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Below is information about the "the alternative notebooks" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:alternate_books (459951) alternate_books
Name:the alternative notebooks
Website:Alternate Books
Location:United States
About:When deciding if you want to join, check out the memories for an idea of what goes on. Also please do not join if you do not have the time to commit to sending out notebooks. We do not want people joining and losing interest in a week, becoming a dead link in the community. Please note, if you live with your parents or roommates, make sure they are okay with you receiving random mail. We do not want anyone to get in trouble.

maintained by [info]tiggerparadise and [info]cheriphin
tiggerparadise and cheriphin are not responsible for lost, damaged, or diseased notebooks.


NO off-topic posts will be permitted. We will remove the post immediately.

Our new, soon to be fully updated and accessable, website:
Memories:127 entries
Interests:45: anything, art, being creative, crafts, creativity, decorating, doodles, drawing, envelopes, erasers, everything, friends, getting mail, glue, ink, journals, learning, letters, livejournal, lj, mail, making friends, meeting people, notebooks, paper, pen pals, pencils, pens, photographs, pictures, postage, randomness, scrapbooks, sending mail, sketches, snail mail, stamps, stickers, stories, stuff, tape, themes, thought, whatever, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:111: __primary, _ellie_, abs6183, alannahrose, amandatio, amberies, ameliaanne, amethystfate, amybeth85, anniefee, autonomic, blue_night, blueorchids, bobbijo, brevegirl, cheriphin, coffeebean, crazykimchee, cyph0r, danniangel, delicatesilence, divinefire, fadingbluestar, faedesmeeres, faerie_glitter, feelingautumn, firecrest, flwersandsilnce, flyinghorses, forgotmyline, girliegoalie, gnat, grrlfloyd, ibejeska, in_my_head, inanna24, innocent_stars, invisible_1, jansi, je_reviens, jehanne, jenzee, kameko, kelkesh, keoieid, kissthevamp, kraziebabi, laurenybeth, lethebasii, lonelywreckage, loveisdyingoff, luckyno13, lulu84, measahurricane, melamy, morningfall, mortaine, ms_hecubus, netcrow, noise_brigade, notquitedead, oliveyoux, oliviaspookie, otosan, ottergirl, owlfriend, peanut, pickmeupunk, pipu, pixiehillpixie, polka_dots, prettyxuseless, quabazaa, queeniefox, ragingbutterfly, rainbow_gurl, rainbowfroggy, rara_avis41884, rawrkittie, regret_this, rinse_and_spit, rip_kurt, rw, secrets138, sedatesoul, shadydragonfly, sillyduck, sillynina, sparkles022003, stacia831, starryeyesxx, straypenstrokes, tajoren, tamijo, terminalx, the_empty_girl, thecat3786, thefaghag, thomasblair, tiggerparadise, tikilafae, tonyasjournal, turningred, unraveled, virgoearthgirl, weetziefae, whiskeygirl, withoutpencils, wyrdchild, xemosoulx, xzeon
Watched by:113: _ellie_, abs6183, alannahrose, amandatio, amybeth85, anniefee, autonomic, bittersweetchic, blue_night, bouncingfizgig, brevegirl, cheriphin, cinqheures, cowriemoon, crazykimchee, cyph0r, danniangel, darkestfears, daydreamersrest, delerious, dropsofjupiter1, fadingbluestar, faerie_glitter, fayec_chanfaye, feelingautumn, firecrest, fivestarparade, flwersandsilnce, flyinghorses, forgotmyline, geekyfreak, girliegoalie, gnat, grrlfloyd, gryffindorboy, hollypocket, hollypocket29, itouchmyself, jansi, je_reviens, jehanne, jenzee, kameko, kandikitty, kelkesh, keoieid, kissthevamp, kre8vsol, laurenybeth, lethebasii, lonelywreckage, luckyno13, lulu84, morningfall, mortaine, mrstr4ng3, ms_hecubus, netcrow, notquitedead, oliviaspookie, otosan, ottergirl, owlfriend, paint_thesky, peanut, pipu, pixiehillpixie, plastic_stars, polka_dots, poorlittleme, quabazaa, queeniefox, ragingbutterfly, rainbow_gurl, rainbowfroggy, rara_avis41884, rawrkittie, reviving, rinse_and_spit, rinse_repeat, riotnotdiet, rw, savestheday, shadydragonfly, sillyduck, sillynina, smalltownrain, smrtmouthgodess, soleilunamail, soylentjames, sporkerfly, stacia831, straypenstrokes, sweetestcandy, terminalx, the_empty_girl, thecat3786, thefaghag, thomasblair, tiggerparadise, tikilafae, tonias_rainbow, tonyasjournal, tristitia00, turningred, unraveled, violettechimera, virgoearthgirl, weetziefae, whadda, wyrdchild, xemosoulx, xzeon
Account type:Free Account

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