January 07, 2003

Another story that I'm too lazy to write right now...

Discuss the impact of the blogosphere and the rise of the Fox News Network on the political debate here in the US as well as on big media itself. Be sure to include the following:

  • Al Gore's whine about "conservative bias" in the media
  • Paul Krugman's rant in today's NYT that "the desire to avoid charges of liberal bias" will prevent the media from exposing the irrelevancy of Bush's (as yet still unannounced) stimulus plan
  • The fevered Democratic calls for stronger "liberal think tanks" or even a liberal "counterweight" to Fox
  • A link to the Media Research Center's primer on media bias and the data showing that the mainstream press is still overwhelmingly liberal.

Posted by Spart at January 7, 2003 11:25 AM | TrackBack
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