Graham's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Graham's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
    8:53 am
    when it comes to War I can count the number of times I've agreed with Ferrett on one hand, but I gotta say I agree with this post.


    I'm a product of this culture too, and I eat this stuff up, I would be surprised if ther rest of the country didn't too. I mean this is the stuff they make blockbuster movies about. you think the media can't sell a story like this, get real.
    But it is worthwhile to hear about soliders, "doing the job" because not only does it lift your heart to hear about a hero, but it's also a good way to see the "horrors of war" That's 20 dead iraqis, who knows hwo many dead americans. That's small potatos in the grand scheme, but as a scene.. that's a lot of death and blood.
    Friday, May 7th, 2004
    12:09 pm
    weeee new user picture... and also my first homemade animated gif.
    It's really easy with GIMP.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
    8:34 am
    KATIE!!!!! I'm coming for YOU!
    Your Homocidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
    Your name:
    Weapon of Choice:A broomstick
    Your Favorite Target:Dendrophiliacs
    Your Kill Count:1,328,325,696
    Your Battle Cry:"Allow me to molest your face with this rod!"
    Years You Spend in Jail:7
    How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$4,568,325,093,293
    Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 87%
    Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
    Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
    1:27 pm
    This link is fronm [info]enkigrl
    I stole this link from here..and I'm being upfront about this because it will take her forever to actually post this herself cuz she is a bitch and a whore...

    Monday, May 3rd, 2004
    1:19 pm
    The weekend.. the wedding
    wel, I spent the past 4 days in Iowa. My bestest friend from college, Tony, got married. and i was one of his best men.

    It was a GREAT weekend!
    The details... well most of them )

    Current Mood: satisfied
    Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
    1:20 pm
    For all the Christian Bashers out there....
    I have long been a casual basher of Christians.. you know an easter and Christmas basher. :) But really I've tried to seperate the "fuckheads" from what I saw as the true and good Christians. I love faith.. in all it forms, and I think Christianity as a religion is a good one, some really great teachings but the "Religous Right" has been PISSING ME OFF.

    Finally, I have some joy in my life on this account.
    Jimmy Carter is again my hero. Read This.
    Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
    10:16 am
    What's really sad is.. I doubt most people in the country will never even hear about this.

    After all the horrible press Clinton got for every little things which could even possibly be wrong, This administration has manged to get get away with some impressive things.
    Monday, April 26th, 2004
    11:35 am
    I need to get me a haircut.
    anyone have any recomendations for salons in the south austin area?
    looking for something which isn't too expensive, but decent for a trim.. nothing too special.
    In the past I've gone to one of the places in the Mall, and I'd rather find something a little better.
    Monday, April 19th, 2004
    4:34 pm
    Updatey sort of thing
    So yeah...
    I'm back now.
    I was gone all last week, down in Mexico wirth my family.
    it was a blast.
    lots for food, lots of beer and margaritas.
    swimming, fishing.. more food, snorkeling, and alot of lounging about.
    very veyr nice.
    kind of a shame to be back.. and at work, but so be it.

    \I could use a pint night.
    anyone want a Pilsner Urquell tonight?
    It's Pint Glass night at Gingerman.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
    10:30 am
    Stolen fron [info]kylakae
    Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
    Duncang's Disorder
    Cause:cursed amulet
    Symptoms:ability to fly, vertigo, sudden deafness, shouting
    Cure:eat more bees
    Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

    I CAN FLY!!!! No one told me this
    *run run run* CRASH
    damn.. I didn;t miss the ground
    Monday, April 5th, 2004
    10:09 pm
    Katie says: More people need to drive on thr right.. cuz that is sexy."

    there you go... straight for the mouth of katie.

    Current Mood: drunk
    8:54 am
    Anita! Cynthia! Jame! BEEER
    8pm tonight!

    Beer Tasting w/ Eric Roach
    Gingerman Pub

    It's Spring Beer Tasting

    so not really sure what to expect... Spring beers.

    BE THERE!!!

    Current Mood: depressed
    Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
    11:31 am
    My Morning
    Okay My morning has not gone well

    I wore up at 8:45.. wondering why my alarm clock didn;t go off. Turns out it thinks that am and pm aren't the same. Stupid clock. when I say pm I MEAN am.

    then I just had a hard time getting myself ready to go.
    finally got out of there at about 9:05 (I usually leave about 8)
    took the wrong way to work.. so I got to work at 9:35
    keep doing stupid stuff trying to get the new world out and ready.

    and then this-
    I discovered this at 11:30, when I went to the bathroom )

    Current Mood: Laughing
    Thursday, March 18th, 2004
    10:20 am
    a good night
    It was a good night
    get off work on time for the first time in a loooong while, bring 4 pack of Guiness home with me, Crack one open, shove one into katie's hand with a "Pogue Mahoney"(sp.)

    watched the end of Buffy season 3. get all weepy for the "Class Protector" scene.
    Cooked up two Cornish Game hens with cornbread stuffing and a hosin butter glaze (really good actually).
    Then some ritualistic watching of Boondock Saints.quoting all the lines.
    then to bed.. becaue all of the sudden it was 10:45

    I mock the wussy Irish, but I drink on their holiday anyways... cuz yeah it's my way of saying Fuck you" to st patty. "Oh your gonna kick all the pagans out of Ireland... when then I'm gonna drink your beer, so there!"

    It made sense last night.

    Current Mood: chipper
    Thursday, March 11th, 2004
    12:39 pm
    Google Meme (from [info]royhuggins
    So here is the meme
    go tot Google Images and put in your first name
    hit search and pick the best one from the First page of results.

    Here is my result )

    Current Mood: chipper
    Wednesday, March 10th, 2004
    9:03 am
    I meditated this morning.
    It's been probably a year since I did that. well I guess I did it at the wedding a bit, but that was more prayer.
    That' the one things I love about mornigns tho.
    just sitting there, in the young sunlight, and not thinking.
    not thinking is very hard, at least for me, but after a few minutes and some concentration I can get it.
    I miss taking time to meditate, it's one of the thigs I really treasure, but don't often make a priority. it feels good to just be.
    But yeah, there I just sit, listen to the city around me, the trucks, the buses, the people, the birds, the wind. All of it just moving. And I get to sit there up on my balcony and soak in it.
    I really wish I had a drum to play out there. I like it there. on my balcony. It makes me happy, it makes me free, and it starts my day off on very much the right foot, no matter how i woke up or what I have to do.

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Kiato - Mystera
    Friday, March 5th, 2004
    12:44 pm
    I'm still alive and doing well
    Yeah I know... I droped off the face of the earth.
    Mostly tho it's because work has been super super crazy the past two weeks.
    last couple days hae been real nice, getting out at 5 or so
    but all last week and over the weekend, I work working till midnight or so most nights, putting in 11 hour days, etc.
    But I'm still kicking. Tho I've been enjoying a nice leisurely time at home when I'm there.
    Few things I have actually done, been seeing a little more of Gypy now that she is in a nice place and is close by. Went to Elysium with Kattafish on saturday night and had probably my best night there ever. Such a great vibe on the dance floor, completely wasted tired afterwards and had some fun time with Brad and Redman. they are in good spirits so that helps. Plus I got a couple really nice compliments while there, which helps as well. Even if I'm not looking, I'd still like to hone my art of chatting people up in a club, as well as just feeling good.

    I've had some really funky weird dreams the past couple nights which have ended up with me being awake at 5am and not be able to fall back asleep for a bit.
    I realized tho, just how much more comfortable I am being sick, or being awake/unable to sleep when I'm sleeping alone. I just feel like I can do whatever I need to do for myself and not have to worry about waking the other person. Plus as Cynthia put it, there is a "hurt animal" mentality to it.
    anyways, I should post my dreams at some point, I robbed/scammed a bank and I also had a fucked up Joan of Arc dream with a tortured and mulilated MacGyver in it.

    But I am actually doing really well, besides are the work stuff.
    Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
    9:08 am
    Happy Temptation Day
    Happy Temptation Day to one and all.
    This is one of my favorite days of the year, well I need to remember to have another in like 25 days.. but that doesn't matter.

    For today is a day full of free doughnuts and chocolate and other bad things.. all for the giving.
    I should see if I still have that e-mail conversation with Jen H. from last year.
    It was wonderful.

    Current Mood: chipper
    Monday, February 23rd, 2004
    10:35 am
    Oh and in other news
    Note to all out there.
    No matter how good the Puerco Pibil juice smells or tastes after 4 hours of slow roasting. DO NOT DRINK IT LIKE A BEVERAGE FROM A CUP.
    I drank about a 3/4 of cup of it last night because it just smelled and tasted SOOOO good, but oh my god did I pay for it in the middle of the night.

    And do not fear all you put there, I will be making it again... and again. many times.
    the meat is the only coastly part, but I could definely serve 4 people on it.
    Maybe in two weekends I'll make it again and offer to have people over.
    This time I won't so completely fuck up the rice. As Katie put it, "I had to fuck up on the rice or else I'd probably have to be shot."

    Current Mood: sore
    Friday, February 20th, 2004
    10:47 am
    Dude.. so spot on.
    Country Quiz )
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