LiveJournal for Werther de Goethe in Blue.
Sunday, April 18th, 2004 |
Buck was a dog that anyone would be proud to own. He fetched, he rolled over, he played dead, and sometimes yes, he posed for painfully embarrassing pictures. Buck was a Good Dog, in the tradition of Yeller, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Wondermutt. Buck's owners walked him three times a day, and even when they were late he was still a patient pup. He tucked his tail beneath him and waited by the back door. Staring up at the hook where his leash was hung. Now obviously accidents happen. Messes occur. Things get broken or chewed. And yes, occasionally stuffed animals get humped. That's natural, nothing to get worked up about, no reason to roll up a newspaper or raise one's voice. Respect must be earned, and obedience is nothing, if not a biproduct of respect. It's said every dog has its day. Wether those days occur in the "dog days" of summer or in some season unspecified is not certain. What is certain is that Buck loved his family, he loved to run, he loved to fetch and play. He loved to be. If you tell a story long enough it always ends in death. So instead lets stop and just think about Buck on his one perfect day. I wasn't there so I can't say for sure... but I'll bet there was a trip to the park, and a few frisbees thrown. Most likely a squirrel was treed, and maybe some pigeons were scattered. He did the things that dogs like to do. We should all be so blessed. |
Saturday, April 17th, 2004 |
Motion is emotional. Stepping out with my baby, can't be wrong when it feels so right. Come on now, don't say maybe. Be mine be mine be mine. One, two, three. One, Two, Three. ONE TWO THREE. Come again, come again step on down and see the show. Everything is provided for, all you have to do is go. Come one come all come near from afar, see the dance see the star. In the center ring, of this Dantean ringed hell we have the dancer. Take a bow. She is one who would be the thing that she is not. As are all who strive and all who live. I do not take into account those who settle, they are dead. But she is as I said, in the center ring of her own personal hell. To dance is to partake in a circus of freaks and tents. The dancer must better themselves with each day, improve technique and reach beyond expectations. The dancer must defeat themselves, the bodies natural inclination to tire and falter. Defeat the marrow within that ages and becomes unable to do the moves that look so nice but put such strain on bodies not meant to twist and turn in such geometric intricacies. Some are made to dance. And some are made to want. The thinness of one may be natural, but not all can attain such shape. Not all are meant to. The torture of binding and disease of longing. To create from one thing something dissimilar. To deny. To achieve. Step to the line. It's the limit. It's the goal, the whole, the event. Now is the time, here is the place, this is the moment. Reach out and grab it! The stars are shining, the people smiling, everyone believes in you! Are you connected? Are you important? Or do you feel impotent in this practice round? There is no maybe, just yes. One. Two. Three. 123 won't you won't you won't you waltz with me won't you won't you won't you come with me on a never ending journey won't you won't you won't you dance with prance with love with be with live with die with laugh with lie with me me me me me me me me me me... 3 2 1 It is as it was meant to be. |
Friday, April 16th, 2004 |
Kill Bill: Not a frivolous title choice. just got this in my inbox: Subject: biconcave platitude schoolmaster monic affinity blind ammerman hiss fortunate spree gouge elmsford upstart fluid annuli raytheon graven buck cogitate winfield eucalyptus Text: BREVAST SUCSCESS femur asexual onward zagreb autonomy crystallography boulevard apollonian cite bad grille barbiturate gyrocompass chap attitudinal cast thrift someday anomaly contention stroke bergland transgression deforestation bassi finger mainland shakespearean demountable centric mabel conch fascism deciduous cheyenne doorstep lethal multitudinous queue grievance carte magisterial schuster analysis arbitrary geyser killjoy radices bony cordon biennium wrathful agribusiness retinue brazzaville ---------------------- WTF? Don't bother with the link, it's just a breast enlargement site. For reals though, who hires epileptics to write copy these days? And where do I apply? |
Sex is just a pretext. There is nothing behind door number three, but another door, another decision. So open it or close or keep what you found behind door number two. Love is a lie we tell ourselves when we are young and full of juice. Death is the truth that we accept when we are old and dry. The things we need are the things that age us, earth, air, fire, water. Each season is in its time the most important. For all things have a place and each place has a thing. Look with me if you will across this highly contrasted skin, the white that shines from me is not a mortal light but a filtered light of unusual opacity. I am as you soon will be, torn in two and set alight. Every piece of mail I receive is full of nothings that I did not write. But yet these things seem to say something. They contain a message of truth that cannot be doubted, unless one is insane or dislocated. I am either a small girl with a big gun, or a big gun held by a small girl. Like day and night | right and wrong | up and down | this is open to debate. And it is a debate that I cannot partake in, for it doesn't really matter to me. A meeting of minds or a meeting of metal is all that will soon be, and in the end will it truly matter if I was the flesh or if I was the bullet? For both will be spent, and both will bleed. The flesh will run red and the bullet will bleed smoke. A rich fire of consentual communication. A connection of unearthly joints. A tapestry of rich texture and vibrant colors. I am the red and black and white. The primary nature of my danse macabre is inherent in the figure I cut whilst out on the ballroom floor. Pirhouette and turn, there is no way for my feet to falter. I place one foot in front of the other cha cha cha. These things are easily understood to those who have looked into my eyes. My soul is not shallow, it is deep and brimming. Can you not see the reflected years? My hand tightens. My metal scrapes against itself. My fingers caress the grip. My tumblers begin to tumble. I smell the air of defeat. I smell the air of success. I am alive. I am alive. I pull the trigger. My hammer falls. I am one. I am none. |
What are you scared of? | ||
The captain has turned on the seatbelt sign. Please close your lunch trays and return your seats to their full and upright position. Landing time is approximately 20 minutes. Local time is 7:15 PM. She unfolded the flimsy foil wrapper on the wriggly stick and popped it inter her mouth. Savoring the sugar burst as she bit down for the first time, her saliva mixed with the semi-flaccid stick of gum. The movement of her jaw helped her ears find level and she was rewarded as the pressure which had built inside her skull slowly went away. Three rows up a baby cried, no doubt suffering without its own gum to chew. Or perhaps the subtext of the Billy Crystal film that was wrapping up put the little nipper in an ill mood. In either case, it was thought to be the better part of valor to turn up the stethoscope ear phones the flight attendants had brought and ignore the noise of her surroundings. Tattoo boy was still asleep. His arm hanging limp at his side. She wondered for the hundredth time, what other designs this modern primitive had chosen to decorate his torso with. The star on the elbow thing was painfully common, but the rainbow dragon snaking under his sleeve had some possibility, or so she mused as she chewed her gum. The flavor had quickly leached away, all that remained was the sickly sweet after taste and the knowledge that she would be much happier when the ground was reached if she kept chewing while in the air. On one of these trips she neglected to pick up any candy at the over priced news stall before final boarding. She spent have the trip with her fingers clenching her nose trying to blow her ears back to normal. Nothing is more annoying when you are preparing to disembowel an opponent than not being able to properly hear out of your left ear. |
Thursday, April 15th, 2004 |
I haven't been writing enough. And I need to be, otherwise I'll never improve and I'll end up wasting my life in meaningless labor and die unhappy and other things that are bad. SOOOOO.... A picture is worth a thousand words. If you would like to help me out find a picture that you particularly like, post it here in a comment don't tell me anything about it and I'll write a story to go along with it. Hopefully the stories will be good and it will encourage more people to post pics for me to write stories to etc. ad infinitum and on and on. So... yeah, brother can you spare a .jpg? |
To those who have misunderstood me, I'm sorry. I don't really understand me either. I think it'll work out all right. Bear with me. When I succeed, please know I'm amazed as all of you. I truly believe I can't fail if I put my heart into it. I just need to do that. No more excuses. It's my life and I don't have the right to be upset if someone points out something true that I don't like. | ||
Tuesday, April 13th, 2004 |
If I ever eat another 7-11 hot dog, just kill me. ( Read more... ) |
Friday, April 9th, 2004 |
Die Yuppie Scum. What do you mean I can't park here? Is this not a good place for a car? Things I learned today: If you set your alarm too early, you'll just sleep through it. The Florida Quarter is a busy busy little piece of shiny metal. A shuttle, a ship, and a sandy beach, Florida indeed. If you do not respect the sushi, it will not respect you. The difference between gentrified ghetto and realized ghetto is about a block. Things I should have done today: Stopped to smell the roses. Purged that bad octopus from my system. Thrown the Florida quarter to the bum on the side of the road. Swore at some people. Used the word NO a few more times. |
Thursday, April 8th, 2004 |
I don't know if anyone else knew Gary Hui... past tense. Shit.... There's going to be a dedication at the Marshall Center Computer Lab on the 23rd at 6pm. Details on his old website. His sister just told me. I don't know what else to say right now. We weren't close, but I really am going to miss him. He was one of those shining lights that everyone who came close to was touched in some way by. I'm glad for the time I had to hang out with him. Wish it had been more. |
Sunday, April 4th, 2004 |
Sometimes, I forget that I'm a fairly witty git. | ||
Spring Forward you friggin internet monkies. Spring Forward and perpetuate an outdated system of time management. Bah! |
Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 |
For Kat and Chris OMG! The cutness. | ||||
I'm not sure where it started, but for a long while nothing seemed quite right. It was as if all the correctness and the goodness in the world had been leached out like color draining from an old tv set over time. Too much yellow or not enough red, nothing you could put your finger on... but something not quite right with the picture. Maybe it started with puberty, those feelings and urges bottled up by weekly prayer and fasting. Or perhaps it was something introduced into his system by too many fantasy novels or those darn comic books. Where ever it came from, it was apparent that there was wrongness on the inside. Evil is too strong a word, let's not call it that. No it was bad all right, but it wasn't the E word. Maybe what he needed was more fiber in his diet! A good braceing dose of regularity. Open up the old sluice gates and let the badness out. In with the good, out with the bad. Soon he'd be running and jumping like his old self again! Catching frisbees in the sunlight and rolling in the fresh mowed grass, just like a puppy. What swell days those would be, without that heavy shadow hanging over him. But... if it isn't fiber... then what can be done? What can be done... No hope for the wicked... best to just put him down, perhaps. Start over. Hell, there's plenty of kids who would kill for the chances he'd had. The cards life delt him were pretty sweet. Too bad he couldn't tell a bluff when it was right in front of his nose. Too bad. |
Sunday, March 28th, 2004 |
It is great fun to hit the latest post link on the lj front page and scan all the pictures people are posting that particular minute. But it's not a good reason to stay up. Specially since I'm still illish. I'm disconnected. What more can I say? |
Friday, March 26th, 2004 |
Oh man I hate me some petty explitive sexual intercourse parental unit dookie eating people. I don't really want to talk about it right now. But DAMN some people suck. |
Thursday, March 25th, 2004 |
If you want to see Hellboy next Thursday night at Citrus park 7:30 pm. Let me know now. I've got a line on some preview passes, but they might not be there tomorrow. | ||
Monday, March 22nd, 2004 |
Is there something inherent in the arcane ritual that raises regular workers into the demi-hood of middle management, some piece of the evil incantation or element in the spell that makes normal people into complete and utter retarded shit eaters? Cause lemme tell you, almost every single one of my managers is akin to a bag of pus. The intelect of garbage with the personality of a bed pan. And the nearer they are to being in my position, by which I mean the less time since they were raised on high to hold the key to the registers and the power to let me go home early, the more fucked up in the cerebral cortex they are. For serious dude. No names, cause co-workers read this. But I'm sure even they know what I'm talking about and empathize. |
Sunday, March 21st, 2004 |
Everyone, please for the love of GOD, repeat after me: Developing crushes on fictional characters is never a good thing. Thank you, go about your business. |
LiveJournal for Werther de Goethe in Blue.