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saturday, september 21, 02


Well, the move is complete. I'll probably shut this site down in a few weeks as I've left the LJ community and entered the wonderful work of blogging. It was fun, but i've gotta go!

Current Mood: accomplished

sunday, september 15, 02


And I'm done.

I've moved off to my own little world. As fun as LJ is/was I find that I just need more control to be happy. =) Never fear, I think I'll find a way to bring LJ into the picture, somehow. I mean MT doesn't allow for friends-only or private entries, so I'll need something. ;) That and I think I'll have a friends page soon.

Either way, daily updates of general whining about a lack of time will be over there and only friends stuff here. Adios. =)

Current Mood: accomplished

wednesday, september 11, 02


Movin' movin' movin'

Didn't go very far when I found and installed it. I have a friend with a DSL connection and a webserver, so I'll be moving there ASAP. Oh hell yeah.

Yeah, it's not an offline reader, but I can make one a lot more easily (using SOAP) than I can LJ's protocol.

Current Mood: accomplished

monday, september 2, 02


Bah! I tried to do get it working and all the associations got busted. Looks nice but doesn't work. The iTunes/AppleScript thing broke the first attempt so I tried to copy/paste the elements to the new one and none of the IDs stuck or something. Now I get to do it all over again and not touch AppleScript.

Damn, I want that 2.0 version to be released soon.

sunday, september 1, 02



Nice, but I need to make one small change with Interface Builder before I can use it...


Ahh. there. But no offline support. Damn. Back to Yax until they get that in here. grrr.

Current Mood: frustrated
Current Music: Rebecca St. James - Merciful (Transform)


A long weekend.

Finally, a long weekend. Even better? My wife is in Louisiana this weekend and I, therefore, have the place to myself. A long time of being alone and doing what I want. It's nice. So, now that two days have passed I seem to have the time to get down to it and write up what's happened over the past few months.

Meanwhile I note my client is crap and go searching for the alleged 2.0 update...

Current Mood: restless
Current Music: Trisha Yearwood - Down on My Knees

thursday, august 22, 02



I need to write more. I've run through two promotions since I last wrote here. I'll post some more here later, I suppose. Just updating my system after an update to 10.2 and ... wow. It's usable AND the devel environment has REALLY improved.

saturday, june 22, 02



So I took a nap today and had the weirdest dream I think I've ever had. I normally have simple, confusing ones, not the horror thing.

It was in the future a bit and everyone got around on one-man devices, like floating Segways, and all the roads were made to accomodate them. I was going up on an overpass that was really thin by today's standards (like 25') just in time for an emergency team to come sailing past us up onto the ramp. Just as they passed us, they stopped and wanted to know who called 911. None of us had, we were just getting onto the ramp, so I offered to look around down below.

Going down I found a group of kids smoking, drinking, and basically dressing as if they wanted to rebel and didn't know how. I asked if anyone had called and two girls looked at each other like they just put two and two together and then looked at me with a confused face. I asked again and the same scene repeated, movement for movement. Frustrated, I moved on to another group, but they weren't moving, so I went under the pass and looked around. Nothing.

Then, just as I was coming about and going to go up I saw a man moving lightning-fast whose entire right hand was one blade, dripping blood. I flew up to the overpass quickly and was about to tell everyone when I noticed they were unnaturally still. Then blood started to come from a line across their necks and they all, one-by-one, dropped to the ground. I turned around to run and the man was there, right in front of me. I started to scream, but gargled. Just as I blacked out I saw him down the road giving that group just long enough to call 911 before he finished them.

sunday, june 16, 02



Life is repatative. I wake up. I go to work. I come home. I go to bed.

Then to top off the futility I see a Ben Afflick movie and a Matt Damon movie in the same day. Humanity is gone.

Not to say the movies weren't good, they were. It's just that I never thought I would actually enjoy a movie by young actors. Odd.

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Streets of Philadelphia - Springsteen

sunday, may 19, 02


Went to go to the movies. Well, small correction, I was drug. Anyhow, wife and her friend wanted to see "Murder by Numbers" (another attempt at getting Sandra Bullock to act) and wanted to drag me along. So I said I'd go, but I'm watching Episode II. =)

Yeah. Right.

Got there, sold out until tomorrow. All four screens. Yay.


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