Generic Girl's Porno Store Adventures [entries|friends|calendar]
Princess Generic Girl

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Moving Day [17 Apr 2004|09:45am]
Talk to y'all when we have internet again.
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Fucking hell [16 Apr 2004|11:17am]
My eyes are burning like a mutha fucker. I need to wait around till noon to hear about the uhaul, then drive to chapel hill then back to uhaul in raeford then home. I think I might go to bed early, I is very tired.
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8:30 am Uhaul [16 Apr 2004|09:05am]
I had a message on my machine that I need to call Uhaul about my rental last night. So I get up extra early this morning *8:27* and the guy I need to talk to won't be there till noon. Some nerve heh... I got up early for nothing.

My Ex-boss is talking shit about me like a scorned ex-boyfriend. For a man in his late 50's he sure acts like a 16 year old. He won't get off the whole truck business that another employee put in his head. See he owns a car business where he buys cars at auction, washes them, puts new tires on them and sells them for more at another auction. He has a box van, much like the ones you rent from uhaul and stuff. Well another employee of his said he should let me use it. I never brought it up once. He started in on me on the phone about it and I'm like fuck it, I'm moving, I all ready got a uhaul so I won't be here all this weekend. He said so that's it huh, just going to leave. I wasn't but at this point he was being a real prick so I said I guess so. I'm free now!!!

I'm also very fucking tired and cranky.
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Last Day [14 Apr 2004|01:54am]
Tomorrow is my last day at the porno store. I had a huge fight with my boss over the phone. He talked out of his ass and stuff. So fuck him. I don't need that bullshit.
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AHHHHHHHHHH [12 Apr 2004|02:14pm]
This packing thing, it's driving me nuts and I just don't want to do it. I wish it would all up and do itself. Damn it. *sigh*
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leaving it all behind [08 Apr 2004|01:31pm]
I'm so not wanting to pack right now. I'd rather be curled up on the couch with the remote eating ice cream bitching about my cramps. I really do need to do this tough, blech. I'm thinking I'll take hard to pack stuff up to Chapel Hill today. I don't feel like packing so that means I could throw some toys in the car and head off.

I also need to get stamps and send out bills. Pick up a table from Sam's club. put the chairs in the car and all that fun shit. *sigh* I'm off to take a shower, I've talked myself in to it. No more packing till JOsh gets here and helps.
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They came [07 Apr 2004|11:57am]

So ummm they came and said they like the place, I hope they take it. It would mean that I don't have to worry about lease problems and what have you. I'll be very happy to be out of this hole. Seriously. Let it be someone else's problem.
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My time doesn't mean anything... [07 Apr 2004|11:12am]
So I'm sitting around waiting for some fucking person to come look at the house. They were supposed to be here at 11 am. I got the fuck out of bed at 10 even though I didn't sleep until 3.

All I want to do is take a hot shower and do more packing but I can't because I'm waiting for these fucking idiots. Of course no one is going to call me or anything if they don't come. My time means nothing. Well FUCK THEM!

I'm going to go snuggle the babies and watch some tv. I have terrible cramps and the red tidal wave keeps crashing down. *BLECH*

Someone make me cookies NOW!
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I forgot to tell you the funny story... [01 Apr 2004|09:22pm]
So here I am at work. This guy comes in, nothing strange, men come into my store all day and night being it's an adult video store.

Anyway, he comes in with a coat on (to his knees) baseball cap, sunglasses and a beard. Well I didn't get a really good look at him when he came in. When he brought his 4 shemale videos to the counter I noticed something strange about the beard. It was fucking FAKE!!! He had some of the glue stuff they use and it was curling a bit. It was a really good one too like they use for movies and stuff.

He leaves with his 128 dollars and 86 cents worth of shemale porn gets in his car and whips off the beard confirming to me it was indeed fake. He hauls ass out of the parking lot and I turn to my co-worker who was a little stunned and said, that's an aweful lot of trouble to get shemale porn.
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My Dad... [01 Apr 2004|09:10pm]
I dunno what I'm going to do when this guy leaves me... He's sending me a check even though I told him not to to pay those assholes at the rental place for the next two months and tell them to fuck off. *sigh* This way I won't have to worry about any charges because of their bullshit. Fucking ass hats! I really do hope they fucking rot.
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[01 Apr 2004|06:29pm]


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Blech [31 Mar 2004|02:53pm]
There is so much I should be doing right now but I just can't get motivated. *sigh* I should be cleaning and getting stuff ready for the move but I don't want to. I want to take this time I have to myself and vegg. blech

Anyone want all my stuff? I'm ready to just chuck it all and start over.
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One more step [25 Mar 2004|08:26pm]
So the apartment is secured and Josh is heading up there Sunday so he can work monday. I'm ready for change. I'll be happy to be in a college town.
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Holy Shit [24 Mar 2004|11:55am]
It's Wednesday! Damn where is the time going? Today is my last day or having to get up to bring Josh to work and come back home to go back to bed!!!!

We are going to move into an apartment complex. Yes I know they suck I'd rather rent a house but in Chapel Hill things are very fucking expensive. Here in Raeford a 1200 square foot stand along house goes for 450-500 a month. In chapel hill a 1150 square foot apartment goes for 617-777 a month. It's one bedroom smaller than we have now but it has a dining room and a much larger living room. It's also on the first floor so no moving large pieces of furniture up a flight of stairs.

I guess I'll hear back today about if we get it or not then I have to go up there tomorrow and pay them and set up the electric and phone. FUN!!!
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Aggghhh you've got to be joking me... [22 Mar 2004|12:11pm]
It can't be a month already. It's just can't. I don't want cramps again so soon. Now I'm pissy and I hate everything. GRRRRRRRRRR.
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chucking it all [21 Mar 2004|05:47pm]
I'm getting rid of damned near all my stuff. I'm so fucking tired of lugging it around and I don't feel like spending the better part of a day unloading a uhaul. So to come very soon many many ebay auctions of wacky shit. =)
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Porno title of the day... [16 Mar 2004|02:34pm]
This Sausage Tastes Like Ass.

heh... oh yeah.
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zZZzzZZZZzzzZZzzZZzZzzzzZZZZzzZzZzzzZZZzzzZz [15 Mar 2004|02:44pm]
There is no way I'm going to be able to make it all the way through the night at work. I'm all ready yawning. GAAAAAH I'll be glad when this schedule is over and I can get some fucking rest.
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Leg Work [15 Mar 2004|08:39am]
This is the part I hate the most. The looking for a new place to live. I really really really fucking hate it. I also need to find a job up there so if anyone knows of any positions open let me know.

I'm not even worried about packing, I'm going to get rid of massive amounts of our stuff including our Simpson collection. I'm just tired of lugging all this crap around with me. I realized when we moved here and I unpacked everything it didn't hold the importance it once did. I have no problem parting with 90% of my stuff.

Oh, did I mention I don't want to go to work tonight =)
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*SCREAMS!!!* [12 Mar 2004|07:01pm]

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