Sam-I-Am's journal

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
3:36 pm
She scratched me and made me bleed, pitched my finger in the door, and i almost got my toe cut off. My god. She's psycho she took her ladder and banged it up against the door almost crushing the cats tail.
I really despise her at the moment.

(Plant a Seed)

Monday, August 12th, 2002
11:13 am - Ba dum ch!
Well I spent the weekend at my uncle's place. It was great I made 80 bucks by babysitting a lot. Kick ass. I bought a book called Godel, Escher, Bach the Eternal Golden Braid it is so good so far. It's about how music art and math are at the core exactly the same, and how they can relate to life. It's probably going to take the longer part of my education to finish it but god I'm excited. My neighbor downstairs still isn't finished and she's been reading it for a year and a half. So I'm not expecting to be done anytime soon.
I've got soooo many books to read:

My aunt gave me the lord of the rings set.
YaYa Sisterhood book. :?
Two T- witches books
Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner by Cunningham
The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan same author as the Joy Luck Club which I love.
A Shakespear tales novel with all of his plays dumbered down for us peeps who don't have the time.
The massive book Godel, Escher, Bach.

I'm going to be super busy when it comes to reading. Oh well, doesn't bother me.
I can't wait to see everyone from school, I miss you guys a lot. I hope everyone had a super summer. ;)

current mood: contemplative
current music: Keeper your hands to your self

(2 seeds | Plant a Seed)

Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
6:23 pm - Well now
There is another HOT construction worker.
I am in paradise. hehehe.
I've went outside to read when I was rudely awoken by the bobcat machine, grrrrrrrrrrr, i walked outside half asleep with my hoodie and pj pants, with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Exploit of Brigadier Gerard book. I sat out there for like 2 ours 8:00 am - 10:00 am,hehehe. Only to be presented with a much more attractive guy.
Then my sister and I went to McNally's where I got 2 more books. yay! I've got to go to a used book stores, the books are cheaper and cooler. Anyway I came home and sat outside some more. hehehehe. Still not as entertaining as yesterday though.
I burnt a CD yesterday it's got really relaxing music on it. I've got this Chinese guitar and flute playing right now although I don't know what it's called.
Well I'm off, I black mailed my mom into gettin piZZa mwahahahahahahahahahahahah.*breath* mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

current mood: nerdy
current music: Chinese Guitar and Flute

(Plant a Seed)

6:23 pm - Well now
There is another HOT construction worker.
I am in paradise. hehehe.
I've went outside to read when I was rudely awoken by the bobcat machine, grrrrrrrrrrr, i walked outside half asleep with my hoodie and pj pants, with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Exploit of Brigadier Gerard book. I sat out there for like 2 ours 8:00 am - 10:00 am,hehehe. Only to be presented with a much more attractive guy.
Then my sister and I went to McNally's where I got 2 more books. yay! I've got to go to a used book stores, the books are cheaper and cooler. Anyway I came home and sat outside some more. hehehehe. Still not as entertaining as yesterday though.
I burnt a CD yesterday it's got really relaxing music on it. I've got this Chinese guitar and flute playing right now although I don't know what it's called.
Well I'm off, I black mailed my mom into gettin piZZa mwahahahahahahahahahahahah.*breath* mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

current mood: nerdy
current music: Chinese Guitar and Flute

(Plant a Seed)

6:23 pm - Well now
There is another HOT construction worker.
I am in paradise. hehehe.
I've went outside to read when I was rudely awoken by the bobcat machine, grrrrrrrrrrr, i walked outside half asleep with my hoodie and pj pants, with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Exploit of Brigadier Gerard book. I sat out there for like 2 ours 8:00 am - 10:00 am,hehehe. Only to be presented with a much more attractive guy.
Then my sister and I went to McNally's where I got 2 more books. yay! I've got to go to a used book stores, the books are cheaper and cooler. Anyway I came home and sat outside some more. hehehehe. Still not as entertaining as yesterday though.
I burnt a CD yesterday it's got really relaxing music on it. I've got this Chinese guitar and flute playing right now although I don't know what it's called.
Well I'm off, I black mailed my mom into gettin piZZa mwahahahahahahahahahahahah.*breath* mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

current mood: nerdy
current music: Chinese Guitar and Flute

(Plant a Seed)

6:23 pm - Well now
There is another HOT construction worker.
I am in paradise. hehehe.
I've went outside to read when I was rudely awoken by the bobcat machine, grrrrrrrrrrr, i walked outside half asleep with my hoodie and pj pants, with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Exploit of Brigadier Gerard book. I sat out there for like 2 ours 8:00 am - 10:00 am,hehehe. Only to be presented with a much more attractive guy.
Then my sister and I went to McNally's where I got 2 more books. yay! I've got to go to a used book stores, the books are cheaper and cooler. Anyway I came home and sat outside some more. hehehehe. Still not as entertaining as yesterday though.
I burnt a CD yesterday it's got really relaxing music on it. I've got this Chinese guitar and flute playing right now although I don't know what it's called.
Well I'm off, I black mailed my mom into gettin piZZa mwahahahahahahahahahahahah.*breath* mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

current mood: nerdy
current music: Chinese Guitar and Flute

(Plant a Seed)

Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
How is everyone. I am faboulous.
There are some fairly attractive construction workers ripping down the house next door, you can imagine that I'm spending more time outside these days. It's all very nice.
I'm even talking to them.
There is this one named Stefan he is nicer then the other two guys. People are saying that he's looking at me but I personally don't think he is.
He's not too bright either. I mean he can talk, but I think that's a bit of a strain. HAHAHA. Anyway I'm off to get some sleep I'm going to be up bright and early. I am very sneaky about the looks I give.

current mood: horny

(2 seeds | Plant a Seed)

Wednesday, July 24th, 2002
3:59 pm - IT'S MY BIRTHDAY
Well I got Tarot cards from my neighbor downstairs, we went to Chapters and we got it, I was extatic. They are called the Inner Child Cards, A Fairy Tale Tarot. They are so totally awesome. I also got a Cd Walkman from the Sony Store in Polo. Hip Hip Hooray 0.o I am so happy, I'm going out for dinner tonight at my favourite restaurant Olive Garden. Today has been a great day. I also got a Key Lime Cheese Cake cause I have to have a cake with candles to blow out.

It's just too bad my two uncle's and there wives couldn't be there. Darn. That's ok we'll do something on the weekend.

I was thinking about my dad today. I listened to the Butterfly Kisses song. I cried. I don't usually, but today I did. It mentions something about Sweet 16. I like the song I just wish I had a father figure. I think about when I get married and how I'll have to make it different because I won't have my father there.

But it's a happy day and I'm a happy person. I'm shoving it out of my mind till tomorrow when I have time to dwell on it.

current mood: optimistic
current music: Piano Sonata #14

(1 seed | Plant a Seed)

12:24 am - IT'S MY BIRTHDAY
I'm so excited, it's my birthday. I'm officially 16 years of age. Two more years till i'm "legally" allowed to drink. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
I am going to go shopping for most of my presents with my mom and neighbor, but I like that better, that way I get what I want.
I am so joyful. 16 years ago I was a new life. Now I've got 16 years of knowledge under my belt. Minus the 2 years I spent wandering aimlessly in an abyss of babyness. hehe.
I actually watched A walk to remember and Cross Roads:P YUCK.
I also went swimming today which was pretty fun.
I am going to sleep now. Birthday girl needs her beauty sleep.

current mood: cheerful
current music: I'll make a man out you.

(1 seed | Plant a Seed)

Tuesday, July 16th, 2002
7:40 pm - Runes
I'm very excited, I'm in the process of making my Runes. I'm making them out of wood. I don't know, something has drawn me too them. My ancestors were Germainc, Norse, and such so I feel a connection, I am so excited.

I spent the day swimming today. I am so tired. It was fun though, my mom rented Shallow Hal and Sphere, I don't know what Sphere is about, but it's got Sharon Stone so it shouldn't be too bad.

I got a little note book for keeping stuff in, it's something I've wanted to get for awhile, just never had the chance. I am peaceful right now. Maybe it's just me being tired and all, I don't know.

My mom, her friend and I went out to supper last night at the Keg, we sat in the bar, me being 15 it's kind of cool, they even ordered a Martini for me, hehee. I had Steak, baked potato and a ceaser salad, MOUTH WATERING STEAK. It was sooooo good, I told my uncle it was the best I'd ever had and he looked shocked, thinking that his was the best. Heehehehe, I like teasing him.

I'm in for some money this week, I get to baby sit friday and then I'm doing manual labor for my uncle, sanding, pressure washing, 2 coats of stain and the ever dreaded latice on his entire fence and deck, all for the humble price of 120 dollars, which is pretty good, I'm actually quite happy, I am going to get contacts after that. heheeh.

See yalls in the Sitting Booty Bum Splash Park. "Don't Ask"

current mood: drunk
current music: ^hehehe, I wish. ^

(Plant a Seed)

Sunday, July 14th, 2002
12:09 am - Piano Sonata #14
My mind screams with the fire of my heart. I cannot stand to listen. My every breath is a painful stab in the chest. My cries of pain and anguish are unheard by the world. My chambers are filled with the blood curttling screams of my throat, I am screaming for my life. Why must it all end this way, why must I relish in the memories of my life. I am but a young girl with an adult heart and mind. Why must I be shown the ways of the world.
I open the window only to here the voices of all those who want something of me, the penniless child, the beaten mother, the starved animal. My dreams haunt me like the plague, spreading through my mind never leaving me always following where ever I may go.
My mind screaming at my heart to do something, to shut it all out, to lessen the pain. My heart wants the pain, it's all it has left.
I hear the voice of a women being murdered in a back ally. I stand there and watch not being able to move, my heart beating in my mind. The heavy breathing, the sour smell of a cold blooded killer coming towards me. I run all I can do is run, my legs feel like they may give way but I am falling, falling, falling...
I awake in a flurry of distress my mind racing with a million questions that my heart cannot answer. I look up and there is my husband, ready to settle me. I relax in his arms, but I am still reluctant to release the hold on my heart.
I lay in the bed resting, I get up and go to the window, as I slowly open the shutters, I begin to see the decaying corpse of the cold blooded killer, I could smell the sourness that surrounded him, I couldn't get away from it, I picked up a letter knife from my dressing table and flung it at him with all my strength, it sliced through its heart like a chainsaw on decaying wood. I fell to the floor in a wave of dizziness. My soul over ridden with exhaustion

I have no idea where all this came from, I just began to write and this is what came out. I don't understand it really myself.

current mood: indescribable
current music: Piano Sonata #14

(Plant a Seed)

Saturday, July 13th, 2002
11:56 pm
My mind screams with the fire of my heart. I cannot stand to listen. My every breath is a painful stab in the chest. My cries of pain and anguish are unheard by the world. My chambers are filled with the blood cruttling screams of my throat, I am screaming for my life. Why must it all end this way, why must a relish in the memories of my life. I am but a young girl with an adult heart and mind. Why must I be shown the ways of the world.
I open the window only to here the voices of all those who want something of me, the penniless child, the beaten mother, the starved animal. My dreams haunt me like the plague, spreading through my mind never leaving me always following where ever I may go.
My mind screaming at my heart to do something, to shut it all out, to lessen the pain. My heart wants the pain, it's all it has left.
I hear the voice of a women being murdered in a back ally. I stand there and watch not being able to move, my heart beating in my mind. The heavy breathing, the sour smell of a cold blooded killer coming towards me. I run all I can do is run, my legs feel like they may give way but I am falling, falling, falling...
I awake in a flurry of distress my mind racing with a million questions that my heart cannot answer. I look up and there is my husband, ready to settle me. I relax in his arms, but I am still reluctant to release the hold on my heart.
I lay in the bed resting, I get up and go to the window, as I slowly open the shutters, I begin to see the decaying corpse of the cold blooded killer, I could smell the sourness that surrounded him, I couldn't get away from it, I picked up a letter knife from my dressing table and flung it at him with all my strength, it sliced through the heart like a chainsaw on decaying wood. I fell to the floor in a wave of dizziness.

I have no idea where all this came from, I just began to write and this is what came out. I don't understand it really myself.

current mood: indescribable
current music: Piano Sonata #14

(Plant a Seed)

Friday, July 12th, 2002
11:07 pm
Well I find myself becoming more and more tired. I do not like this.
I'm trying to look for a job and I've got a ton of options, but my hearts just not in it.
Well I'm going to try harder. My days just seem to consist of the same thing.
*Get up
*Have Breakfast
*Brush teeth
*Go for a walk
*Sit in front of the tv till lunch
*Have lunch
*Sit in front of tv till bike ride at 4:00 p.m.
*Bike ride
*Sit in front of tv till supper
*Have supper
*Sit in front of tv or computer
*Sits ups and weight lifting
*Glass of juice, milk, and water.
*Brush teeth
*Sit on computer playing a game of clue
*Sit up reading science text book till 2:00 a.m.
*Lights out for bed time.
I just can't seem to get to bed any sooner. It's not that I don't try. I just can't fall asleep. It's the same thing over and over and over. I need some excitement. Some diversity. I wish I was with animals. I mean my cats are great, but I need to be near horses, I feel so empty. Ever since last year at that camp I've felt so empty and all I can think about is someday having my own ranch or just living out my days on a nice quiet little ranch not a care in the world, I could so do that. :(
Oh well, until I get a car my mom doesn't really care about how I feel when it comes to that. If it were her we'd all be going out on a limb for her, but seeing as I'm her offspring and she takes care of herself, she decides not to indulge in my "day dreams".

current mood: crushed
current music: Knock your Head- Men in Black by Will Smith

(Plant a Seed)

Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
3:10 pm - I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats!
I am kind of tired.
Ms.Farrell's wedding was great. I was really nervous when I did the second reading, but I was really honored and I cried, I didn't think I would until I read the first word and I burst into tears. Her dress was beautiful. I can't wait till I get married, well I can wait, but when I do I'm going to be soooo excited. She even had a little tiara which was super cute. It's kind of a shitty day out but I'm glad for the coolness. I've done a bit of planting and such.
I saw Men in Black 2 it was pretty good. I love Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.
It's my mommy's birthday tomorrow she wants a head set so I'm off to the store to get her it. It's going to be my birthday on the 24th, I am really excited.
I've also got a little cabin fever and have begun to read my science text book that I forgot to return. It's sort of interesting, well the biology part anyway.
I paid Scott his $100 the other day. Finally. Seeing as he bought me lunch and a N64 I decided I needed to pay the National Debt off.
Scott's parents have agreed to let us go on the road trip, I am so excited, we're going to have an awesome time. He's so much fun. He said that his friend Thomas and his girlfriend might come to which is major cool, I think Thomas is a really nice guy.
Anyway I gtg. Places to go People to see. **

current mood: loved
current music: Complicated by Avril Lavigne

(1 seed | Plant a Seed)

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002
6:08 pm - I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats!
Well, it's been awhile since i posted a normal post. Ex-neh on the picture-eh.
My mom is thinking of moving to Vancouver in two years, I'm really psyched.
I'm really tired.
I have been spending a lot of time with my plants. Lately I can't get enough of them. I'm getting into the medicinal purposes lately and it works, I had a major headache and I put a little of this and a little of that and Voila! I hate taking pills or anything associated with them, so now I don't have to go through the pain, it's great, although my pain threshold is pretty good. Not nesicarly a good thing but whatever.
Everyone seemed to dislike Vanilla Sky, but I rather liked it, took me till the end of the movie to understand any of it, but a worthwhile flic none the less.
Anyways, just wanted to do a little check up on everyone see whats up with everyones summer, me and scott might be going on a road trip in august which i'm really happy about. We might go to Minadosa, it's not out of the province but it's out of the city at a a nice little cabin. Hip Hip Hooray.

current mood: energetic
current music: Hit 'em up

(7 seeds | Plant a Seed)

Monday, June 3rd, 2002
11:41 pm

What Type of Villain are You? /

(Plant a Seed)

11:29 pm
I just had to put this on it's so hilarious. Seeing as I just got a job at dairy queen.



You love love love love fire. You like setting things on fire, including

people. You enjoy mass destruction and chaos within our world, and are not

happy with today's society. You seek friendship with those like yourself,

and you're generally mean to people.

current mood: naughty

(Plant a Seed)

Monday, May 27th, 2002
6:33 pm

I am Charlie Brown

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

you're american beauty. you're full of hope and appreciate the beautiful things in life.

take the which prettie movie are you? quiz, a product of the slinkstercool community.

~Find Your Inner Supermodel~

If I were a

I would be:


take the Living Dead Dolls Test

I'm the Celebration Gown!

Which Queen Amidala Gown Are You?Quiz made by dorkkitty

Test, test?



Beastspeakers are gifted with the enviable ability to communicate with the animals around them. Most Beastspeakers are genuine people, and tend to enjoy time in the open air, instead of inside doing mundane chores. In general, Beastspeakers love the environment almost as much as they love their animals and friends.



Empaths posess the ability to feel the emotions of others. They are gentle people, who encourage and nurture others. They percieve the world with their hearts and not with their minds. Empaths make great friends because they understand people.
is your Misfit Talent?

[b]Primary Ability:[/b]
BeastspeakerBeastspeakers are gifted with the enviable ability to communicate with the animals around them. Most Beastspeakers are genuine people, and tend to enjoy time in the open air, instead of inside doing mundane chores. In general, Beastspeakers love the environment almost as much as they love their animals and friends.

[b]Secondary Ability:[/b]
EmpathEmpaths posess the ability to feel the emotions of others. They are gentle people, who encourage and nurture others. They percieve the world with their hearts and not with their minds. Empaths make great friends because they understand people.

current mood: crazy

(Plant a Seed)

Saturday, May 4th, 2002
2:57 pm

You are Angelina

You acted in cool movies like:

Tomb Raider, Gone in Sixty Seconds, Girl Interrupted

and Hackers.

Take the "Which Hollywood Princess are you?"
quiz @

Take the Which Repulsive Food Item Are You? quiz, by ProtocolDroid.

Take the Which Repulsive Food Item Are You? quiz, by ProtocolDroid.

(Plant a Seed)

Sunday, March 31st, 2002
5:08 pm
click to find out if you are obsessed!

(1 seed | Plant a Seed)

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