UnRepentant, The Cranky UnDead Bastard's Realm of the Cranky Undead

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> Previous 30 Nightmares

Monday, April 26th, 2004
9:25 am

- Still pretty sleepy this morning. I will try & tank out before 9 tonight, try to catch up on sleep. Busted ass in the yard for a decent four hours on Sunday. My wife was her usual hard-workin' self. She ran the dethatcher again & tilled up a section of the front yard where we are trying to replace our dying zoysia. She even reseeded the back yard and planted some more hydrangeas on the side of the house! I mowed & set up the sprinklers. Woo. Spent a while with the sprinklers and, of course, it's raining this morning here in Atlanta. What a shock.

The rest of the weekend? Played a little bit of Painkiller, went clothes shopping at Kohl's & took the dog to PetSmart and out for ice cream. Winnie was very well behaved at the store & at the ice cream joint. Wish he would have taken a dump on some annoying Trophy Wife that was there giving us the StinkEye but...

This Week's Lunchtime FunTime Movies:

- Boy, I am not looking forward to going back to the dentist for more periodontal work this Friday. Ugh. So, you won't see me Friday night or Saturday Morning since I'll still be all swole up & hurting. >groan<

Your Opinions Are Welcome Section:

Almost finished reading The Working Poor : Invisible in America by David K. Shipler. I just cannot wrap my mind around some of the people interviewed in this book. I've been down & out before. I have lived on my own and with others below the poverty line. It isn't easy & it isn't fun but it can be done. It really sucks and it will drain the life out of you but it can be done. Some of the people in this book just boggle the mind.

According to this book, 37% of people in the U.S.(!) cannot figure out 10% off the price of an item even WITH a calculator. According to this book, there are a significant number of people that DO NOT GET that in order to hold down a JOB, you need to:

- show up for work & CALL IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT IN
- shower before coming to work
- if you're a man, be clean shaven
- comb (or otherwise take care of) your hair
- listen to what your boss says
- DO your job

There are even some chapters in here about low income families and the trouble they face bringing up children. These parents just DO NOT GET that:

- babies need to eat vegetables & fruits
- potato chips & soda are not good baby food
- you have to CHANGE the baby's diaper when they "fill" it
- you have to BATHE the child regularly

I have less than no pity for parents who can't buy the child a fucking BOOSTER SEAT & make the baby eat on the floor but they can go out and get a new tattoo "cause we deserve it". Moron parents who can't buy food for the child but have a $90 a month cable tv bill and tons of CDs. Can't give the kid a sandwich for school lunch but the parents have plenty of cigarettes and beer. One parent admitted they DID NOT KNOW HOW TO SCRAMBLE AN EGG for breakfast - a social worker had to show her how.

I could go on & on about how growing up with my mom we didn't have meat that often (I guess it was a good think I loved spaghetti) or how we didn't eat out often but we always had SOMETHING to eat at home. I could go on about how I starved in a trailer in south Georgia but managed to keep the place clean & pay rent by recycling old deposit bottles.

One of my famous sayings is, "You'll have money for what you want." This means don't bitch when you have trouble making rent or paying bills when you blow your money on crap (new fancy clothes, CDs, DVDs, alcohol & other junk). It's hard to have sympathy for someone who goes out clubbing on the weekends & drops $100 on a bar tab when they could spend that money paying bills.

I think what I was TRYING to say in all this is:

- Yes, you need to be presentable at work & WILLING to work. Don't be surprised if no one hires you if you don't want to play by the rules.

- You gotta take care of the NEEDS before the WANTS. Parents should want the best for their kids. "Babies don't know about drivin' a cab in bad weather, they just know they gots to eat."

Anyway, feel free to comment on this if you'd like. Your thoughts are always appreciated. I must be doing something right if people are dropping me off their Friends Lists.

'S all I got for ya's today. Need to get to work here.

Fuck, it's Monday
- UnR

current mood: sleepy
current music: Lewis Black MP3s

(42 near misses |take your best shot)

Friday, April 23rd, 2004
11:10 am - One got wasted and the other's a waste
- Tired & cranky today. Maybe I'm having Symnpathetic PMS for my wife, I dunno. Too much on my mind. Too much stuff to do at home & here at work. Urgg. Want some Cheese to go with that Whine, UnR?

- Damn, what the hell AM I doing this weekend? Need to make a chore list again.

- OK. Here it is. The Mother of All Friday Pics. Not even sure if this will work. Hopefully the idiots at Fotki won't shut down my pics due to this massive bandwidth useage. We'll see...

Again, these are not your typical "UnR Being A Goof" Friday Pics, this is a special NARROWED DOWN selection from my Screen Saver/Desktop Image collection. I've got close to 3,000 images I've collected over the years, maybe a third of which are photos, SOME of them will be displayed here.

Some pictures have stories, some I can't remember more than their title. Some are surreal, some are beautiful and some will intentionally wrench your heartstrings. Feel free to right click & save some of the ones you like.

THIS installment covers Nature and Nature with People & Buildings. Just TOO many pictures to do so you get an installment today!

And with that...

Drop The Bomb - Exterminate Your Minds Here )

current mood: creative
current music: assorted Godflesh & Wagner

(35 near misses |take your best shot)

Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
1:03 pm

- Damn, Rob Zombie and I looked a lot alike back in 1983! Looks like he bathed more often, too.

Stupid Corporate Bullshit Story of the Day:

- Nabbed some breakfast from the commissary upstairs this morning - eggs, bacon & hashbrowns with a large iced tea. I usually pile in the lemons in my tea because I used to eat them when I was done with my tea. Since I've been to the dentist recently & been cautioned that my tooth enamel is horrid, I stopped doing this as much as I used to. Old habits die hard.

Anyway, I get up to the checkout, the lady rings me up & then comments,

"You know, I should be charging you EXTRA for all those lemon slices you have in your iced tea."
"Excuse me?!?"
"Yes, they had a meeting and decided that you should only get TWO lemon slices with a drink and any over that will now be TEN CENTS A PIECE."
"You've GOT to be kidding me? What moron thought THAT one up?"

Yeah, an extra dime for "excessive lemon wedges". Give me a fucking break.

Today's blackphoenixalchemylab.com Scent:

Today, I smell of... TITUS ANDRONICUS!

"Dark musk and black amber with frankincense, red sandalwood, neroli and bergamot." Not too bad. Very complex scent. I can smell most of the notes in this. Pretty decent.

Laughably huge Friday Pics tomorrow. The Screen Saver/Wallpaper edition. Not too many funny pictures but lots of very pretty ones. May or may not be some "artistic nudity" shots. Just warning you ahead of time. Nothing to "spread cheeky" but possibly some of the Threat To Mankind Women Nipples. See you here tomorrow.

MXC marathon today on Spike TV. Works for me.

One Place I *WON'T* Be Going on Our Fifth Anniversary Trip:


Got $450 & up a night for a room?

Although, Brac Reef in the Cayman Islands looks pretty damn cool.


- OK, back to work for me. Damn, I'm ready to go home & hang out with my wife & kitties & idiot dog.


- UnR

current mood: listless
current music: Propellerheads - Take California

(18 near misses |take your best shot)

Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
10:17 am
This Comes as a Shock to No One Dept.:

- Man, it really dawned on me this morning that my wife & I's Fifth Wedding Anniversary is coming up this year. Can't believe its been almost five years. I feel like it's been maybe TWO at most. Easy Win from Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead said it best with, "Remember when you was a kid and you would spend the whole year waiting for summer vacation and when it finally came it would fly by just like that? It's funny, Jimmy, life has a way of flying by faster than any old summer vacation; it really fucking does..."

I am trying to think where we could go for our Anniversary. I know my wife would love to go someplace with a beach & down margaritas while I romp in the surf all day. I'm thinking someplace in the Carribean...

You got any recommendations? Some place nice - St. Maarten? Tortuga? Nevis? Aruba? Probably spend a good five to seven days there. NICE goddamn hotel or B&B; - no rundown Greazy Hector's Shack Rentals type place. Nice beach, good food, strong drinks & a BIG goddamn bed!

Let me know. Your opinion is always valued here at Cap'n CrankyDead's Scuba Diving Charters & Boat Rentals!!!

Today's blackphoenixalchemylab.com Scent:

Today I reek of... ARKHAM!

"A scent seething with the perverse splendor of complete and utter madness. High-pitched, yet dark… subdued and deep, but tingling with frenzy: juniper, nutmeg and black cypress shocked by verbena and lavender.'

I don't think I put enough of this on. Smells very faint on me. It does smell nice & clean, though. Not too bad!

The Friday Pics for this Friday WILL be my Desktop Images/Screen Saver Selctions. I promise well over a HUNDRED pictures, so you may want to click on the cut, go out for dinner & drinks & THEN check it out. Just warning you in advance...

Preview shot for you: Speck & Nyx (two of our kitties) watching that Video Catnip tape and wanting to get the TV. Get that blue jay, Nyx!!

Happy Birthday to my statuesque buddy, [info]skiadaimonos. I'll raise a glass of Calvados or Eau de Vie to your health, babe!

- OK, enough from me. Just want to say, "Thanks, Hon!", to my wife for a really good dinner last night. We got some amazing pork chops & grilled 'em up with some Tennessee Whiskey sauce from Sticky Fingers. Some green beans & almonds, fresh baked croissants & a beer sealed the deal for a great meal. (Damn, sorry about that rhyming thing)

Have a good Wednesday, people. Thanks for all of your comments & advice on my entry about my yard.

You Have All My Faith,
- UnR

current mood: contemplative
current music: Jimi Hendrix - Morning Symphony Ideas CD

(32 near misses |take your best shot)

Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
3:15 pm

- Ahhh, nothing to report. Just damn busy here at work.


current music: ZZ Top - Arrested for Driving while Blind

(10 near misses |take your best shot)

Monday, April 19th, 2004
10:02 am - Sorry, if she was MY wife, I'd be arrested & you'd be in intensive care.
Idiot Court Case of the day:

Mom sues Coors over son's death in accident

Suit also names girlfriend and her mother
Sunday, April 18, 2004 Posted: 10:35 AM EDT (1435 GMT)

RENO, Nevada (AP) -- The mother of a 19-year-old killed in a traffic accident is suing Coors Brewing Co., claiming that it promotes underage drinking.

Jodie Pisco, of Reno, contends Coors has failed in its duty to protect the country's youth from drinking. Her son, Ryan, was killed in 2002 after he drank Coors at a party and drove his girlfriend's car into a light pole at 90 mph, the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Washoe County District Court, seeks unspecified damages. It accused Coors of "glorifying a culture of youth, sex and glamour while hiding the dangers of alcohol abuse and addiction."


Today's blackphoenixalchemylab.com Scent:

I smell like ... MAD HATTER today. "A gentlemen's lavender-citron cologne unhinged by the feral pungence of black musk and a paroxysm of pennyroyal."

Not sure how I feel about this one. My wife says it's "too sweet for you". I think she may be right.

The weekend ripped by in a haze. Where the hell is this "Leisure Time" I keep hearing about? Things I remember doing:

- Saw Hellboy AGAIN Saturday night. Even dragged my wife to go see it, too. I've said it before: this is a great Meatball Cinema type movie. Can't wait to pick it up on DVD.

- Got seriously fucked up the ass playing some on-line poker. Damn, I think my worst hand was holding on to a nut flush and getting screwed by some idiot who rivered me with a @#$!ing full house. Christ... I need to get back in the little fish ponds & build my bankroll back up. Crap!!

- Five hours of yard work can really kick your ass. Very happy my wife helped me out. She ran the little dethatcher tiller and did a ton of other stuff, too. It is truly wonderful to see her happy & wanting to help out again. Thank you, Wellbutrin.

- Uhhhh... What was that euphamism I used? Oh yeah... "My wife & I planted some serious periwinkles this weekend." Tried some new... uhhh, "planting techniques" and the results were wonderful. Heh.

- Ate Saturday dinner at Circle Sushi. Had me some shumai & their wonderful Peach Oolong tea. Even had the green tea ice cream shake for dessert. Dee-lish!

- I've been drinking a HELL of a lot more water lately. Those who know me know that I can drink a staggering amount of water but I must have been a gallon or two low this weekend. Jeez...

- HMV at Lenox Square was closing so ALL their merchandise was 40%-60% off.

I Gotta Be Me HMV Shopping List:
- Best of Clannad
- Classical Passion - Music for Classic Lovers
- Chrome, Smoke & BBQ - The ZZ Top Box Set
- Return of The Living Dead
- Drive In 2-Fer: Fade to Black & Hell Night

All this for under $60. Good deal. Also attended my Perry Ellis show. Picked up two CASUAL shirts (black, of course) on sale & got some funky Perry Ellis gift bag. 'Ey, free loot is free loot, y'know?

Only of Interest to [info]creepy1966 and Those Who Want To See Our Yard For Some Reason section:

'Ey, [info]creepy1966! I finally took some shots of our yards this weekend after busting ass on them for five hours. Here is a link to the photo album. I'll put some comments on each picture, too. Any recommendations or advice you can give is greatly appreciated!


- OK, I got to get back to work. Gahhh, fuckin' MONDAY!

You Have All My Faith,
- UnR

current mood: sleepy
current music: ZZ Top - Jesus Just Left Chicago

(35 near misses |take your best shot)

Friday, April 16th, 2004
5:36 pm - Jesus...
- OK, I uploaded the REVISED group of photos for my UnR's Screen Saver Friday Pics. Turns out there's close to TWO HUNDRED of them... and this is the REVISED LIST!

I have about 3,000 images in my Desktop Images/Screen Saver collection here at work. Some are fine art, some are crappy punk album covers, some are cartoons, some are teeth-rotting cute cat pictures, some are 3D renderings, some are Photoshop work, some are even "just regular photos". Be happy I was able to narrow down a good 700+ "just photos" down to about 200. Hell, I should do a Fine Art Friday Pics!

ANYWAY, how do you want me to do this? A two part show? A three part show? One big, juicy, meaty, "fuck you if you're still on dial-up" extravaganza? Let me know.

The beasts are in their cages and they want out!

To tide you over, here's a shot of me on our honeymoon in Cancun... Jimi Hendrix t-shirt and palm trees. Put the idiot in Paradise & he STILL wears all black!

(7 near misses |take your best shot)

8:56 am - Crankier than Usual
- Leaving work last night at quarter 'til eight does not make me happy. Pardon my grumpiness. I'll be better by tonight. Got home close to 9. Went straight into the tub, ate a PBJ & passed out. Wooo - fun.

So, since I DID have to work so @#$!ing LATE last night, I didn't get around to uploading pictures for The Friday Pics. Yes, I WILL get to it but it will be later today, not this morning. Sorry.

- I'm wearing... a POLO SHIRT today!! Shocking, isn't it? Of course, it's an online poker shirt I got for free - I don't OWN any polo shirts anymore. All I wear is dress shirts to work. Maybe I need to check out some firearms sites & get some. Wonder if Suicidal Tendencies has a nice polo shirt for sale?

Infant-size Henry Rollins "Search & Destroy" t-shirts!!

Today's blackphoenixalchemylab.com Scent:

Today, I reek of.... DAMNATION!! "The incense of a black mass, the perfume of perdition: White sandalwood, cedar, frankincense and swarthy vetiver."

Very woody. I think this has been the best one yet of these few I've tried. You can quote me on this one, "I reek of Damnation and am glad of it!"

I smell really good today & no one will notice, except maybe my wife.

- Not much else to report. Still burnt from working late last night & getting little sleep this week. Weekend looks to be very busy. I REALLY need to have some fun some time this weekend; I could use some good times.

Best to you & yours,
Hopefully you will be doing, as the mighty Tom Waits sings, "driving dangerous curves across the dirty sheets",

- UnR

>sniff< I think I need a hug... Thanks, [info]asskicka!

give UnRepentant more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

current mood: pooped
current music: haven't cured up my MP3s yet - sorry

(27 near misses |take your best shot)

Thursday, April 15th, 2004
11:08 am

- Whoa, new Skinny Puppy album comes out next month. Bitchin'! Supposed to go on a supporting tour as well. I think they already confirmed a date in Chicago for June. Hard to believe their "last" album came out eight years ago...

- Debating about doing a Friday Pics that is a small collection of images from my screen saver I have here at work. Might not be too many FUNNY images & captions but I do have some really pretty landscapes & such. I dunno - not feeling too funny lately. Leave a comment if you'd be interested in such a Friday Pics or not. I promise not to post too many pictures like this. <----- ***NOT EVEN VAGUELY "WORK SAFE"!***

Today's blackphoenixalchemylab.com Scent:

Today I smell like... IAGO: "Malevolent, dark and shadowy: sinuous black musk, wet leather and vetiver."

I think I mainly smell the musk & a bit of the leather. I usually smell like vetiver but I can't detect it in what I'm wearing today.

Third of May

Sorry, I was in kind of a Goya mood today... maybe its because I'm wearing all black today.

Macintosh Complaint of The Day:

Suitcase 11 fucking SUCKS. Man, that thing has seriously screwed up my machine. Damn thing doesn't auto-activate fonts at all now. Piece a' crap!!

- Thanks for the big response yesterday to my question. Nice to see people have a few things that they like to splurge on for themselves.

OK, keep your head down, it's Thurday.

"King is to you, Ferdinand."

- UnR

current mood: discontent
current music: Nuclear Assault - Live, Suffer, Die

(18 near misses |take your best shot)

Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
8:15 am - For All My Loyal Myrmidons
Question of The Day:
I admit to liking hoidy-toidy personal grooming products and fine dress clothes, tattooed Arkansas mook [info]creepy1966 is very into fine linens (and gardening).

What High Quality items are you into?

This can include: shoes, perfumes, underwear, make-up, books, movies, music, etc. Whatever "things" that you are into that you really prefer the finer items.

What does the spring wind have in mind,
Coming day and night to these groves and gardens?
It never asks who owns the peach and damson trees
But blows away their crimson without a word.

-Ch'i-chi, "Clouds Should Know Me By Now"

The Sea
swells a bit
when sailors die
- Buried at Sea, MC 900 Ft. Jesus

Today's "Don't Bitch About Your Life" Section:


Worst Case of Atlanta Transvestite Camel-Toe Syndrome:

Herein Lies Your Doom

(No, it isn't "work safe". No, I didn't take the shot - blame [info]seks for your anguish. Thanks/No Thanks to [info]scargrrl for dredging this fresh mental scar up from the depths of Fantasm. Maybe ScarGrrl just needs to get a bigger bladder...

More Stupid Questions for UnR Section:

- Someone e-mailed me and asked what is on my little MP3 player I listen to while I'm riding the train to & from work. Not really sure WHY anyone would give a shit about the lousy music I listen but... Here's my list. My music tastes, in one word, is SCHIZOIDAL. Not too many songs since my MP3 player is only 256 Megs!

boring list of this month's MP3s here )

My wife has told me I can't post anymore about the torrid, Grade A quality sex we've been having or she'll start posting "intimate, embarassing details about you". So, I'll have to come up with a good euphamism for nookie. I dunno, "My Wife & I planted some periwinkles last night" or something.

Yes, she has PLENTY of "intimate, embarassing details" about me. Eeeep.

Today's blackphoenixalchemylab.com Scent:

I smell like ... Sin today. "Thouroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon."

Maria Oakey Dewing
Garden in May

Boring Personal List of Shit I Gotta Do This Weekend:
This is just for me - I needed a place to write all this crap down!

- Oil Change & Brake inspection for Pathfinder
- Perry Ellis meeting at Lenox Square, 4p-6p
- Screens for porch
- another 10 bags of Cypress Mulch
- Tanning bed appt. for wife
- cleaning & vacuum
- Laundry!!
- Schedule lunch with C. soon
- New lights for front yard
- need 3 way bulbs for den
- replace bulb outside garage

Miscellaneous Debris:

- Man, I've got a bitchin' idea for a costume for Halloween! Just need a PRIVATE party to go to since I "need" to be carrying around a firearm to make this costume "work".
- I think that Clos Du Bois we had last night is upsetting my stomach. Urg.
- Enough of this "going to bed at 11:30, getting up at 5:30" stuff.
- Damn, I thought I was gonna start working out again this week??
- When the hell is a new Portishead album gonna come out?!?

Anyway, gotta get back to work. Best to all of you. Be happy I didn't do a UnRepentant Rags on Your LJ Friends post because I REALLY want to rip some of these people apart. Ennh - whatever.

Take Care,
- UnR

current mood: queasy
current music: MC 900 Ft. Jesus - Buried at Sea

(85 near misses |take your best shot)

Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
9:06 am - Moving from "resigned" to "resentful"...

- Had some beautiful rainstorms in Atlanta last night. Wonderful way to fall asleep. Especially after having some seriously wonderful, "going from Languorous to Hot Pig Sex over the span of forty minutes" type sex. Every man should hear thunder when he ejaculates...

All in all, a wonderful evening. Of course, I didn't have as much fun as some people peeing in a sink or letting my testicles hang out of my shorts but I still had a wonderful evening.

- Fuck, I'm getting tired of work. I really don't think I'm going to stay being a Design Lead when I hit FORTY. Just... doesn't look like it's gonna happen. Getting tired of working in a basement for no money & no advancement. No one else is gonna do it for me so I'll have to get off my ass & do it for myself.

- Mmmmm, crispy bacon!

- A-Team good, Tibetan Cock Punching BAD!


- WAS going to do another "UnR Rags on Your Friend's Journals" but you already know which of your people on LJ are Fuckin' Idiots, right? If not, well, there's a saying in poker, "If you're not sure who the sucker is at the table, then it's probably YOU!"

Kitty Power, Yo!

Thanks to [info]kittymouth for the pics!

Today's CDs:

The Doors

Method of Destruction - Surfin' M.O.D.

Jimi Hendrix - Morning Symphony Ideas

Today's LunchTime FunTime Movie:

- OK, enough from me. Work, you prole!!

current music: The Doors - End of The Night

(42 near misses |take your best shot)

Monday, April 12th, 2004
9:56 am

- Another weekend gone. Saturday was a blur of errands, poker playing & more. Very happy my wife didn't have to work this weekend. Sunday was spent at my in-law's having Easter lunch. Very delicious roast & all the trimmings. My sister in law is ecstatic that we're going to see Rush in concert this August. Very nice to see her so happy. My brother in law is breaking off from his compnay to start up FOUR other businesses with some other investors. I wish I had some dough to invest in his stuff. I wish I had his BRAIN for business. He's a great guy even though he constantly pours high-end vodka down my throat like it was tap water. >hic< My asshole ex-stepdad managed to SEVER two of his fingers by "helping out" the construction guys at his dental office. The guy is a serious prick but I wouldn't wish severed FINGERS on anyone - especially someone who is a DENTIST. Damn...

Not much else to report. I didn't sleep for shit last night so I'm still pretty foggy headed. My coworker is out most of this week so it's my turn in the barrel. Lots of loose ends to tie up.

Best to all of you,


PS - Thanks for the photo, Mrs. [info]silentire.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Arthur Lyman & Lee Ritenour

(4 near misses |take your best shot)

Friday, April 9th, 2004
11:28 am - Lewis Black was right ... as always

The End of The Universe Captured on Film.

A Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks.

- Off to the dentist for two hours of periodontal scraping & planing in a little bit. I will not be seen in public this evening. Maybe hiding in a Mexican restaurant, spilling Pacifico cerveza out of my Novocaine'd lips.

- Not much else to report on. Got paid today - whoo hoo. Think I will play some serious poker this weekend on PartyPoker.com and see if I can win enough dough to buy my wife a dress from J. Peterman.

Sunday is Easter so we'll have to get all our stuff done tomorrow. Maybe I need to see Hellboy again...

Best to all of you,

current music: Lewis Black MP3s

(18 near misses |take your best shot)

Thursday, April 8th, 2004
8:18 am

- I think I'd rather be soaking in the tub than be here at work today... Just so you know.

This Week's "Phrase That Pays":

"I didn't get to where I am today by worrying about how I was going to feel tomorrow." - Ron White.

- Mmmm! Arden's Garden and Trail Mix! What a breakfast!

- Today's Asshole Section:

Man Place Kicks Dog & Laughs About It.


Try that shit with one of MY animals, fuckwit, & I'll play Piñata with your head.

- Thinking about making a Godflesh sampler CD to annoy some of my buddies with. I know I owe [info]archmage and [info]creepy1966 some CDs... I know [info]silentire wouldn't dig the sonorous melodies of Godflesh.

Halle, Halle, Halle... What happened to your clothes, Mrs. Catwoman?

- In 1841, according to one legislative report from Sing Sing Prison, "More than a hundred blows were struck daily... The whipping post was never dry."

Yes, I do read 19th century penal records in my spare time; That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone here.

- OK, it's Thursday. Can someone stop by my office & deliver some fun? I could use some.

You Have All My Faith,
- UnR

PS - Babe, you were wonderful last night. I "Man-Handled" you?

current mood: satisfied
current music: Breathy Bi-Sexual Canadian Female vocals

(18 near misses |take your best shot)

Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
9:18 am
Laugh Until You Pee Your Pants:

The Exorcist in 30 Seconds as re-enacted by cartoon bunnies.


(19 near misses |take your best shot)

Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
8:21 am - Do You Have Any Other Aliases?
"They call me... Tater Salad."

Miscellaneous Reports:

- Mmmm, Newman's Own iced tea & beef jerky. What a breakfast!
- "It's like hangin' a chandelier in a haunted house."
- I look pretty decent today.
- My briefcase is falling apart.

This Week's LunchTime FunTime Movie:

Today's Music Selection Includes:

Anam by Clannad

Watermark by Enya

Original Gangster by Ice T

Burning Bridges Time:

- OK, enough of this. I'm getting tired of a few people either never reading my Journal or reading it & never commenting AND never responding to my comments on their Journal. I realize we all post irreguardless of how many comments we receive but I am getting really tired of commenting on a few people's Journals and never getting a response. Sorry if you think me asking someone out for a drink might be seen as me hitting on you. I understand that - that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. However, I ask most EVERYONE to go out for drinks. I'd rather meet people face to face as opposed to this typing on a keyboard crap. Hell, I've gone out drinking with my buddy [info]scottopic when he comes to town but I don't want to fuck HIM (Sorry to have to admit this in public, Scott.).

So, having said the above, I'm getting ready to drop a few people from my Friends list. I have more important things to contend with in my life than your bullshit. You know who you are. On second thought, you're probably not even reading this anyway. Have a nice life.

"Therefore, enviously, gloatingly, he exacts vengeance upon us for the unalterable deficiencies in his own life." - Victor F. Nelson

- Have a DoublePlusGood Mail Day yesterday.

Package One from Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. I ordered some cologne/perfume samples a few weeks ago due to a post from [info]lorigami. I think I ordered a total of 12 sampler bottles from Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. Well, the company was quite back logged and they FINALLY got here yesterday. [info]kebechet, owner & operator of the place enclosed more than a FEW extra sampler bottles — I ordered 12 & I got WELL over 16. Very good stuff. I will have to get out my "nasal sorbet" and have a "tasting party" to check out all this good smelling stuff! Thanks much, Mrs. [info]kebechet!


Package Two was from [info]zerogenius. Got my RayBans I ordered as well as a bonus Monster Garage t-shirt and some original art, too! Very cool. Thanks big time, Travis.

- Stumbled upon a Polish Offspring fan site yesterday. It's always pretty weird to see really hardcore American music fans in other countries. I mean, it's a GOOD THING but kinda odd to see a Polish Offspring site. If they HAD almost every damn Offspring song plus bootlegs MP3'd, I SURELY wouldn't put a link to the site because that would be WRONG.

- OK, enough from me. Too much to do & BIG V.I.P.s showing up today for a congratulatory lunch for one of my nationwide projects I handled. Like VP's of the entire company type V.I.P.s! Eeeep.

Take Care...

Today was really tiring.
I got out of bed really late because my alarm clock has broken and I cannot afford a new one at the moment.

I feel a bit strange because we've just moved to Idaho and there's a weird smell in the house.

I'm so hardcore. Me and Buzz went to the mall today, and I stole a whole heap of stuff. I got a Good Charlotte CD, a couple of DVDs and some new boots. Buzz got caught, but he fought his way out, and then we stole some lady's car and smashed it into a phone booth.

Last night I had to masturbate twenty times. I'm so horny. Click here to see my website.

I want to tell the world to get fucked.

I am sharpening my knives before I go to work today, because I'm going to cut out Robert's heart and feed it to him for losing my mail.

Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's some photos of my cock.

I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.

I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, and should stop smoking drugs.

You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.

That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this thought - sharing your life with strangers on the internet is the cheapest form of therapy available. Leave a comment and tell me I'm beautiful.

Created with the Gregor's Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updater™. Update your journal today!

current mood: exanimate
current music: Enya - Storms in Africa

(114 near misses |take your best shot)

Monday, April 5th, 2004
9:19 am
- Did more yard work yesterday. Busted my ass something fierce completely ripping up our back yard. That littleHonda rototiller is one pissed off little machine! I am quite sore from running that thing! Went to Pike and scored some more very cool plants. Think we got another spirea, a burning bush & I GOT MY BLACKBERRY VINES! Another 10 bags of cypress mulch gone, too.

- Up & Down at PartyPoker.com. I was up to $270 & now I'm back down under $200. Who the fuck stays in with a fucking 2,7 offsuit until the river and manages to snag a straight?!? Jeezus...

- Needed to get "a few things" at Publix turned into a $300 Grocery Run. Just... damn. $300 on GROCERIES!?!? I think I'm still in shock over this.

- Speaking of laying out some money, I think my wife & I need to make another Wine Run to Beverage Warehouse. They give you 10% off if you buy a case!

- Saw Hellboy Saturday night. Fuck, when did movie tickets hit $8.25?!? Jeezus... Pretty weird - The Saturday night of the film's opening weekend and there was only 20-25 other people in the theater besides me. I guess its the area I live in.

I give Hellboy FIVE STARS on my Cheesesteak Cinema Scale. If you want to hear my reasons, I'll list them behind the cut. There are some "spoilers" behind the cut. No, I don't give away that Darth Vader is actually Luke's father but I do mention a few small things from the film. They won't ruin the movie for you but, nonetheless, I've cut them anyway.

Points given to Hellboy for... )

- OK, I'd go into more detail about my weekend but I gotta jet to go to a Macintosh Workshop. Fucking font management crap!!

Take Care....

current mood: sore
current music: me, running out my office door

(30 near misses |take your best shot)

Saturday, April 3rd, 2004
7:02 am
- Whoo. I got to sleep until 6:30 am today! Pretty damn sad when that is "sleeping in". Except I went to bed at 2:30. Fed the cats, fed & took the dog out. Don't know what time my wife got in from working ALL FUCKING NIGHT.

I'm awake up, got my boonie hat on, got a cold Coke... deal me in, mofo, let's play some poker!

current mood: still asleep
current music: the electric catbox running

(3 near misses |take your best shot)

Friday, April 2nd, 2004
11:01 am - Hope this works...
- Weekend already?!? Damn, I gotta go to the dentist today. Haven't been in years. Still have horror nightmares from when I got my braces ripped out when I was 12. Since I like coffee, red wine, tobacco, and any other teeth staining substance, my teeth have NEVER been white. Just concerned that the dentist will try to talk me into getting my choppers whitened... ugh.

Too much to do. Gotta do some food shopping, my wonderful wife has a hair appointment at Lenox Square, *I* need to get my hair cut, gotta go see Hellboy Saturday night... buncha other stuff. Yeesh... Must find time to get some online poker playing in & play some Pandora Tomorrow. And yard work and shopping for the cats & dog and ....

There IS no escape from The Friday Pics )

current mood: busy
current music: FNM - Woodpecker From Mars

(34 near misses |take your best shot)

Thursday, April 1st, 2004
11:26 am

- OK, seems everyone else has done this at one time or another.

Got any recommendations for me?

(books, cds, movies, porn, drugs, ammunition, beef jerky, syrups, lawn products, poker strategy, self-indulgent bath products, restaurants, wines, clothing, etc.)

Leave me a comment and, as always, you can do it anonymously.

You Suck If You Don't Know About This Section:


ESPECIALLY if you've ever wanted to sit and have coffee & a smoke with Tom Waits...

Thanks, [info]t_pot!

- Trying to have The Friday Pics tomorrow. May be a little late since I have a friggin' DENTIST APPOINTMENT tomorrow afternoon!

Today's LunchTime FunTime Movie:

Take care...

current mood: restless
current music: Iron Maiden - Sanctuary

(17 near misses |take your best shot)

Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
9:41 am

- Back to Dailey's for another whoop-dee-doo lunch. Hopefully, they will have olive colored linen napkins to go with my olive slacks today. I will even try to avoid getting pesto sauce on my tie this time...


- Scored four pairs of tickets to the Georgia Rennaisance Faire yesterday. 'The hell am I gonna do with EIGHT TICKETS to this thing?!? I'd be more excited if DedBob was gonna be there...

http://www.garenfest.com/ http://www.dedbob.com/

Picked up the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre last night at Best Buy. If you get the big budget 2-disc version, they throw in the anniversary edition of the original movie. Watched the documentary on Ed Gein that was on the second disc. It's a little disturbing when my wife & I know the case better than the narrator & some of the guests did. I have trouble remembering to bring my ID Badge to work every day but I can still remember Ed Gein's mother's name was Augusta. >shakes head<

Today's Journal Entry Sponsored, in part, by DeHydrated Water!

current mood: ambivalent
current music: bootleg'd Faith No More - Thanks Julie!

(22 near misses |take your best shot)

Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
1:16 pm
Today's Pretentious Eatery Moment:

"Excuse me, Mr. UnRepentant? May I offer you a BLACK napkin for your lap? Some diners have noticed they get some white lint on their dark trousers after using our standard white napkins so now we also carry black linen napkins for patrons with dark slacks."

current music: collection of Faith No More MP3s

(22 near misses |take your best shot)

8:54 am

UnR's Yuppie Milestone #324:

Wearing a Yellow Floral Print tie by Nautica

- Got our tax refund back already. I think this is the most amount of money I've had in my checking account in.... all my years of doing LEGAL business. Thrilling yet depressing in a way. This money will go towards putting a down payment on a new car in September for my wife when my Pathfinder is paid off or as an apertif for the monstrous CitiBank credit card balance. Maybe I can withdraw the money & my wife & I can roll around & have sex on top of it then give it back to the bank?

- Coming home to my wife all bouncy & smiling & happy makes my entire week. I'm easy to please and seeing her happy is a wonderful thing.

- Been listening to Room a Thousand Years Wide by Soundgarden too much here at work. So much of the old crap I listen to makes the shit music that comes out today seem that much worse. I can pick ten CDs out of my collection that would blow away 99% of the shit being put out today. Music these days truly fuckin' blows.

Then, again, I was blaring Hymns by Godflesh on the way into work today - so what do I know?

- Got my autographed Dean Yeagle Sketchbook in last night. Very cool cartoonist I know (BESIDES [info]zerogenius) who does quite a bit of work. Any man that gets invited to The Annual Xmas Party at The Playboy Mansion is OK by me. Nice guy. Does great work. Draws with traditional media and then colors his work in Photoshop. Wish I could draw like that...

- Scored some free tickets to the Georgia Rennaisance Faire coming up. Sweet!

OK, enough from me. Gotta head out to an early lunch with a vendor today, have an appreciation dinner at Dailey's tomorrow & a dentist appointment on Friday. Busy friggin' week, hanh?

See ya.

current mood: mellow
current music: Rush - Subdivisions

(5 near misses |take your best shot)

Monday, March 29th, 2004
9:46 am

- Hey, go check out the plethora of crocheted hats my wife has made. She posted a link to them in her journal.


Leave her a nice comment if you like them - yes, they're all for sale...

Positions Seen This Weekend:

- Defrocked Bishop
- Lunging Taint
- Double Kneed Knob-Gobbler
- Face First Lickity Snatch 'n Grab
- Forgiving Uncle
- Full Asti Spumonte
- Naughty Grandma
- One-Handed Inverted Kernel Grip
- Patented Fudge Knot
- Rear Facing Cruller
- Single-Kneed Melvin
- Straddling Louganis
- Three-Handed Fungus Grab
- Twirling Soggy Mop
& a Twisty McFister

(8 near misses |take your best shot)

Sunday, March 28th, 2004
11:44 am - Whoo - Exciting
- Getting pretty sad here. Last night's exciting highlights included:

- Some how "wound up" at a Eastern European deli WAY down on Holcomb Bridge road. For $2, I bought some Monastyrsky Kvass, Mother Russia's famed God-Awful Beverage & a russian chocolate bar. The chocolate wan't bad, but it damn well wasn't as good as Chocolove's stuff. The kvass was... hideous doesn't really describe it fully. Got me, it was "purty nigh putrid".

- Almost hit the $200 mark in winnings on PartyPoker.com. Then, I started falling asleep in my chair and loss a little.

- Passed out while watching Cops.

Whoo - fun. Damn, am I exciting on a Saturday night or what?!?

Well, since we busted our asses all day yesterday, I will take it easy today & watch a good part of the Most Extreme Elimination Challenege on Spike TV this afternoon. Maybe get me a Jersey Mike's Sub for dinner. Hmmm....

You Have All My Faith,

- UnR

current mood: awake
current music: cat in the litterbox scratchings

(9 near misses |take your best shot)

Saturday, March 27th, 2004
3:46 pm
- Tired. Busted ass on the lawn with my wonderful wife. Thanks to her new Rx of Wellbutrin, she kicked my ass working on the yard. Damn well LAPPED me out there! Put in more plants, destroyed some diseased group of Ugly Tree Things. Planted some red honeysuckled by the mailbox & some wisteria by the corpses of the Ugly Tree Things.

Covered in dirt, clay, cypress mulch & my own sweat n' filth. I am stinky & need a shower. Didn't take one this morning in preparation for getting filthy.

Went to [info]libidoergosum's 2nd Going Away Party. Saw women who needed more clothing being led around by dog leashes, a smartly dressed man in a $5 suit & a Boy Scout refusing drugs. Not too bad - we can do better. Thrilled I avoided seeing [info]thegreyman's penis again. I still have this dimming vision problem from that sight at the previous Going Away Party.

Words of Advice for Young Alterna-Chicks:

Don't dye your hair jet black, wear big black boots & mope around a party & then have the nerve to complain that the Ministry Greatest Fits CD on the stereo is being played "too loud". Fuck, you ought to be made to wear pink gingham & forced to dye your hair BLONDE for behavior like that. If I'm 35 and don't think the music is LOUD ENOUGH, you shouldn't complain that the stereo is only half way up. Jeezus...

Love Ministry or buy a friggin' Ani DiFranco CD & stop shaving.

Won $60 in thirty minutes playing poker this morning on PartyPoker.com. Gotta love it. Wish I could make a career out of this addiction hobby.

Will change clothes & maybe bathe before heading out to some hole in the wall Mexican joint for a late lunch. Need to keep moving or I will pass out.

Buena Fortuna, Folks.

current mood: beat
current music: sounds of my wife playing Chaos Overlords

(12 near misses |take your best shot)

Friday, March 26th, 2004
12:32 pm - Ooops - Almost forgot - Obligatory Dog Pictures
Forgot I uploaded some pictures of Winston the Idiot Malamute Puppy.

I'll LJ cut these here so you can check them out if you so wish...

but how can you say "NO" to this?

Winston at four weeks old.

more malamute goodness inside )

current music: Godflesh - Don't Bring Me Flowers

(18 near misses |take your best shot)

8:26 am
I'm in a I Wanna Kiss & Hug on My Wife mood so I am doing something I only do in a RARE once in a while, posting an unedited picture of myself & my wife.

Love you, Hon. You are the best.

“Look at her. I would kill for her. I would die for her. Either way—what bliss!” - Gomez Addams

In learning this path, it is only important to walk on the real ground, to act on the basis of reality. The slightest phoniness, and you fall into the realm of demons.


Miscellaneous Debris:

- Shit, I forgot to put on my WATCH today! What the hell??

- I wish *I* thought up banning genital piercings for women back in college. Getting chicks who think they are "protesting" by sending me pictures of their pierced labia sounds like a good scam!

- The names of the three monkeys are Mizaru (see no evil), Kikazaru (hear no evil), and Iwazaru (speak no evil).

Beefcake for My Wife Section:

- There are days that I truly miss being an 20-year old punker asshole. Being able to say exactly what is on your mind was truly liberating. Now days, I have to watch everything I say so it doesn't get taken the wrong way or hurt someone's feeling. Being reminded almost DAILY here at work that I am inherently evil because I am a 35-year old white male gets a little annoying. Yeah, I know Whine, Whine but that's how I feel.

Today's Case in Point: It's just Common Fucking Courtesy when an elevator gets off at your floor to LET THE PEOPLE GET OFF THE ELEVATOR FIRST before you get on. Elevator got off at my floor & I started to get off. A young woman intentionally walked INTO me as I was getting off.

"What?! You didn't SEE me getting on the elevator or you just didn't want to get out of a black woman's way, is that it?!?"

I could think of an easy half dozen barbed replies to this but none of them would allow me to keep my job. It feels almost emasculating that I can't reply to unfortunate incidents like this at work the way I would if I was on my "own" time. I just let my reply go at "You must be in a real hurry today. It's lucky you didn't get knocked down running into me like that." The woman looked pretty pissed and couldn't get out a reply before the elevator took off again.

That stuff REALLY fucking infuriates me. I don't know how a simple encounter like that gets blown into some sort of racial transgression all of a sudden. It's fucking bullshit if you ask me. Unecessary drama.

Just... damn.

- While I am being chracteristically un-PC, I have an honest, not-meaning-to-offend question about gay men. I am a Flaming Heterosexual Male almost laughably so. I have no problem with gay men whatsoever. I think being gay is such a non-issue that it doesn't merit discussion. If you're gay, then be gay & to hell without anyone who has a problem with that. That's it - there IS nothing to this issue.

I don't understand ... how some gay men are more...eeee, how do I say this?... "Nancy" than others. We have a janitor custodial engineer here is ... dare I say... almost cartoonishly gay. I mean, if an asshole straight male parodied gay men to the laughably stereotypical extent that this gay man behaves on a daily basis, the straight man would be crucified upside-down. This janitor walks with such an exaggerated "swish" that it just seems ridiculous to me. His speech pattern has such a catoony "lisp" to it that it just seems like he is camping it up for amusement factor.

So, yeah, my question is why are some gay men more "nancy" than others? What factors cause some gay men to act this way and most others do not?

Again, I know this is coming off pretty fucked up. It's not my intent to start a "bash the idiot straight male (me)" flame war with this line of questioning. If people are really offended at this question, I'll privatize the entry. I would consider deleting this section all together, but I'm in a pissed off mood & unwilling to compromise my thoughts today - sorry, but The Captain has turned on his Don't Fuck With Me Today sign.

- Damn, is [info]libidoergosum's party TONIGHT?!? Yow, that got here fast. Hopefully, [info]thegreyman can keep his clothes on tonight... Maybe [info]christine9600 oughta LEASH him or something. I think I need to pick up a mini bottle of bourbon for tonight - don't feel like drinking any beer.

- If I had my way, I'd be back at home with my wife & animals, wearing my Boonie Hat & playing on-line poker or Wizardry 8. I am jonesing to play some poker today... Seriously. Rrrrrg.

- OK, enough from me. Got to get working. Too much to do this weekend - par for the course. I think I was going to roto-till the back yard, pick up ten bags of cypress mulch at Pike, do some grocery shopping, spend time working on my Flying Tiger plane model and some other errands. ANyone have some spare time they're not using? Oh yeah, I think I wanted to take my wife out for sushi again.

Best to all, have a good weekend, Folks!

- UnR

current mood: working
current music: Soundgarden - Gun

(54 near misses |take your best shot)

Thursday, March 25th, 2004
11:25 am - Damn, I finished my book on the train this morning.
Sign Of The Day:

Thanks to [info]wickedwish & http://www.churchsigngenerator.com

- Damn, don't know if I will have time for my Friday Pics tomorrow. Didn't realize how much TIME it takes to go thru the Reuters.com site for decent & interesting images. >sigh<

- Gotta get most of my work this weekend done on Saturday to leave me time to veg out on the couch Sunday to watch the mini-MXC Marathon on the Spike channel. I could watch MXC for HOURS... and PLAN on doing just that this upcoming Sunday. Damn, I still haven't watch the past two episodes of The Shield that I taped. Need to watch Gothika since I rented that the other day, too. Who has TIME to watch TV?!?

Maybe if I could stop playing Wizardry 8 for the Nth time...

- Most Extreme Elimination Challenge Marathon on Spike TV Today!!

- Do I need to do one of those lame "Recommend a Book/Movie/CD" entries? Or one of those "Tell Me A Secret" things? Got me. At least my "Kripsy Kremes - Proof That God Loves Us or Lard Bomb?" quiz worked well in the [info]ljatlanta community.

- Damn, I hate taking the @#$!ing TRAIN into work some days. I always get stuck next to some stinky reprobate who ate library paste & mortadella for dinner the night before & who is now venting said gaseous nightmare and looking sheepish. Between stinky people, vaguely amusing transients & inconsistent trains, MARTA is a fucking nightmare that the whole family can enjoy for less than $2 a person.

Maybe if someone hadn't fucked with my car...

- Take care, folks. I think I need to take my sparkly wife out for SOOSHI this weekend... I need a giant Asahi and some of that garlic chili sauce action.

current mood: complacent
current music: Rollins Band - End of Something

(20 near misses |take your best shot)

Wednesday, March 24th, 2004
11:38 am

Listening to some old Fear albums at work today. Making a "Best of" MP3 compilation. It's one of those, "I feel like drinking, driving around listening to Fear and getting in to trouble" days. Weird... I was in a decent mood this morning.

Anyone know where I can get a copy of Generic Flipper on CD? I have Ever stuck in my head...

Ever think you're smart,
and find out that you aren't?
Ever play the fool,
and find out that you're worse?
Ever look at a flower and hate it?
Ever see a couple kissing and get sickened by it?
Ever wish the human race didn't exist?
Then realize you're one too?

Can I have [info]creepy1966 and [info]asskicka come over and make sure I work out regularly? Still feeling beat (in a good way) from working in the yard this past weekend.

Some People Get It, Most Won't Section:

What Would Bubba Rogowski Do?

OK, enough from me. Not much to report. Unk.

current mood: crazy
current music: Fear - Responsibility

(14 near misses |take your best shot)

> Previous 30 Nightmares
> Climb My Ribcage