Date: | 2004-01-28 19:12 |
Subject: | You can lead a horse to her livejournal. . |
Security: | Public |
And apparently some people can make them post. So, here's the thing, I'm trying to make friends on ICQ. And what does that have to do with me posting on a livejournal that was all but dead? I forget, but here I am!
Patrick got a livejournal. It's model_consumer I think. Also, torin the blond has a journal that if I don't link I'll forget to read, so here is that one, also.
So tonight, I am all alone until probably 9:00! Patrick went to some interpreters conference in the ATL with. . . TWO OTHER WOMEN! For shame! I had to eat left over pasta and I'm left to watch bad tv all night. Poo.
I'm going to post later, because, well, I cannot think of much to say.
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Date: | 2002-11-20 15:58 |
Subject: | onwards and upwards |
Security: | Public |
This journal probably won't be updated any longer. I'm using movable type now, and my journal/blog is on my website,
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Date: | 2002-11-18 15:43 |
Subject: | who said sleep is overrated? |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | calm | Music: | Dr. Phill - on the tube |
I just got in from class and thought I wouldn't make it out of the P.J. complex and onto the bus before I fell asleep. But now I'm home and I'm not even napping. Too many things to do, I suppose.
Friday night was Frank Black and the Catholics. Here are the pictures. It was a really excellent show. He played a lot of Pixies songs (I guess) but hardly anything from Teenager of the Year. That was a little disappointing. Not that he played Pixies songs, but that he didn't play much from my favorite album by him. Patrick has seen him play around three other times and says this was the best yet. I ended up getting a little drunk, and that made the show all the more enjoyable. I really feel like we don't take advantage of the area we live in and see more shows. I'm just too lazy to leave the house at 11:00 or 12:00 and not get back till whenever in them AM.
Baxter and I just shared a can of spaghetti and meatballs. They kind of tasted like the alluminum of the can. I feel like I might be sick from it. I hope Bax doesn't puke. I don't feel like cleaning it up. Bleh!
OH yeah, Saturday was awesome. Patrick, Baxter, and I went to a doggie competition at Southern State. It was so cute. SO many adorable dogs. We got there too late to sign baxter up for any of the contests, though, but I'm positive he would have won best kisser. There was another boston there, who wasn't nearly as well behaved as Baxter, but just as cute. He and his owner won the look alike contest. Very funny. . . as it was very true. hah.
I think I'll take my nap now.
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Date: | 2002-11-15 21:29 |
Subject: | bars stink. |
Security: | Public |
Frank Black is tonight. Yay.
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Date: | 2002-09-22 14:13 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | dirty | Music: | Nora Jones - Don't know why |
I keep sneezing and in general I feel really crusty. I'm not that dirty, but I still have that smokey hot bar feeling.
We saw Wire last night. I must admit, they were better than I expected. I just wish I knew their music so I could have "sung" along.
I really should be cleaning now. Nana will be here in a few hours.. And I have a stupid cognitive project to do. Well, experiment, rather, not project. And I have a testing assignment that has to get done, BUT all my freaking scientific calculators are missing. I can't believe it, really, because those aren't cheap. And all I really need is the damn square function. Gah.
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Date: | 2002-09-16 18:28 |
Subject: | time keeps on tickin. . . dizawg. |
Security: | Public |
okay, so I don't have time for a long entry, because dinner's almost ready, today has been long, and I'm starting to get a headache. But anyway, anyone (if anyone) who reads this journal MUST go sign up for this game, the rockstar game, because it is absolutely addictive, not to mention fun. . . I've been playing for a few weeks, and I'm about to record my first album. WAH!
Trust me, you'll enjoy it.
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Date: | 2002-09-07 18:08 |
Subject: | Why do people insist that ferrets are so evil?? |
Security: | Public |
I haven't updated in ages, and for this I am truly truly sorry. God, I've been in school for 3 weeks now and I'm already worn the heck out. Every morning I struggle to get up and drive to my dumb parking deck and ride the dumb buss to class. But really, I'm quite pleased with the parking situation. It only takes about 20 minutes to get to class from there. Excellent! Last year when I parked behind the art museum on East campus it took longer I think.
Patrick and John went to a workshop today for their court interpretation certification. I'm really proud of both of them. They're so talented and smart, and when they're babbling on in Spanish or Italian I just sit there and feel dumb. I went to a banquet get together last night at John's dorm. He lives in a dorm specifically for French and Spanish speaking students. It's really cool, and last night was fun because a lot of people from work were there. They're all really nice.
My mom is on the phone. I best go talk to her. Ew. Patrick farted.
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Date: | 2002-08-17 10:54 |
Subject: | you think you know. . . |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | geeky |
I'm home today all by myself. Patrick has to work all weekend, and I hate that, because I never get anything done when I'm home by myself. I always end up just slumming around. But not today!!@ I will be productive.
Last night after work we went to the bank and went to best buy. I finally got Patrick his "birthday present." hah. It's only a month or so late. I think he's okay with that, though, because it's Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. We watched it last night in bed on the computer :D because we didn't want to sit in the living room to watch. I think we both fell asleep, though. Anyway, after best buy we went to buy my books. I had originally estimated around $400 for all three classes. BUT! I was plesantly surprised when I got two of the three used and my total was only $243. So now I can buy a new pair of shoes and maybe get my hair done. Heh. Then we got take out and came home to watch Big Brother 3. We rushed because we thought the special was going to be on at 8:00, but it ended up being on at 9:00. So yeah. I love big brother. Finally, Lisa has seen the light.
I was thinking today that I'd work on some sculpture. I've got a ton of really neat objects that I want to incorporate into a clay structure, and I'm pretty sure the design in my head will come out nicely, but I'm just too lazy to sit down and work on it. Maybe later I can look at some fabrics for the curtains I so dearly want to sew for the living room. bah! Trading spaces is on. I must go.
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Date: | 2002-08-13 11:21 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | awake | Music: | Elvis Costello - Oliver's Army |
( holy shit )
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Date: | 2002-08-12 16:17 |
Subject: | blahblah |
Security: | Public |
( here it goes )
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Date: | 2002-08-12 16:08 |
Subject: | iiieee! |
Security: | Public |
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Date: | 2002-08-12 15:41 |
Subject: | wah! |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | nerdy | Music: | a cover of blondies "call me" on WUOG |
work work work.
FINALLY I'm starting to see some action around Gilbert Hall again. It's about time. I've been playing way too many Java Games here at work and not actually working.
We went to Sylvania this weekend to visit with my grandma and grandpa and mom. John was there too, of course. It was, over all, a nice two days. Although I don't particularly care for driving 3 hours two days in a row. Bleh. Baxter really enjoyed getting to run around in the back yard with Maggie and Robin. They were zooming. :D He really enjoyed humping Maggie, too, which wasn't very nice of him. I can't wait to have a back yard. . . and not live in an apartment. It just kind of sucks. But I can deal, because I'm tough, yo.
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Date: | 2002-08-09 16:05 |
Subject: | Holly is sad because. . . |
Security: | Public |
Kenyon is graduating tomorrow and now I won't have anyone to visit me at work and call me fabulous. The horror ! But maybe this Christmas I will get to visit him. Since I'll probably be in Milwaukee, and he'll probably be in Ohio, we'll meet in the middle and go to ikea in Chicago! hah How fun.
HOLY SHIT. the Low Down is on WUOG and that's totally awesome because they're friends of Patricks and really nice guys. :D and it's "noise rock" that I can actually stand. Here are the pictures from their show last yere. (The Low Down)
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Date: | 2002-08-08 17:41 |
Subject: | stolen surveys #1!!! |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | full | Music: | simpsons rerun on the WB |
stolen from emily who stole it from jenny.
1. [Spell your name backwards]: ylloH 2. [Where do you live?]: Athens, Georgia 3. [Describe yourself in 4 words]: silly, lax, sarcastic, bored 4. [Who is your worst enemy?]: I really don't have any enemies right now. 5. [If you could have any animal, what would it be?]: a goat or a giant schnauzer 6. [What is the latest you've ever stayed up]: when I was younger, I could stay up all night. 7. [Ever been to Belgium?]: No 8. [What's your favorite coin?]: quarters are nice, silver dollars are nicer.
DESCRIBE YOUR 9. [Wallet]: black, long, cloth. holds everything. from Lerners, NY. 10. [Brush]: uh, it's black I think, with a rubber grip on the handle. 11. [Toothbrush]: I prefer colgate, but right now I'm using AIM. :( 12. [Jewelry worn daily]: Wedding ring on left hand, opal ring on right, heart shaped necklace, 1 pair of hoop earrings. 13. [Pillow cover]: Most of our pillows have matching cases that are plain, but my old/favorite pillow has spongebob. :D 14. [Blanket]: My oldold quilt is my favorite. It's pink and floral (how girly!) 15. [Coffee cup]: flavored: okay! plain: no thanks. 16. [Sunglasses]: pink faded lenses. no sparkly rhinestones :( 17. [Underwear]: cotton hanes her way 18. [Shoes]: I have a lot of shoes. My favorite are my old torn up New Balances or flipflops. 19. [Handbag]: navy, baby blue, and lime striped handbag. I like it because it has plenty of compartments! whee! 20. [Favorite top]: uh. My "your favorite band sucks" shirt that I never get to wear. 21. [Favorite pants]: plain blue jeans with a boot cut leg. 22. [Cologne/Perfume]: sun ripened raspberry body spray from bath and body works 23. [CD in stereo right now]: in my car : Richard Hell and the Voidoids 24. [Tattoos]: none 25. [Piercings]: two holes in each ear, eyebrow that I think is compeltely grown in, and cartlidge in my left upper ear. 26. [Wearing]: old paint shirt with a huge hole. pinned up with safty pins. how punk. 27. [Hair]: up in a bun thing. 28. [Makeup]: none
WHAT/WHO (is/are) 29. [In my mouth]: my tongue, teeth, elements of a mexican dinner, saliva. um. lots of bacteria. gross. 30. [In my head]: a big brain. that only wants to sleep. 31. [Wishing]: that fall semester didn't start on the 19th. 32. [After this]: um, what? 33. [Talking to]: Patrick and Baxter are beside me, but we're not really talking. 34. [Eating:] just at mexican from Auga Linda. 35. [Do you like candles]: who doesn't? 36. [Do you like hot wax]: sure. 37. [Do you like incense]: mainly, for me, incense just triggers migranes. 38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: not particularly. 39. [Fetishes]: nothing kinky. i like hands and backs of necks. 40. [If you could murder anyone and get away with it]: no one has done me wrong enough for me to want to murder them. although I'd like to hit a lot of people. 41. [Person you wish you could be with right now]: I'm with Patrick, so I can't ask for much more. I wish my mom and grandma were around more often. :/ 42. [What/Who is next to you]: Patirck, Baxter, and Mabel. 43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: cremation and a nice but inexpensive memorial. i want a nice urn, too, dammit. and a mantel. 44. [Do you believe in love]: yes 45. [Do you believe in soul mates]: yes. 46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: no 47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: yes 48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: life would be virtually impossible to live if you didn't forgive at least some of the time. so yes, i definitely believe in it. 49. [Do you believe in God]: yes 50. [What's something that you wish people would understand]: that i don't always mean what i say, and if it's mean, it probably meant to be sarcastic. 51. [What's something you wish you could understand better]: why people go to fucking coffee houses to hang out. or why, god, WHY do people go to borders and barnes and nobel to STUDY? that's so dumb. 52. [What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow]: i want to find something nice to wear to graduation so kenyon won't think i'm a big sloppy idiot. I also want to find the remote to the bedroom television.
( another one )
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Date: | 2002-08-08 13:42 |
Subject: | I didn't even post this. . . |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | crappy | Music: | passions |
First I have to say this. . .
God bless poor Timmy!
![how about a martimmy?](
may he rest in peace
Secondly, the Sonic Youth show. There are pictures. Patrick took most of them. I was too sick of the croud and just plain sick. I ended up not seeing 2/3 of the dumb show. But yeah, the only thing I have to say is that Thurston Moore is much bigger than I expected.
And here are the pictures.
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Date: | 2002-08-07 22:31 |
Subject: | erg |
Security: | Public |
does anyone know how to post a series of pictures on lj?
like. . . well, I can't explain what I'm talking about, but I'm sure someone will know.
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Date: | 2002-08-07 22:28 |
Subject: | bleh |
Security: | Public |
Music: | some ghetto freak talking about his gucci on MTV cribs. :/ |
I'm starting to feel sick again. I can feel the muscles in my body beginning to tense and cramp and twitch. And what's worse is, this is during summer and I've just been chilling out for a few months now. No reason to be tired or sick, but I can feel it. I haven't been sick like this in at least a year and a half. Or maybe on the trip last January to Wisconsin. I was so tired then and I got sick. The only person who seems to understand how horrible it feels is my mom, and she's too far away to help me much. Poor Patrick. He's never been there and seen it. I'm scared that he doesn't understand how I might end up vising the hospital for a week or so. I'm going to try not to let it get that far, though. I'll try my damnedest.
I'm going to call in sick tomorrow. I was supposed to work all day because Lisa is going to Six Flags, but I know I couldn't do that. I know right now. I'm just going to stay home and try to get doctors apointments that I've been putting off for a month.
Anyway, I'm reading the first book of the Scilence of the Lambs trilogy, called Red Dragon. It's a little creepy so far, but today I read the funniest part. The killer was evesdropping on someones converstaion. No, not the killer, the reporter. He heard a guy ask a girl to go in the restroom and get him a tampon. . . He had to use them for his bleeding asshole. ahhahaha! How funny! bleeding assholes are just great.
I'm going to go bug Patrick to come to bed now. Because I'm a stinky annoying pest.
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Date: | 2002-08-04 14:01 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | creative | Music: | his & her vanities - back 2 square 1 |
I just saw the most amazing looking lizard outside my window. Black and blue with a white stripe down it's spine. So pretty and poison looking. As soon as I got up to get my camera, I guess it noticed my shadow and scurried away.
I'm really bored today, as per the norm. My mom left at about 11:00 and won't be back for months because school starts tomorrow in WayX. I miss being around family up here. It's depressing.
We all went to see Signs yesterday. It was interesting, but not exactly what I expected. It ended up being more about faith and believing than about freaky aliens. But it was a good movie, and I'm glad I went to see it. Even if the dumb bitch in front of us let her cell phone ring 4 different times before realizing "hey, I bet I should turn this off as a courtesy to the other people trying to focus on the movie!" Then when we left, the girls boyfriend, some pubescent redneck, told Patrick he was going to "pop [his] eyes out" because Patrick and some other folks went to complain about the ringing phone. Idiots. But still, a good movie worth seeing.
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Date: | 2002-07-30 14:05 |
Subject: | Okay |
Security: | Public |
I know that was dumb, but I really wanted to know. I guess if I just made more relevant posts more often I wouldn't have had to do that. :D
I have tomorrow off, and I'm really glad. Patrick is off too. Maybe we can do something fun, or maybe we can just clean the dirty ass apartment. That might be the best idea. There was a preview for an episode of Ricky Lake where the guest were like "I just love to be messy!" Their houses were disgusting, and I just don't see how people can live like that. I had an internet friend once, and I saw pictures of her house. Wow, it was just really bad, and you never picture people living in such dirty places, but they do! Boy do they. I'm going to go on Ricky Lake and be one of the anal house keepers. But really, I'm on neither end of the spectrum. I only mop once a month. :/ That's certainly not anal.
I want to rent Amelie. It looks really good, and everything I hear about it seems to confirm that. So yeah, maybe I will rent that tomorrow.
My life seems too busy to rent movies though. I never have enough time to do everything I want to do. I bought like 20 lbs. of sculpting clay at the beginning of this summer, and I've yet to build anything. I almost sat down to start last week, but when I thought of waxpapering the table and taping everything down so I don't make a horrible mess, I just thought it was too much effort. So then I didn't. I haven't even had time to do laundry since last week. Thursday was Kenyon's birthday/graduation/going to Ohio & we'll all miss you dinner (Which was really fun. And I'm sad he's moving because I finally made a friend that I can stand to be around for more than 20 minutes at the time). Then Friday we left for Waycross. Came back on Sunday night. Workworkwork, then went to the Weezer show in Atlanta. There is NOTHING today, thank God. My mom is coming up Wednesday. Friday is dinner with friends at Johnny Carino's, then Saturday, Jenni's baby shower in Rome. I don't think we're going to go to that, though, because My Mom has to get back for school on Monday. Bleh! Monday is bowling (haha! I haven't been bowling since my bowling class in '01!), and Tuesday is Sonic Youth with Patrick and Laura. Which reminds me, I need to email or call Laura because I haven't seen her since I bought my purse. And that was like a month ago. Waa! No rest for the Holly.
I just got another packet of evaluations to sort out. So I'm going to go do that.
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Date: | 2002-07-30 14:04 |
Subject: | 20 is. . |
Security: | Public |
The magic number! I hope.
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