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Ooga Booga says Izette [22 Aug 2001|11:00pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | My brother and his version of "Chop Suey" by SOAD ]

Louren's coming tonight, Louren's coming tonight! Yay! Woohoo! I'm all spazzed out...


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Bonfires and black belts and salted slugs, oh my.:( [19 Aug 2001|01:41am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | The voices in mah head ]

I'm in a sour mood today. Have been ever since I woke up this morning. It's weird, considering I did some pretty okay things today, and yet I still have this ugly damn feeling at the pit of my stomach, which always makes me moody. So get prepared for a fucking long entry, cuz I'm gonna vent my ass off.

Well, first off, I'm goddamn lonely. Lizette's at this Filipino Expo thingy, Louren's over an ocean, Gaby won't pick up the phone, no one talk-worthy is on the boards, an no one's on AIM. Goddamn.

And, uhh, I got my black belt today. I so nervous, when I got up to read my speech, my voice was shaking. I'm not sure which was worse, this speech or my valedic speech. But right before the speech they worked us out, and then I was nervous, so I sweating so much. So I drop of sweat from my forehead fell into my eye, so I was rubbing my eye and reading at the same time. I didn't know sweat stings. People thought I was crying. Master Walter and my ma thought I was crying, so in turn they started to cry too. it was funny as hell but I was too nauseated to actually laugh.

Um, my sparring was horrible. Form was pretty good. I broke 2 out of 3 boards in breaking. Goddamn, I shoulda broke all fucking 3. It's just the guy who was holding it wasn't holding it RIGHT. And I realize I am fully, totally over with that Chris guy from Tae Kwon Do. I mean, I got over him awhile ago, but there was always this feeling of doubt about the whole thing. Now I can finally put it behind me.

So, I got my balck belt. Got home, and piled all our broken and unbroken wood and tried to start a bonfire. Didn't work. Everytime I actually got something burning, the shitty wind would blow it out. So then me and Jax and her little crush named Alex found a shit load of slugs on our neighbors front steps. The neighbors are on vacation, so we took lotsa salt and fried em all. And for the rest of the day I just lied around, sleeping, reading, thinking, being bored/annoyed. That type of crap.

Yesterday was better than today. I went over Iz's. Twas fun. It was good to actually have a friend around. I've been stuck with my little sibs and little cuzins all summer, and she was in the same predicament. It can drive a person mad. And her cousin Robb was there from England. We went to the park and watched the Exorcist. I really shouldn't have, cuz now I got all these bad thought mulling around in my head. And we tried that Ouija board thing out. Didn't work. Tried to levitate Robb. Didn't work. And yeah, that was our day. And to this very minute, I still have that bad feeling. Maybe it's just gas?

I'm starting to give up on the thought of Iz coming on, cuz it's getting late. I got something to ask her though. That's all for now.

An agitated,

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shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker [15 Aug 2001|11:18pm]
[ mood | gassy and assy ]
[ music | people laughing ]

tits fart turd and twat.

I saw the Exorcist today. It was badass. My cousin Robb is here. G-Doggy Dogg is coming over on friday. But tomorrow...SHOPPING!!!

This journal is dead and I am bored. Oh yes I am. We all live in a yellow submarine..

Love and I effin am,
Izyziah the Messiah

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[10 Aug 2001|02:05am]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Mamma Mia by ABBA ]

Damn, you're right Iz! This thing is practically dead. We'll, I guess I'll just have to liven it up a little. Hmm...let's see. Iz's cousin is coming over on Tuesday. He's from Britain. Brit accents are cool. And what else? Oh, I'm going to get my black belt on August 18, which would be next Saturday. And I'm nervous. And I wanna drag Iz to the test so I have someone to babble to while I'm nervous.

And in other news, we are now known ghet-TO Wu Tang Clan. We are:

(Louren) Tang Ass Woo- da ass with CLASS
(Moi) Shelby Woo Tang- da illest brain in dis
(Iz) Woo Tang Boo- shitfaced

Hehe. Don't blame it on me. Tis all Izy's fault. *nods* Yes.

Dis iz,
Shelby Woo Tang

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FALK your AUTHORITY [09 Aug 2001|09:52pm]
Woooooo. PUNK ROOOOCK. I'm obviouly bored. I wanna try a community journal.
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This journal is dead. [25 Jul 2001|09:15pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | "Knee Deep" by CKy ]

I changed the colors on this motherfucker. It's all girly and crap now. Haha.

So let's see, what's new in the life of the Crue..NOTHING!!! G-Dogg hasn't been online much, I don't call much because I hate the telephone..sorry G, I miss ya though! She went to Boston several days ago. Louren's going to the Phillipines on the first of August for 22 days. And I will be leaving to Michigan this coming Monday. Wheeee! It's been quite some time since just the family took a trip. We usually bring Louren and her family along, but they're going to the homeland this year. It's all good. I need some time alone in a place far away from this godforsaken town.

Yesturday I went to Atlanitc City with my parents and we actually had a good time. That's about it.

Love and I am,
The Incorrigable BOO

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Back after awhile [07 Jul 2001|11:10pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | "I'm a Believer" by Smashmouth ]

Holy shit, mates! This piece of hubaloo hasn't been updated in a damn long while. But then again, life hasn't been so exciting for there to be anything to say.

Well, I typed this loong list awhile (before gradutation) ago and saved it on a disk and lost the disk. Well, mates, she's been found.

“Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”- Okay, well this one is obvious. It was our graduation song, and we sang it at the cermony, and our parents grabbed their cameras and video cams and stalked us like they were the papparazzi. Yep.

“Leaving on a Jetplane” by John Denver This one will always remind me of all of the boys in our class. They wanted this to be our graduation song, when it had NOTHING to do with grad (In fact, it was a man leaving his wife to go to war!), and they knew only two lines of the chorus. But its a good song, and Christian and Paul sang it at our luncheon.;)

“Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston This was the second pick for our grad songs. It will always remind me of Stephanie and Louren, since they wanted to do a solo part for it. They were practicing in the bathroom, loud as hell, and they refused to sing in front of us, becuase they would look at our faces and start cracking up while they sang.

“Hey Mickey” by B*Witched This is for the girls. We sang this song since 7th grade, with the clapping and everything. And I like the original version, too, its just that the B*Witched seems to have more attitude.

“Wannabe” by the Spice Girls In fact, I think anything by the Spice Girls will remind me of the three of us, Carla, and Jessica. They were the coolest thing in the world to us in fifth grade, and I STILL remember all the lyrics to this song. Who doesn’t?

“Faith” by Limp Bizkit” I don’t like Limp Bizkit that much anymore, but I definitely like this song. It will always remind me of Lizette, since she introduced it to me and Lou, and we sang it all the time back then. And it’ll remind me of Iz doing her little rock star thing with her head, letting her hair go wild.

“The Song That Never Ends” from Lamb Chop We’ve been singing this as a class since 2nd grade. And in the during the last three days of school, we sang it about a gazillion times. I think the song goes with our class, becuase even though we won’t be there at SPS, our legacy there will NEVER end.

“Absolutely” by Nine Days Jessica, yep, its totally Jessica. She sang this all the time. She also sang it on the way home from the Haunted House, when she smeared the glow stuff from the glow stick all over her face, and got a rash. Even though I wasn’t even there, I will never forget that story.

“Sailing” by N*SYNC Louren picked this song for a puppet show we had to do in 6th grade. It will always remind me of her and her N*SYNC obsession. Hell, it reminds me of all us and our N*SYNC obsession!

“In the Summertime” by ??? Christopher hummed a weird version of this song, and did a funny little dance for the girls this year, all the time. Gosh, that was SO funny.

“Semi-Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind I don’t why this one reminds me of the Class of 2001. I guess it’s the part where he says, “Goooooodddbbyyyyeee!” We were painting the goodbye banner, the one we would hold during the grad ceremony after we sang our song, and I started singing this.

“YMCA” by the Village People I danced to this song hundreds of time, but three fourths of the time I danced it, it was with the people in our class. It’s been fun you guys!

“I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys The boys were singing this in the hallway, while the girls were upstairs, right before we marched over to the church to the ceremony. I could hear their voices echoing all the way down the stairs.

“Pomp and Circumstance” by Elgar This is the oh-so-famous graduation song, the dum-dum-dum one we did the weird little academic walk to up the aisle. I walked to this song twice at Saint Peter’s, in Kindergarten, and now In 8th grade. No matter how many times in life I’ll walk up to this, it’ll always remind me of SPS.

Ah, the good ol’ days!


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*desolate silence* [29 Jun 2001|03:30pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | "Smash it Up" by T(i)NC ]

Hellloooooo....fuck man. No one is updating this piece of shit. I'm on the verge of deleting this journal!

Update more or i'll stab you in the leg with scissors,
--Boo Radley

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I am on crack. [22 Jun 2001|01:47pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | "Sugar" by System Of A Down ]


--Izy the Crackhead Drunk

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Typical Gesuden in italicized print: [21 Jun 2001|10:36pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | "Edgecrusher" by Fear Factory ]


I would like to know where I recieved my academic excellence from the family tree. Apparently it's not from my immediate family.


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"It's normal for things to be shitty..." [21 Jun 2001|12:13am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | "Knock Three Times" by Tony Orlando ]

Well, I did go over Lizette's today. And I had a pretty good time. We had a pretty good time. We walked around a bunch, and went to the Rec House. And we were sitting on the swings, and these two guys pass by, and Iz is lookin at them, trying to see if they're look-worthy, when I recognize one of 'em. I yell "OMG, it's Lawrence!" And Iz jumps off the swing, panicking trying to find a place to go. And I think Law kinda saw us, even though we were kinda far away, but it looked like he was trying to cover his face. But I'm not sure, I could be wrong. *shrug* And she was all worried they were heded toward Dev's, which would be bad, since he lives right by Iz. But he didn't, and we kinda wished he did afterwards, so we could scare the hell out of him with Iz's so-called gothic self, and chase him with our buring incense. That would have been a laugh.

And before I left, we were in her driveway, and she told me to open something. I open it, and there's a cobweb. So I tore it, and I got this spider and a dead ant on my finger. And then the spider began to eat the dead ant on my finger. Everyone ran away from me, 'cept my sister. And I started to come towards Iz, and she was holding a rake at me, threatening me with it. LOL...Iz holding a "rake." It was so funny, you shoulda seen the expression on her face.

And on other matters, Louren, I read your entry, and I must say, BRAVO! It took that woman lotsa experience to write that, ladies and gents. But one thing I must protest: "I like guys who have pretty eyes. Som guyz have eyez that hav that special SPARKLE* in them. How many times have I told you, it's not sparkle, their eyes just happen to be watery!

And this morning, I watched this movie Now and Then for the 3rd time since I rented it. It's got Christina Ricci and a buncha other people looking back at their coming-of-age and all the fun times they had when they were 12 during 1970s. It's old, came around 1995, and the critics gave pretty shitty reviews. But I liked it, and it had all the stuff I wish happened to me when I was 12. Plus, this one girl said something that I think is so true..."It's normal for things to be shitty." Cuz usually that's how life is, there's alwayz something shitty about it.

But now I have all these 70s songs stuck in my head.

That was me,

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Phew, it's hot in here.. [19 Jun 2001|05:35pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | "Hey You" by No Doubt ]

And these mothafuckin brats won't shut the fuck up. I'm in the mood to go swimming. Sponge Bob is on! Yay!

G, if you're reading this, you're allowed to come over tomorrow.

--Izy Izzbourne

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The PerfeKt Boy [18 Jun 2001|06:20am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | " I " by Taproot ]

The other nite i was goin thru stuff i wrote a while ago. It waz all about the perfekt boy and wat not. I wrote this a while ago so don't mess wit me. K well here goez....

There iz no such thing as a perfect boy because all boys have at least a small bit of stupidty and ignorance in them. In my opinion, all guys are hellz annoyin. No matter how sweet a guy can be.. they always turn out to be one or all of the following: really stupid, ignorant, obsessive, insecure, immature, emotionless, liars, or just plain heartbreakers full of bull. guys are just full of bullsh-t and that's the truth. I know i may expect a lot from guys but so what...they don't even care neways.
Do they always have to flirt with your friends? Do they always have to try and make you jealouz? And how the hell do they do that damn sad lookin, bullsh-tting, and pissing type look on their face. I hate that so much cuz it always gets me to forgive them. SHIET.
Wait, this is supposed to be a damn paragraph about the boy for me. WOOPZ!
So neway, the perfekt boyshould love me for who i am. He should love me for who i am now and not what i could become later. They shouldn't base everything MOSTLY on looks. If you don't care about nething but looks then get the hell away from me cuz i just put u into the ASSHOLE file.
The perfekt boy shouldnt have to wait until forever until he tells me that he likes me too or he duz like me. I jus want him to be straight-forward and honest. Guyz with a JUST GO attitude really seem attractive. Like they don't care if people stare when he's goin insane movin around like a weirdo when his favorite song comes on.
if he flirts around with every1 then NO the answer is NO! There's this thing called self-control. USE IT. .. while youre at it .. use your BRAIN! If youre all over other girls besides me when we're together then i will MORE THAN GLADLY kick your stupid ass.
Sometimes i really really love guyz .. sometimes i despise them. It may seem that i become obsessive over them sometimes but HONEY GET OVER YOUR DAMN SELF. the only reason i mite keep talking about a guy is if i run out of things to say ... u see.. i have a BAD HABIT of talking and talking about NETHING .. and when i run out of thingz to say then CHA CHING.. the topic about boyz comez out.
The guy for me would have to be at least decent lookin. If therez no physical attraction then u got no chance. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KISS SOMEONE WHO LOOKZ DISGUSTING? i'm not tryin to be mean but EVERYONE is like that. even if u say "oh i dont go for lookz" u still dont mean it. the truth is...therez GOTTA be somethin physical that attracts u to them (ex:eyes).
I like guys who have pretty eyes. Som guyz have eyez that hav that special SPARKLE* in them. I also like guyz with spiked hair .. I DUNNO WHAT IT IZ. THE SPIKED HAIR just DOES IT FOR ME! But some guys don't look so good with spiked hair. DONT TRY IT AT HOME YOU GUYZ!
Dunno why but I always go for older guys (lol rite ROB?) Guys my age usually act like 6 year olds. HELL.. ALL guyz act like 6 year olds.
I also dunno why but i like guyz with a skater look ... alwayz have... but i'm into other types of guys too. But itz weird how most of the skaterz i know are DUMB! maybe they just fell so many timez while doing tricks and what not. WEAR A DAMN HELMET!
If a guy can hug me and make me feel better about everythin in this world for just that one minute then i'll surely fall in love with you.
There's probably a bunch of other reasons a guy CAN BE perfect for me but i would go on forever. SO I LEAVE U WITH THIS:

"Boyz really SUCK but there's always that something that makes me wanna SUCK them.. LMAO"


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I found god... [16 Jun 2001|01:18pm]
[ mood | retardedly lustful ]
[ music | "Your Sweet Six Six Six" by HIM ]

Meet my newest husband Ville Valo. I CALLED HIM DAMN YOU AND IM NOT SHARING!

Lustfully yours,

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Poor Iz!!! [15 Jun 2001|08:40pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "Fat Lip/Pain for Pleasure" by Sum 41 ]

Poor Izy. :( I feel the pain.

Unlike you, my day was uneventful. The only thing worth mentioning, is this morning. I wake up, gown downstairs, and the first thing my mother says to me is, "There's no milk for the oatmeal!" The lack of milk is all due to my dumb-ass brother, Jule. I swear, ever since he decided to become obsessed with basketball, he drinks a half a gallon of milk a day! But instead of making him grow, the milk makes him fat. Serves him right.

And who do you think was sent to get the milk? So I brushed my teeth, washed my face, brushed my hair, and changed into some overalls, and went on my way to the grocery store. I wasn't even fully awake! So I get the milk, and heas to the checkout aisle. I'm standing there, and all of the sudden, I spot some ladies' magazine called "Vanity Fair" with Josh Hartnett on the cover.

I dropped the milk.

I'm lucky it didn't explode. The lady behind me is all like, "Miss, are you okay?" I tell her I'm fine, and pretend nothing's wrong. But I really wanted that magazine! They had like 5 big good pics of JH. How could I pass this opportunity up? Only problem, mom only gave me $5, and the mag is $4. I can't get both the mag and the milk. And I'm next in line. I stand there for a minute, then hide the milk under the conveyor belt where the baskets go. And I got the magazine.

So, I get home, mom asks where the milk is. I tell her I got a magazine instead. She was not very happy about that. She started thwaping me on the head with a slipper. Not hard though. Hey, you can't blame me! When you're half asleep at the grocery store, and spot a mag with Josh Hartnett without a shirt, you tend to make bad decisions. *shrug* Then she makes me go back and buy the milk with my own money. It didn't matter, since the milk was cheaper than the mag, which meant I spent less of my own money. And it was damn worth it.

And that's the only thing eventful in my day. Intersting life, ain't it?

It's me,

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Poopers [15 Jun 2001|06:26pm]
[ mood | moody ]
[ music | "Rio Bravo" by CKy ]

I went to the high school today for orientation. Check my journal for more details. I talked to G on the phone moments ago, and I think im going to need to talk to her again. I'm in a bad mood now cause i called Michael.

I should learn my lesson. Never look back.

Well the Tony Hawk demo is probably winding down. I should have been there. My life rocks.

--Izy the Miserable

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Agenda [14 Jun 2001|09:15pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | "Panic" by Osker ]

Today I painted my tonails black as I watched Jackass with my brother. Then I went into my room and read. Michael called me today.

I need a life.

Agitated and irate,
--Boo Radley

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Overslept again and I feel like shit [14 Jun 2001|01:02pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | "Too Hot" by The Specials ]

WAAAH! My head hurts and I wanna see Tony Hawk tomorrow! Fuck fuck fuckity fuck! And i'm never having kids EVER. I wish my grandma would stop babysitting.

--Iz Radley

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Don't tell mom the fishie's dead... [13 Jun 2001|10:24pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Drops of Jupiter" by Train ]

One of my fishies died today. My family had four of them. And the spotted black one died. He didn't even have a name. He belonged to my brother, Jule, and Jule is too anal redndant to name him. So, I shall remember him by Anonymus...Anon for short. May Anon rest in peace.

And my dad threw Anon in the garbage! It was so disrepectful! The garbage for cryin out loud! No ceremony or anything! No toilet! My mother loved the fishies. She would watch them eat, and talk about thier personalities. If she were home, Anon wouldn't be sittin in the trash. She would have listened to me when I told her to flush the poor baby down the toilet. In fact, my mother would suggest a burial herself! But had to be home instead of mom. Jeez!

An enraged,

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Bunny the Lifeguard is OUTSIDE! [13 Jun 2001|08:40pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | "Im The Man" by Anthrax ]

No not Chris Pontius! My pet rabbit! My dad braught her out in the backyard for tonight. What if some nasty cat attacks her? I'm so poor baby...I love my little bunny..

My dad hates the little fluffball. He wants to give her away. If that happens, I'm buying myself a new pet. Maybe a snake. I'll name it Rake. Or a lizard. Or a cat. Cats are pretty...i'd name it Bam Bam or Slayer or something rad like that. Now that's phat as hell. Bunny the Lifeguard, Slayer the cat, Handsome the lizard and Rake the snake. They got dey own posse ya heard.

--Agent Iz

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