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An impromptu tidy - and the subsequent look-through - of the CD collection's brought some rather fine music that I'd forgotten about to my attention, hence the evening being mostly dedicated to trogging through eBay whilst listening to GlobalU's Arrivals, Destinations and Departures.

[nostalgic haze]

...aah...reminds me of funktastic Friday's at Slinky...

[/nostalgic haze]

Now here's a question - it's eBay related, so bear with me. The Xtant amplifier I'm after is around the £350 mark over here, but I've found at least three places in the States that do exactly the same model for the incredible sum of $80 - that's £45(ish) to the uninitiated. All new and all with a maker's warranty. Damned if I can figure it out but even with delivery ($60) and import duty (say $20), it's still only about £90 - a quarter of the official price over here.

Damn. It's a stupidly expensive country I've ended up residing in.

Current Music: Bedrock - Heaven Scent

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Blimey - I'm capable of typing even more crap in the wee hours of the morning than I usually do.
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Quarter past one in the morning, exhausted beyond belief and can I get to sleep?...can I hell...go figure...


Currently featuring on BBC2 are the (lovely) Jo Wiley and the (not really lovely) John Peel looking relatively warm, well dressed and comfy at Glastonbury, which kinda defies the whole point, surely? Channel 4 has, non-surprisingly, the joys of Big Brother, the recent highlight of which appears to have been Marco's switching from resting his head on his left hand, to his right instead. Wow.

Hang on - there's a moth on Jason's back...now THAT'S television of the highest quality. Uh-huh.
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Pointless fact of the day ahoy - I've had a most constructive ten minutes abusing Photoshop & making a lurvely wallpaper featuring the delightful Katie Puckrick.

Now I'm having tea and copious amounts of biccies - well - three actually.
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Amatsu = very strange, but not altogether unpleasant.

I've another session booked for Friday, the theory being that the side-effects of today's treatment will have shown up by then and can, in turn, be sorted out. Sounded a bit 'vicious-circle-esque' at first but, once explained, made sense.


Still, I've more hope for this line of treatment than I have with that supplied by the NHS.

Bring it on.
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From a combination of curiosity and despairation, I'm off for an Amatsu therapy session this afty. Never heard of it prior to yesterday, but the guy who does it is (if I recall) the same guy who sorted my Dad's back out many, many moons ago.

Can't hurt to try.

On second thoughts, it probably can.

Any excuse for some time off work though. Excellent.
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Unexpected gifts are generally quite nice, but I didn't know what to make of receiving Scissor Sisters' album. It is however, a mighty damned fine piece of work and I'm enjoying it immensely, so there.


Beats the hell out of most of the crap that attempts to pass itself off as 'music' these days to. The fact that all the band members seem to be completely mad is an added bonus. Go listen - shoo - go...
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So I'm here watching Jackie Chan's 'Thunderbolt' during which time I concluded that the wonderful Mr. Chan really, really should stick to what he's good at. In other words, films composed majorily of martial arts sequences.

Films involving car racing however. Nope. No no no no no Mr. Chan.


Said actor is presently driving around a track in a whale of a car, otherwise known as a Mitsubishi 3000GTO.

Stereotypical bad guy is also driving, but in a R32 Skyline.

Yes, I'm being an anorak.

Mr. Chan has - rather predictably - beaten said bad guy, having valiantly fought through a field of cars to take the victory from the hands of evil bloke.

Mr. Chan is, quite obviously, the world's most skilled track driver. After all, anyone who can come from nowhere in a GTO which, although horrendously quick in a straight line, handles like an elephant on a waterbed when faced with anything resembling a bend, drive through a field composed of better cars before beating a clearly skilled driver in an R32 which is still one of the best track cars on the planet, is obviously a god.

Having driven both around Croft Circuit, I know the probability of the above scenario is non-existent, so Mr. Chan is obviously a god - t'is the only logical conclusion.

Please take this post as a reminder as to why I should never ingest half a dozen sherbet fountains prior to heading to bed.
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Being stuck in the house is really, really doing my proverbial nut in.

Daytime television is fairly dire at the best of times but come Easter weekend, it's positively soul-destroyingly bad.

So far today I've read to my heart's content, watched something on BBC2 about the myriad of different religions in Jerusalem, taunted played with the cat, drunk far too much tea and finally got round to putting my Marvin picture on the wall after having it gather dust for the last year.

Said Marvin picture looks like this, )which is nice. Warner Bros art really does rock, so there.

Right now, I'm feeling the need to polish off the remaining half-box of Maltesers and possibly fry my brain roaming around the eternal planes of eBay.

Current Music: George Michael - Shoot the Dog

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Funny - [info]blaster_uk and I have just had a conversation that's made me realise how time's flown by. It's now:

a: Four years since I started doing web work here, and
b: Twenty years since Lou & I used to run to the shop at the top of my Nana's street and spend hours pouring over which sweets each of us should spend our ten pence coins on.

The significance of these events - and the progress of time since - will be, I suspect, lost on everyone bar me.

Holy batshit boy - you're getting old far too quickly.
Name: Confuscious
Back June 2004