sunset, behind a chain link fence.
sunset, behind a chain link fence. [entries|friends|calendar]

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on this channel. [19 Nov 2003|09:02pm]
[ music | black eyes | some boys ]

this was taken from [info]dirtyaffection.

post anything that you want and post it anonymously. anything. a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love- anything. be sure to post anonymously and honestly. post twice if you'd like. then, put this in your livejournal to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your livejournal) have to say.

14| cram it down my throat

friends only [08 Feb 2003|05:03pm]
[ music | flake music | mieke ]

i cherish my privacy.

comment and add me if you like.

8| cram it down my throat

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