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Sunday, October 13th, 2002
12:21 pm


there's already comments there. if i had a picture server thing i'd put 'em up and.. well.. follow the rules of the community. but i felt the need to share.


current mood: tired
current music: skinny puppy..

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Saturday, October 12th, 2002
5:59 am - Engrish.

Hey, no one's posted for awhile, so I decided I should give it a go. I'm a newbie anyway... Sorry to say, this one is kinda cheating since the picture is really just funny in itself and I stole it from (go if easily amused or planning on living in Japan anytime soon).

~Wow, so do you think if I get a perfect 300 they'll throw in a threesome? I've been hankerin' for some hot communication a lot lately...~

Anyway, yeah, that was my feeble attempt.
By the way, this is Shannon ... =)

current mood: hot

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5:48 am - Engrish.

Hey, no one's posted for awhile, so I decided I should give it a go. I'm a newbie anyway... Sorry to say, this one is kinda cheating since the picture is really just funny in itself and I stole it from (go if easily amused or planning on living in Japan anytime soon).

~Wow, so do you think if I get a perfect 300 they'll throw in a threesome? I've been hankerin' for some hot communication a lot lately...~

Anyway, yeah, that was my feeble attempt.
By the way, this is Shannon ... =)

current mood: hot

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Monday, September 16th, 2002
5:31 pm


[mommie says that if I smile, I can have another donut]

current mood: amused
current music: jamiroquai

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Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
4:09 am - Yes, it's real


The proper tribute, of course, is to eat two at a time.

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Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
5:39 pm - funniest thing all day.


Girl, lower left: Umm, wait, hold on a sec, how do I show I'm evil again?

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Monday, June 17th, 2002
12:12 pm


Tommy wasn't sure, but he could swear Satan told him that if he killed the little woodchuck, that his sister Sally would get AIDS. Well, now the woodchuck is dead, but that slut is healthy as a horse. Damn you Satan, damn you.

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Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
1:01 am - ::Butthead voice:: This is the funniest thing I have ever seen.


When Rock Stars Go Surfing
After surfing one afternoon, Brandon discovered that his trunks were missing. Embarrassed at the thought of having to ride to shore butt naked, he grabbed a shark that happened to be swimming by. With his mutant powers, he skinned it and pulled the flesh over his head. He then proceeded to run around, biting the asses of his bandmates and yelling, "RAAAAWWWWRRR!!! YO SOY SHARKMAN!!!"**

They chalked it up to yet another mix of salt water and tequila.

(**"I am Sharkman!" in Spanish)

current mood: silly
current music: "End Of The Beginning" ~Dru Birkeland

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Friday, May 31st, 2002
5:12 pm


Dhanni Devi, an Indian refugee from Garkhaal village displays her collection of family golden butt plugs which have been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. Dhanni has spent the last week in an United States run refugee camp, where the food (such as peanut butter) has given her such diarrhea the family golden butt plugs have become stained to a shameful brown.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2002
12:51 pm


you be the judge...

(corky sings!)

current music: Acrid - Tools to Dissolve

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Thursday, May 23rd, 2002
4:44 am - oooh yeah!


i think this is beyond i won't say anything...

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4:02 am - yeah yeah ... i know it's old one...

i know it's old but makes me laugh after all these i am gonna post it :)

current mood: bored

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