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Nov. 13th, 2004


11:55 pm - I Saw Three Ships

[info]3_ships is a multi-fandom Threesomes Secret Santa. Signups are open now and close November 25. Assignments go out November 26. Stories are due January 2. Stories will be posted January 6. Authors will be revealed January 15. There is a more detailed introduction in the livejournal.
x-posted to [info]witchqueen, [info]challengecenter, [info]challengefinder, [info]pop_challenges

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Oct. 12th, 2004


11:23 pm - HP: Femmeslash Fanathon

There’s certainly no lack of fan work in the Harry Potter fandom. Slash, het (or both), gen, it’s all available in rather massive quantities, with the exception – like in so many fandoms – of femmeslash. I won’t say there’s nary a piece out there (that’s of course simply not true), but the fact of the matter is that there’s not enough. The amount of femmeslash pales in comparison to the piles of ‘regular’ slash, het and gen, wouldn’t you say?

The dearth of femmeslash must be remedied, my friends, my fellow girlslashers, because there’s simply not enough of it out there. The [info]sapphic_hp Femmeslash Fanathon has been created for that very purpose – to give the Harry Potter fandom its well-deserved share of femmeslash. Hopefully, both writers and artists will find themselves interested and sign up!

Signups are conducted at the community: join the community and leave a post in the format specified here. The signup opens October 13 and closes November 13, so you have a month to sign up. Questions can be directed to the FAQ, and I’d like to ask if there are designers interested in helping us out to check this post out.

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Sep. 20th, 2004


03:08 am - The Despoliation Challenge

Brand-new Harry Potter chan comm [info]hp_despoiled announces it's first:

The Despoliation Challenge.

Write or draw the despoliation of your favorite HP character under 16 years of age. This challenge is intentionally vague -- we want a wide range of ideas expressed in fic and art for our inaugural challenge. Use definitions you feel comfortable with. Write slash or het. Use any pairing or group you wish. Put them in the situation you want to see them in.

There is no length limit.

There is no form or media limit.

Prose, poetry, ink and watercolor, pencil, crayon, clay, marble, anything.

There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit for this challenge.

Challenge deadline is October 20, 2004.

You must be a member of [info]hp_despoiled to join this challenge. For more information, please read the Community UserInfo.

Current Mood: challenging
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Jul. 20th, 2004


09:21 pm - Under The Influence Challenge

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] "window">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Announcing the Under the Influence Multi-fandom Challenge

Click here to sign up:

<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="" ><img src=""></a></div>

Write a 500 or more word fic about a character who during the course of an episode falls under the influence of something, whether it be: magic, mind-altering drugs, kryptonite, alien technology, spells, a vampire's thrall (think Dru) , etc., etc. Write from a different POV, take it AU, whatever you want. Any and all fandoms are welcome as long as the episode they select meets the criteria. All ratings and pairings (if it's shippy) accepted, het, slash, gen from G to NC-17.

<a target "window" href=""> Fandoms & Episode Listings </a>

LJ Name:

If I've missed any episodes, please leave a comment and I'll add them as soon as possible.

Sign-ups begin now and end on August 9th
All stories are due on September 15th

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09:19 pm - Moving On Challenge

Click on the button to sign up:

The Moving On Challenge

In 1,000 words or more explore the ending of one relationship, obsession, flirtation or crush and the beginning of another. Why didn't it work? Where did it go wrong? What made the difference with the new lover/crush/flirtation?

There is a catch.

Here's how it works:
You pick the character moving on and the character he/she settles with in the end, but the old love/crush is the organizer's choice. Keep in mind that it can be any character from the Angel/Buffy verse, although plausibility/character interaction will be taken into consideration.

Template --

Name/LJ Name:
Character #1:
Character #2:
Restrictions(1): What character can you not write?

Sign-ups begin now and end on August 9th, 2004
Character #3 will be sent via email on August 10th, 2004
Stories are due on September 15th, 2004

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Jun. 14th, 2004


05:43 pm

Mickey Mouse is 75 this year, so in celebration, may I present:

Mickey Ficy Challenge

The Challenge:

Write something featuring the ol' Mickster- Mickey/Minnie fics, anime crossovers, The Scooby Gang waxing rhapsodic over Mickey's cuddliness, Blair Sandburg and Daniel Jackson debating the cultural significance of everyone's favorite rodent, Mickey/Donald slash, anything.

Post a link here by July 31, 2004.

All fandoms, genres, ratings and persuasions welcome.

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Jun. 11th, 2004


03:45 pm - Announcing...

The 101 Night Multi-fandom Porn Challenge. All fandoms, all pairings welcome.

What is it: Idea inspired by a book entitled 101 Nights Of Great Sex. A hundred and one nights of multi-fandom smut written/inspired to/by scenarios that will be sent via email to participants.

Sign-ups: From now until July 5, 2004
Assignments sent out: July 7
Assignments due: Beginning August 15 and on

How it works:
1. Sign up by using this format in a comment. (sign ups begin now and end July 5th)

LJ name:
Restrictions (things you won't write; maximum of 2)
Time Block (Pick 2 just in case)

Time Blocks-- (Be aware that you can be assigned any day within that block)

#1 August 15- August 29
#2 August 30-September13
#3 September 14- September 28
#4 September 29-October 13
#5 October 14-October28
#6 October 29-November 12
#7 November 13- November 27
#8 November 28-December 1

Word limits
Minumum: 1000 words
Max- Writer's choice

2. On July 7th, emails will be sent out with your assignment (scenario & due date). Pairing is entirely up to you as long as it's from the fandom you chose in the initial sign up.

3. A smutty story or two (depending on number of participants) will be posted to the community every day beginning August 15th and ending on December 1st, 2004.

Sign up here.

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Jun. 8th, 2004


11:07 am - Old Skool Ficathon Final Masterlist

And that's all she wrote, folks. All stories for the Old Skool Ficathon are in, and everyone ended up getting a story. Thank you to everyone who participated, especially my backup writers (I quite literally couldn't have pulled this off without you) and those who got their stories in by the deadline. I hope you enjoyed this ficathon!

Current Mood: [mood icon] chipper
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Jun. 2nd, 2004


10:29 pm - Harry Potter fans...

May I present the Brushstrokes and Broomsticks Ficathon!


The goal of this Ficathon is to write or draw a piece of Harry Potter fanfiction/fanart in response to a fine art piece. This can come in a variety of manners. Participants may choose to use a subject matter from the painting, a theme, a character, an allusion to the painting and/or artist: whatever they deem fit.

The Ficathon sign up runs from June 1-15. After June 15 the moderator will randomly draw art pieces from a hat and distribute it to the participants. Participants will recieve their designated art piece by no later than June 30. Most likely, it will be within 7 days (June 21).

All ratings are accepted, G to NC17.

All pairings are accepted, slash, het, femmeslash. Gen is also welcome.

Squicks are welcome.

If anyone's interested, go here to sign up!

Current Mood: [mood icon] jubilant
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Jun. 1st, 2004


01:21 am - The JC Slashficathon


The JC Slash Ficathon!

What is it:

A flashficathon. A story of a minimum 1000 words, designed as a challenge to increase the amount of fic surrounding a particular character, pairing, or idea. You give your pairing, and then write one for another person. This one is for JC month; you can't tell me you don't want to the slash the boy. He's sex on legs, as it were. Stories are posted in your livejournal (or can be hosted if you don't have a livejournal) on the due day, and a master list will be created in my journal. Intra-sync, no crossovers.

Sign-ups: June 1-10
Assignments sent out: June 10 (ish)
Assignments due: June 30

We all do 'em three days before they're due anyway.

What you need to do:
Give me your...

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Livejournal:
4. Pairing/No Pairing:
5. Two things you want:
6. One thing you don't want:
7. Can you be a back-up writer? commenting in this journal entry. Please, please, please pimp this out to your friends, neighbors, and countrywomen; a challenge is only as good as it's participants.

Current Mood: [mood icon] amused
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May. 25th, 2004


10:24 pm - Smallville Swing Challenge

The Smallville Swing Challenge Archive is now up.

The basic idea of the challenge is simple. You pick one character (any fandom) for half your pairing, I provide you with two randomly picked Smallville characters for you to chose from for the other half of your pairing, and you write a story or make art based on that pair. Slash, het or gen are all welcome. Stories should be over 1000 words (roughly) and art includes manips, collages, wallpaper.... basically any digital art other than icons.

The closing date to sign up is Saturday 12th June 2004, I will be assigning pairings on Sunday 13th June 2004 and stories and art will be due on Saturday 14th August 2004.

Click here for details.

Current Mood: [mood icon] enthusiastic
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May. 23rd, 2004


09:04 am - new challenge: TEEN SHOW X-OVER

Announcing the Teen Summer Dance Party Challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story (minimum 1000 words) of a romance (at least a kiss and/or groping) between a teen from one of the 11 shows listed below and anyone else from another of the 11 shows listed below. Sign up for a specific pairing by June 9th, post your story in lj or at archive or on own site for unveiling July 28th.

Please go here or here for more details and to sign up.

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May. 21st, 2004


08:42 pm

There's a triple-drabble challenge running at the [info]snapish_smut community. Please feel free to join. This is a link to the challenge

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May. 5th, 2004


10:35 pm - The OC

OC challenge for Seth/Ryan, rules at the site above, due by June 5th.

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May. 3rd, 2004


05:30 am - Firefly: Simon Tam Ficathon

If there are any Firefly fans out there interested in a new ficathon, the Simon Tam Ficathon has just opened its doors. Sign ups will run until the 15th of this month and assignments will go out on the 20th. Those participating will have until the end of June to complete their fic assignments.

Please come check it out and sign up! The more the merrier, after all! :)

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: None
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May. 1st, 2004


06:28 pm - Family Ficaton (x-posted several places)

I love to read about boys and girls in love. But I also love to read about the relationships outside of the big gay romance. So, let's write some stories about Clark and his mom, or the quasi-paternal relationship between Harry and Sirius, or the quasi-sibling relationship between the various Robins.some rules and specifics )
3) 500 words, minimum.
4) If you pick a small fandom, either recruit friends in that fandom or pick a backup character in a larger fandom.
5) If you find you can't write your story, let me know as soon as you figure that out.

Sign ups close: May 16
Assignments out: May 22
Stories due: July 24
Stories posted: August 1

Please sign up and then add [info]z_challenge to your flist, since is how I will make general announcements. And please spread the word!

Current Mood: [mood icon] cold

05:28 pm - Lance Slashficathon


The Lance Slash Ficathon!

What is it:

A flashficathon. A story of a minimum 1000 words, designed as a challenge to increase the amount of fic surrounding a particular character, pairing, or idea. You give your pairing, and then write one for another person. This one is for Lance month; it seems to be a Thing. Stories are posted in your livejournal (or can be hosted if you don't have a livejournal) on the due day, and a master list will be created in my journal. The pairings this time covers intra-Sync + Jess(i)e, as it's near enough to canon and people seem to enjoy it.

Sign-ups: May 1-10
Assignments sent out: May 10
Assignments due: May 30

We all do 'em three days before they're due anyway.

What you need to do:
Give me your...

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Livejournal:
4. Pairing/No Pairing:
5. Two things you want:
6. One thing you don't want:
7. Can you be a back-up writer? commenting in this journal entry. Please, please, please pimp this out to your friends, neighbors, and countrywomen; a challenge is only as good as it's participants.

Current Mood: [mood icon] jubilant
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Apr. 18th, 2004


10:42 pm - CHALLENGE: HP Hydrosmut Challenge

In celebration of the impending hot weather, I offer for your compositional delectation The HP Hydrosmut* Challenge! Yes, that's right! All slash, all wet!

You have until May 31st to get your guys naked and dripping! Plunge then in the pond! Send them to San Trope on a cold winter's day! Set them swimming with the Giant Squid! Shoo them into the shower on a steamy summer night! Wade them in that water!

For complete rules, and to enter the HP Hydrosmut Challenge, go here! I hope to see you there!

Current Mood: [mood icon] challenging!
Current Music: The Air Conditioner
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Apr. 11th, 2004


10:10 pm

The deadline for my Christina Aguilera Stripped Pop Girlslash Challenge has been extended to June 4 - so this should give people extra time to complete their stories!

To everyone else, it's not too late to claim a song! The more songs claimed, the better. There needs to be more Christina slash online! So if you're interested in writing a Christina popslash story, pairing her with any other pop female (Britney, Pink, Kelly Osbourne, etc.), check out the challenge here:

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Apr. 5th, 2004


09:31 pm - Charlieficathon.

Sign up here for the Charlie Young (The West Wing) ficathon!

(Sign-ups end: April 15; Story deadline: May 16.)

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