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stamped [13 Jul 2004|07:31pm]

im new. got accepted. my first post as a stamped memeber. praise it! ...... please?
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ehem [13 Jul 2004|11:59am]



cause i just made it. and i said so.
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[10 Jul 2004|06:04pm]

[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Lower Class Brats :: Barbie Dolls ]

Auriel and other mods.... was i stamped... i don't remember... i know people accepted me and shit... but was there a specific stamp of approval... well i am gonna put shit up in here anyways!! :-P

i was experimenting with my hair!  )

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[09 Jul 2004|02:51pm]

my friend and i made a little picture story thing with some pictures of me..i find it amusing. check it out


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[04 Jul 2004|02:48pm]

Hey I have pictures but I like don't know how to post them but my hair is blue now!its pretty cool so if anyone can help me on the posting pictures thing cause everyone else has pictures besides me and I feel so alone! peace

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hey pimps [04 Jul 2004|12:24pm]

yeah. i need to fix one side of the hair..its a lil too dark.
<3Mod Auriel

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bang bang you’re dead [03 Jul 2004|09:15pm]

Read more... )
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application [26 Jun 2004|12:49am]

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band [21 Jun 2004|05:56pm]

I've been told/shown something this user has said to another that was rude...
therefore i'm going to band the girl unless i have reason not to,
any advice?

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[19 Jun 2004|11:29pm]

heres a few new picshas of me for you suckas
Read more... )
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[15 Jun 2004|12:02pm]

[ mood | peaceful ]

Okay, I'm one of those crazy aunts who has to show off pictures of her nephew, and I just got some new ones from my wonderful sister, Bianca.
I know we're really only supposed to post pictures of ourselves. But allow me to be selfless for a moment.
My sister is honestly the most important person in my life. She's one of the only people that keeps me going.
This is the other person who keeps me going....


ixamxSOxillegal: love you
XMILF EDGE DFAX: love u more kiddo
XMILF EDGE DFAX: xforeverxtruex

Don't get all bummed out because you didn't get to see my hot ass today. Just go, awwwww, your family is the best thing ever!


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application [12 Jun 2004|10:47pm]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | the divynls- i touch myself ]

application... )

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[12 Jun 2004|02:15pm]

[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Brand New<3 ]

So my wonderful friend Alyse ([info]norefund) and I decided to go to Sacramento one day.
Our friend Hayley ([info]avengersannual) decided to join us.
Drive onto me )

This sign.

Oh dear. Nevada again. Poo.

I hope I didn't bore you too much.

There are more to come once they've been developed. :)


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[11 Jun 2004|05:33pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | batmobile bitch- zombie raid ]

new pix finally... cuz I redyed my hair... )

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[11 Jun 2004|12:05am]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | adult swim <3 ]

1. Name: Emma
2. Age: 13 and a 1/2 :)
3. Fav. Bands? greenday,taking back sunday, rancid, yeah yeah yeahs, subline, anti-flag, Thursday, yellowcard, atreyu, brand new, and more
4. Fav. Movies? thirteen, breakfast club, lion king, comedy movies some horror movies
5. NOW, what IS your malfunction?  idk
6. now be honest...are you "positive"? sure
7. are you single? yes :(
8. oh yeah? where the hell do you live? Bradenton,Florida
9. ready for some fun? cmon, you know you wanna: yes im ready for some fun! :D
10. now be honest, what do you really use your camera/web cam for? huh? *nudge nudge*: i use my camra to take pics of my cats and me and people
11. fill in the blanks and finish this sentence how ever you please "last night, susan and I were (being/acting or feeling, pick one) totally stupid, eventually, we attacked eachother bc we were fighting over the remot control..hee hee

12. why do you think you should have the honor of us loving you? bc im loveable most of the time
13. do you like cookies? huh? well do ya?: i love cookies
14. now honestly, what do you think when you see this face : whats up with your face?lol
15. how about this one ? omg that guy scares me he is so scary lookin
16. what are your thoughts on "tea bagging"? umm i don't no..
17. now be honest, have you ever thought/recieved/ or given a tea bagging in your life? nope
18. where's the worst place to get a piercing? on the neck
19. what if i told you i HAD/HAVE that piercing? did it hurt?
20. bite or lick? both
21. any last words? ummm add me? lol
PICTURE TIME (post at least 3 of yourself)

im so sorry i have no pics of me.:( my digital camra has no battery and it wont charge up.. i promise when my dad gets a battery ill post pics




o yeah BANG BANG, you're dead
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<3 [10 Jun 2004|06:54pm]
hey slowpokes..everyone go vote on


**and so this isnt a text only post.. *** )
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BANG BANG, you're dead... [10 Jun 2004|12:30pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Danny Winn and the Earthlings - Hole In My Heart ]

1. Name:Amanda
2. Age: 17
3. Fav. Bands? rancid, sex pistols, nekromantix, tiger army, the toasters, the casualites, the virus, unseen, the krays
4. Fav. Movies? elephant, texas chainsaw massacre, requiem for a dream, slc punk (hilarious hilarious), sid and nancy, st. francisville experiment
5. NOW, what IS your malfunction? I don't know, hmmm, I watch Jerry Springer???
6. now be honest...are you "positive"? ummm....I don't think so...
7. are you single? yeah
8. oh yeah? where the hell do you live? Albuquerque, NM
9. ready for some fun? cmon, you know you wanna: hell yeah! always up for some fun.
10. now be honest, what do you really use your camera/web cam for? huh? *nudge nudge*: to make sex tapes of your mom
11. fill in the blanks and finish this sentence how ever you please "last night, _____ and I were (being/acting or feeling, pick one) totally _____, eventually, we ..............." last night, sara and I were being totally drunk, eventually, we ended hitchiking to Canada and woke up the next day and didn't know where we were...(? yeah it sucked I know)
12. why do you think you should have the honor of us loving you? because I like cheese, and I have a bass guitar that I like to play, play play allllllllll day :)
13. do you like cookies? huh? well do ya?: I love cookies
14. now honestly, what do you think when you see this face : he looks somewhat constipated
15. how about this one ? ewwww gross your face is going to FALL OFF!!!!
16. what are your thoughts on "tea bagging"? gross......ew....nassssstttttttttyyyyyyy
17. now be honest, have you ever thought/recieved/ or given a tea bagging in your life? uh, no
18. where's the worst place to get a piercing? ummm...genitalia
19. what if i told you i HAD/HAVE that piercing? i would ask how much it hurt
20. bite or lick? oooooooooh, I like both
21. any last words? sure...bed, couch, phone, shower, music, pick, towel, hamburger, shoe....yeah, I think that's it for now
PICTURE TIME (post at least 3 of yourself) whatever you say chief...
ewww, im uglayyyy )

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[04 Jun 2004|07:01pm]

[ mood | predatory ]

You guys should hella go join my community [info]_hotxstuff_ Because you all are my favorite. Okay, go join now or I'll be bummed out.


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Pictures for you sluts. [01 Jun 2004|09:20pm]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Dead Poetic - Stereochild ]

Please walls, stay quiet, reputation is on the line.... And please God, stay quiet, don't let them know you're watching me die.... )

I made this for the boyfriend.
He fricking loves it. :)
I'm so fucking edge.
I took like 10 minutes making it camo, because I'm in love with camo.
haha, I'm such a fag.

Hope you enjoyed my boredom? hah.


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[31 May 2004|04:23pm]

sometime i wonder about myself.

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