went to the surprise birthday party for lindsey in freaking RALEIGH (why!?) and i got there after she did. ha. our waiter hated us. then emily and andrew came back to my house and watched chapelle's show and wildboyzzzzz (the greatest/stupidest show ever!) for a while, until i guilted emily into taking andew home. i'm sorry for that, emily. i feel really bad for making you do that. i was just feeling lazy/tired/tightwadded =/. and then i trimmed my whole head because i wanted it to be a little shorter for prom, like my original haircut.

and now we are gone.

24 break dances |♥| bust a move

the new sincerity! [24 Apr 2004|01:58am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | nada nada (not nada surf tough.) ]

i took that "how many scene points are you?" quiz and got over 40 thousand points. haha! i'm the most anti-scene person, because most (all) scenesters make a fool of themselves, everywhere. how about my triangular-shaped bandanna in my side pocket? don't you just heart it? i gotta say that i DESPISE people saying they heart things. heart is not a verb, it's a noun. learn to use it properly. what put me over the top was the "2 points for every clothing item from a thrift store" (uh..hundreds, they just keep accumulating), and "using 80's vernacular." i am NOT scene, i'm just radROCK.STOP THE MADNESS!!

anyways. today was a great day, and nothing really happened at school besides me having an escapade while avoiding mr. ferguson. my butt makes my skirts go against the dress code, but only in the back. skirts will go down to my knees in the front but only halfway down my leg in the back. i'm cursed..also a bad omen when doing choreography in class...

this was...

...emily and i making blind men jokes at zoe while she was taken unawares. so apparently while at the beach last week, three girls made out with the same guy in the course of the same day because he told them that he was blind. at the end of the night, he tells them he isn't. THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T MAKE OUT WITH RANDOM PEOPLE. losers. anyways, she didn't catch on that we were making fun of her. tsk, tsk.

i got back from working the duke men's basketball banquet less than an hour ago, so i made a little bit over a hundred bucks tonight. i only saw three of the players, though =/. as compared to last year's when the whole team walked through the kitchen and gawked. but this year i managed to get all the younger boys in the scout troop to fawn over me. they thought i was funny because i have so many comebacks (and they think i study them..syke), and cool because i make most of my clothes. so yay, if brian ever falls through i always have 9th and 10th grade boys! i'm joking, b.

also, this year's banquet theme was somewhat oscar-related, so i got five chocolate oscars to take home with me. they are huge, solid, and high-quality chocolate...because i'm lovin' it. in just 7 hours i have to take my practice AP calc test at school (uugggghhh), so i should be getting to bed. blizzah.

post script- everyone should add my art journal with no content- [info]burnme_down. g'night.

34 break dances |♥| bust a move

what should i do? i'll tell you pretty soon, i'll shatter in two. [22 Apr 2004|09:53am]
[ mood | teeth gnashing ]
[ music | clucks of an autistic boy ]

i came home as someone else,
i must have wished it on myself.
when i got lost in thought while we were out...

hours have passed and i have seen
the terror i am stuck between.
who i've been,
and who i'm thinking i could be..

i was listening to a battle begin,
wondering which side would win.

did you say

something? i'm

sorry i


i'm in the library at school right now, if you couldn't guess. i just HAD to win this ebay auction of some phantom planet stuff, and so i came by to check to make sure i'm still ahead, since the auction ends around 2:30 here. it's the best. right now there is a lot of interesting background music, because 3rd period is the time of day when the disabled kids' class hangs out in the library. so there are mumblings and clicks and squeals as my background music instead of the usual headbanging song that is in the air normally while i walk around with the wind blowing my hair. that's all hypothetical, of course.

wow. i haven't written since sunday. so this is a strange one..

11 break dances |♥| bust a move

i..saw..what..you..did..to my..freeend!..BAM! BAM! BAAAM! [19 Apr 2004|12:58am]
[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | lily's heavy breathing of a dog ]

so wow, it's either reallt late or really early, depending on how you look at the day. i've been working on resizing and uploading these pictures since a little after 10, and now it is 12:30 and i just finished it all. i took a ton of pictures, saved over 150 photos in the past 4.5 days, but i deleted some due to shakiness, ugliness, repetitiveness, etc. is "repetitiveness" a word? i bet "repetitiousness" is probably the one that really exists, but i don't have the wrist strength to look it up.

so. the disneyworld trip was spectacular. i had a s'wonderful time with a really tight-knit group of peoplem mostly seniors. most of chorale went, but we scored lucky with mr. modlin who knows everything a tourist can know about disneyworld, and so it ROCKED. us kids included: sean g.(he wears his sunglasses at night so he can so he caaaan..), sean m.(with a trucker hat, he becomes disabled), luke(likes to fondle himself, but against the power of these pictures, he isn't actually gay), adam(by night, he's a newsie! and luke's fake other half), wren(, catherine(gets huffed up at talk of double chins), lauren(gets the brave award for going on more hardcore rides than meghan), bettina(looks like an olsen twin and therefore, way too pretty for her own good), lindsey(the provider of all candy, food, and jokes), eliza(sleeps the most, shops the most), emily(you know she thinks you're funny when she starts to wheeze), meghan(the biggest wimp/lover of trashy romance novels of them all), and myself(she who freaks out when not being able to shower once a day). it was great. we went to epcot on thursday, magic kingdom on friday, and MGM studios on saturday, which is by far the best section ever.

before going to MGM on saturday we went to some college to do our part in the competition. i thought it didn't go well at all, and all the stress of people freaking out and attitude problems and thinking that we failed at being the best we can be, i freaked out and started to cry. waaah! waah! i want my pooty! but that was my only downer of the whole trip, the rest was great. waaaaay later on saturday night, we found out that we won FIRST PLACE for concert choir in our division, which made me feel so much better about earlier. we didn't win the gramd champion trophy like we did in 9th grade, but there were 55 groups we were competing up against and i didn't think we could do it..with the amount of listening problems that chorale has these days. but anyways, i am very satisfied with what we got and all the fun..besides the inevitable gaining of pounds associated with eating too much candy and junk food at theme parks. and here are the pictures to tell the story with. what time is it? GO TIME!

uh...133 disneyworld photos up in hurrr. )

sorry for all the picture posts lately. which really..i guess i'm only apologizing to myself because it seems like most people want to skip over my entries unless i post pictures in it. which is lame. but goodbye and goodnight, it is all done in good spirit and i am happy. even though i (this is a tangent) won't be seeing brian for a reeeallly long time and it makes me not feel too swell. oh well.

p.s.- i love major payne.

27 break dances |♥| bust a move

fingernails are pretty, fingernails are gooood- it seems that all they ever wanted was a market.. [14 Apr 2004|03:40pm]
[ mood | giddy with excitement ]
[ music | foo fighters///this is a call ]

it's raining, yet again. HEY WEATHER! WHERE ARE ALL THE THUNDERSTORMS?! yeah, thanks a lot for NOTHING of substance, just a bunch of drizzling days that force me to watch conan o'brian episodes from the christmas season.

at least i was able to make a lot of pretty things to sell in the past two days. man, i'm busting out the skirts now. so, please buy the ones that i say you can buy.

you are tempted to buy these. now. )

we leave for disneyworld tonight! i'm so excited. i haven't started packing yet, but at least i've washed all of my clothes. packing is so easy with me because there are certain things that i wear all the time (like my pants...only a few pairs are to my name so i make use of them wisely.) so basically i just grab all of my pants, put on some shoes and take another pair in case of wetness, and raid my "shirts i like" drawer. if you've ever been to my house, you would have noticed that i have post-it notes on my drawers labeling them, like "un-DEEZ!" and "shirts that i like more than normal." sadly, the drawers being wicker means that things don't stick to them very easily, so i continually have to re-post those blasted post-its. a lot of "st" noise in that last sentence. but who cares, because WE'RE ON SPRING BREAK!

and now, a message to all the adoring fans from the posse on the trip (emily, eliza, AMALIAAAAA, and lindsey as a replacement)--

22 break dances |♥| bust a move

so i can keep track of the visions in my eyes [13 Apr 2004|03:47pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | corey hart///sunglasses at night ]

oh man! i watched "i love the 80's" for the first time today for more than five minutes, and it was cooool. i don't really remember much of the eighties besides short little segments of memories, being born in '86 and all. while upstairs in the attic looking for purple shirts for an 80's-inspired skirt waistband, i found a box of photos that WEREN'T used in the photo album my ex-stepmother made of me and kept. so although all of the best pictures when i was young are at the queen's house, never to be returned (i bet..), i did strike gold on some pictures, like my first trip to disneyworld. i think i was about..three or four.

i'm a big kid now! )

besides watching "i love the 80's" today on the telly, i made four more skirts to sell. i might keep one for myself because i've become attached to everything i've made, but i still want to make money. look for those tomorrow before we bounce outta durham for disneyworld!! woo-hoo.

17 break dances |♥| bust a move

you can all just kiss off into the air [12 Apr 2004|05:39pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | buffy the vampire slayer in the next room- halloween episode ]

SO, i just got a phonecall from the university of miami. not the standard dean of admissions or somebody who works in their office, but a senior there. here's how the conversation started:

her: hello, is this is sieber residence?
me: yes, is is (worried..telemarketer thoughts crossed my mind, although she said my last name right.)
her: does this happen to be amalia?
me: yep, that's me!
her: well hi. my name is toni somethingorother and i'm a senior in vocal performance at miami, and i was just calling to see if you were planning on coming here next year, with your acceptance.
me: yeah, right now miami is tied with cincinnati for art...wait, did you say your name is toni?
her: yes...
me: and you're a senior and an alto?
her: haha, yes..
me: whoa! i think you stood next to me at the audioner's sit-in of the university chorale!
her: oh yeah?
me: yeah! and you introduced me to the director and told him i was a great site-reader and that "we needed girls like you in chorale!"
her: wait, do you have blonde hair and bangs?
me: yes i do!
her: oh, i know who you are, you had a great voice! this is weird, i've never talked to someone i KNEW before on these question-and-answer phone calls. haha.

and the conversation continued as it was supposed to. but it was cool that this random phone call turned out to be from someone that i met and liked, as opposed to another miami student..like becky johnson. it would have been cool if dexter had been the one to call, but they are supposed to call within voice parts. plus, he's not a senior.

so today i went to costco with amanda and brian (so they could use my dad's card, is that all i'm good for?), and then to thriftworld by myself. drew/brian have been looking for a pink suit for the great gatsby, and brian declined on coming with me to thriftworld-- but when i got there, there it was. the searched-for pink suit. too bad i only had $10 with me or i would have bought it for them...instead i bought two shirts (a blank teal one and a blackbeard's ghost one), a brown polkadotted dress with an awesome belt to match, and a green polkadotted tea-length skirt. which i made into an above-the-knee skirt a few hours ago.

speaking of recreations of clothing, i've already made over $50 on my [info]trashygirls post from yesterday, although i was hoping for more. even though for the amount of things i've sold, i've made a lot. and i've decided to post the clothes on this journal post to offer to anyone that i actually know/like first, since i think that's more fair. even if no one wants anything, they can at least admire. i'll probably have a bunch of stuff up on trashygirls NEXT monday; that is, after disneyworld. radROCK.

post script: i wish today was a thunderstorm instead of ugly drizzle. i hate driving in the rain and getting rain that bounces off of big SUVs and 18-wheelers all over my windshield. it could be barely raining outside and it will seem like it's pouring from all the backfire i get on my car. wenches.

18 break dances |♥| bust a move

buzz buzz is started!! [11 Apr 2004|09:01pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | b jive talkin' ]

hop on over to the [info]trashygirls community if you want to buy anything i'm selling. or go straight to it : http://www.livejournal.com/community/trashygirls/283361.html. YEAH. not that great of things i have at the moment, but i'm just doing some spring cleaning. it was becoming so that i couldn't shut some of my drawers because i had so many shirts in them.

ame left today, but before she went back to nashville i started her on her way to the art of making t-shirts look cool. she made a really awesome michaelangelo (tmnt) stencil of COMBAT COLDCUTS last night under my supervision and guidance. i've now watched orange county and the breakfast club three consecutive days in a row with different audiences. i've also hung out with brian three days in a row, which NEVER happens. also, he's sitting right behind me after taking a bunch of random photos while i prepared myself for my trashygirls post.

and uh...i don't have a bedtime! or a wakeup time! because it is spring break for another week. also, alias is about to be on. love love.

38 break dances |♥| bust a move

"sometimes i think people confuse being busy with actually getting anything done." [09 Apr 2004|02:08pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | no doubt///let's get back (first album!) ]

okay so..this week has all been building up to RIGHT NOW, this moment. everyone anticipates the coming of spring break, and finally it is here. what am i to do with myself? first, tell about my day yesterday.

yesterday in spanish we had the choice of taking our "know 170 verbs" test or watching spellbound. the thing is, if you get an A on the test, you have a guaranteed A in the class for the rest of the year and you dont have to do anything else. meaning, you can miss 12 to get an A. but since i only know..around 120 of them now, i was one of the many who decided to watch the spelling bee documentary. only two people actually took the test yesterday, and one of them got a B so she has to retake the test when we get back, suckaaaa. also, shes pretty annoying and has bug eyes, so it's almost like she deserved it.

so anyways, spellbound was pretty boring for the most part, it interviews kids and their families and shows some of their daily rituals. "we did 4,000 words today and you only spelled one of them wrong!" 14-yea-old kids with work ethics. but that's not the point of this story. one of the last kids we watched was the epitome of comedy gold. i think he had some serious ADD, because he couldn't stop jumping aroun dhis room during the interview and making really weird faces, all the while talking a mile a minute. at the end of his interview, he's making this mechanical voice with whirrs and squeals (wtf?) and finally asks (in the same voice), "do i sound like a musical robot?" it was HILARIOUS. earlier he had asked if the fuzzy mic they use in interviews was edible. this is what he looks like.

sorry about the pixelated-ness. but he rocks.

alli with an i show and MORE!! )

wow. i wrote an enormous amount on just spellbound and the show last night. wooo! free buttons!

oh yeah. i'm out of batboy, thanks to duke's president [nan keohane] and the farewell concert to her that only a few of the COOLEST(best) chorale members were asked to do. i thank the lord every day for being able to sing in schools, and for huge projects with famous people like this that get me out of other, more crappy things. i give a sigh of relief.

29 break dances |♥| bust a move

if my soul has a shape, well, it is an ellipse. and this slap is a gift, because your cheeks have lo [07 Apr 2004|10:10pm]
[ mood | nostalgic (is this the theme m ]
[ music | beck///diamond dogs ]

guys. the brewery in raleigh [hillsborough st.] is CLOSING.

the memories. it was the second place i ever saw micah's hat..i remember that night very well. jenna wanted to go see half of a midsummer night's dream at school, while ame and i hung out at millenium music. and then on our way there, we got lost..or something..so we ended up being even LATER. and got to the brewery in time to see the boys' last two songs, i think. then we saw that horrible ska-metal band, "the riverbottom nightmare band." thank god they broke up.

a moment of tears.

anyways, read the article on the cover of this week's the independent, or read it here: http://indyweek.com/durham/current/cover.html.. sad, sad, sad.

11 break dances |♥| bust a move

i'm so exciiited, i just can't hiiiide it. [07 Apr 2004|05:07pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

today i did a strange thing- i checked the mail when i got home. usually it wouldn't come until..after 6, but today it was early early.

and what kind of package did i receive? )

and i know that today i sound like such a retard. more than usual, i suppose. but i'm just so full of LIFE right now. praise with me, guys.

24 break dances |♥| bust a move

i wish you could put pictures in the subject line. [06 Apr 2004|09:40pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | the velvet teen///radiapathy ]

okay, so..here's the latest college update.

schools i've crossed off my list:
- james madison -
- carnegie mellon -
- shenandoah -

schools stuck in the middle:
? unc greensboro ?
? u. miami ?

schools i've gotten money from:
+ u. cincinnati : $7,000 a year out of $21,000 = $14,000 +
+ ithaca: $13,000 a year out of $35,000 = $22,000 +
*sadly, i auditioned for them in the same weekend and was grossly sick for both, and obviously they didn't want me in their voice programs. but my art interviews both went well, and i got scholarships for it.

alright. so although i'm getting more money to go to ithaca and they were my first choice, their tuition is higher, AND since i got into the same program at both cin city and ithaca, and cin's is better/cheaper, i can kind of rule out ithaca. cost-wise and program-wise, cincinnati is the better pick.

but then the question becomes, "what happened to my dream of vocal performance?" the two places that i got in for that haven't shown me any scholarship information, so i can't really rule out those yet. but miami is overpopularized/populated/commercialized, while unc-g is just...BORING. this means, not too great prospects as my other choices.

so...give your opinion on deez, please. even if you DESPISE me or envy me (syke) or something, give your input.

i started slaughterhouse-five today on the request of ms. mulvey. in the past two weeks, i've read brave new world, 1984, a handmaid's tale, and the no. 1 ladies' detective agency. but, i'm going to bed early tonight! oh'vwah.

24 break dances |♥| bust a move

[06 Apr 2004|12:29pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | kids singing that annoying maroon5 song ]

i hate the feeling of knowing that more than four people are secretly mad at you.

also, livejournal got unblocked at school. now that i've said this, they will most likely block it again.

i wish spring break would just come already...ugh. i'm so tired. and i can never fall asleep at night anymore, and then in the morning i cannot wake up. it's a vicious cycle that wants me to look even worse than usual. and when added to the fact that my stomach is being worse than usual and the feeling that multiple persons are secretly mad at you, it just sucks.

the good thing about today is when people from THE crowd, the elite crowd, get mad at me when i don't say hi back to them. it makes me feel good sometimes, that even though they may not like me (anymore? i don't know..), they have to grovel somewhat to make me talk to them. it seems to bring me up to their "level" of eliteness...and i know i sound really retarded, and will probably delete this when i get home, but it's how i've been feeling. it's also kinda hard to put this into words. i go go.

21 break dances |♥| bust a move

it'salongone! [05 Apr 2004|10:43pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | batboy: the musical ]

phew. the journak queue (what a strangely-spelled word..) is over, and i am le tired. (well then take a nap, and THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!)

friday was kah-razy. all of school was just bouncing around, waiting for the weekend, but i had to go and do yet ANOTHER makeup piano lesson. then, it was lunchtable movie night. we watched waiting for guffman [a mockumentary by the makers of spinal tap/best in show/drop dead gorgeous/etc.], moulin rouge [a trippy musical..smells like teen spirit? roxanne? like a virgin?], and zoolander [han-SUCKASS!], and it was all in great fun. besides eating waaay too much and staying up late..watching three movies consecutively is hard on the sleeping habits, it was the epitome of fun. and with newcomer freshman julie, it gave up a new spin. uh..that wording exactly.

on saturday i had another makeup voice lesson (do they never END?!?), hung out with brian, and then finished handley's skirt (see below) before going to pittsboro. we saw hilary in her musical "anything goes," where she played a really cool jazz singer with four "angels." she was awesome, hilary has such a great jazz voice that i never knew about while at governor's school because we only sang art/classical/experimental music, nothing pop-jazz-broadway, besides that french jazz. but away from the tangent. she was great, most of the other people in the play were not, i was glad to see hilary and alli and handley once again, if not for long. hearts to youse guyes.

sunday i LOST SLEEP ASDFJKHFJDHRUH!! bah to daylight savings time. i went to creedmoor and went with brian, drew, noah, paul, amanda, and her mom to the flea market. i bought a gold chest, like the kind that people in the 1900's took on trains and to college. it's spectacular spectacular- what's not to like about a gold chest? i donated it to the great gatsby cast until the end of the show. drew found a really old ninja turtles comic that i am jealous of. we started to watch spiderman at amanda's house during dinner but did not get far, which is an enormous tragedy because i still haven't seen it. besides the first 20 minutes now. alas!

monday was a day full of not sleeping and wanting to. which i will go and do now...

some pic-tiaaahs )

oh yeah!! alli with an i show on thursday at go!room4. i'm so excited, i haven't seen them in a while. so, come as you are, as you were, as i wanted you to be. kurt kobain's death anniversary was today =/

24 break dances |♥| bust a move

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