Sleep Envy's journal

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Tuesday, August 28th, 2001
12:20 am - Speaking of her new song set...
"It's about not speaking for days and daydreaming and it's snowing outside. It's about zooming in and finding heaven underneath your kitchen table. Most people think that the life they lead is boring and the noises they hear every day are ugly. But if you take those same noises and make them into something magical and out of the ordinary, I think that's brave."

So I agree with her. And she reminds me of my favorite noise to hear when I was very young (jung). That is waking up early Saturday to hear my parents quietly talking over breakfast at the kitchen table. I would let the hushed voices lull me back to sleep.

Also, her quote may explain my current propensity to climb my furniture to the highest point and travel around the house from above.

And is there any difference between three music boxes played at once and the cacophony of Sonic Youth's first album track "The Burning Spear"?

current mood: indescribable
current music: Sonic Youth I Dreamed I Dream

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Monday, July 2nd, 2001
11:16 am
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
 -- Joseph Stalin

American education is held in control by the Imperial Federal Government.

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Saturday, June 16th, 2001
11:26 pm
A tree opens its leaves to the light of each morning; as dark comes the tree is full and tired. But as the light nourishes the moment, the tree opens its leaves wider holding fast to the fading light and then to the eventual glow which accompanies the stars. Fullness and fatigue finally take the tree and its leaves soften and sag, its sap thins and the tree finally sleeps. Not by force of its will, but by the force of its limitations, its mother's word, the law of nature.

current mood: sleepy
current music: "thoughts meander like an restless wind...."

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11:19 pm
Just to know is not enough, but it is often all we have. To visit in our dreams, to love from a distance, to celebrate through song and imagination that which may never be real.

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Thursday, June 7th, 2001
2:13 am - Your assignment: Add a few lines to the following verse...
shavings of light pouring blossoms of universal breath,
long slendered leaves of galactic plasmatic dust rendered silken by tidal stress...

(A few lines I wrote a while ago--I like them, but I don't know what to do with them, so I've littered my journal--Joy! Do take it over from where I left off, anyone! We can get a verse chain flowing here in the comments section...)

current mood: accomplished
current music: Computer fan hum... Jai guru deva om....

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Wednesday, June 6th, 2001
12:37 am - How to relate to others...
Watch TV; speak without thinking first; fill your mind with hack knowledge and hopeless clutter; don't sleep; don't educate yourself before doing something important; learn to listen to only those people you agree with and don't feel threatened by; pretend humans are 99% different from one another and principles don't exist; seek advice from the unsuccessful to ensure your success; fear your potential; turn from your liberty; blame someone else for your insecurity brought on by your lack of personal vision and commitment; ensure your misery by hating yourself and always remember happiness is sin.

current mood: cheerful
current music: The hills are alive with the sound of air conditioning...

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Friday, June 1st, 2001
9:18 pm - The first journal entry of many to come...
But first, here is something brilliant.

current mood: busy
current music: Sound of the air conditioning

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