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Below is user information for holland a.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:escargo_go (1670954) escargo_go
my thoughts are guarenteed.
for a price
Name:holland a.
Location:d'Irvine, California, United States

" Now with our PDA's, iPods, and cell phones, we have made ourselves electronic. But we our poor excuses for robots."

-arley rose

Memories:1 entry
Interests:7: cobble stone sidewalks, ebay dot com, ladies and gentlemen, maurice ravel, quasi, sarah vaughan, the cosby show. [Modify yours]
People26:_1993, __hearts, _exploded, _nerdygirl, aint_it_funny, ashik, brainfreezyouch, capturing, city_of____, damienbroadcast, dddntstpthebeat, elasticfashion, fivesixtwo, halfrikanation, hesawallflower, justbreakmyhart, justdance_drink, lepetitpoulpe, meat_____rack, ohmyheartattack, pipesofpan, salty_basket, shemovesherhips, teddybea, thesincrusade, youresopretty
Friend of:26: _1993, __hearts, _kings, _nerdygirl, aint_it_funny, ashik, brainfreezyouch, capturing, city_of____, damienbroadcast, dddntstpthebeat, elasticfashion, fivesixtwo, halfrikanation, hesawallflower, justbreakmyhart, justdance_drink, karrrma, ohmyheartattack, pipesofpan, programs, salty_basket, shemovesherhips, teddybea, thesincrusade, youresopretty
Account type:Free Account

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