friday, october 31st, 2003
1:54 pm
i hadn't been feeling in the Halloween spirit lately, which is weird for me since it's my favorite holiday. but 2 days ago i had an idea for a costume, and that seemed to perk me right up.
i have this cheap halo and a pair of cheap wings. the wings are slightly torn, so it's nothing spectacular. so i came up with what i thought was a great idea.
a angel that fell from Heaven
i wore a white skirt & sweater, my halo and broken wings, and i had on a BIG ankle brace and crutches. i thought it was original, a little funny, and definitely not average. i thought it was a cool costume.
apparently i was wrong
so we had a costume contest at work. nothing major, but it's fun.
i didn't get a single vote.
even people who hardly put any effort into their costume got votes.
i had to tell people (everyone except 1 person) what i was. they all thought the ankle brace was for a real injury. when i explained that i 'fell from heaven', they didn't get it. they were actually DISAPPOINTED that it wasn't real!
i dunno, maybe it's me. the law of averages would say that it's not them that just don't get it, but that it's me. that it was just a lame idea.
so now i'm torn between hating people, and feeling stupid for coming up with a dumb costume idea.
we even got let off work at lunch today, but i'm SO not in the mood to enjoy it.
current mood: crushed
sunday, october 26th, 2003
9:13 pm
- i like camping just as much as the next person. but this campfire smell has GOT to go. not to mention the ash covering my car (that is under covered parking, by the way). i live near the beach, yet there is still tons of ash from the fires. it's almost like snow. Chris likes to catch it on his tongue. other peoples' houses must taste good.
- lost 10 pounds on atkins so far. but not inches. grrr... been 3 weeks, and i'm already disenchanted with my lack of food choices. i even dreamt about ice cream last night. but we had shark for dinner tonight, which is different, so hopefully i can hang in there.
- getting even more blonder. haven't decided if i like it or not. i kinda miss the red. (if i get a decent picture of it one day, i promise to post it)
- been sick for over a week now. well, it's not even full blown sickness. you know that lethargic feeling you get right before you get sick? it's like that... only lasting over a week. no appetite, no energy, no desire to do anything. it sucks. not to mention the incredible dizzy spells. (and before you say it, no, it's not the diet).
- you know, i should be HAPPY that i lost 10 pounds. but it took me 3 weeks. i was kinda hoping for more. not to mention i took measurements and i even GAINED inches. it's so frustrating. but i know i have to stick with it.
i will not be called fat EVER AGAIN
- work is... work. i'm not overly excited to be there, but i feel damn lucky to have the job, you know?
- i'm a tad depressed because my favorite holiday is on Friday, and i'm not in the spirit (pardon the pun). i have no idea what to dress up as. i LOVE the fact that i can dress up at work and not be looked at funny. in fact, it's encouraged. but with no ideas (that are do-able), it's kinda sad. any ideas?
that's it for me. felt compelled to post, for some reason.
i'm okay. just trying to hang in there...
current mood: blah (12 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
friday, october 3rd, 2003
12:02 pm
forget Radiohead... (made that mistake once before)
if you are not feeling well, do NOT listen to Travis' "The Man Who"
hand me a hanky, already!
current mood: melancholy (2 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
thursday, october 2nd, 2003
9:12 am
we moved cubes at work. i no longer have a window to gaze out of. it sucks. even though the weather isn't all that great right now, it was still nice to be able to look out at the outside world every now and then. now... i see nothing but other cubes. yuck.
current mood: apathetic (how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
thursday, september 25th, 2003
11:31 am - *whew*
back from Hawaii...
a few days ago actually. it was good, and very much needed. i got to meet sirenity and her hubby Ralph (finally!), as well as Chris' best friend. many pics were taken, which should be posted sometime in the future. tried to show Chris as much of the island as possible. i tihnk it worked... he wants to move there! so... we are researching it. (eeps!) scary scary, but exciting.
thanks for the kind wishes in my absence. they were nice to come home to. once i adjusted to the jet lag and time difference (got home at 3am!).
back to the grindstone for me. maybe i can update with more detail later.
hugs to all!
current mood: busy (9 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
wednesday, august 20th, 2003
7:36 pm - *tap tap* does this thing still work?
um... hi
so yeah, i'm still around. frankly, i'm surprised most of you are as well. but glad to see you stuck it out. =)
ANYways... time to catch you folks up:
- it's been about a month since i moved in with Chris. things are going well. and no, i'm NOT completely unpacked yet! i just simple have too much crap and not enough room to put it. but so does Chris. we need to fix that. - work is one big ugly ball of stress for me right now. it's our busiest time of the year, so there are a gazillion deadlines (so it seems) and just way too much to do. ugh. - but that will all be okay because next month Chris & i are going to Hawai'i !!!!! yup, a proper vacation, for 10 whole days! and i'll be there for my birthday, too! i finally get to show the love of my life where i grew up and all the special places that mean something to me. not to mention i FINALLY get to meet sirenity and her hubby! squeeeee!!! - i'm no longer a readhead. i am attempting to return to blonde, but that (apparently) will take some time. at the moment my hair is a light brownish. in some lighting it sorta looks blondish. but then again, in some lighting it looks gray. eeeks. - i got another froggie. haven't named her yet. i think it's a her, i have to research it. so that makes 1 froggie, 2 turtles (named Dante & Randall), and numerous fish in Chris' saltwater aquarium. - Chris still hasn't found a permanent job. he's been doing contract work for awhile, but of course that eventually ends (this week) and no insurance with it, etc. think good thoughts for him, mmmkay? he could use it, and there's only so much i can do for him to keep his spirits up. =/ - and how am *I* doing? sick, at the moment. hopefully i can take a hot bath tonight and then crawl into bed with a cup of hot tea.
i'm sure there's more, but i can't think of anything. ask if there's something i've left out.
so where did i go? nowhere, stilll here. just haven't been into posting that much lately. i feel as if there are a dozen other things that are more important (including snuggling). i do read my friends list when i can, so i haven't forgotten about ya!
sooooo..... there you go. enjoy. =)
current mood: blank (32 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
monday, july 21st, 2003
9:08 pm
so... i am all moved in. unpacked, not that's another story. but tonight Chris got most of the furniture in place, so it's starting to feel like home.
home i like the sound of that
current mood: pleased (6 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
thursday, july 17th, 2003
8:51 pm
so tonight is the last night i sleep alone. tomorrow, Chris comes down and this Sunday we move the rest of my stuff up to his place.
it's scary it's exciting it's sad (i'll miss the dogs)
this, plus added stress at work, has made me a total wreck. i think i'm freaking Chris out, he's so worried about me. i know i'll be okay in a few weeks. if i can just make it there in one piece...
current mood: anxious (3 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
thursday, july 3rd, 2003
11:24 am
i am going to be physically ill...
current mood: crushed (4 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
wednesday, june 25th, 2003
8:19 pm
i am so SICK of packing! ugh! and my allergies are going nuts from all the dust. *achoo* but Goodwill is going to love me!
*ummm... oh yeah... i'm moving
in with him *swoon*
current mood: excited (28 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
tuesday, june 10th, 2003
5:00 pm
man, people are BITCHY in the hockey community!
current mood: amused (14 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
monday, june 9th, 2003
7:48 pm
i'd like to thank MY team, MY team for the past 10 years, for 10 years of great hockey, and an amazing playoffs.
and now i go crawl into a ball under the covers and weep...
current mood: crushed (13 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
thursday, june 5th, 2003
9:45 pm
Chris' birthday is on Sunday. i've been planning it for weeks! yet still... things don't always work out the way you want them to, do they? oh well... i think it will all be okay. he has NO idea what i have planned for him. *evil giggle*
PLUS our anniversary is the same day. we have something small planned on Saturday, just between us. it feels like the past year has just flown by!
current mood: excited current music: (despite the hockey score) (6 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
tuesday, june 3rd, 2003
6:51 pm - GoDaddy help
to anyone who has an account with GoDaddy.com:
what is the login? it says "Login or Customer Number" i can't find my paperwork (grr). i've tried the domain name, and the usual login in names i use for various places, but no luck. is the login name something assigned? or do you choose it?
problem is... i need to update my email address because the one they have is no longer valid. but if they send me updates, etc... it'll get bounced.
current mood: frustrated (3 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)
wednesday, may 28th, 2003
7:49 pm
very disturbing pics with very humorous commentary:
Weight Watchers Recipe Cards
current mood: distressed (6 licks | how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?)