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Sarah's Journal
8 most recent entries

Date:2002-09-05 01:05
Subject:general updates
Mood: anxious
Music:DMB- Satellite

So a few things have happened lately...
Matty came to see me, which was great not only because i love him and enjoy being with him, but also because it turned carol into diet carol(which is just the coolest thing ever..matt move in with me!!!)... it seems to me that she is very much interested in him (that makes two of us)...
I finally got to computer class with a dork of a professor and a TA that reminds me of Kent from Real Genius (for those of you that do not know this character, you really need to see the movie, it's worth it)...
I went out tonight (reluctantly) and had a pretty good time... we played laser tag (well, e tried, the guns kept breaking, or un-working as it were) I actually did okay 2nd place (considering kevin's gun was "broken" for most of it)
Also I watched another silly anime show with los dos... i really liked it to, i'm almost ashamed to admit it...some of those anime people are just scary, i try not to liken myself to them...

Also, I seem to be suffering from an insecurity attack, and it sucks, and I've been saying the stupidest things today, and I'm afraid that some people think i'm stupid now...let's hope not

and also, on that insecurity note... am i like the most annoying person ever? anyone? i certainly feel that way lately...

Oh well, I guess I should pretend to sleep and such since I have a 9am class tomorrow...(and every other day, as if tomorrow makes a difference anyway...)

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Date:2002-09-02 15:35
Subject:Just to put things into perspective...
Mood: drained
Music:Tool- Opiate

So anyway, my roommate troubles are freaking me out on a profound level...

Counting down the time until my freedom expires I came across this little number...

That's right...tavky floral throw pillows, and don't you forget it...

So how exactly do you communicate with a person who just won't hear what you say? ( I found it easier working with autistic children at teh elementary school than trying to explain the whole door-closed-do-not-enter concept...)

I've tried being mean, that doesn't do it...being nice makes it worse...pretending to be busy doesn't do it...maybe if i was dead? sadly, probably not. Seriously I've been thinking about getting one of those hotel room do-not-disturb signs and just wavoing it around at her each time she approaches...

I'm not finding myself in a good place these days... that's just about all the sense i have left in me for now...

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Date:2002-08-26 13:49
Mood: drained
Music:Electronic- Getting Away With It

Well, I called the health center this morning and cleared the hold on my registration, so now i just need to find another class and the books to go along with it So i guess things are going to be okay. But I miss ...everything that I was so tired of. Not that anyone said taht would happen or anything ;)
Anyway, I guess I'm doing good as far as keeping up with the journal deal, two days in a row, wow.

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Date:2002-08-25 21:36
Subject:Go Seminoles! ....or something
Mood: aggravated
Music:Gravity Kills- Inside

So anyway, I moved. I live in Tallahassee now and it took me approximately 874523 hours to unpack. I am so sore I can barely stand it, but at least it almost feels like maybe someday it could be home... (hah)

Well, it's true, I'm a giant wussy girl, I was all about the tears when my parents left this afternoon. And now I talk to them online hah, I'll never be an independent adult type person...oh well.

So I went to register for another class last night and apparently I have violated some kind of medical records code since they saw fit to put a hold on my registration. ARGHHHHHHH! I know what I did too, and it's totally stupid too, that's the worst part. This june while I was at orientation I handed in my shot records and I didn't have the address of my doctor's office (but i had the doctor's name and freaking license number for god's sake). So I have to go wait in line til next week to try to talk to someone about it tomorrow. LAME!

Anyway I am so hungry right now that I think my neighbors can hear my stomach's all...

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Date:2002-08-12 17:29
Mood: lethargic
Music:Tool- Schism

What Kind of Relationship is Right For You?

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Date:2002-08-04 23:07
Subject:Just in case you were wondering...

What's Your Movie Dream Car?

by Auto Glass America

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Date:2002-08-01 18:48

I'm a Twinkie!

What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!

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Date:2002-07-20 00:54
Subject:Are you trying to suggest that I have a point of some kind?

Well, I've had this journal for a good two weeks now and I've not written in it once. That right there pretty much ruins any chance I may have had at masking my lacking ingenuity... Oh well, I won't lie (maybe)... I have little to no ambition when it comes extracurricular (read: voluntary) activities... Big shock there I'm sure...

So anyway, I'm moving in three weeks... yeah, so I guess I'm supposed to have SOME kind of reaction there...well I don't...

That's about the gist of things lately, I'm just kind of.. waiting for stuff to happen, just to let myself know that time is passing... Not that time seems to have any problem with passing either...

Maybe if I had a job of some kind I wouldn't feel so worthless, but people don't like it when you're moving, they seem to want lifelong comittments of their minimum wage workers... good luck to them I say...

What does it mean when everyone annoys the crap out of me lately? I've gotten to the point where I'm trying to justify the incessant chatter for them... like they're just too insecure to be comfortable with silence? who knows... a change of scenery will certainly do me good...

Alright, I could most definitely go on, but then I'd just be adding to the problem, and let me be the first to say that silence is the only way to go sometimes...

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