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User:vyxn (14587) Paid User vyxn
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Name:The Devil's Advocate
Location:Perth, Western Australia, Australia
AOL IM:AIM status mevyxn (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 6506830 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status v_y_x_n (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:Welcome to my journal. It's not representative of me, because I'm not completely honest here, and I only tend to write what I feel like writing. But it will give you a decent idea of who I am and what I do.

Please feel free to add my journal to your friends list, but don't be offended if I don't add you back - I tend to have completely arbitrary reasons for why I do or don't add someone.

If you wanna message me, there's a number of different ways to contact me - I love speaking to new and different people, so please go ahead and message me :)

And I think that about covers it! Oh, and my journal is very personal, so it tends to be mostly about me - just a warning that I can come across as self-centered sometimes, but hey, what else do you expect from a personal journal ?
Memories:21 entries
Interests:146: absolutely fabulous, alanis, alanis morissette, alisha's attic, angel, anita blake, anne mccaffrey, anne rice, arkarna, arthur c clarke, belief, ben folds, billy joel, black lipstick, bluetooth, bmb, bofh, boy meets boy, boys, btvs, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, chocolate, cisco, clubbing, computers, consequence, cuddling, dance dance revolution, dance music, danny elfman, david eddings, david gemmell, ddr, douglas adams, dreaming, dreams, duran duran, enya, equality, faith, family, fantasy, feeling, firewalls, forever, freebsd, frente, friends, geek, getting wet, grant naylor, greg bear, happiness, harmony, internet, irc, irony, isaac asimov, janny wurts, japanese, jeffrey archer, karma, kevin smith, kim stanley robinson, languages, linux, love, madonna, magic, mercedes lackey, midkemia, milkshakes, milli vanilli, monty python, mtv, mud, music, musicals, netbsd, networking, networks, nickelodeon, open source, openbsd, paganism, palm, paradox, peace, peanut butter, people, perl, pet shop boys, peter gabriel, piers anthony, pineapple juice, placebo, poppy z brite, procrastination, psb, purple, radiohead, rain, raymond e feist, reality, red dwarf, rent, rhps, robert jordan, robin williams, rocky horror, rocky horror picture show, routers, sci-fi, science fiction, servers, sinfest, singapore, sleep, sluggy freelance, sms, solaris, storms, sunshine, sushi, switches, tae kwon do, technology, terry pratchett, the 80's, the cure, thinking, thunderstorms, tim burton, travel, trust, userfriendly, wap, water, weather, webcams, weird al, weird al yankovic, wireless, yaoi, yoga. [Modify yours]
People162:4oid, _helterskelter, _screenager_, a_man, aelfin, ainhcara, alcarilinque, alpha_boi, amandaplaywith, anhedoniia, annifridfour, aphedas, astoria_zante, astroboi, auntyadele, bandannaboi, barbie_q, bel_ami_boi, benj1906, benny_o, bettybond, birdmadgirl, blackeyedboy, blood_flower, boystrange, bridgerjack, calamity_jn, calibra, cassieclaire, cellfish, chaotica, ciannait, cosime, ctwd, cyber_blue, dafwarg, daltaya, dark_chyld, darth_hedgehog, dev_ilry, devilush, dilemmax, djenigma, djwok, domestika, doubledupinside, drewbz, eadlin, ender, expoet, gearbox, gelignite, ghostchild, gorard, grahame, harpoonblue, he_still_cares, hipikat, hippierage, horizone, hugslut, hydden, interim32, jarrad, joan_mcmoon, jobaby, joga, jojo180, jonto, jothanbar, jusst_james, just_charlotte, kai_el_solo, keneally, kheldar, killinwill, koinu, kolesha, loic, loryndalar, m0nk3y25, m0o, macgregor, magicdancer, marharet, maxi_boi2004, meowmanx, merrwyn, mooose, mordant, mossiah, mrpc, mrwombat, murg, myangelgabriel, never_infinite, new_words, nitelighter, octobervision, orderinchaos, pierce_79, planetconcrete, poincare, prezrobert, prickles, psuedoeffigy, purewhitestars, quog, raffles, refusethemark, rehab_jj, reticence, rocketboy, rodcub, ron_, roshni, russg, sandgropa, scarlet_rainbow, seanluc, shakari, sijon, simones, simopomo, sinfulact, singaboy, sleepy1, spaced_in, sugacoma, suicide_booth, sych, taintedsoulmate, tank22, tastigr, terrycat, thebigspace, thegit, theoi, theotherday, tigrr, timberwolf_1984, titanica, toiletducky, trashy, tres_faux, tygerflaem, tzar_kirov, vanderlized, vonleuschner, vyxn, wintal, worfie, wrighter, x_t_c, xejon, ysabelly, zaneyboi, zarneth, zedar, zefr, zero_production, zhasper
Communities35:binarion, boy_touching, fotobilder_user, gay_alternative, gay_boys, gay_perth, gay_sex_tips, gayboi, goathack, hardcore_bt, hobart_people, linux, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_support, lj_textmessage, lj_win32, ljwin32_sema, mealworm, news, paidmembers, perl, perthgoths, pocketlj, sg_ljers, sg_queer, suggestions, suicide_boys, syn_promo, unisfa, webcamboys, yaoi
Feeds9:calnhobbes, dilbert_feed, doonesbury, garfield_comic, kevinkell, megatokyocomic, pennyarcaderss, sinfestfeed, theonionfeed
Mutual Friends:134: 4oid, _helterskelter, _screenager_, aelfin, ainhcara, alcarilinque, alpha_boi, amandaplaywith, anhedoniia, annifridfour, aphedas, astoria_zante, astroboi, auntyadele, bandannaboi, bel_ami_boi, benj1906, bettybond, blackeyedboy, blood_flower, boystrange, bridgerjack, calamity_jn, cellfish, chaotica, ciannait, cosime, ctwd, cyber_blue, dafwarg, daltaya, dark_chyld, darth_hedgehog, dev_ilry, devilush, dilemmax, djenigma, doubledupinside, drewbz, eadlin, ender, gearbox, gelignite, ghostchild, gorard, grahame, harpoonblue, he_still_cares, hipikat, hippierage, horizone, hydden, interim32, jarrad, joan_mcmoon, jobaby, jothanbar, jusst_james, just_charlotte, kai_el_solo, keneally, kheldar, killinwill, kolesha, loic, loryndalar, m0nk3y25, m0o, marharet, meowmanx, merrwyn, mooose, mossiah, mrpc, murg, myangelgabriel, never_infinite, nitelighter, octobervision, orderinchaos, pierce_79, planetconcrete, poincare, prickles, psuedoeffigy, purewhitestars, quog, raffles, refusethemark, rehab_jj, rocketboy, rodcub, ron_, roshni, russg, sandgropa, scarlet_rainbow, seanluc, shakari, sijon, simones, simopomo, sinfulact, singaboy, sleepy1, sugacoma, suicide_booth, sych, taintedsoulmate, tank22, tastigr, thebigspace, thegit, tigrr, timberwolf_1984, titanica, toiletducky, trashy, tres_faux, tygerflaem, tzar_kirov, vanderlized, vonleuschner, vyxn, wintal, worfie, wrighter, x_t_c, xejon, ysabelly, zedar, zefr, zero_production, zhasper
Also Friend of:41: 1dream_weaver, _allstar_, _shadow_dreamer, a4, adennoir, aobboi, arkarna, bcp, bio_monki, brettles, cruz_, donovan, gaymonk3y, iceman124, infernos, juzzywuzzy, kolita, kriskumar, krypt, lifethinker, linus_torvalds, mu_solo, mzkitty, openroad, protogonoi, raist, sable_dragon, scherpie, sensether, sixthromeo, somebodies, space_mike, tarz, thedonut, tiggrboy, tkid, tommmo, vboy, viperwolf, wolfrising, yitz
Member of:28: binarion, boy_touching, gay_alternative, gay_boys, gay_perth, gay_sex_tips, gayboi, goathack, hardcore_bt, hobart_people, linux, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_nifty, lj_perl, lj_textmessage, mealworm, paidmembers, perl, perthgoths, pocketlj, sg_ljers, sg_queer, suicide_boys, syn_promo, unisfa, webcamboys, yaoi
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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