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Below is information about the "No Sense Of Sin [Contests]" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:_nsos (1385344) _nsos
No Sense Of Sin
Name:No Sense Of Sin [Contests]
Website:No Sense Of Sin

The official contest community for the No Sense Of Sin website.

Here we deal with the CONTESTS ONLY.

No posting to ask random Q's or anything. Post your entries for the contest only.
[Any Q's about the contests can be directed HERE].

You can go to [info]nsosfaq to ask questions or make suggestions about the site [if you don't have a LJ don't fret - leave a comment to ask your Q because anonymous people can post comments!], don't harrass me here or by email [because I probably won't know the answer!] and don't harrass Taz on her LJ because we have a community for it now!

Contests will run once every two months [PLENTY of time to get writing, so no excuses! I'm told I'm an excellent muse, so, you know... I'm always around :)] and will have a theme. The theme won't be too complicated, it's just a starting point. The more original you are with the idea the better it is - do you really enjoy reading fics that all sound the same? Didn't think so.

The current month's contest can be found HERE

The contests are judged by:
  • Carissa - [info]obsdianslasher
  • Ashlee - [info]slvrchrsuicide
    [There's more than one judge for fairness' sake. That's fair, right?]

    When you post, include the title, rating, pairing [if necessary], and a summary. Any LATE posts will be excluded from the contest - rules is rules my friends!



    Author Name: || Score:
    xxx_wolverine_xxx || 35
    Lestat_Manson || 35
    NotPerfectKid || 33.5
    E*A || 30.5
    _oneeightseven || 30
    Syd || 19.5
    PoisonedRomance || 19
    Kyles_Bitch69 || 18
    MyOwnDisaster || 16.5
    SilverShadows || 16.5
    xcupcakecomax || 16.5
    ThexCatsxMiaow || 15.5
    suicidal_dream_ || 14
    Jessica || 13.5

    Community created and maintained by [info]emapril_showers [Yes I'm doing it again!]and [info]_noisenkisses_
    Bug us about NSOS on our LJ and DIE!
    *Evil laughter*
    [More likely we'll just ignore you].

  • Interests:14: challenges, contests, fanfic, fanfiction, fic, interpretation, no sense of sin, nsos, originality, punk slash, slash, slash fanfiction, slash fiction, themes. [Modify yours]
    Members:59: _everso_sweet_, _noisenkisses_, _oneeightseven, benjis_finest, bjosie182, blackdefinesme, cashdogg827, charles_atlas, childishgrin, dead_valintine, deepwatersxx, distantxsun, dragons_shadow, em_april, emapril_showers, emotionxsiqness, evenstarsdie, fairbankae, fallmourning97, finchyx, foreveryours311, hentai_m, i_envy_the_dead, imfallingdeep, inpurity, jeannieblue, jindral, joeleatsmexpock, jxmotivatemexb, kaomichan, kidvicious35, kyles_bitch69, lestat_manson, littlewitch34, losingmymind_, mareepa, notperfectkid, obsidianslasher, oddorable, poisonedromance, regular_problem, rilee16, savannahlee, screamerdreamer, sidnihoudini, skibaisgod97, slvrchrsuicide, sugar_fix, suicidal_dream_, theloseranthem, thestarsaregone, thexcatsxmiaow, totally_loca, trackies, trail_0f_tears, wats_the_dillio, x_wolverine_x, xcupcakecomax, xhailtothethief
    Watched by:45: _everso_sweet_, bjosie182, cashdogg827, charles_atlas, dead_valintine, deepwatersxx, distantxsun, dizzyskitzo, dragons_shadow, emotionxsiqness, evenstarsdie, fallmourning97, finchyx, foreveryours311, hentai_m, imfallingdeep, jeannieblue, jindral, joeleatsmexpock, jxmotivatemexb, kaomichan, kidvicious35, kyles_bitch69, littlewitch34, losingmymind_, mareepa, notperfectkid, obsidianslasher, oddorable, poisonedromance, regular_problem, savannahlee, screamerdreamer, sidnihoudini, skibaisgod97, slvrchrsuicide, stillsway, theloseranthem, totally_loca, trackies, trail_0f_tears, x_wolverine_x, xcupcakecomax, xfalldown, xhailtothethief
    Account type:Free Account

    (more details...)

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