[11 Jan 2004|09:19pm] |
and tomorrow afternoon.. my life goes back to normal, or at least the normal that i am happy with.
surprise gifts from master p... |
[06 Jan 2004|10:22pm] |
requiem for a dream and pi, both on dvd.
my dad rules.
Things That Make Ashley Want To Puke, cont. |
[29 Dec 2003|06:20pm] |
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nauseated |
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#372 - Christmas lights. #373 - Christmas lights being left up and turned on AFTER CHRISTMAS!
[23 Dec 2003|05:41pm] |
ashley: 0 migraine: 1
[23 Dec 2003|02:41pm] |
shitty, shit, shit, shit
yeah.. the house is a rental of a friend of my dad and myself. the news stations keep saying there were no smoke detectors in the house - but in fact there were 3 when kelly and jim rented the house to them 6 months ago. oh where, oh where did the smoke detectors go?? this sucks ass. poor kelly is a mess, just before christmas. they still haven't found the cause yet, and she won't rest easy until they do.
[22 Dec 2003|07:37pm] |
get better, lizzie! i love you!
[21 Dec 2003|04:36pm] |
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bored |
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what a most uneventful weekend...
'i said venice, you heard vegas...' |
[07 Dec 2003|08:00am] |
swim 'you keep telling me i'm beautiful but i feel a little less so each time your love is so colorful it flashes like a neon sign but i finally drove out where the sky is dark enuf to see stars and i found i missed no one just listening to the swishing of distant cars...'
origami 'i know men are delicate origami creatures who need women to unfold them hold them when they cry but i am tired of being your savior and i am tired of telling you why'
animal 'when you grow up surrounded by willful ignorance you have to believe mercy has its own country and that it's round and borderless and then you have to grow wings and rise above it all like there where that hawk is circling above that strip mall'
grand canyon - quite possibly the best damn spoken poem i've heard to date. 'the women who gave their lives, so that i could have one.'
in stores 1.20.04, 'educated guess.' pre-order it on rbr.com now [or before 1.12.04] for $16 and get it a few days prior to release [it will be shipped to you on 1.13.04]! do it, biotch!
words and music by ani difranco © 2004 righteous babe music / BMI
rattling the brain with where to start.. |
[24 Nov 2003|07:43pm] |
i once heard a lecture by filmmaker bill viola. his films, i can do without - but something he said, i can't forget. he talked at one point about dancers and vocalists (and others of like professions) being the only true artists; they use only what creation gave them to make art. i, on the other hand, am no artist. i require tools outside of my body to make art, or what i perceive to be art. and i also cannot forget his remarks about his own personal (please, forgive me for using this horrible term..) 'journey' - about trying to learn to recreate things that were once deemed as great. and it took a sleeping, snoring master to teach him to create his own greatness - for there are reasons those once great things are no longer seen as 'great.' so here i am, world. a person who imitates true artistry through tools made by man. a person who is in search of a new greatness. a person who is trying to fully understand, and then explain, what gertrude stein meant when she said 'the difference is spreading.' acknowledge me, recognize me, and then dismiss me.