queen of pain [entries|friends|calendar]

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[10 Nov 2003|02:24pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

i decided to clean out my friends list. there are people on here whose journals i don't read, and who i am sure don't read mine. i don't want to live in a dream world where people i considered friends, truly don't care about me. i'm not going to pretend anymore.

don't be offended. if you'd like to be added back on just let me know.

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i want to be cool. [11 Aug 2003|10:52am]
1: shakethatassboy, 2: dawlee, 3: theluisguy, 4: suicideallstars, 5: _daisy, 6: eenns1, 7: _therob, 8: sonicnerd, 9: andshewas, 10: j3rm, 11: emoboysrsexy, 12: stitcheduplove, 13: eyestokill, 14: nowistime, 15: given_to_dreams, 16: socialroadkill, 17: orangedreamsicl, 18: paintsthetown, 19: gunemalldown, 20: ghostofidols, 21: nevertooinsane, 22: fallingfornow, 23: vonnegut, 24: radiogoesboom, 25: theagavejazz, 26: knaughtykoolaid, 27: rainy_sundays, 28: avepoetica, 29: razorshy, 30: faithoncelost, 31: ingenue_exposed, 32: mrfaithless, 33: fashionformonks, 34: northeasthopes, 35: gaberough, 36: ourfirstkiss, 37: kreepygurl, 38: soniablade, 39: displaced_heart, 40: lil_big_bar, 41: mavericktg, 42: emoizdead, 43: greeneyedmonstr, 44: thickasthieves, 45: palljenkins, 46: red_so_deep, 47: loser15tx, 48: kalleyfeel3130, 49: chubxcore, 50: nuclearwinter00

i don't understand how they could even read my journal since my journal has been friends only for almost a year. but anyways. if you'd like to add me. go for it.
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[30 Apr 2003|11:27pm]
[ mood | happy ]

texas is cool.

don't mess with texas.

check this out.

watch out you damn litterers!! i'm gonna report your ass.

i'm gonna report myself that way i can get a trash bag. :)

31 comments|post comment

[10 Mar 2003|05:40pm]
[ mood | worried ]

i need to clean out my friends list. i never thought i would have to go to something like that. but there are just some journals i skip over. i feel bad. i'm sorry. but it has to be done for the health of my friends' list and my sanity. if you think i was wrong in my choices. just let me know.

29 comments|post comment

nosey people SUCK! [17 Sep 2002|04:57pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

well, do to certain circumstances. my journal is becoming FRIENDS ONLY. wee. what fun right? whatever.

you know the whole 'friends only' drill...

43 comments|post comment

quizzes... [16 Sep 2002|11:51pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | here i go again-whitesnake (old school style!!) ]

I'm completely down-to-earth!

Find your soul type
at kelly.moranweb.com.

more..you know you want to CLICK IT!! )
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i'm too cool [16 Sep 2002|11:17pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | some more scrolling!!! ]

ooohhhh yeeeh....

got the scrolling action going on.

what more is this gal gonna pull out of her sleeves??

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ooo... [16 Sep 2002|11:00pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | ... ]

loving the new colors i got going on in my journal. :D

2 comments|post comment

quizzzeesss....!!! [16 Sep 2002|12:15pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | really-the busdrivers ]

i am

what sexual performer are you?

you know you want more. :P click click click!! )
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[14 Sep 2002|08:28pm]
the velvet teen and avenged sevenfold (from the plea for peace comp) were on abercrombie and fitch last week under their music. section.
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