Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "80's".
324 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in 80's. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 13dreams - The Insomniacs
- 27 - Generic Girl
- 9mm - Back in the game!
- ____untilthenxo - I made it a game to play your game
- _morning_star_ - drink up, baby, stay up all night
- _spades - _spades
- _sweetsymphony - lizabeth
- a_toxic_kiss - B.A.M.F
- abstracttouch - **glitter on the mattress
- acidevil - Agent Orange
- adoredzero - Your best nightmare
- aeryn - Aeryn
- aesir - Self-Monitoring the Monster
- agent_86 - agent86
- alathenymph - Polish Monster
- alister - Alister
- alladinsane - Elwood P. Dowd
- allamistako - Allamistako
- ama - Alicia Anderson
- amandadare3 - amanda dare
- andrasta - andrasta
- andyman - Andyman
- angelnarcissist - Frances
- angeluvsu - Angel DroVin
- angryvixen - Katrina Marie
- ankharah - *puella absurd*
- annabanana_80 - Konichiwa, Bitches!
- annasmomsdaghtr - annasmomsdaghtr
- annimal - Anni
- antifluff - Amber
- ao - Rob :: DJ AO125
- artmindedgirl - artmindedgirl
- ashcore - ashcore
- asrai - Penny
- astralbutterfly - Rachelle Peterson
- auggie - blue ruin, lemon on the side
- azael - Laura
- babidoll - Sally Nightmare
- babygrr2002 - Babygrr2002
- bael - Bael
- bajema - Bethalynne
- ballistik - Coffee, Tea, or Me?
- bambamkam - Bambamkam
- barryhjr - Nobody
- bathory_aria - PlasticLawnDaemon
- batty - Batty
- be955 - Writings and musings of ms. marie
- beatchik - Beatchik
- beatnik728 - The silent one inside
- belladabal - Belladabal
- blades - Christian
- bleufiss - bleufiss
- blinklover4e - Kari
- bloodynavajo - Bloody Navajo
- blueeyes - Lyssa
- bogle - Bogle
- breackmyheart - Crystal
- briejett - BrieJett
- briguy508 - Brian
- brodie_ - My Name Is Wepeel
- broken_s0und - mea
- brokenwords - jessiXa
- brooklin - Brooklin Dreamer
- brookly - bright colors
- bubblicious - Bubbles
- burningart - The 19th Most Powerful Woman in Rock
- bushbaby - Vicky Bone
- butterflytattoo - Deb
- caffeinesoldier - Joltman
- cailynnb - Cailynn
- calico - Happy Fun Hair
- camilaspy - Camila
- candycane - chrissie
- catch - Sadie
- caylith - Caylith
- chaos - gun of a preacher man
- chaoticasylum - The last girl on Earth
- cheeves - Me
- chellywelly - One Cool Bean
- cherrygoddess72 - Kate Chirigotis
- chip970 - chip
- chrit - Christy
- cimmerayn - Cimmerayn
- cityrokker - Evan the Terrible
- cornrelish - Kristy
- cowboy_junkie - Natasha
- crackerjackass - JAX
- crashn2me - Kendra
- crazygal - Unforgivable Sinner
- crazypanties - Words of a Brokenheart
- creepy_girl - L e i a
- crimsonraine - All Things Katie
- crossbreedchic - Twitch
- crowho - nina
- cruxgothgirlie - A pissed-off Strawberry
- curemadgirl - Xiomara
- cuteaznguy - John
- cutedangerous - Perfect ERROR [antiyou] ♥
- cutriss - Cutriss
- cyndi_84 - Michelle Wineburger
- dandoubledtwice - ddt : that bitch, Dan ...
- danidolldanlee - . The Marvelous Mad Mad Mad Madame Me.
- darkmanx - Michael, Lord Mage of New Vidalia
- davekilgore - Doc's Place
- dawl - chrit
- dcv_rpm - Ray
- deadxbunnies - Angelina
- death_kittie - death_kittie
- deathangel_2000 - Sandy
- deepestsin - Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die
- deeply_pained - brionuh
- denisem - Maraschino Cherry
- destruct - i always respond to 'hey, stupid!'
- devilstool - La Miss
- devonx - Devon
- dezeptakon - Alz
- dfitzpat - dfitzpat
- diabl0 - the w00tmaster
- digdoug - DigDoug
- dis1035 - pluto
- discolor - disco dolly
- disdream - DisDream
- divadollbaby - divadollbaby
- djwickwild - #1 Karaoke Guy
- doomsgrinder - Butt Monkey
- draya - Draya
- dudette - tyty
- dvlf - viva
- dyfferent - too much pork for just one fork
- dyingxemotions - nae
- ebmfreak - m@
- edica - ★m I ss AM ERiCA★
- editthesadparts - jennifer june
- electralux - e-lux
- elektrobop - Brooklyn South
- ellalenore - [NAME] eats cold raw fish. . .
- ellastata - tina karenina
- elora - Elora Raven-Goldmoon
- elske - Eugene
- elve_ - ♥
- emmzee - emmzee
- endlessxmisery - Penny For Your Confessions
- envenom - envenom
- ephiny - Ephiny
- eris - eris
- eternalelement - The Ladies Man - Among Other Things
- everyonemustwin - Endorphin Machine
- fairiedust66 - Marla the Mastah Pooninatah
- falsemessiah - the name's arielle*+
- farfie - tairii
- fartoofrail - :W: Far Too Frail :M:
- fedykitty - fedy
- feni - Feni
- fierceremorse - Jill Gerbers
- fievel - Erika
- firekitty - Kelly
- forever_in_debt - Forever in debt to your priceless advice
- foxmagic - Brian Kendig
- fragilemind - Chad
- fredp - Fred Penner
- frozencake - corinna
- fuzzball - shauna
- fyre - Phil The Smurf
- gayburblife - GayBurbLife
- geecat - Maxwell Futura
- gelflinggirl_26 - faerie dust
- ghimson - The Ghimmer
- gloombunny - Gloombunny
- googoodolly - Melissa Jo
- goonsmedia - Kyle
- gothboy - I'm afraid I'll have to know you better
- gottabecrazy - Crystal
- gravyman - gravyman
- grbush82 - Michelle
- griff_wolf - Griff
- grue - JK
- grungebunny - Andie
- gunzel - michael mehmeister
- haleypanda - haley
- haltijatar - Haltijatar
- hamy - hamy
- hanabanana - hanabanana
- hanstibour - hanstibour
- hellenica - George Kevgas
- heybebe - Diane
- hippoguy - Dave
- hologram - Hologram
- housebrownie - Aleister Goodman
- i_playdead - I play dead...and the hurting stops
- icyvixen - icy vixen
- idlecruelty - Knight Who 'Til Recently Said 'Ni'
- in_melancholia - SINGE
- indie_rawker - emophobic
- ipfxtwin - Atrophy
- irishlinc - Lindsay
- isara - delilah
- iworshipsatin - Dell
- jacquelyn_b - j a c k i e
- jadeddamsel - grenadine
- jadedfox - The Jaded Fox
- jadu - Kristi
- jaimed - Jaime D
- jasmineiscool - Jasmine
- jccs - J.C.
- jemfan - Tuba Woman
- jenalei - miss bastos a.k.a. another jen
- jenny267 - jennygirl267
- jennynumberone - the human heart in conflict with itself
- joolee - JooLee Fu Yung Tau
- josephcurwen - Charles Dexter Ward
- joshiee - Josh
- joy_with_alloy - joy
- jrwells - CSI Level 3
- juli20 - Juli
- jymi - Jymi
- kat - Kat
- kazenokodomo - アダ
- kellzilla - kitten
- kiapurity - Kia Purity
- kiashadow - Kia
- killingmoonx - Jenny
- kingofsnake - King of Snake
- kingowit - Brian Skyllzzz
- kitten143 - Emily
- kjgaunt - Kevin Maxx
- klink - a stripey girl
- klorine - The Cool Elusive
- korfafla - Derek
- kostika - kostika
- kovy_kitty - Kovy Kitty
- krayzee - Looks like SATAN...Tastes like CHICKEN!!!
- krazyleesa - Krazyleesa
- krizsa - sugar-kriz! shaken not stirred
- kuntacore - BEhtzie BRITE
- kurisuchi - Kurisuchi
- kurita - Tara
- l_money - Lola
- ladyvox - just a silly dutchie
- larissadawn - Stacy the entertainment addict
- liebschjen - Suicide Sweetheart
- lifewithjoey - life with joey
- lilnee - Renee
- lilspite - lilspite
- lindyrn - Lindy
- linnzi - *Pixie_Dust*
- linz80 - Linz
- lipbalmx_ - distance.
- liqmeupndown - liqmeupndown
- liquidmercurial - Mercurial
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- littledeath - Little Death
- lokichan - Stephanie
- looking_blue - mouse.
- lordremo - He who wields the Crabfork of Mordor!
- lovecollapse_ -
- lunarsmoke - Please don't hurt me
- lusus - Thought Junkie
- maab - Maab
- mac - FatCat is cootie-free
- mad_spirit - Mad Spirit
- maddy - Maddy
- madhouseasylum - Deadbeat Club
- magbastard - The Magnificent Bastard
- manjari - M'n JAH ree
- marcia - the buttongirl
- marea - Valkyrie
- markusparkus - Mark
- mattw - wronk
- maverickpax - sandy
- mbarrick - Michael / Atratus
- merx - Patty
- metalgrrl - metalgrrl
- mickelboy - But I'm Leaving Anyway
- mikale - The Politics of Heaven
- mikiyuu - Steph
- mishlof - Stuart
- miss_tish - Only Users Lose Drugs
- missadriane - Miss Adriane
- misshell - Miss Hell
- mistabear - mistabear
- mistressvanity - Vanity
- mjonesau - Matt
- mlvc69 - Robyn - *Michelle's Little Vixen*
- monaarbryn - brynach
- moosical - lil-miss-moo
- morganastar - Thee Fairy Of Midtown Manhattan
- morphine300mg - Morphine
- mrdirector - Preston
- mupstasia - Mupstasia
- museandbrood - MuseAndBrood
- mylovelytrench - My Lovely Trench
- myndie - Mindy
- mysterri - Terri
- nachtzehrer - cat
- nailhead - Nailhead
- natekelly35 - Guitar God
- nefas - imaginary girl
- nemo2342 - Jason Flythe
- nerfduck - NerfDuck
- nicotine - hopelessness
- nightmarexx - Ashley May
- nsaynediva - .:Carissa:.
- offy - Horizontally Challenged
- ofpuddingkind - pox
- onetrackmind - ♡miss natasha♡
- onyxmoon - Rachael
- ovedio - ovedio
- overcomeyou - Tina
- oxehunden - OxeHunden
- pancua - Disillusioned
- panda7982 - Amanda
- parkero - Parker O'Neill
- pendejo - Otto Midelman
- peoriapendragon - Leslie Eleveld
- perinnial - Seneka
- petzold113 - Jason Petzold
- pheobesunflower - Kitty
- pinkhaireddork - smitten kitten
- pinky666 - Kari Ann
- pinkycam - PinkY
- placeboeffect - TheLastRobot
- plainjane - plainjane
- plush93 - I kiss and tell all my fears....
- poisoned - august misery
- pornirificgirl - Lyssa
- prettyboysam - Sam
- pricexofxglory - pricexofxglory
- princeofweasles - Jenni
- princessblue - a
- princesselena - Princess Elena
- prinzessin - dork girl
- prissykitty - Sasha
- profoundwaters - Mary Jane
- projectjason - ☆ELEKTROFLESH☆
- publicharakiri - Just call me Cherry
- punkrockhottie - xNiKKix
- punkygal - Punkygal
- pyrcedgrrl - ^^v^^Purr^^v^^
- quietkarma - Simple Male
- quististre - Jennifer Johnston
- rabidangel - RabidAngel
- racrichton - Racx
- raelwithcheese - Kika
- rainbowdreams - rainbowdreams
- rainbowed - slang goddess
- raspberryswirl - Raspberry
- raspdrmr - raspdrmr
- ravencrovax - Mordred Moridin
- rockgoddess - Jenn
- rocknrollgrrl - Libby
- rockstargrrrlie - Michelle
- romanticmele - *~* Sweet Melissa *~ *
- rozziland - Rosalyn
- rudegrrlnj -
- rwmidl - Richard
- ryos_mistress - Amanda Perry
- sabashii - Sabashii
- sailorjenn - Jennifer C. White
- saraphinepixie - Soozie Savage
- sarinala - Sarina
- sassay - i love you more than kodak
- sassykins - Sassy
- satansfancypony - Oblina
- saywhatf - Fernando
- scara - Sarah Para
- scooby03031 - scooby03031
- scruzgirl - Julia
- seiry - seiry
- seiryu - Seiryu's Sanctuary
- serenity173 - Stop global whining
- seriouslysweet - Insomnia
- sexylexi_ - *Lexi*
- shadowduchess - shadowduchess
- shaggingadget - michelle
- shattering - bad head girl in pieces
- sheriecherry - dosirac instant soup junkie
- sickofmyself - Adam
- sinfulflame - Flame
- sinnamon_grrrl - Sinnamon Heart
- skytime - fifty
- sleeplessknight - Sleepless Knight
- sleepy - That chubby swede
- slowman - Lohman
- smellslikegrrrl - Banging Bettie
- sn00ps - Jessibearrrrr
- soccrguy02 - Agent 48
- sonjaduck - the cat wit the .45 caliber claws
- sonniea - ms.panke
- soren - Eye Over You
- sourgirl - she fixes her lips, they always look perfect...
- sparkedgrrl - Suzy
- squirrels101 - jodi wodi
- starjunkie - filmstar
- stellar11185 - Your love like wind, blows right by and sweeps me
- stellarstar33 - *Stellar Star
- stephenie79 - stephenie
- stripedsokkz - StripEd SokkZ
- sugabrownie - Lovers Spit
- sugar_giggles - Sugar_Giggles
- surferbill - Bill
- swedishfishyum - living each day like you're already dead.
- sweetoblivion - Jenny Bling
- syndresthesia - All That Could Have Been
- tatterddoll - sPy*GiRL
- tazzy - Stuart
- tearstainedm - tearstainedm
- teenagechrist - Dj White Cracker
- tenacious_i - Igor
- theatregeek - devon
- thedevilzfood - erica
- thegreatdark - Ted Nugent in Disguise
- thelovebug - The Love Bug
- theshaggyfreak - Shaggy
- thewolf - murmurs of a heart left open
- thriftychick - lindsay stratychuck
- tiffanystar - Tiffany*
- tiggerski3 - Dave
- tightsxleotard - Sarah <3
- tittybitch - ~Rage More~ Never touch a Raptor
- tjanas - Terry
- tkws - MaTT
- torrent1440 - Zoobombs is #1
- townhall3739 - Briar
- tragicpeace - VaNiTyFrEaK
- treasonous - treasonous
- trixster - Trixie Bane
- tsb2004 - Todd
- twilight_rose - Sell You Beautiful
- twistedimages - edit the sad parts
- unashamed_love - Justine
- urbankandee - watching stars fall
- vengeance - Panda Beary
- vickster31 - Vixen
- violet - cait alyse
- virgincliffy - VirginCliffy
- warrenbiscayne - The Shadow Dweller
- whereis_my_mind - * * iN mY dReAmZ * *
- whitestripes1 - Destiny
- whoa_nelly - Brenden
- wieism - The M. Journal
- woe - Jeri
- xandria - Mercury in your veins
- xbutterkupx - Keely
- xgirlafraidx - kayta kayta bo bayta.
- xhypotheticalx - xHypotheticaLx
- xiolablue - Lizzie
- xmarksthespotx - xJoshx
- xxdragon2086xx - If you really must know it's Beelzebubba
- xxxskank - Lust
- yoni - Júan Antonio
- youknow - YouKnow
- yozakura - Yozakura
- yummiecam - yummie
- zorak303 - zorak303
- zyryne - Zyryne
- zziks - Zziks