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Below is user information for Ghen2000. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:ghen2000 (41172) ghen2000
Website:Ghen2000's World
Location:Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Ghen 2000 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 23429966 (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Bio:.seltrut 'nippans fo xob a ekil si efil
Memories:1 entry
Interests:51: 34, 54, 7 seconds, 70, a new found glory, afx, aphex twin, aquabats, at the drive in, beck, big drill car, bigwig, bme, caustic window, cheese, computers, craig's brother, emo, getting laid, hampsters, homegrown, i killed your family, kmfdm, lagwagon, less than jake, math, millencolin, my ass, my sis, my wonderful friends, nin, nofx, numbers, promise ring, propagandhi, punk, quadruple amputee midgets, richard d. james, rx bandits, saves the day, seriously, sex, she's anti, ska, strung out, suicide machines, the ataris, the grin, the hippos, waffle house, women. [Modify yours]
Friends:52: 1000monkeys, alicdeni83, bbbbbtony, bejitt, bekotsidi, blackbeard_tron, bob, chibimateo, diabloslawyer, drawsmcgraw, dugger, eric_shay, evilgoatbob, ewwwgrosslove, friedricebob, ghen2000, greengurlheehee, icetray, icmnpltr, jac941, jamminjj, jflasalle, junibliss, ketchup_bottle, madelfpiper, mereboredom, missamae, msu_ljer, mystrylane, nocontent, os_ljers, outhouse, owher, pirate_steve, pnutmsu, popice_princess, puppet_wrangler, purplbuterfly, r_h, sidonia, sparkle666, stardust7282, stefanieslaw, suspiro_sanitas, svetlana, theimitation, usagi629, vaguecomposite, valdorgassel, versi1, watercloset, yhwh
Friend of:74: 1000monkeys, alicdeni83, antisocialkat, bbbbbtony, becke1084, bejitt, bekotsidi, bellusantitheus, blackbeard_tron, bob, cailiosa, canadiagrrl, chibimateo, crazyhecallsme, diabloslawyer, dr_yvonne, drawsmcgraw, dugger, dulcynea, eric_shay, evilgoatbob, evillindsay, ewwwgrosslove, friedricebob, ghen2000, greengurlheehee, hottberry, iamclarkkent1, icetray, icmnpltr, inarcenot, jac941, jamminjj, jflasalle, junibliss, ketchup_bottle, lava, madelfpiper, majinbuu, mereboredom, missamae, mystrylane, nocontent, noxiousgas, odetojoy, outhouse, owher, pirate_steve, pnutmsu, popice_princess, porterman, psykomantiss, puppet_wrangler, purplbuterfly, queen_victoria, sidonia, silverdown, smarts101, sparkle666, stardust7282, stefanieslaw, strongerthanall, suspiro_sanitas, svetlana, taketothesky, theimitation, unkron, usagi629, vaguecomposite, valdorgassel, valkryn, versi1, watercloset, yhwh
Member of:17: assortedshite, atarisfans, cometodaddy, darkgalaxy, fofa, funtime, mississippi, msu_ljer, os_ljers, os_poets, parentalfascism, public_dementia, punk_emo_ska, r_h, sextips, shaved, wafflehouse
Account type:Free Account

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