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Below is information about the "Doctor Who One Hundred" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:dw100 (1307957) dw100
Doctor Who One Hundred
A drabble challenge community.
Website:The Teaspoon Archive - Archive your drabbles here!
About:Welcome to [info]dw100, the weekly Doctor Who drabble challenge. A drabble is a story 100 words long. (See fellow drabble communities [info]hh100, [info]hp100, [info]sunday100, and so on.

Check out our companion communities [info]dwfiction (a community for all Doctor Who fan fiction) and [info]whofic (Teaspoon news, support, and featured stories). Please consider archiving your drabble on A Teaspoon And An Open Mind.

How it works:

One challenge will be posted every week or so. Write up a drabble in response and post it. It's that easy! If you have a drabble unrelated to the challenge, you may post it here as well.

Drabble requirements:

1. Your drabble must feature characters from Doctor Who or its offshoots.

2. Each challenge consists of a theme to write your drabble around. You must respect that theme, in whatever way you want. Thinking outside the box is, of course, encouraged.

3. Your story must be no longer than 100 words.

4. Each entry should be a new post in the community (not in the comments section). Please make sure you include a title, rating and pairing (if any) for each of your drabbles. You can put that information in the subject line.

5. Any rating is welcome and any pairing: het, slash, gen. Please put entries with anything graphic (language or sexual) behind a cut, for the more sensitive among us.

Questions or suggestions?

Send any all inquiries and comments to [info]versaphile.
Memories:113 entries
Interests:10: 100, 100 words, challenges, doctor who, drabbles, fan fiction, fanfic, gen, het, slash. [Modify yours]
Members:39: abates, anothersuperboy, antiwesley, applecameron, carmen_lj, cruelest_month, cyloran, drox, euryale000, fearofthedark, fharraige, gordon_r_d, indefatigable42, jenavira, jpprime, maboo, megthelegend, merripestin, mireille719, mpoetess, nerdcakes, nocturnias, nostalgia_lj, orimornie, pamdram, prettybird, rach74, samantha2074, severa, syrenssong, tangentier, thirdauton, truffled, versaphile, warinbabylon, willshenillshe, wishfulaces, withinuwithoutu, y2jai
Watched by:43: abates, anothersuperboy, antiwesley, carmen_lj, casapazzo, cyloran, davidh_aus, drox, euryale000, fengriffen, fharraige, gordon_r_d, indefatigable42, jenavira, jpprime, maboo, megthelegend, merripestin, mireille719, mpoetess, nerdcakes, nexstarman, nocturnias, nostalgia_lj, orimornie, pamdram, prettybird, rach74, roxy641, samantha2074, severa, syrenssong, tangentier, tenebraeli, thirdauton, travlr1, truffled, versaphile, warinbabylon, willshenillshe, wishfulaces, withinuwithoutu, y2jai
Account type:Free Account

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