Below is user information for StrangeAngel. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | strangegrrl (3717) |
Name: | StrangeAngel |
Website: | |
Location: | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Birthdate: | 03-03 |
E-mail: |
strangegrrl | @ | |
AOL IM: | strangegrrrl (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
ICQ UIN: | 8641309 (Add User, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | strange_angel_x (Add User, Send Message) |
Bio: | StrangeAngel (aka: monica s. kuebler) is a Toronto-based writer / spoken word artist. She is the author of three sold-out chapbooks and has appeared on both radio and television. She is a self-confessed internet junkie and tech-whore. As an artist at heart (since birth) she is always looking to capture her life and her life's experiences through words, images and any other media which is available (no matter how absurd). She is currently working on a new website that will help fuel her latest experiment of living publicly.
monica s. kuebler released her first full length book of spoken word poetry in December 2002, for more information or to purchase visit the website Some Words Spoken. monica is also currently still editing and mixing her first CD, release date TBA. |
Memories: | 91 entries |
Interests: | 47: 'zines, acting, alternative music, apple computers, british accents, britpop, btvs, computers & internet, corsets, countercultures, cyberpunk, cyberpunk culture, dark fiction, david bowie, england, fake hair, fetish parties, fetish photography, freak fashion, h.r. geiger, henry rollins, horror, industrial music, karen finley, media studies, modelling, modern dance, movies, nite clubbing, occult, performance art, performance poetry, photography, poetry, pop culture, poppy z. brite, reading, rock climbing, science fiction, small press, spike, spoken word, subversion, tech, web design, william gibson, writing. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | 385: 00goddess, 01flux, 0varies, a_vogue_idea, abbeyrd, abbienormal, absent_wanderer, acaciablack, ace_ula, achluophilia, adarkjewel, aighmeigh, al_iguana, aldoushuxley, alli, alt_models, altered_static, ana, angelicdestiny, angst_princess, annalytical, anniesavoy, annievox, annikka, antiman, antiwesley, araxie, artistmodelmuse, artists_model, artvamp, artyste, avatar_of_chaos, azriel_deadsoul, bailie, baronessvarla, bbarbie, bedlammessiah, bettyboop37, beyondnever, billijean, biloba, birdinflight, bklynkaren, blackcustard, bloodsprite, blu, bluedawg, bluepaladin, bobomagicksock, bosatsu91, bowl9644, bratstreet, briaravenwood, brynna, bullhead, bunny_babe, busoni1, caitlin, calico, carrie, carriegurl, catherine, cato, cattika, celestial_chaos, changelog, charlottesmtms, chemicalmind, cherubim, circlek, citymouse, cmorrigu, colouredcopy, corachaos, corgi, creepigurl, crucible, cryo, cyberpunk, cydniey, cyn, czaria, da_guru, damiens, darkarts777, darkfiction, darkfleamarket, darkhavendesign, darkthreads, daruba, dawnmarie, daydream, delerious, dem, destroid, dilvalicious, discordantheory, disordered, distortedgirl, divafairy, divangel, divine_miss_m, dizzycam, djdarq, dna_fans, docbrite, dougan, draculasdarkbri, dragonlady, dragonvpm, dramaticphoto, drumatrix909, duhbigman, earthquake, easybakelovin, echovoid, ehmunro, eiffelgirl, elizabeth, elnerdoricardo, erictragedy, etcetera, exquisiteoath, fabusplody, feevert, fetishcares, firegrrl, fireheart, foxfire, foxyminx, frazzy, fruits, fucklist, fugged, funkdooby, gabbymoe, gagdoll, garbagefan, geza, ghostyo, gikiski, girl_nextdoor, girlsonly, gleepy, gooph, gothfash, grimmreality, hazicam, hbrika, heathers, hellothere, heyhoo, hilts, holywater, hudson, hugzy, humblepie, indiana, injured, innoxia_, insomnia, intimidator, itsagreatlife, itsmeagain, ivoryocean, jadedeath, jaina, janae, javina, jaysin, jenna77, jennylee, jenont, jnet, johnath, johnboze, jooolz, josephfinn, journeyinn, jphoenix, jr__nal, jungle_girl, justj, kalthrax, kashiegurl, kelayrel, kendryk, kickin_wing, kittymel, klimtomaniac, koan, kristel, kudzita, lalenalefay, laljbash, lazlopink, lethie, lianna, lizvang, lizzbeth1, lj_nifty, lolla, lonejaguar, lorigami, lowkey, lulu, lynchpuppy, machry, macintosh, madcarrots, madmanofprague, mangoman, maniacaljonny, maslacak, meghatron, melbear, mereunit, merlot, miabella, mikka, mindme, mistermoot, modeltalk, mojoflea, moroveus, moviemandan, mrdingleberry, mrguard, msfancypants, mswoo, musher, mykhull78, mylastsigh, myonlyanodyne, nachtfalke, nakedandalone, nathanblack, nc88fan, neilgaimanblog, neitherday, neobitch, nervous_wreck, news, nextproblem, nighthawk21, nishar, no_spoken_word, nocturnalia, nostar, nowhere, nycfetphoto, oceacat, odic, ody_see_us, oki, omegared077, one_self, opheliablue, original_look, orkillme, ovariancyst, ozgolith, paidmembers, paladin3, paris_of_priam, peekaboo, penetrate_me, peppermintbuzz, percolator, photodreamer, pinkish, polarbear, poonariffic, princessmuffin, queerdragonfly, radiskull, ragelabs, rejuvenator, repoman, risquewritings, ritual, robartes, robont, roshi, running_dog, ryestar, sabbat, sanderella_, sandradelete, sarcasta_bitch, sass, sassylass, saucydwellings, scarletscorpio, scasey1960, schlickster, scrumpette, scully, seahawk, secludedgrrrl, seiko, seventhcircle, sew_hip, sewingcircle, sexybrowneyes72, shannonkringen, sickboy, simulacrumncoke, sinfestfeed, sirclick, sirreal13, smallstar, softface, sometimesbebe, sorrento, sorrowblue, spokenword, starjunkie, starkirin, starsinmybelly, stephaniekaye, strangegrrl, stuffguy, stygion, sway, takingupspace, talashandy, taluagel, tasslehoff, telegraphic, templier, tenuouslinkboy, terredancer, the48thronin, the_anomalist, theboilingman, theducks, theheathen, theicon, theinnocence, thelovelylass, theometrica, thetech, thrillckr, timothypilgrim, tinkagoth, tjousk, tnsechick, todiefordesigns, toronto, toronto_jobs, torontoartists, torontogoth, translucid, traycer, triggerhappy, trista, troh23, true_nexus, truffle666, unelectable, ursamajor, username_ha, vampress, velvet_vbb, vitanuova, watermarkk, watership, wenzer, weswilson, whorlpool, wickenden, wildelf, wm_gibson_feed, woundedtiger, writers, xgray, xretro_fetishx, yakdog, zaiden, zaidproductions, zang, zanji, zooey72, zuwarah |
Friend of: | 349: 00goddess, 01flux, 1plus, abbeyrd, abbienormal, absent_wanderer, acaciablack, ace_ula, achluophilia, adarkjewel, aighmeigh, al_iguana, aldoushuxley, alli, altered_static, angelicdestiny, angst_princess, annalytical, anniesavoy, annikka, antiman, antiwesley, araxie, artvamp, artyste, ash_pixie, avatar_of_chaos, azriel_deadsoul, badaboom, bailie, baronessvarla, bbarbie, bedlammessiah, bettyboop37, beyondnever, bigkev, bigsexxxy, billijean, biloba, birdinflight, bklynkaren, bloodsprite, blu, bluedawg, bluepaladin, bobomagicksock, bosatsu91, bowl9644, bowtomecha, bratstreet, broken_words, brynna, bullhead, bunny_babe, busoni1, caitlin, calico, carouselrose, carrie, catherine, cato, cattika, celestial_chaos, charlottesmtms, chemicalmind, cherubim, circlek, citymouse, cmorrigu, colouredcopy, corgi, creepigurl, crucible, cryo, crythecrows, cydniey, cyn, czaria, da_guru, damiens, darkarts777, darkhavendesign, daruba, dawnmarie, daydream, deadmanholiday, delerious, dem, destroid, dilvalicious, discordantheory, disordered, distortedgirl, divangel, dizzycam, djdarq, dougan, draculasdarkbri, dragonlady, dragonvpm, drumatrix909, duhbigman, earthquake, echovoid, ehmunro, eiffelgirl, elizabeth, elnerdoricardo, erictragedy, etcetera, evil20, exquisiteoath, fabusplody, fallenone30, feevert, firegrrl, fireheart, foxfire, foxyminx, frazzy, funkdooby, gabbymoe, gagdoll, geza, gikiski, girl_nextdoor, gleepy, glittergram, gooph, hazicam, hbrika, heathers, hellothere, heyhoo, hilts, holywater, hudson, humblepie, iambliss, imel, indiana, injured, innoxia_, insomnia, intimidator, itsagreatlife, itsmeagain, ivoryocean, jadedeath, jaina, ... |
Member of: | 31: 0varies, a_vogue_idea, alt_models, artistmodelmuse, artists_model, cyberpunk, darkfiction, darkfleamarket, darkthreads, dna_fans, dramaticphoto, everyone, fruits, fucklist, garbagefan, girlsonly, gothfash, jude_fest, laljbash, lj_nifty, macintosh, mixmasters, modeltalk, paidmembers, rejuvenator, saucydwellings, spokenword, the_cedar_room, toronto, torontoartists, torontogoth |
Account type: | Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter |