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133 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in patches. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1hannahbanana - Fox Mulder
- _hey - You Can Sleep In Your Own Bed Tonight
- _holy_macenoli_ - ☆ Denise ☆
- _spit_ - //*eRiCA FxCKiNG aNNE-
- abberantsanity - Angela
- adict_999 - Condemned Youth
- aey - Keely
- aliensexist - Just A Rat In A Cage
- allbimyself - Whitney
- ambrosia - ashka
- amenagannom - *{A-Train}*
- anfetimachild - Anfetimachild
- annaila - A..lien..a
- ashbo - Ashley-Nicole
- asinglestar - star*
- asslickeruno - kristA boyd
- asweetstar - ~*Angie*~
- awkwardjonas - Don't Panic
- babidreamer87 - babidreamer87
- babyty - I'm French liberation
- babyvirgo - Kesha
- bandaid56 - slap a hoe
- bandaidwhorre - Broken Star Records...
- be3reboog - Katie O
- beaner21 - Girl Like That
- beingmrkite - Mr. Kite!
- bellamy -
- benjisgirl166 - Alysia
- bethermann - beth
- bingoflamingo - Karin
- bitchgodess - darkened skies
- blackshoop12 - blackshoop12
- blink18jss - Jessica
- blinksumpunk - M@nD@x
- blondepunkchik - Silent Screamer
- bloodfuck - Miss Stripe
- blulotus2 - Abby
- blumndy284 - Old Skool
- bostonredsoxfan - XhateXedgeX
- br0kenstars - Jaclyn with no Q
- bratmobilebitch - Skylar
- brocclihead87 - Where can I buy a life?
- bug - kristin
- burninginmymind - Sage
- callmereject - Grant
- candylander - .adrenaline.junky.
- capnejay - Emotion's Scorn
- cgsexysadie - circus girl
- chandra_thorn - Chandra
- cherrydee - _tragic star;
- christinaleigh - you'll stay with me forever, forever
- clashthreat - Rae
- clizzy489 - ~*~Geri~*~
- cloud9princezz - Alyssa
- complexedpixee - [*Complexed*] - .Pixee.
- corruptedblond - Marissa
- cousin_phil - Cousin Phil
- cpickler - Chris Pickler
- crackers - choas called creation
- crafty_dame - aymi
- crappybunny7 - x Daydream of a Valentine x
- crazylilcat - *~ Starz for Eyez ~*
- crock15 - Eyepennies
- crushedxstars - ;bitchin' plaid panties-. \\
- cry_away - alex
- darkkittie - Sher
- dawli - b a k e s a l e
- dazedn_c0nfused - dazedn_c0nfused
- deathwishkid - Horrorgirl
- deegis - Beeeee
- defuseme - oxymoroniC
- delusionalkitty - *suicidalhugs*
- devils_haircut - youdbecuterifishotyouintheface
- dieinmydaydream - *~::*::+Mandy+::*::*~
- digitaldarkness - *:whitney:*
- dirtycutfreak - *~*SiN*~*
- dirtypunko - Picture Somebody New
- dorkxcore - Sarah Stitches
- drowning_dolly - SpEthELs
- duhast - Abused For Being Strange
- dustandbones - Miss Missy
- edenne - Currie
- eliot - eliot landrum
- emorawkgurly - *leighann*
- everdrew - everdrew
- evilbluesmurf - Monika
- eviltechie - Molly
- facelesscrowds - a WallflOwer
- faded2blak - + m.e.g.a.n
- faeriedevil - jackie
- fallendownangel - Fluffy Hula Hoops
- falsefiction - sarah
- feelin_blue - feelin_blue
- felchie - Cough cough CHOKE
- fishydish - Spoot
- flowers4ingrid - Sammy
- foreveryourstar - Star
- foulmouthedpixi - xmirandacorex
- frackattack911 - stayC
- frostedcowgirl - Dictator of the Universe
- frosting - ♥i'm♥not♥very♥stable♥right♥now♥
- gcposer - Wiggles the Pickle
- gidgetstix - Jamie
- glasshouse - Jackie
- good_kittie - Juliet
- hadfa - Fahad
- haeleybdoog - atana
- hannibal2112 - Jess
- happ1lybleeding - Jonathon
- happychickenme - Chrissy
- hatefivesix - mallrat
- heidi_girl - noli me tangere
- high_guys - Me
- homesista - Marie
- hoovergurl85 - Heather
- hvnlyhottie31 - The Chronicles of Boca Grande..yes Big Mouth
- hyperhypo66 - crazy j
- hyperspaz - Kelsi
- iamsocool - destiny
- ihavenolife - meehan?
- ilovedoyle - Clark+Lex=LOVE!
- imanerdette - you suck
- imnolan - Nolan
- incustank - *AmAndA*
- inkpot - maureen: inkpot
- innerme - zephyr
- invisiblestar - the new trend
- itty_britty - Brittany
- iuseglue - Lauren and Tanya
- jaded7doubts - JaDe-O
- jaxhurls99 - Jackie
- jaybean - Jackie
- jetpixi - Jet
- jigsaw666 - Dan
- joeshamo - Forget my name, Forget my face
- joeyheartbear - joey (tales from a punk rawk nothing)
- juniperbob - Cheech
- k8isgr8 - DiViDexBYxZeRo
- kandykydprinces - -----
- kaos182grl - *e*c*o* (eAst CoaSt oREo)
- kaptain_planet - Matt
- kateles - Kateles
- katestarr - Kate
- khalydah - Vanilla Coke Addict
- kidkash - Justin payne
- kidxvicious - P뮃ʩ† FÅï£Û®ès
- killurself - Laura
- kirbyusmaximus - Kirby
- kitty_stockings - Hey, hey, Suzanne Day.
- knatekast - just another motherfucking pimp
- kornmistress - Kornmistress
- krayzphreak - Eleanor Rigby
- kraziepunk - Locked in Silence
- krazypunkkhris - Khris
- krissiele23 - Kristal
- krista51 - Krista
- krysterella - | the only broken-hearted loser you'll ever need |
- ktt87 - The Grodiest
- l_money - Lola
- ladythug - *LaDy tHuG // *MeG
- leeleeisme - Leelee
- lilgirlsweetie - Sweetie
- lilgothghoul - Caitlin
- lilpunknutz - Palei
- lilygish - Bobbi Jo
- litebritexxx - *Carly Kristen*
- little_seven7 - Meagan
- littlegirlenvy - silence for a voice
- lizalizz2888 - The Liza
- ljisevil - Heather & (occasionally) Allen
- lobsterman - Brian
- loneliestnumber - Amanda
- loserishekka - Ekka
- loserness - Ris
- lowerclassbrat - Grace
- luzrredhead - Jenn
- macabre_grrl - milk crate bandit
- madmatt - IN_Flames
- magentaqueenr - Rachele
- maj - Bosco Stifferemonda
- make_no_mistake - make_no_mistake
- mancling - Mancling {tales of a twenty something mosher}
- mandajoe03 - Amanda
- merlyntemple - Julie-Bean
- midgetsnmonkeys - Bar Bara
- midnightrose - Lost in the middle of emotion
- midtown - Sink, Florida, Sink!
- mintchoco79 - Self Destruction
- missamerica - Angel
- missohioteen - puddle splasher
- momyslilmonster - Sarah
- monoxidekitty - . CrackheaD .
- moonbeam0660 - moonbeam0660
- morbidtragedy - Sarah
- moribunddreams - Brittany
- mulletbragade - Ape Drape
- munkeefizz - Marianne
- mycrazysystem - Skizzy
- myscars77 - Jen
- myxplasticxyou - Rory
- nanninoo - if you wanna take my kisses in the night...
- nikkierz - Nicoleta
- nirvanageek - Love, I hope we get old
- normiezoid - evil normie
- novacain_stain - [salve pulchra]
- nxdkittie - Brittany
- nyctanessa - Sold my soul to Hasbro...
- obsessionsketch - Russian bloody punk
- oigasm - Sarah
- oiskinoi - Exinopis
- one_woman_army_ - cuz i am a joyful girl...
- onlyontuesdays - the stars are nothing more than candles in the sky
- ophelia_roaming - Beth
- orangeroxypanda - Amelinda
- otakujapatime - Lao Tzu
- paranoidboy - A slowly crafted monologue conceding my defeat.
- paxromana - no one
- phreakbutterfly - That Girl
- pickusdr - brandon
- pikze - kerry
- pinkglitterdust - Mowkneecow
- pinkhearse - Ryan Fouts
- pinkiekitten - a health hazard
- pinkrazorblades - Daddy's Little Defect
- pixieshu - Shu.
- plaidpunkdawl - pUnKiN' AiN't EaSiEeEe
- playboiprincess - Jen
- playboychickaro - miss maggie mae
- poetrywhore - Stars within the Eyes
- poopie - //sum.mer
- pop_punkboy182 - Mike
- popsickle_dood - [** HaLo_____alleyOOp_______it * * *].·:*¨
- pottybreak - blood stains on carpet from recent werewolf attack
- poweredbyemo - Oh sugar c'mon!
- pprettyinpinkk - Barbara
- preskooldropout - Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln. How was the play?
- prettylikedrugz - Murder♥Tramp
- princessjax246 - Jackie
- procrastinate - Candice
- psychogummibear - Body and soul, I'm a freak, I'm a freak
- psychomidget - *BeLLy*
- puddlehopper - melissa
- punk_kitten - //+save.yourself
- punk_rock_86 - Zachary
- punkedupfuck - fuck you
- punkprincess4u - Lil Quack
- punkrawkgirl - scarface
- punkrawkqt - PunkRawkQT
- punkrockkitty - ~*~*Beautiful Emptiness*~*~
- punksk8girl - Tairyn
- punkxstatik - //Candy Coated Lies
- punkygoat - Quiz Kid Donny Smith
- purplegrass - purplegrass
- purplejeans - ***purple grrrrrrrrrl***
- purpleswirls - =mallory=
- purrsnickety79 - the girl everyone forgot about
- queengina - Gina
- ragdollinabox - ..:PureImagination:..
- rainbowkishez - u.n.s.p.o.k.e.n // w.o.r.d.s
- ranza - suzanne
- rawkinpopstar - .:.amy.:.
- rebelagogo - maggie
- recentlydead - jass
- redcranberry - Falling Apart
- redvelvetroses - Victoria
- rentamullet - Sarah
- returnofsparky - Sparky
- roastedflamingo - Roo
- roxychic1926 - Jess with an ica
- roxyvana - always remember
- rubykat - *LiPS TiTS AnD SwANkY TiMEs*
- rudegrrl - Toyz
- rythm_bandit - irregular.beat.♥.♪
- s6chika2003 - [\]~*So Emo It's Sickening*~[/]
- sabbysteg - Livejournal is irrelevant
- sabresgurl61 - Daniness
- sadgreenstars - .starxpower.
- sadist - heart sick
- samiko - Boum
- sammers0807 - Samantha
- sapphiregoddes5 - Jas
- saveemo - super emo kid
- scar_tell_story - She is the slaughter
- scashfactory - lollipop lust kill
- scrumpfberry - God
- seansdork - Dyanna Driveby
- seedless - in this stunning monochrome
- selfindulger - Kiwi
- sewmymouthshut - josh
- sexsaltines - ==+\ synthetic tears /+==
- sexypunkgirl - CHeSHiRE
- shadowdevilbaby - BadKitty
- shatterd_dreams - Heather Bunn
- shedreams - A dream
- shee - sheila
- shegochan - Shego Chan
- shimmer2fade - *Shooting Star*
- shiple - Juju-ette
- silliesmurf - ~*EviL pRiNcEsS*~
- silversparkle - Meghan
- sincerelybritt - SiCK GiRL
- skajester - horrified onlooker
- sleepymischief - A mused
- smoothiedoug - Doug
- smrtmouthgodess - Slam
- smurf_cutie - Heather
- snowysea - j Bones
- socialclone - Mellie
- sophieanne - Sophie-Anne
- sorrow9 - Damien Antelucan
- sortofkindof - sortofkindof
- spangles - unicorns are people too.
- spin_the_moon - Cloudyhead
- spitfire1611 - !*ALICE*!
- sporkthadork - justasillylittlefille
- spunkerific - rad as plaid
- spycofreak - Muff
- squad77 - GABBIE
- squirrelgrrrl - Baby Squirrel
- stardust22 - trixx
- starsofdust - The Fallen One
- starsprinkles - Celeste
- start_a_craze_ - <3 *caiT* <3
- strawberrycake - The Room's too Cold
- sublizime - El tonto loco
- sueliz - Sue
- sugarpuff - sugar
- sunpistgoo - eleanor rigby
- sunshine84 - Pink Sneakers
- sweetlykesuga14 - and now my fears, they come to me in threes
- sweetness - i am but one small instrument
- sxefairy - manda
- talludahling - Spikey Em
- tankgrrl1982 - Tammy
- tankgurlsid - Keiko aka フランシス
- tayspimpette - kitten
- technofruitcake - bla
- terrysgurl - gaby
- theprincessdrea - That Girl
- thepunkstarfish - The Idiot of Many Names
- thereisnoradio - i left my heart in san francisco
- tigger120585 - a broken heart continues to beat...
- tiggerbell - Nicole
- timmyrazmataz - NaTaLiE TiMmY rAzMaTaZ
- tinkerbellpixie - amanda
- tinygrrlmoshpit - lilpunkin
- trainspotter - Spikey Hair Boy
- trendyposer - Shelby
- twiggz66 - X~* Chester-Amy Baxter*~X
- twilyte_skye - charmaine
- twixy_tiger - **Sabina**
- uberjoinkle - pucker up and kiss the asphalt now
- uncleremus - and-all-will-turn-to-silver-and-glass
- undertow - the disco before the breakdown
- unheardscream - joce
- unsocialmissfit - cassandra
- untitledkitten - Dana
- upthefuckingeex - Rachel the geek
- vacantgrrl - part time punk
- velvetskittles - Lilly the Kinderwhore
- venusloveless - HexumsHex
- vilerepression - I can't be your Arienette
- violetpretty23 - Mystical Darkness
- vpunk - v a n e s s a
- weaselism - take this from me and go
- weezerpleezer - Jane
- werd2yourmotha - erin with an e
- whamo - Alex
- whennaturecalls - Krystle
- whoputonurheart - Spencer
- wizardeyes - blamo
- wren - Chris D. Wren
- x_dnadoll - Plaid is Rad
- xashrottenx - *EmO*FoR*YoU*
- xbluemoonx - Naughty Miss
- xd0llixr0ttx - Evilsonic Screaming Demise
- xeroclass - xero
- xfaeriex - erin
- xgummixbearx - Krystina
- xiolablue - Lizzie
- xkissingxfoolx - my name is lola, i do the cha cha
- xlostxboyx - Eric
- xnewradiox - t to the rish
- xpardonmex - dreamer.
- xpitymex - XpiratecoreX
- xpunkgurlx - ..The girl who's afraid to pump gas...
- xstarsdofallx -
- xtammyx - xTammyx
- xtremechk87 - .Steph.on.Me. Hunter
- xviciousgirlx - Leeny
- xxsaraidolxx - ...sasha seductive*...
- yellow7star - *caryl anne*
- zach_mcgrath85 - Zach McGrath