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Monday, January 12th, 2004
10:16 pm - Words to Ponder
"Each life is a flame on a candle. At times, it can be small and only give off just a tiny glow, and at other times it can be a roaring flame full of passion and power. We don't realize that a light breeze can blow that flame out at any time."

-Landmark High School sophomore Julian Travis

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7:33 pm - Four Days
In four days a couple of really cool things happened to me.

1. On Wednesday I picked up my new car, a Hyundai Sonata!! YAY!! I'm selling my Sable, so if any locals are interested or know somebody looking, contact me.

2. Saturday night T & I went to visit with his business partner and JC who was here this weekend from NY recording for their next CD release. When we get there T's biz partner says "Oh hey, another girl." The next thing I know is I'm laying down gang vocals on 3 songs with 5 other people. It was a very cool experience!! When the CD comes out I'll let you know.

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Monday, January 5th, 2004
1:18 am - New Wheels?
So, it's finally come down to this.

I'm 90% positive I'm going to take the car that I was looking at on Saturday. Not sure if I'll do a trade in. Probably not and will try to sell it privately. I guess I can see what they'd give me for it though... couldn't hurt.

Have to find out what my interest rate would be BEFORE saying yes to the buy. Making sure the price quoted DEFINITELY had the destination charge included and the complete service records of the car since it was driven (3k miles) by a company principal.

Overall I'm fairly confident it's a decent price.

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Wednesday, December 31st, 2003
8:55 pm - Dream
I had such a lovely, sexy, playful dream this morning just prior to waking. One of those dreams where you only wish to close your eyes again and let the dream finish. I can't remember feeling that euphoric in a dream in a very long time.


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Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
9:02 pm - My Year in Review
Stole this idea from moxieminx.

Major Eventus in 2003:

Hired to do web design
Acquaintance died in Station nightclub blaze
Attended NJ Metalfest weekend
Saw my Bro and Evil-SIL* leave this house (*I rejoice)
Got new carpeting in my master bedroom
Moved upstairs
Saw Motorhead and Anthrax
Stressed about the living situation
"Celebrated" 2 years at work
Reconnected with some old high school friends/acquaintances
Attended King Richard's Faire & got 2 Henna tattoos
Took over T's website
Found a housemate that rocks
Went to the company condo in NH for long weekend seeing moose & bear
Had a lot of work done on the house
Said goodbye to Heather
Saw Alice Cooper
Turned 30
Attended my first themed wedding (Medieval style)
Did Christmas cards in October
Found out I'll be an auntie for the 3rd time
Became part of this region's history on December 2nd
Found out things are still troublesome for family members & Evil SIL
Vacationed in Florida for Christmas (no signs of gators though)
Got flowers without asking
Have proved several times over I'm not your average AA

In 2004:

Anything goes!

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8:47 pm - Chat
YAY! I'm chatting with Heather right now. I haven't talked or chatted with her in like FOREVA!!!

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7:43 pm - Christmas list
This is a list of the cooler things I got for Christmas:

Paper shredder and basket
Various candles
Complete set of all Lacuna Coil CDs
2 Beastie Boys CDs
Finding Nemo Collectors Ed
X-Men 4 disc Collectors Ed
Bottle of Whiskey
Barnes & Noble cert's (a lot of them)
"Liz" Braclet

Tomorrow I'm going to do gift exchange with Bro-B, SIL, & nephew because they canceled out on us on the 17th!

Not sure exactly what my NYE plans are going to be. The holiday never did anything much for me. Just usually a major let down. I don't think we'll do Chinese. Although we may hit a movie.

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7:32 pm - Home Safe
Hi everyone who gives a rat's ass about me!! I'm back home and have been since Sunday night. The weather was great in Florida. Didn't do too much during my trip but it was more to visit with the 'rents than check off things on a to-do list.

A couple of the nights we drove around the area and looked at Christmas lights. It's much better decorating in that climate than here in MA. You can do all sorts of things with lights on the lawn and not have to worry about snow covering everything. We got invited to someone's house and took a tour. IT WAS AWESOME!! This woman had FIVE live Christmas trees all decorated, 132 teddy bears decorating her 2nd bathroom, Annalee dolls up the wazoo. Every time you turned you saw something new.

Christmas Eve we went to a little party at another friend of my 'rents. Their damn dog, a Westie, was cute but he was fucking all over me. Grrrrr!

Christmas day we spent at a friend of my parents having a very nice prime rib and turkey dinner. I went home earlier than everybody else because A) I was the youngest of the entire group and bored out of my mind and B) started feeling lousy. I went back "home", called T and was going to go to the club house for a walk on the treadmill and a sit in the sauna, but I didn't feel any better.

Feeling shitty continued on for three of my last days in FL. :( All I did was hang out at the house for most of the time I felt bad. I believe I had pinched a nerve in my neck which was giving me a dizzy, whoozy, sometimes naseous feeling with extreme pain in my neck.

On Sunday afternoon I flew home and T presented me beautiful red and white roses. We opened our Christmas presents and I headed home at midnight. Didn't fall asleep until 2:40AM.

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Friday, December 19th, 2003
7:31 pm - Going Going gone (almost)
I leave for FL tomorrow!!! Back the 28th. I hope all my ljfriends have a great and safe enjoyable holiday spending it with family and friends. I know I haven't been around lately. I've been running on sheer adrenaline for this entire week trying to tie all these loose ends up before my trip, making cookies, shopping, wrapping, and Christmas. I succeeded at most of them. However, I still have to do a lot of my packing, so I'm out of here. Not sure if I'll be online while I'm away.

PS: A special 'bye' to SB. 'See' you on the return, my friend!

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Saturday, December 6th, 2003
7:53 pm - Children of the Damned
I really don't give a flying fark about Gwenyth Paltrow being pregnant. Though this is good. That skinny bitch *should* gain some weight!

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7:45 pm - his ghost
Saw that guy again last night for the second time who reminds me of the ex. aside from some of his facial features, how bizarre a few similarities: played guitar, had long brown hair, and then later put on both a Bruins cap and jersey. I almost could have died.

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7:23 pm - a few things I hate for not switching what was a PAID account to an UNpaid account and rather blocking my access to my account because my credit card didn't clear because they didn't have an updated card information. WHICH BY THE WAY IS ILLEGAL because I NEVER AUTHORIZED THEM TO CHARGE MY FUCKING CARD. AND I *SHOULD* GO TO THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU AND LOG A COMPLAINT.

snow blizzard-conditions,

gusty winds,

frozen appendeges,

wet pants,

people who drive their 4WD not realizing that there are others on the road WITHOUT it,

sleepy drivers,

drunken drivers,

annoying bartenders who force Kamakazi shots on you when you've said no... repeatedly,

annoying bartenders who force Kamakazi shots on recovered alcoholic friends when he's said no... repeatedly

guys who are waaaaaaaaaaay too much into their hair that they can't stop touching it, playing with it, combing it, flipping it, smoothing it. Yes, you have long hair. We see it.

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7:16 pm - Whatever happened to...
Jack Tripper's friend and swinging neighbor Larry??? These are the things that keep me up at night.

Also, did you know that the real name of Suzanne Somer's character of Chrissy is "Christmas Snow". Proof that the 70's are much better off behind us.

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Thursday, December 4th, 2003
8:19 pm - Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003
7:46 pm - Gifts
Went to B&N; last night. I love that place. While there I saw the Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal which strangely enough featured a band on T's label and of course some of my favs, Motorhead and Danzig! Also they had According to the Rolling Stones which I thumbed through enjoying the photos and wishing I had taken them. I even tinkered with the idea of getting some large posters framed and making a Stones room. :) I bought T the Boris Vallejo 2004 calendar.

I think I'm going to glass etch a deco bottle and make some vanilla extract or cinnamon something or other. I may make some herbal meat rubs, too. They seem simple enough.

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
6:51 pm - Privatize?
25 posts and not a single reply. Glad I'm such a mover of people. I'm George Fucking W. Bush with a vagina for Christ sakes.

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6:44 pm - Ahhhh, lovely Massachusetts
It took my an hour and 50 minutes to get into work today. An 8-mile ride that usually takes me 20 minutes. Luckily I didn't take the highway and luckily someone paid for all of us to have pizza (seeing how we were not taking our lunches).

If it weren't that I owned this house and had my family here I think I'd move in a heartbeat elsewhere.

And WHHHHYYYY is it that the weather forecasters NEVER apologize for screwing up???? In all my years I've never heard one apologize.... I think it's about damn time!!!!

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Sunday, November 30th, 2003
5:51 pm - Going Green
I'm getting my Christmas tree and wreath tonight! YAY! :)

Earlier I tried decorating the bay window in my living room but I couldn't get the tape to keep the lights up well enough and they kept popping down! :( Suckage.

I bought myself a pair of sneakers and T a pair of heavy duty workman pants. Also I picked up a can of red spray paint because I decided to paint the gift baskets red rather than keep them natural white. The red goes pretty cool with the blue metallic fill.

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11:27 am - This year why not stuff her stocking
with one of these

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10:56 am - Horoscope
There is likely to be some tumult in your emotional life right now, dear Libra. For example, you may feel a pressing need to have a heart-to-heart with your partner. Tension may develop, however, if you become increasingly insistent about your need to do so. Anger or alienation can be avoided, provided you express your feelings with clarity and compassion.

:-\ Egads.

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