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Mood Girl

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 Now go away.
 Don't expect too much.
 Having lowered  your expectations---hopefully---I should explain. This is just a space to post pictures of the Sex House and the occasional essay or rant. This could be expanded to include some of the houses of my friends, and of mine, when it's clean. Which will obviously never happen. I'll post blackmail pictures of various people if I can manage. I'm also a writer and I might try out various snippets of original fiction here. If you can't handle sarcasm, swearing, or sex, you're in over your head.
  The Sex House---ahem---is the gorgeous house of a friend of mine, who happens to have such good taste in everything that he really ought to be gay. It's such a tragic waste.  The house itself is actually a small private museum, with decor to die for, and furniture to match. It's called the Sex House because I rather intemperately proclaimed it to be sex in architectural form, or some such nonsense. I hope to god he never finds out about it.

My ...Favorites? Favorites are so boring.
It's much more interesting what you dislike.
Voila: here they are.

Most disliked band or person?  Most of them don't have enough character to inspire hatred. I might make exceptions for the deliberately vile. I hate commercials that use sexism to sell their products, and I despise people who protest that whatever they don't notice, doesn't exist.
Most disliked TV show: A toughie. So many of them aspire to mediocrity, and so few of them attain it.
Favorite TV show: Angel
Favorite movie: Too many to count, really.
Most despised movie: I'm compiling a list.
Most despised book: A hotly-contested title. The list is still being typed up.
Favorite book: The Once and Future King
Favorite sports team: Are you kidding? I root for whoever's losing, if I even turn on the TV
Most despised sports team: Actually, I hate commercial sports. I make exception for the Cubs. And who doesn't hate the Yankees?
Favorite food: If it's bad for me, I like it, although it will probably kill me. If it's good for me, it will bore me to death, so what's the difference?
I hate twits, people who can't write and insist they can, and those that can't argue. Hint: Don't confuse your opinion with a fact. If you don't have a source for that opinion, well, it's an unsupported opinion. I also hate the self-appointed cool people, whose defense for said coolness seems to consist of boasting, "I'm so kinky!" If they're so happy with it, why do they feel the need to proclaim it all the time?

My Hobbies

Reading and writing, photography, all things digital, bitching, feminism---the unabashed kind-home improvement---I do it myself---good criticism, irritating people, DVDS, computers, writing fanfiction, erotica, and, uh, more stuff I can't remember right now.

Most admired?
Most admired, my ass; it's more like, those whom I tolerate grudgingly, and those whom I despise:

Phyllis Schlafly: The woman who led the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment. Who put ice cubes in her vibrator?
Christina Hoff-Sommers: pseudo feminist pro-boy/anti-girl whiner. One of those people who demands "Mens' Studies" classes at university, without noting that the whole university is Mens' Studies
Katie Roiphe: Attempted to extrapolate her own college experience to the female population at large. Yeah, where I live sure as hell doesn't look Ivy League.
Camille Paglia: Way too impressed with Norman Mailer. Couldja just get the sex change already, and leave the rest of us alone? And stop bitching that women should expect to get raped in certain places? Take one for the team, Camille. You look men so much, why don't you either fuck or become them?  
Wendy Shallit: author of "The Return to Modesty", she doesn't seem to care about plumbers' crack, and scary ugly guys in Speedos. Has everybody else seen those photos of Arnold at the beach? Tit for tat, babe. Enforce those standards both ways, then we talk.
Ann Coulter: Bitchy--and not in a good way---hysterical, and vicious. Also a prime proponent of the "But MY opinion is factual!" school of thought.
Rush Limbaugh. Hypocrite of the first order. And hoist by his own petard, in the most satisfying way possible.
Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's a moderate in his policies, but a first degree groper in real life. Why do I get the feeling the former is penance for the latter? Principle doesn't mean much unless he lives it in real life.  
Pat Robertson: According to him, feminism causes women to practice witchcraft, kill their husbands and children (because they only count if they're married) and become lesbians. Actually, it's being exposed to this git that causes lesbianism.
Bill Mahr: Smarmy libertarian who needs a serious smack-around.


Blackmail photos
From top left: wedding day; induction day; birthday, and VE Day

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