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September 15, 2003 • 9:27 pm
:: subject: FRIENDS ONLY
:: mood: apathetic

"There was me, that is Alicia,
and my 104 droogs..."

Ok, so 104 droogs as of this day. As of this day, there are no more public posts. I've got lots of LJ friends, and as far as I'm concerned, too many non-friend psychos. I've got an ex-boyfriend who calls me a psycho in his LJ, and is, in actuality, a complete maniac himself....and a myriad (nay, plethora) of crazy, backwards internet acquaintances. These people do not interest me, and I do not trust them. Therefore, I am through posting publicly.

If you'd like to add me as a friend, or have me add you, leave a comment...I always like new (relatively sane) friends.


Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well. To what do I owe the extreme pleasure of this surprising visit?

57 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 26, 2003 • 2:33 pm



So cool it makes me ache.

16 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 26, 2003 • 8:46 am
:: subject: Post Whoring, suck it up!

You may have seen this, but this makes me pee myself. Gad, I love this

4 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 24, 2003 • 11:12 pm
:: subject: Who Knew?

4 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 22, 2003 • 9:02 am

I would like to say that my ex, [info]milath, is a fuckwit.

Yes, a fuckwit.

Don't you love it when a complete nutjob has the nerve to pass judgement on YOUR mental state?


That is all.

*claps and hops around, all psychotic like*

EDIT : AND, he's an "artist". If you go to his journal, the second to most recent post, he links to a recent piece of "art" he did. It's of his best friend. His best friend is actually quite freakin' gorgeous, that picture is not.

He should have stuck with computers and programming. Or, guitar, even, he was good at that. The art, though...ugh.

NOW that is all.

16 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 21, 2003 • 11:19 pm
:: subject: HOLY CRAP

I said I was going to stop posting for a few days, and here I am, a posting WHORE!

Thanks to [info]_furiousrose_, I'm now a Steve Burns addict.

You remember Steve Burns, dontcha?

THAT's Him. Blue's Clues and shit. That was him now....

He...uh...doesn't look like a dork anymore. I had fantasies about him when he was on Blue's Clues.

NOW, he's a musician. Yes, I know, laugh, laugh....but, seriously.

I -really- like his stuff.

Here's The Song I Like The Most

20 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 17, 2003 • 11:01 pm

First I unplugged MY Computer from the Router. THEN, when that didn't fix, it, I unplugged the entire modem.



13 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 16, 2003 • 11:32 am
:: subject: Pave Paradise...Put up a parking lot....

Behind my apartment complex is a lake. It's a beautiful lake, something off of a postcard....very serene. The lake is surrounded by trees and lush foliage, all natural, untouched by men.

You could pay extra here to have an apartment facing the lake. We wanted to, but they didn't have any available.

This morning, we woke up, took a peek at the lake (which we usually do in the morning, as it's so calming), and there were bulldozers pulling down every bit of tree and foliage that we had been enjoying all of these months, clearing the entire other side of the lake, from end to end.

Birds are flying everywhere, unsure of where to go now that their homes have been taken away. We even have alligators in our lake, people fish in it. It's been so nice, and it's all gone now.

I'm so disgusted and nauseated about it. I went out there and everyone is on their balconies watching the machines destroy the view with a sour look on their faces.



6 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 15, 2003 • 3:57 pm

Well, here's my post.

I'm at Ryan's parents doing laundry, and working on all of your cards and envelopes. I'm doing everything (except actually making the paper) by hand, so it might take a while. You WILL eventually get something in the mail from me, I promise you.

Hopefully you'll like them.

Have you all joined the [info]shitty_layouts community yet? If not, why not?

4 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 11, 2003 • 2:08 pm

You people have NOT audblogged me.

Shitlist, I tell you.


*goes away to pout*

60 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 10, 2003 • 11:42 pm

Well, this just sucks so bad that I'm crying.

Goodbye, Gregory Hines, you incredibly talented, charismatic man.

I am so damn sad. That's just so sad.

Goodbye, we'll all miss you.

(*Remembering Waiting To Exhale*)

10 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 8, 2003 • 11:17 am
:: subject: Ugh.

If Ali = Moron Then MessageBox.Show("Ali left the trash outside last night and cats got into it and now there are thousands of red ants all over her patio") Else MessageBox.Show("Ali didn't leave the trash outside last night to fester in the elements")

7 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 7, 2003 • 8:21 pm

I joined the masses and adopted a blob.

My blob is different, though, see.

Adopt your own useless blob!

Cuz he's hiding.

Hover over him with your mouse, and he's stoned.

10 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 7, 2003 • 1:15 pm
:: subject: GO! GO NOW!

This is a short video clip from an Everquest party being held by people who make my skin crawl.

This is hilarious, stolen from [info]spiral2000, and it is NECESSARY viewing. Download and watch, it isn't long.


65 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 6, 2003 • 10:02 am
:: subject: Good Stuff
:: mood: hopeful

Good for the Episcopalians. Mighty good, I say.

Here's a quote I like, spoken by the Rev. Susan Russell, executive director of Claiming The Blessing, an Episcopal group pushing for an official rite for blessing same-sex unions.

"This is an example to the country, to the culture, and to other denominations that diversity is something to be celebrated and that the entire family of God is enriched by individuals who commit themselves to each other."

I'm sure most of you already know what I'm talking about, but for those who don't, I'm referring to the election of an openly gay bishop, the Reverend V. Gene Robinson, to the Episcopalian Church.

Senior Bishops voted 62-43 with two abstentions. At the last minute, there were sudden allegations of misconduct, an adult man in Vermont claiming that Robinson had touched him on the arm and back in an inappropriate manner, as well as claims that Robinson was affiliated with a youth organization whose website had an indirect link to porn.

I don't know about any of that being fact, but a church committee cleared him of these allegations, though the allegations did create a 24-hour delay in voting, and he was voted in yesterday.

I am not religious. I am agnostic, and choose to keep religion almost 100% out of my life.

But, today, I say Hallelujah, Amen.

Sure, there are now reverends and bishops who are all up in arms and appealing this, appalled that there's a GAY MAN among them (*gasp*). Because, as you know, all gay men have in their perverted little minds is assfucking and diddling their straight counterparts.

It is about time that religion and religious society recognizes that -everyone- is created in God's image, and that includes homosexuals. Our culture has always had a narrow-thinking aspect to it, no matter how "forward" we think we've become. Our president refuses to allow gay partnerings to be called "marriages", because that's a sacred term which should -only- be applied to straight people, because that's how God intended it.

I laugh out loud at how those who call themselves religious, and continuously quote the Bible will omit entire passages of it, because those passages prove them wrong. Or, they'll twist it around until it speaks -for- them, instead of against.

Dubya is probably disgusted at this new Bishop, as I'm sure thousands and thousands of various people across the country are. Personally, I don't care. I saw this headline this morning and my day got a little brighter. I almost don't believe it, to be honest.

But, it's high time. And being agnostic, I am not against the thought that perhaps there is a God, and perhaps the Bible is accurate. If it is, I think God is smiling down today, and praising the people who voted without blinders and bias.

I think God is smiling.

4 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

August 5, 2003 • 11:26 am


Click Here

COMPLETELY work safe.

Try zooming in.

4 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

July 31, 2003 • 4:36 pm
:: subject: Google.

I've always loved Google.com. I had no idea, though, that Google had different versions of its site.

Klingon Google
Swedish Chef Google
Hacker Google
Igpay Atinlay Ooglegay
Elmer Fudd Google

Just having some fun :)

Thanks to my good friend Moleculor for the links to those.

2 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

July 30, 2003 • 7:43 pm
:: subject: More poll updates.

[info]secrativegirl - No, I haven't had any sex with girls since I've been with Ryan. I'm one of those people who believes that cheating is cheating, even if it is girl on girl. I have kissed a few, though, with his knowledge. :)

6 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

July 30, 2003 • 6:21 pm

This is my favorite piece of artwork, like, ever.

First person to name it gets a cookie.

13 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

July 28, 2003 • 1:06 pm

OK my journal is all fucked up now and I don't know how to switch the styles back.

I'm kinda pissed.

[info]dodi help me? I clicked your link and did stuff, and now I can't get back to the way I was!

*fucking cries*

2 comments | ShockMeShockMeShockMe

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