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Subject:AIO Audio Broadcasts :-)
Time:11:57 am
Adventures in Odyssey Audio Broadcast
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Current Mood:[mood icon] scared
Time:11:01 am
:::shudders::: For the first time in a long time, I had a very bad nightmare. I woke up gasping like I had been running. I was so very scared. Nothing bad actually happened in the dream, but it was the thought of what could've happened that seriously scared me. It's like I woke myself up before the seriously bad could happen. And now I can stop thinking of it. Even though I know it's a dream, that it could never happen and that everyone is safe, I am still shook up. I feel like saying, "Go away bad dream, boo!" like that little girl did in Adventures in Odyssey. It's times like these that I really wish I had a husband to hold me tight and say he's here for me and that everything will be alright. :-[
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Current Music:Gone With the Wind theme
Current Mood:[mood icon] grumpy
Subject:I need to read more too... wow...
Time:05:40 pm
200 books, boldercized the ones I've read )
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Current Music:Happy Birthday to You
Current Mood:[mood icon] embarrassed
Subject:Happy Birthday Amanda ([info]mandajanie)
Time:05:27 pm
Yeah, so I "cheated"... I only know a few of my LJ friend's birthdays, so I didn't know it was your birthday until I checked my friends page... anyway:

Happy Birthday!!

I hope you have a great birthday and a wonderful year.

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Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Subject:i wish i were asleep but since I'm not, I think I'll post.
Time:05:36 am
{{started typing at 4:15 am}}
This morning, I dropped Mom, Amy and Erin off at the airport. They're flying out to Moscow, ID to visit my dear darling brother, Jakeypoohey. They're also going to the 9th Annual Credenda/Agenda History Conference on "Revolution and Modernity". Sounds pretty interesting.... of course, coming from the wacky Credenda guys, it should also be hilarious. Case in point, check out their bios for the Speakers. LOL

Dad is joining them tomorrow, or rather later today. In fact, he's supposed to be getting up soon to go to the airport (he has to be there at 6 am, and it takes about 45 minutes to get there), so that's partly why I'm still up. He came in late from a 3 day trip and needed some laundry done before he can go visit Jake. So he asked me to put the clothes in the washer and he'd put them in the dryer when he got up. But I offered to stay up and put them in the dryer for him. After I figured out that by the time I've put them in, it'd be close to when he'd get up, I figured I'd just stay up so I can make him breakfast. Or at least a good strong cup of coffee. So here I be. :-]

I think Dad will just be gone until Saturday night, but Mom and Amy are staying until next Thursday. Erin will be staying at least 2 weeks. She'll be spending her 18th birthday (the 7th) there, but at least she'll have Jake, Dad, Mom and Amy with her. We did do a home party for her on Monday though.

With all of the driving folks but me being gone, I'm in charge. Whoopeee! :} I still have to do school with the kids and they're already complaining because I'm making them do their chores as well. Yep, this is not a fun "big sister" goof off & play time... they have work to do and so do I. But, since being totally normal, strict and boring is not normal for me, I am going to try to take them to the $1 theater in Charlotte tomorrow afternoon, and maybe the Mall so Grace (10) can get that Arwen picture she's been wanting since Christmas. . . if she feels up to going that is. . .she's showing signs of possible strep throat (no! not again!) so I might be spending tomorrow in a doctor's office. (sorry for the majorly huge run on sentence)

Wait a sec, I hear Dad up... gotta start the coffee and check on his clothes....

{{4:40 am}}
Ok, back. :::yawn::: Now I'm really tired. After Dad leaves, I'm crashing into bed.

Oh back to the rambling... while I was trying to find the links for the history conference, I came across this neat article about The 20 Macs That Mattered Most and Create a Hoax, Earn Damnation. The latter is kinda funny. I can see both sides of the debate... though I'd probably fall moreso on the wacked out Mac users.... Why would anyone want to ruin a perfectly good G5??

{{4:50 am}}
BRB, Dad's coffee is ready... Ok.. made him some strong French Roast Starbucks Coffee and found out he wasn't planning on having coffee since he only got an hour of sleep and wants to sleep on the plane. Oops. Oh well, he drank some anyway and took the to go mug I gave him too. I also made him some fried eggs (with the yokes... how weird... I like them just straight white eggs) and bacon. His laundry was done too, so he took that and while he was finishing packing, I ran outside in the brrrr freezing cold to warm up his truck and turn it around. Wearing long pjs and a fleece blanket does not keep you warm while walking around in socks in 25º weather! I wanted to drink some of the nice hot coffee I'd made when I got back in, but since I want to sleep too, I think I'll wait until I get up later. Yay for thermoses!

{{5:25 am}}
Dad is on his way to the airport now. He has everything he needs, I think... and will be flying "jump seat" on other airlines all the way to Pullman, Wa which is about 30 minutes from Moscow, ID. He should make it there in time for the conference which begins at 6 pm. So, now I am finally off to bed. As I told one friend, this was a night that I was going to try to get to bed early. lol Well, I guess it is early on Thursday. :-}

Good morning everyone!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] silly
Time:01:30 am
Technology Tshirts...LOL - especially the first two!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] blah
Subject:not a real post, just 3 quizzes off of a pop-up free site! (yay, not quizilla)
Time:01:04 am
lj cut because i am nice, apparently. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Time:05:58 pm

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] happy
Subject:Yay! I am mostly finished with...
Time:02:54 pm
My church's website!!

I started it last night ::cough:: way too late ::cough:: and am mostly finished with it now. I am just waiting on a few sections from my pastor and elder. But my Dad just saw it and loved it! Yay!

This totally different than any other web design I've done. It's all tables. No frames! Weirdanation. lol But I like it. Check it out! Bible Presbyterian Church
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Current Mood:[mood icon] listless
Subject:Belated Saturday post and the current Quizilla Quiz
Time:07:11 pm
Saturday went well. I got to sleep in (yay) and then had a generally relaxing day. I helped my little sisters make their own new kind of cookies (I prefer creating to using recipes sometimes), which they loved and were a big hit.

EclecticTroz AuctionsLater on in the day I listed about 18 things on ebay. About an hour after I got finished, 5 things already had bids on them. . . even the two broken keyboards! My parents can't understand why anyone would want them, I just figured someone would, and boom, they're bid on. As I was telling Jake about it via IMs, I realized something, "I sell garbage!" lol Jake said I should proclaim that on my ebay About Me page. But, nah... I don't think so... lol

Speaking of ebay.... I'm thinking about starting an ebay consulting service. Lots of people have asked me for help in selling, listing, buying and setting up things within ebay. Hah, maybe I could charge a small fee from people if they ask a certain number of questions! LOL... right...

Anyway, on to the quiz:

What Form of Art Are You? I was surprised by my result. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] sad
Subject:Bummered. :-(
Time:12:40 am
They lost. :-( But at least we went to the SuperBowl. They played a great game too, despite what the announcers said (blooming idiots).

Bleck on the "Half time 'Show'" - raunchiest bunch of garbage I've ever seen on TV. Ick, ugh, and gross. Glad to hear that AOL/MTV are getting flack about it from the CBS and NFL execs. They deserve rebuke for putting on that trash. "We were extremely disappointed by elements of the MTV-produced halftime show," Joe Browne, NFL executive vice president, said. "They were totally inconsistent with assurances our office was given about the content of the show." But read what the Drudge Report says on the CBS claim that they had no idea about it...CBS Knew About It, MTV Reported it Beforehand (the real Drudge Report link has pictures of it, so I'm just posting the text of the article here) )

In other news, this is ridiculous, "Jon Blake Cusak 2.0"

And, I forgot to post about this, this morning, but I really enjoyed today's sermon. We had a guest speaker (a friend of ours) and he was excellent. Then we had a good fellowship dinner afterwards. It was a great Worship and fellowship day!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] excited
Subject:Go Panthers!!!
Time:09:57 am
panthersFor the first time in my life, I'm anxiously awaiting the SuperBowl! Woo! Go Panthers! ! !

I hope we win! I'm not being superstitious or anything but I just realized that the shirt I'm wearing is the one that I wore when I met John Casey (the Panther's kicker) at the Charlotte Crisis Pregnancy Center's Dinner for Life about 3 years ago. He emceed the event, which featured Carol Everette. I met Casey and his wife afterwards and ended up talking to them for a long time. They're a sweet Christian couple. And now Casey is in the SuperBowl! How cool is that?? :-)

While checking on Google.com to see I had gotten Casey's position correct (yes Jake, I'm still unsure of the proper usage of football terms, lol), I came across a site that features the Christians of the Superbowl. It's an article on CBN about "Faith on the Field". Read it!

Go Panthers!! :-D
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Current Music:"Baby it's cold Outside" - from ELF
Current Mood:[mood icon] hopeful
Subject:I didn't fiddle with the results... I got this one first time!
Time:02:01 pm

Your Dream Austen Man is
from Emma

:::sigh::: though of course I wouldn't have minded getting Mr. Darcy or Colonel Brandon. They were excellent men too.
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Subject:Quote of the Day, from a friend
Time:12:58 am
"Peace and freak not."
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Current Mood:[mood icon] thoughtful
Subject:States I've visited.
Time:04:01 pm

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide

That was pretty neat. I think I've might've flown through Phoenix, AZ and Albuquerque, NM, but since I'm not sure, I left them off. Plus I'm not sure "flying through" really counts. lol :o)
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Current Mood:[mood icon] giggly
Subject:My darling little brother, Zeke
Time:11:08 pm
After I posted, my little brother came up to me asking to play "hide 'n go seek". I still had a headache, but said sure and we played. Playing that game is such an adventure with a 4 year old! We played for over an hour and a half, mostly "hiding" in the same places (we took turns) and "hiding" in plain sight under blankets. He was so cute copycatting me by saying in a soft voice, "I wonder where she is.... Is she here? AHA! I got you!!" He tried counting (8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9! Ready or not, here I come!) and kept asking me if I was ready yet. Half of the time he'd tell me where he was going to hide or if he was slightly hidden, would giggle and laugh until I found him. :o) He's hilarious.

He just informed me, "Shelley you is 24 and I is 24." I corrected him, "No, you're 4 and I'm 24." :-) Numbers do not mean much to him right now. lol
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Current Mood:[mood icon] cold
Subject:snow is melting, I am coding and other pointless stuff.
Time:10:22 am
The snow and ice are melting... everywhere but at our house. Our driveway is still a treacherous hill of doom, but Dad was able to brave it yesterday... he had to go to work (for some reason planes don't fly without Captains!). But as soon as he made it down the hill, he called us on his cell to tell us to NOT try to drive down it unless someone was dying or bleeding. He nearly creamed a tree (that really freaked Mom out, it was on her side of the car). So after Mom dropped him off at the airport, she left the car at the bottom of the hill. We have 1 vehicle that we're able to use now. Yippee.

Since I've been cooped up in the house since Saturday, I've had lots of time to work on my websites. . . work and personal. Started a temp page for my church, fixed something on the LPCC site, fixed several broken links and added a LPCC logo to my business site, redesigned the Icons page, redesigned the front page of trozzort.com (no more falling purple smiley faces), took off the annoying borders on my links and figured out how to make a (cool) customized 404 Error page (that actually works!). I also heard from a new client - we're in talks about their site... will be working on that soon. So yay. :)

I'm just tired now. Stayed up past 3 am for the past 2 nights doing code (I always work much better then, when the house is quiet and I can concentrate better)... and had to get up way too early this morning to help a friend out at the last minute.

Oh, and when I got home (my friend had to pick me up since our driveway was still ice), the little kids had totally shoveled off our entire driveway!! And that is no small feat... it's very long and curvy. So it worked out well that I brought them a treat of chocolate covered doughnuts.... they really deserved it!! I was able to walk up the driveway without slipping and Erin was able to drive the car down it without crashing! Yay for hard working siblings!! :-)
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Current Mood:[mood icon] cold
Time:03:09 am
not even sure where i found this, but i thought it was funny.

The current mood of Trozzort at iMood.com:
The current mood of Trozzort at www.imood.com

The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com:
The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com
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Current Mood:adventurous/insane
Subject:We are all insane
Time:06:43 pm
It gets dark here earlier, as one would expect in winter. But with all of the snow and ice, it seemed to have gotten dark a lot earlier tonight. But that didn't seem to matter to us. Luke came inside around 5:30 pm telling Erin to not go outside because she'd slip on the ice. Of course that meant Erin just had to go check it out. She went and I followed (wrapped up in a blanket, in just my purple fluffy house slippers). Then the fun started. We were ice skating on the ground... well, more like slipping and sliding -- but it was fun!! :-) Luke came back out and we were all doing it when Zeke joined us. After a few minutes we were joined by Bethany, Grace and Julianna. By this time I was really cold and I could tell Zeke was getting that way too, so we went back inside to the warmth (we have a gas space heater in our school room). Erin came in and we were telling Mom and Dad about how much ice there was. We have about 4-5 inches of snow covered in at least a 1/4 inch of ice. Literally the ice is everywhere! So Dad goes out, followed by Amy. After bundling Zeke up some more, Erin and I head back out, where we find the kids sledding down our side hill - in the dusk!! So of course that means that Erin has to do it once and I finally work up the courage to as well. :-D Yep - I, went out in the cold weather, and went sledding down a hill, in near dark. I am insane. :} After the ride, I ran back in to the heater. By the time I went back out, Dad and the kids were sledding down our front hill! (do you remember the pictures from last year??) Dad, Bethany, Amy, Zeke, Grace and Julianna all are *still* sledding down our front hill right now. It's hilarious and I think they're insane. Shoot, I think I'm insane for doing that one sled ride. lol
I still hate cold weather. lol
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Current Mood:joyful
Subject:Why We Love Children (funny email forward)
Time:03:17 pm
Why we love children ...
Why we love children ... (I could definitely see my little brother Zeke doing/saying a few of these things! lol )
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Subject:More snow and Iconness
Time:01:54 pm
Due to bad weather, morning church was canceled today. I'm not sure if we'll have night church or not. We have snow, covered by freezing rain. So this is our typical NC weather. Lots of ice. The kids love it anyway, since there is snow. Just found out that night church is canceled too. We're supposed to have freezing rain all day today (it's falling now) and tomorrow. I think we'll be stuck here for a while. The little kids have been out and in the snow all day. They just came in for a hot chocolate break. I actually went out... for about 2 minutes. I stuck my hand out in the freezing rain... it's weird... you can *hear* it... snow is not meant to be heard. Anyway, it's literally freezing here.

On a totally unrelated note, I created an icon journal. [info]iconsbysmj is for all of the icons I've made and will make. I got tired of trying to sort through the icon lists I'm on in my Friends Page... I can barely see the real entries from my friends! So this journal is back to being about life stuff and the new journal is for icon stuff. Yay for free accounts. Bummer about the 3 icon limit... but I'll just post them on my website and deal with the lack of icons on that account. I refuse to pay for 2 paid accounts.

Anyway, that's my today. I miss church.
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Current Music:Zeke and Bethany playing together
Current Mood:[mood icon] okay
Subject:funny jokes
Time:06:09 pm
smiley Funny Jokes to tickle Your Funny Bone smiley


Sins of Commission

A Sunday School teacher asked her class, "Does anyone here know what we mean by sins of omission?"

A small girl replied, "Aren't those the sins we should have committed, but didn't?"


The Stormy Sea

As the storm raged, the captain realized his ship was sinking fast. He called out, "Anyone here know how to pray?" One man stepped forward. "Aye, Captain, I know how to pray."

"Good," said the captain, "You pray while the rest of us put on our life jackets. We're one short."



A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion.

The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is a Star of David."

The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic and this is the Crucifix."

The third student got in up front of the class and said, " My name is Tommy and I am Baptist and this is a casserole." smiley
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Current Music:Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, at the end of the movie - the kids are watching it.
Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Subject:Movies - Along Came Polly (Bad) and Win A Date With Tad Hamilton (Good)
Time:01:21 am
Erin, Amy and I saw "Along Came Polly" (starring Jennifer Aniston, Ben Stiller, also features Debra Messing, Hank Azaria and [blegh] Alec Baldwin) last Saturday night. From the commercials and previews, this movie looked to be a laugh riot, and I was hoping possibly just as funny as "Zoolander." But no, it's not. It *did* have some funny scenes, but I really think you see almost all, (if not all), of them in the previews. There are 2 major problems with this movie (aside from not being that funny)... 1st, it attacks marriage and is pro-living together (I know, it's not made by Christians, but I was surprised by this attack on marriage from Ben Stiller). 2nd, it shows 2 naked butts (Azaria's for a good while and Stiller's briefly). (and) it also has 2 way-too-much shown/heard sex scenes. What you see on the commercials is true, Stiller and Messing marry and she has an affair with the scuba diver (Azaria) on the first day of their honeymoon...Slight spoilers but nothing really major that you can't figure out from the commercials )

Win A Date With Tad Hamilton
Now this movie was excellent! Amy, Luke, Erin and I went to see that tonight and we all liked it! :-D Finally a clean movie, with only a bit of suggestive talk (from a best friend who probably reads too many Harlequin "romance" Novels and a hotel clerk who probably is gay), but NO sex scenes and I think one or two cuss words. The storyline was good. Kate Bosworth (Blue Crush) played an innocent country girl really well - she didn't come off as a backwards hick, but just innocent and purely sweet. Topher Grace (That 70's Show) was absolutely wonderful. He was so protective, funny and just plain nice. :-) I don't think I would've liked this movie much if another actor played his part... he was just that good in it. Anyway, the movie is great and I do recommend this one. I walked out of the theater thinking, "I can't wait to get this one on DVD!". :-D
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Current Music:my siblings talking in the kitchen
Current Mood:glad, worn out, ho hum and just plain bored.
Subject:TGIF... This Girl is (happy it's finally) Friday :-D
Time:08:26 pm
YAYAYAYAYAY!!! I survived a week of babysitting for that family. I didn't strangle the kids, slap them silly or even duct-tape them to the ceiling (I really did think of doing the last, since the last two days neither two year old took an afternoon nap...)!! I was a good babysitter, according to the parents, aunts, uncles and grandma. . . so good that they gave me a $50 bonus with my paycheck... and they paid in cash, so I was able to immediately pay Mom & Dad back for the car rental (for March) and have some leftover to put into my account! Wooo!!! :-D

I am sooooo glad it's Friday night. I can sleep in tomorrow! I don't have to pull a "9 to 5" job tomorrow. I realized this week (again) how much I love working at home on my own time frame... I can't stand the "normal" hours of working. . . and I seriously despise driving in the 5-6 pm traffic to get home. But one thing I'm really, really grateful for, is the banks staying open until 6 pm (I didn't get off until 5:30 pm all week) and my bank staying open until 8 pm on Thursdays and Fridays! First Charter rocks!

I am much more tired than normal right now since last night I stayed up until 2 am talking with my parents. We were mainly just catching up with each other in how things have been going, while I did some (much needed) laundry. So, I got about 4.5 hours of sleep... and I had been doing good in getting to bed by 11 pm (EST) the rest of the week, so the lack of sleep was really draining. (Didn't even get a 10 minute nap during the day because the two year olds did not nap. I tried to get them to sleep for over an hour and a half... I was exhausted by the time I let them get up).

After depositing money into 2 banks (M&D;'s and mine), I had to go to the grocery store for the family... we were almost out of an important necessity... Starbucks French Roast Coffee (dad's current favorite brand... he hated it over the summer when Amy & I brought it home from CWSC, but he now prefers it, lol). And yes, in a family of 5 coffee drinkers (four of us drink at least 2 cups a day), coffee is not only a necessity, but a way of life. :-D

Let's see, what else can I say? Oh yeah, next week I might babysit for that family just on Monday, and then will try to do another meeting with T the client that never calls back on Wednesday... and of course the coolest thing of it all... the SuperBowl. First time on planet Earth that I'm actually looking forward to that event, instead of dreading it and making fun of it. :-} Now if I ever "get into" Nascar, you all have permission to smack me silly. I promise to never get into that hillbilly "sport". I never said that about football... my only thing against it was that I didn't understand it... how the scored, what a QB does, etc... now I kinda understand it (still mixed up on a few things), but overall am enjoying it. I seriously doubt that I'll ever get into Nascar... that'd just be too much. (One thing about football though... why is "bowl" everything? The Orange Bowl, SuperBowl, etc?? Never got that part... at least the World Series makes sense...lol). :-)

I'm kinda bored now. I have 3 chat programs opened and no one is talking. I'm waiting on supper to be finished and then maybe we'll watch a movie... maybe we'll watch one of the new ones that Amy bought. Oh, speaking of movies, I should post my "Along Came Polly" review. Amy, Erin and I went to see that last week (we were trying to see a sneak peak of "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton" but Amy got the date wrong...it was on Friday night, not Saturday night... so we saw ACP instead).
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