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please, let it go quickly [15 Mar 2004|11:15pm]
[ mood | too awake ]
[ music | Ancient Voices - Stabat iuxta Christ Grucem ]

yeah, trust me, i think i'm the only one who could give herself a quasi-anxiety attack by simply thinking about the upcoming warmer months. i'm deathly afraid of spring and summer. i consider the days warming and lengthening, and my mind fills with sheer terror. i can't stand summer. Especially now, because the nighttime simply cannot approach with a speed great enough for my eternally-exhausted body. Most days i do not want anything more than the dawn, the dusk, and the dead of night. The light is too difficult to process, but what does it matter anyway? i am locked within a fluorescent building during the day. Yet, when i emerge from that concrete coffin, i want it black outside, i want clear skies with the sheerest paring of cloud, and i want it quiet. i want to be with him, or i want to be alone. Additional complications seem so impossible, so unbearable, and yet they are there, and somehow we muddle through it all, so that we can collapse on the bed, or the floor, or even sliding slowly to the ground in a private chamber of the library, as long as it's a secret, as long as it is between God and me.

i know that most of this means nothing, and the parts that are significant only prove how ungrateful i am, how selfish, and how much i have yet to learn. i cannot bear heat in this city of metal and asphalt; it is unnatural, made overintense by means of mirrors and electric shock. i wonder if i could handle a summer in Africa, a glare as unbridled as the country: purpling sky collapsing at night to a rich, toothsome darkness so unlike the smooth planes and piercing stars i seek in this city. Will i ever stop reaching out for space beyond the horizon? Will i ever learn to be satisfied, and is that really a necessity in this feral world?

i am grateful, Lord, but i do still stand in darkness and connect the stars. i still remember a pre-adolescent self sprawled upon grass, gazing up at the stars and divining a reflection in the shimmering smoky darkness. i still run in grey skies and rain-streaked visions, and a music still flickers blue in my veins, confessing my identity to a whitenoise world. i ask, can't You be here, and set me free from this contradiction? and yet, i know that You are here, were always here, spinning effervescent around my heart and wafting in the air, tantalizing my fingers. But i am reminded, each moment, that a memory is all i can hold right now, that i must be in this state of constant frustration and ever-present longing until the end of time.

but i am still grateful, and i caress the infinity You have set within my heart as if it were another clavicle or vertebra forming this meager outline. i grab hold and pull myself tightly around the subtle arch, bending legs and arms and fingers in the hopes of merging with the fullness of Your vision [no text: the freedom of whitespace, all the colors bowing at once]. How i wish i could spend my days simply standing, watching, and waiting for a demise: the fall, the resurgence, and a loving hand, lifting me up, oh how gently He leads me home....

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closing my eyes [08 Mar 2004|03:09am]
[ mood | apprehensive ]

This weekend i went on a retreat with a lot of females from my church. i did not expect to enjoy it greatly (i am not a big fan of what our society has done to females, but there are many exceptional females who have impressed upon me that the exceptions to our cultural mold are truly beautiful and awe-inspiring women). While there were times i was uncomfortable and just wanted to go home or be alone, there were enjoyable moments too. i was really amazed at some of the stories that were told, and the intense faith even despite the cruellest trials. Robert wrote me letters to open each day i was away, and it was so good to look at his writing and hear his voice inside my head. i thought about a lot of things during our free time, which i did spend alone with my journal and Bible. i wrote for a time, but thought in pictures and music for a longer time, staring out at a forest of tinder, rows of hatchwork leading to an obscured horizon, a veiled infinity.

i still have many questions, but i have come to some amount of peace, as i realize that i cannot anticipate feeling placed in a stereotype or a neat and stifling box. i need to simply trust that if it happens, God will show me what steps to take, where He would like me to be. For i trust that He is the source of the utmost love, and that in His hands, my life will be purposeful.

i wonder why i am feeling suspended, misty tonight. Perhaps it is that winter being stolen from me once again, and i have written so few of my images into the whitespace. i will always long for the descent of the world into fire and ashes, and the white cold blankness that follows. i hope this summer passes quickly, except for August and that part of September which is at times claimed by the sunlight. i am going to miss those dark frigid mornings, the days streaked with grey, bare branches lofted high to cut gashes in the sky. The visions, the visions. i wish i knew why i am so attracted to what is commonly associated with death and condemnation. For me the unlife is rather the abstraction of life, and i find in it a gnomic and piercing beauty, such that there is intense meaning and rapture in the simple angle of the tree branch, in the last breaths before the pale and cataracted morning sun.

i pray, Lord, just let me survive the summer-- the heat, the garish colors, the loudness, the sticky air. Deliver me from beaches and unnecessary girlskin. Oh, please, just bring me through it and deposit me in a pile of autumn leaves, in a spiderweb of frost.

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[28 Feb 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | wistful suspension ]
[ music | internal ]

...oh, another one of these nights...

if those who care about me would not object so, i would go out walking. i have such a terrible urge to leave this place for awhile. i just want to feel that warmth again, and extract these splinters of history from my heart. i do not know why my optimism, my flood of dreams, can be stopped up so quickly upon returning to an internal chaos, an external chill. i am so tired of being tired, of this loathsome job, of this impossible family. i just want us to pick up and leave, even just for a few days.

are you the one?

it is not really about being lonely.

the one who will take me?

it is more about being accountable for these thoughts, the dark shadows that never seem to depart altogether. there is no certainty other than in the deepest faith, and sometimes i flounder in that as if i had not been born within it. so, as always, i will come out of the night intact, but for how long? sometimes, that is just what i want to know. when can i pull my all-nighter? when do i need to come through? my hands shake and the heart trip-trops along tonight, a Morse code valentine to that long-lost girl-as-ghost. thanks for nothing. yeah, well, thanks to you too. and in my mind, i know all of that [and this] is beyond absurd, especially considering current circumstances, but still something prattles on concerning the notion of preparation, of a future vague enough to require training in every aspect, from the academic to the social to the artistic and beyond.

furthermore, i do not feel qualified to discount this twitch of insanity, this drive to discipline, strengthen, limit, and educate. good values to teach the children, good values in principle. and yet, somehow even the good principles become matted and tangled inside my neurons. there is only one necessity in this life, and i have it. why do i seek to be purposeful, when i can't even handle mindless tasks? why can't i be grateful that i get to see him at all, that the Lord listens to my prayers, that i'm alive and you know, not unhappy? upon recognizing that i have specific flaws and therefore, a weakness for particular temptations, why can't i turn away, sufficiently warned?

yep, now it's time to stop acting crazy in public fora and go write elsewhere. i'm okay, it's just late and i'm tired and ... [insert text here]

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Over, under, and back through again [23 Feb 2004|10:28pm]
[ mood | escaping ]
[ music | Dave Matthews Band - Grey Street ]

i have listened too long, borne the blisters of an anger too deep-rooted to fix. The tentacles reach beyond the day of my birth, tethering the inertia of an entire family to some distant, vacuous moment in the past. My birth, and the condemnation it wrought, simply constituted the consequence of superficial union. In this way, i imagine myself as a free radical, a tiny destructive force echoing into the future. Each moment i listen, a piece of me falls away, lost to a blackness threatening to engulf all time. Each argument we have, i depart for tousled fields and grey skies—a special, secret spot—leaving only a shell [decoy] to fight the good fight. The important parts of us have retreated in order to preserve.

And so, when she lashes at me, calling me uncaring, inconsiderate, spiteful, immature... she does not miss the mark altogether. My heart is absent, and there is significant lag, operating from so far away. Even the guilt and the shame are out of reach, out of sight, for these may be turned against us. In this place, wholly detached, the essence of angela hugs knees to chest, and lowers her head into a square of perfect, pale sunlight. She recounts and recalls ancient dreams, rejuvenating visions. In this rifted place, she is beyond piercing pain, but immersed in an unreadable sadness: droplets skidding into the center. Eventually, the sun sets, the stars emerge, and she uncurls herself, lying back upon grey-green grass. Her eyes lovingly inspect the sky in a gaze beyond vision: she looks through the present as if it were fashioned of glass, and reaches out in faith to a future still dark and mysterious.

So when you touch me, Mother, you touch a mechanical thing, the form of a creature you took care to deaden and bury years ago. It is true; you do not know the girl who stands before you finally complete: she is new, filled with an ageless and unknowable light.

For they may have created me, in that superficial way, but i can feel His hands guarding my spirit, encompassing my mind and strengthening my heart. Meanwhile, on the surface, i sense the palpitations of a flawed muscle, the tremble in a fingertip. A dull fatigue spreads throughout my limbs, reminding me of the weakness in this world, but i am light, all light, in the very core. i cede the battle in order to win this greater war: i concentrate where it is essential, and entrust the rest to a great Complexity. Yet, each detachment inflames a familiar earnestness in that rifted place, an tugging desire to remain in a place of waiting, of perfect and uncluttered faith in what is truly important. The battles rage on, some with me, some without me, and i am utterly tired of living only to fight. i am tired of hiding, of harboring words and thoughts, of keeping dark and quiet. My head pulsates, a dense, energy-charged star threatening to tear away not just this vulgar constellation, but an entire galaxy of dying flames. The effort of containing such an electricity is melting the circuits; i try to hide it, but it glows in the back of my eyes, searing the vision. And still, she blunders on, crying out for the extermination of a nonexistent self-image, an atrophied self-esteem. i am safe, in my loft, i am protected and full of faith. Yet, even in that space, sometimes it rains, streaming cold down my back. For this downpour, i am grateful, as it cloaks another watery glimmer, clouding twin pupils with a more universal ache.

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SCTV on DVD?! [13 Feb 2004|10:34am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Mel Tormé - 42nd Street ]

Robert, can we register for this?

The only sad part is that they are going to start with season four, cycle one... when i really want to see the episode from season four, cycle two. You know the one, right? A Russian satellite takes over the SCTV satellite and broadcasts typical Russian programming (3CP1, Moscow television).

Highlights of this episode include:

Today Is Moscow
Ivan and Valeri welcome new viewers in Melonville. Valeri has new shoes. Irena has the G.U.M. Report: the home dentistry drill. The minicam motor burns out.

Valeri Cometsky - Moranis; Ivan Mahailov - Thomas; Irina Zoyusha - Martin; workers, camera workers - extras

Anna comes up with a 28 letter word for dog, but loses on a technicality. The prize: qualifying for an earlier delivery date for a Russian automobile.

Host: Nikolas Harmelov - Moranis; Victor Kametsky - Levy; Anna Petrovich - O'Hara

What Fits Into Russia
Feliks puts Argentina, Australia and Texas into Russia.

Host: Feliks Dzerzninsky (Desninrinsky) - Thomas

PSA: Uzbecks
Beware of the ones who would undermine Mother Russia. "Mother Russia Cares."

Uzbecks - extras; Announcer - Russian staff announcer

Promo: Tibor's Tractor
Tibor's Tractor is actually Kruschev reincarnated.

Tibor - Moranis; Party members - Candy, Martin; Tractor - Moranis; Announcer - Thomas

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frozen lyrics [02 Feb 2004|07:30pm]
[ mood | in my head ]

maybe different but remember
winters warm where you and I
kissing whiskey by the fire
with the snow outside
and when the summer comes
in the river
swims at midnight
shiver cold
touch the bottom
you and I
with muddy toes

stay or leave
i want you not to go
but you should
it was good as good goes
stay or leave
i want you not to go
but you did

wake up naked drinking coffee
making plans to change the world
while the world is changing us
was good good love
you used to laugh under the covers
maybe not so often now
but the way I used to laugh with you
was loud and hard

stay or leave
i want you not to go
but you should
it was good as good goes
stay or leave
i want you not to go
but you did

so what to do
with the rest of the day's afternoon hey
isn't it strange how we change
everything we did
did I do all that I should

that I coulda done

remember we used to dance
and everyone wanted to be
you and me
i want to be too
what day is this
besides the day you left me
what day is this
besides the day you went

so what to do
with the rest of the day's afternoon hey
well isn't it strange how we change
everything we did
did i do all that i could

remember we used to dance
and everyone wanted to be you and me
i want to be too
what day is this
besides the day you went babe
what day is this

-- dave matthews band, stay or leave

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[29 Jan 2004|10:57am]
[ mood | strange ]
[ music | Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me (acoustic) ]

My eye seems really messed up this morning... except it just started to get weird.

It doesn't hurt or anything, but i have this strange shimmery half-circle in the right of my field of vision. It looks like the afteraffect of staring at the sun or a bright light too long... but i didn't look at any lights this morning, i don't think. It's not going away, though.

This wasn't happening 15 minutes ago... is this just some weird phenomenon of which i'm unaware? i'm just getting over some kind of throat infection, but i got a lot of sleep last night and even managed to eat something this morning.

Any ideas? i don't have time for web searching because i am at work.

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[22 Jan 2004|04:20pm]
i said i wouldn't do this again. i promised myself.

but now my tongue is red and raw from excessive candy consumption. i've done this with cherryheads & grapeheads, and with altoids tangerine sours & altoids citrus sours. i've kind of done it with sour patch kids, sour gummie peaches, and warheads sour rips. and let's not forget warheads liquid candy.

now i've done it with altoids apple sours too.

cripes, it hurts.
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chiseling [19 Jan 2004|01:03am]
[ mood | engaged ]
[ music | Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me ]

so much has happened in the past six months. i was asleep, awhile ago, but i awoke to darkness and the grey scattered noise in my head. And so, i crawl into the hiptop glow to thumb-type out what little i can, and to entrust the saga to an un-Netted computer, with the understanding that it, too, will eventually be brought into a transfiguring, international light. Due to the medium, the hour, and the ache from this weekend (multiplied by 13), i will likely be brief tonight.

On Christmas Eve, 2003, i accepted the proposal of Mr. Robert Scott Kinney, amidst much joy, chill, and grey clouds. For me, of course, this seemingly bleak setting was absolutely fitting, austerely beautiful and reminiscent of everything we have been through in the past six months.

The proposal was executed at Promentary Point, under the auspices of sunrise-gazing and a Christmas gift exchange. i was flummoxed as to why Robert had chosen to bring the largest, heaviest, and most breakable (he had mentioned getting packing peanuts in order to transport it safely) present to cart out to the point, but ever decorous, i did not express my incredulity until after the fact. We trekked out to the Point on this coldest of days, Robert hefting the gift and an ice scraper (to clear off a seat for us on the limestone by the lake). i was carrying the blanket kept in the car for cold girls, and some hand warmer packets purchased at a gas station (for this express purpose, nonetheless, though i had no knowledge of this). Okay, so it's like 17 degrees Fahrenhuit, but the wind is gusting up to 15-20 miles an hour (so i estimate) fairly regularly. It's cold and early and still very grey. We sit for awhile, blanket wrapped around my layered figure, trying to discern the sun behind filters of grey, and noting the beauty of our early-rising city-- the silver constellation that brought us into some poetic, divine cosmic congruence.

Then we commence opening the present. The hand warmers are invoked but are deemed ineffectual and worthless. The large box is unwrapped and cut open. The wind then blows a drift of packing peanuts into my face and the unsuspecting lake behind me. We grab at the ecological hazard, meanwhile looking furtively around to see if anyone is watching me litter the sacred Point. Inside the box is... another box. i still suspect nothing, thinking only that i must speed the opening, lest my hands become numb beyond functioning. Another box, another gust of styrofoam confetti, another futile grab. Oh well. Inside... another box. i begin to vaguely suspect something, but it really doesn't click yet. i open five boxes in total before arriving at a small pale blue box tied with ribbon.

"You know what's in here, right?"

i really can't speak. i remember nodding and watching the rose-tinted light haloing his dark hair and gentle eyes as he knelt in the snow and asked the Question. Without a shred of doubt, with years of friendship and months of the purest love i have known on earth, i assented in mind, heart, and Spirit. Then, i asked if we could please go somewhere warmer to try it on and be warm, because i could not feel my fingers.

So we carted boxes (which he had weighted with boxes of file clever, those hobbitses...) back to the car and headed to a nearby bakery. We shared our favorite tea (Earl Grey) as i opened the box and reread the poem placed inside. The ring, the simple elegance of a Tiffany-cut stone in the classic Tiffany setting, turned out to be a little too small for my massive knuckles. i wear it on a chain LOTR-style (but Sam, it's so heavy) until (i hope) this Saturday, when i will part with it, so that it may be resized.

For those who do not know, the past months have brought much strife within my family, due to my new relationship with Robert, my openness regarding my faith (i have not considered myself Catholic or mom's version of Catholic for years, really), and my decision to move out from home. There is much more to the story of how Robert & i ended up together, and how we have been tried so far in almost every respect. Our decision was not made in haste, but felt so intuitive & natural, after acknowledging a long-founded attraction & respect for each other. We have known each other seven years, and have been quite close ("best" friends, i would say) for five years. We have weathered tense times, the most delicate of situations, summers of no contact, the rediscovery of our friendship, break-ups, workplace disagreements, and many late nights & early mornings. We have talked education, faith, career objectives, and apathy. i have shot him in the head in Goldeneye, and i have apologized afterwards...sometimes.

All of this is to say that i love how long i have loved Robert with no reason to believe that a junior-year puppy crush would or should change our friendship (he was involved with another during that time, and i was unaware of any interest on his part). We courted in a very real sense during the summer, which was spent contemplating and seeking counsel regarding whether it was wise to risk our friendship in the tumultuous sea of state, er, i mean, romantic love. So there was much delicious tension and some frustration, but it all turned out to be worth it, as we learned so much more about each other and our respective interest in this prospect. We talked so much, almost every night, for hours, walking the greytone streets of our city, driving through golden skeins of highway, watching the Godfather and protecting our hands from each other, attempting to hide a magnetic tingle vibrating in threads of flesh and animate spirit. After we agreed mutually to pursue the relationship, both Robert & i spoke with my parents, starting things in the rightest of ways.

And since then? Bliss. Even during the toughest, most stressful times, when my parents rejected me in the worst of ways, when i felt compelled to treat them with love & gentleness regardless, when school & applications pulled me apart, and sickness affected us both. Love persisted, it has grown and continues to grow. The fun & serious conversations of friends, combined with the respect, love, and affection due my ideal companion and complement.

For all this, i exude joy and gratitude. In addition, i have never been so sure of the importance of our friends. Without their support (sometimes even in the face of my apparent rudeness, as i was so immersed in decisions and stress to talk much), we would not be as strong as we are, or as encouraged. So i thank those who love me, everywhere around the globe. i don't deserve my blessings; i can only hope to make my gratitude known and send warm kindness back magnified.

i look forward to celebrating this engagement, as well as whatever else providence has in store for Robert, myself, and those we know, with many of you in the future. A great thank you to the ends of the earth, and most of all, to the realm of the eternal...

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the news at 11:39 [17 Jan 2004|09:27pm]
[ music | sigur ros () [track 02] ]

maybe if i don't tell anyone
then nothing ever happens
and we can fade into a fleeting night
fog tripping at our heels, echoing us along
please, can't we live forever
in a breathprint on the pane
can't we find some sacred purity
in this wintering of days
where dead girls rise to die once more
stretched thin upon a glassy plain
black the sky and white her hands
clutching at each frigid moment
quick the breath and late the tongue
to cease the lifelong tradition
a moth, a flame, a memorable flare
sketch me in sepia, shattered
shutterclick my face in angles
just take me softly, dressed in white
winged and barely breathing
(but each wisp sharp and clear)
somewhere quiet, cold, and light
drifts under a gaping darkness
as i lie back, scattered in grey
and emulate the stars

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at work. again. [08 Jan 2004|03:26pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Radiohead - Karma Police ]

You know someone's hooked on you when the chair of the department says, "Don't worry about the deadline. No problem."

Now, if only it were a more palatable school. Don't get me wrong, this place is pretty great, but it's not tops in my field. i'm also interested in how much funding they'll give me, as i had to apply for an MA, instead of for the PhD.

So, yeah, i don't really have internet access at my new apartment. My modem doesn't work right now either. And i'm still translating (we're over 35-40 hours now) for that measly $50. Remind me to look at the "short, easy" Latin to translate before i agree to do it, please. Note to self: hourly rate.

more later, my boss is gesturing, like the crazy man he is. that is said with much love.

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well [10 Dec 2003|04:09pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me ]

These past two and a half months have contained some of the highest and lowest points of my life's sine curve. Someday, when i have time again, i will update in detail and post some more artistic writing. But right now my brain only functions in short bursts.

i graduate on Friday afternoon. Due to a stupid error, my name will not be listed on the program as receiving English honors, but i did in fact receive them (my transcript will prove this). The Classics Sting operative forgot to tell me that i also received Classics honors, but ostensibly i should be in the program for that. The diploma only shows the primary concentration & honors (which for me is Classics). i am going to miss school a lot too, and i'll be working like a dog so that i can have money when i get to graduate school.

i'm officially moving out from home. The verdict is causing me a significant amount of emotional turmoil, as i keep hoping that perhaps home will magically turn into a scene out of Woman's Day. Yet we know it will not, and so maybe this is the right choice. i will be coming home often to visit and let my parents know i love them, even as they hate and despise me the most for making this decision. Uh... so i'm officially moving out and i am probably going to be officially poor for doing so.

i feel pretty displaced, and alternately depressed/hopeful. i am hurting my parents and causing much strife in the family. i only hope that my long-term vision is accurate, and that time will heal the wounds i have caused.

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[08 Dec 2003|12:10pm]
[ mood | enh. ]

when i get upset, i get dressed up

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yesterday and everything before it [19 Nov 2003|12:51pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | um... a Veggie Tales song? ]

Well, yesterday, at about 1:30pm, i turned in my Classics BA, a 62 page work including 32 pages of critical edition and 30 pages comprising an introduction and analysis of the text. For those who do not know, my text was a 12th century encyclopaedic world chronicle. i studied both the entire work (over 200 pages) and a specific chapter (called the liber pauperum). My edition was only of the chapter, but that was long enough...

So, of course, i've been a wreck for at least a week. Some might say for longer than that. i would alternately work very hard, and then spend time picking apart what i had done. As of last Thursday, i had 17 pages of paper, and a very broken, unfinished edition. Except, at that point, i thought it was finished. i guess i just forgot about all the things i didn't do. i went to Neighborhood Group dinner, which was surprisingly enjoyable. i say "surprisingly," because i was afraid it would be scary-- we had two groups coming for dinner at the same time, so there were... what? 20-25 people in one house? Anyway, though, it felt... kind of like Christmas. In a good way. The right kind of fellowship, the right kind of family. We had very good butternut squash soup, and i think that was the last meal i had until last night's dinner.

Friday, there was an evil headache which made me skip work and class and special class (pssh, class, who cares anymore). i saw Robert at night, and that was good. i don't think i actually did much work though. i slept instead.

Saturday, i went to Ex Libris, helped Robert open the shop, and stayed there all day, working. My headache came back when i tried to take a nap on the couch, all curled up and feeling protected... When it came back, all the fear came back. i had a period of panic, but in me, that is manifested by shutting down. Luckily, i had someone to bring me up to the surface, and i love him, not only for that, for so many reasons. He has been loyal & caring for so many years, and for so little in return, for such a skitterish girl. It makes me blush.

Sunday, i worked in the morning, but hit a brick wall around 1:00. This was okay, because Robert was picking me up to return to the library, which we did. There was talking and the Office, and much in the way of rain (how do all of those books survive?, and the cushy library chairs... The dove-grey sky, sodden and heavy, the world clear and sharp, frozen before my eyes. i love days like that, but they are also dangerous, because it is tempting not to return from the grey. There is a comfort, a promise of whiteness, the great flash of eternity and Presence behind it all. i am best to be alone those days, to write it out, to be in the grey and emerge when i am ready. i am sorry when i inundate others with undesired grey...

Robert and i left for church, where Pastor Camera gave a wonderful sermon on Jonah 3. We then visited Robert's house to burn some music, and to prepare for the great marathon. i had a magical moment, being inside and outside of myself: dark feathers, soft black night, stilted moon. There would be more of this, as the air cools to winter and the sky breaks forth with fleeting crystals. i dream of warm places, dressed in shades of white, black, and grey, a winter-chrome dwelling place.

i worked Sunday night. Hard. i printed out scans of microfilm, typed some paper, and returned home to ... sleep for 1.5 hours. Then i got up (around 3:30am), and worked straight through the night into the morning. It was this night that i discovered the brash incompleteness of the edition. Instead of berating or panicking, i worked with a fathomless calm. i worked until 3:00pm, when i realized that everything wasn't going to be done that afternoon, as i had promised. i emailed everyone about it, got no obvious complaints, and laid down for two hours. No sleep, just vibrating cells and black spots in my vision. i got up and ate, like, three half-boxes of cherryheads, hoping to quell the faint feeling i was having. At this point i was so cold that i was wearing the following glamourous attire: Superman T-shirt, U of I sweatshirt, some pajama pants about 3 or 4 sizes too big for me, socks, peach-colored blanket over my shoulders, and a fuzzy black blanket.

Robert had brought me a "BA care package" including some really awesome tea, so i made that and thought about what i would do when it was over. i made some tea in a cup, then decided that wasn't enough, so i filled a bowl with water, heated it in the microwave, and stuck teabags in that. Fragrant... This reflection helped, as did the variety of music in my CD player. There is nothing like doing work to anime music, followed by depressing music, followed by irish rock, followed by Crash, Innocence Mission, Frou Frou, Haibane Renmei, dc Talk, Jars of Clay... You know you're working too much when "long" CD's pass in the blink of an eye. You hear the first track, and *boom* you're on the last one already.

i didn't get it done in time for Robert to pick me up and get to Kinko's before 11. So i took it with me to Kinko's, having printed out the edition already. After hearing it was $.20 a minute for the computer, i worked on my laptop until i needed the internet (should have brought the hiptop). Then i had "write errors" to my overused floppy. i think it was full. i was lucky-- i'd brought an extra. Stuck the paper on there. Then i paid out the nose for the computer. Robert arrived, back from his meeting, and helped me out by calling Kirk and having him look up some bibliographic information for me. i finished the sigla list and the bibliography. i printed it out, 29 pages times four, at .50 a page. Ouch. That is all i will say. i *felt* that credit card bill. Nice paper, though. But i forgot to have the computer collate it, so Robert had to do that...while i copied the edition four times.

i took it all to the counter, was told it would be an hour to have it bound. So i take two copies for the most immediate readers (my advisor & another professor), buy some binder clips, and put them in envelopes. The other two stay to be bound. Robert has class at 1:30, so we're cutting it close as it is. i drop the papers off, and run to the computer lab. Why? i have another paper due at 3:00, for a class i, uh, skipped last Friday. Just a little paper, though. i write it, and go to class from 3:00-4:30. Robert drives me to Kinko's to pick up the bound copies: coil binding is awesome! i want a job where i can patronize Kinko's all the time...

Robert and i run some errands, returning to his house with groceries. We cook dinner together, and i realize that i am, in fact, quite hungry. Then i am exhausted and my neck is cracking like no neck should ever crack. So we go to my place, where i sleep and Robert does his Hebrew. Now, here i am, not wanting to do anything.

Because i'm still tired, but i'm done, almost done. i finished the Job, and i think it is good. i am satisfied, even though the Job is not perfect. i attribute it to grace, naturally, as we all know my work ethic the past couple months has been awful, even though i have the best of intentions.

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living my life in lyrics... [12 Nov 2003|06:09pm]
[ mood | strangely sad ]
[ music | see entry ]

...until i have the time to say everything in the clearest way.

If you put your arms around me, could it change the way I feel.
I guess I let myself believe that the outside might just bleed it's way in.
Maybe stir the sleeping past lying under glass.
Waiting for the kiss that breaks this awful spell.
Pull me out of this lonely cell.

Close my eyes and hold my heart.
Cover me and make me something.
Change this something normal into something beautiful.

What I get from my reflection isn't what I thought I'd see.
Give me reason to believe you'd never keep me incomplete.
Will you untie this loss of mine, it easily defines me.
Do you see it on my face.
That all I can think about is how long I've been waiting to feel you move me.

Close my eyes and hold my heart.
Cover me and make me something.
Change this something normal into something beautiful...

And I'm still fighting for the world to break these chains.
And I still pray when I look in your eyes.
You stare right back down into something beautiful.

Close my eyes and hold my heart.
Cover me and make me something.
Change this something normal into something beautiful...

--Jars of Clay "Something Beautiful"

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i just don't know [10 Nov 2003|08:58pm]
[ mood | scared ]

because i'm ashamed )

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[08 Nov 2003|11:02pm]
[ mood | cut to the heart ]

once i'm "allowed" to write here again, i have so many images to spin into words.

thank You. i have never been in such awe.

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whiplash [07 Nov 2003|01:14pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | The Rembrandts - Chase the Clouds Away ]

i am at work, and my boss is getting some new stuff for me, so I am going to quickly update this.

Things just got worse. The paper has to be read and the two readers' recommendations must be turned into the Dean by the 21st. This means it must be done by the 18th.

This is not enough time. But it has to be enough time. i know my paper is an honors paper. i'm not trying to be arrogant. A lot of work has gone into it, and i think it has the potential, definitely, to be conferred honors. If i finish it, and finish it well. i have 30 pages of critical edition, all of which need to be aligned and typographically amended. Did i say that i'm using a maddening computer program to do this? One which no one else on campus knows except for me? Not even my advisor? Whine, whine, whine. i am writing a 25-40 page paper to accompany the edition. Basically, this paper must be finished, and all the quirks associated with the edition fixed, by next Friday. This is, by far, twice as important as the first BA i did last spring (for English).

So, my friends are taking over my responsibilities for the next couple weeks. Thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart, especially Robert, who has been stellar throughout my stress so far. Let the quarantine begin. i need a lot of prayer, grace, and understanding.

Goodbye, everyone. See you on the other side.

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facts, at work [06 Nov 2003|02:19pm]
[ music | The Mission Soundtrack ]

i had the best birthday yesterday. Better than any other birthday.

i now own an N64 and Goldeneye, courtesy of Robert. i also own a calendar of prints from a medieval choir book, courtesy of John. Both gifts are quite awesome, by my standards.

i just found out that if i want to be considered for honors, i have to finish my paper and have it read by my two readers by the 21st.

More about all of this later. Thank you to all of my friends.

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normally i don't do these [01 Nov 2003|12:37pm]
...but this one turned out to be exceptionally amusing...

procrastination & a Halloween meme )
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