Thursday, January 15th, 2004
10:12 am
The Boondocks
funny. . . old school r&b; style.
current music: Dr. Dre - The Chronic - Let Me Ride
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Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
6:13 am - family guy quote of the night....err uhh...morning.
Stewie : Damn you vile woman! You’ve impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb. Lois : Oh, don’t pout honey. You know when you were born, the doctor said you were the happiest looking baby he’d ever seen. Stewie : But of course. That was my victory day. The fruition of my deeply laid plans to escape from that cursed ovarian Bastille. Return the device woman!
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Thursday, January 1st, 2004
4:29 pm
Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
7:17 am - woah boy...
I've never felt so awake at 7 o'clock . . especially not without sleep preceding the hour.
I wish I could convey the beauty of Michel Camilo's feel on this tune or ANY fucking tune he plays . . its this kind of shit that drives me up the wall and makes me want to play afro-cuban music.
I need to see him when he comes to Boston in February which just so happens to fall on the same weekend that Henry Rollins is gonna be here. It could turn out to be a fun weekend if I can afford both tickets.
'tis all..
current music: Michel Camilo - Michel Camilo - Caribe
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Saturday, December 27th, 2003
8:28 pm
6:09 am
Thought of the night . .
Why do so many "beautiful" people spend so much time posting pictures in their journals and searching through Face the Jury and Hot or Not profiles?
Why aren't these people out getting laid somewhere?
Is it because these are primary online mediums through which to find other beautiful people who share their own lack of emotional depth and personality?
think about it....
....i'm beautiful, see?
current music: A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms - Thinking Of You
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Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
2:44 pm
Thursday, December 18th, 2003
4:04 am - trip down memory lane . .
Question . . why is that every time I'm walkin down the street . . somebody wants to stop ME . . just to give me a flyer! . . . maaaan FUNK dat! . . . GET OUTTA MY WAY!
Question . . why is it that every time I walk into the bank . . the tellers look at me like I'M the one who robbed them last week . . maaan FUNK dat! . . . WHAT are you lookin' at!
Question . . . why is it that every time I turn on the radio . . . I hear the same 5 songs, 15 times a day, for 3 months . . . maaaaan FUNK dat! . . . . GET A NEW DJ!
Question . . . why is it that bums ask me for money . . when I ain't got none! What is it an "in" thing or something? Let me remind this dude here . . hmm? . . . maaaaan FUNK dat! . . . GET A JOB!
You know . . every time I see my neighbor . . she tells me to "stay out of trouble" . . the other one looks at me like I'M the one that got her daughter strung-out . . c'mon maan FUNK dat! . . . WHAT are you lookin' at!
Seems like everytime it never fails, it never fails . . I'm just chillin' in my crib, minding my own business, and someone wants to call ME just to talk about nothin . . . FUNK dat! . . GET A LIFE!
Question . . why is it that when I go out to a night club . . . only the UGLY chicks wanna step to me . . I mean like I'm ugly or somethin, huh? . . wha you mean, HUH? . . . FUNK dat!
current mood: awake current music: Sagat - Funk Dat
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Sunday, December 14th, 2003
10:25 am
Its too funny . . . I wake up in a daze . . . and I turn on the TV.
There's Saddam's scruffy captured ass on TV getting checked for head lice and shit in his teeth . .
I'm not celebrating or anything but damn . . what and end for him. Found in the basement of a FARMhouse . . oh yeah, HE was living it up on the run.
now what?
P.S. If you're celebrating this . . If you're going "OOO! YAY! WE CAPTURED 'IM!" . . . you need to shut the fuck up. You didn't do shit, and this isn't your victory over another nation or race of people. If you're not out in the desert, this is no mission accomplished for you. If anything, the only people who should be celebrating him are US troops who have been working toward this for months on end and the citizens of Iraq who have lived fearfully under his reign.
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Thursday, December 11th, 2003
5:42 am
current mood: a-fucking-WAKE current music: Pat Metheny Trio - Trio 99-00 - Capricorn
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Monday, December 8th, 2003
1:31 am - HEAR-YE! HEAR-YE!
Ladies and Gentlemen . . . I have finished the first installment in Japanese Bubble Gum Sweet
I present to you . . The Japanese Bubble Gum Theme
thank you . . thank you . . *bows . .bows*
p.s. if anyone can give me any input as far as the shitty mix or can just give me input here, that would be good. i'm not looking to make the top 40 with this momma, i'm just looking to pass my harmony class. RICH harmonic content in this baby, so watch out! . . but most importantly, enjoy!
p.p.s. yes, shut up, i know it sounds like a sega genesis video game theme.
p.p.p.s. stay tuned for the second installment, Chewer's Lament
current mood: happy current music: Geoffrey Martin - Jap BG Suite - The Japanese Bubble Gum Theme
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Sunday, December 7th, 2003
10:05 pm
6:36 pm - CHECK THIS OUT!
Everyone please view this if you have a minute: Die, McDonalds, Die
Rich Mackin is a guy who periodically releases zines that contain his letters and haikus to different various corporate offices of food chains, retail chains and manufacturing companies around the country. Some of his stuff is incredibly humorous and, like this one, very insightful.
You can check out his website at:
current mood: awake current music: Sicks Deep - One Side (2003)
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Sunday, November 30th, 2003
3:19 pm
Mama, come here quick a-Bring that lickin' stick!
that is all.
current mood: awake current music: James Brown - Say It Live And Loud, Live In Dallas - Licking Stick - Licking Stick
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3:34 am
Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
2:01 pm - *bows head*
Monday, November 24th, 2003
4:46 am - victory! . . . almost
I have successfully finished my Business Leadership and Ethics paper . . . but I still have my History of Art paper to do. *sniffle* . . . I wish I didn't have class on Tuesday.
love, geoff
current mood: tired current music: Cam - Soulshine (Disc 1) - Bounce
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Tuesday, November 18th, 2003
1:14 am - WISHLIST TIME!
Friday, November 14th, 2003
1:14 pm - Public Service Announcement...
This is Geoffrey Martin reminding everyone to maintain a good daily fiber intake!
Otherwise you will have hard pieces of shit in your intestines that will rip you a new asshole on the way out!
Thank you and happy bowel movements!
current mood: calm current music: Sean Paul - Dutty Rock - I'm Still In Love With You (Featuri
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Thursday, November 6th, 2003
4:51 pm