The Demons Grind
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The Demon's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
    11:06 am
    Sunday, May 16th, 2004
    11:46 pm
    Movie Review: Troy
    TROY (2004) *** Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Brian Cox, Brendan Gleeson, Sean Bean

    There are movies of epic proportion, and there are epics; this movie tries to be a movie of epic proportion based on Homers epic – The Iliad. Sadly it fails.

    Certainly its eye-catching, there’s plenty to look at and lots going on, but when you cut through the glitz, when you look for the ‘acting’, TROY runs out of steam.

    Peter O’Toole, though brave to take on such a role at his age, delivers a performance worthy of a television soap opera, not a massive budget “block-buster”. His performance alone damages the film almost beyond redemption. Not since Jeremy Irons, in his role as Profion in “Dungeons & Dragons (2000” has such over-acting been forced on a paying audience. Then there’s Brian Cox, usually a quality actor in every role I’ve seen him in, yet the megalomaniacal delivery of his role as Agamemnon is even a bit too over-the-top for such a famous sociopath.

    One of the questions I found myself asking, even after leaving the movie, was this… “Can Orlando Bloom actually play a role other than Legolas? And if so, when is he going to start?

    Kudos go out to Brendan Gleeson who gives a solid performance and demonstrates his versatility in yet another role. Sean Bean continues to demonstrate why he’s in such high demand, but the real star of this movie is Eric Bana. Relatively unknown (at least in North America) prior to his role in “Hulk (2003)”, Bana steals the show with his performance as Hector.

    Brad Pitt, typically, is spot on with his performance, and should not be discounted as the Lead. His solid portrayal of the chaotic Achilles makes up, at least in part, for the shortcomings of others.

    The fight choreography is spectacular, the score is breathtaking and the costuming and props are stunning. It’s quite likely they’ll get Oscar nods in these areas and stand a good chance at winning. Sadly, however, I’m sure the academy will consider O’Toole for a nomination just because he’s been in the game so long. The prospect of that reviles me and if he were to actually win an academy award, where Ian McKellen failed to garner one for his role in “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings (2001)”, my faith in the entire voting process for the Oscars would collapse once and for all.

    Of course I’m sure the film will take in massive box office receipts and won’t disappoint many, but given the hype I was expecting a lot more. At least the DVD will allow you skip over the many, many skippable sections.

    The only way you could get me to see this film again, in a non-matinee/cheap day setting, would be to sneak me into the theatre in a giant wooden horse.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Thursday, May 13th, 2004
    6:52 pm
    Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
    10:19 pm
    From MSN Entertainment:
    The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Larry Wachowski, co-creator (with his brother Andy) of the "Matrix" trilogy, is preparing to undergo a sex change operation.


    According to the paper, which cites "several longtime friends," Wachowski has been living and dressing as a woman for a while and is now ready to take the plunge. The filmmaker, 38, is currently in the midst of a messy divorce from Thea Bloom, who is demanding a share of his "Matrix" millions (he insists he came up with the concept before they wed in 1993).

    In divorce papers, she claimed "Larry has been extremely dishonest with me in our personal life" and said the decision to split was "based on very intimate circumstances concerning which I do not elaborate at this time for the reasons of his personal privacy."

    So far there's no word from Wachowski on the claims, which is hardly surprising given the fact the ultra-reclusive auteur is so media-shy he reportedly had a no-publicity clause added to his contract with Warner Bros.

    But if the report does turn out to be true, let's hope the fanatical "Matrix" fan base rallies behind Wachowski, who apparently realizes, to quote Morpheus, "there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
    Saturday, May 1st, 2004
    5:14 pm
    Happy Beltaine to the folks who matter.

    The rest of you, feh! :P
    Monday, April 26th, 2004
    4:32 pm
    I just spent about 8 minutes (minutes I'm not getting back!) deliberating over if and how I should reply to someone who posted on my fiancees Livejournal. In the end I decided that no matter what I said, it would change that person, and aside from a small amount of smug satisfaction from flaming them, nothing would be really gained from the whole ordeal. Ultimately I decided to simply not respond at all.

    You just have to accept, sometimes, that things and people won't always be the way you want. Though it doesn't hurt to privately mock those people and relish how much better your life is than theres, England built an empire on that theory.

    Two words, [info]arkayne: Momma no!

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Monday, April 19th, 2004
    12:41 pm
    Subway Expansion, Get involved!
    Heya guys,

    Tommorrow (Tuesday the 20th of April) and Thursday (April 22nd) there are two public meetings to discuss the preposed subway expansion from Downsview station up to York University and Steeles avenue.

    At this time the enviromental assessment of the development will be discussed as well as questions and answers from the public will be addressed.

    Its very important to have a strong showing of support at these meetings so if you're a York student, Worker, or just someone who supports the idea please consider showing up for one or preferably both of the sessions.

    Date: Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
    Time: 4:00pm to 9:00pm
    Location: CW Jefferys Collegiate Institute
    Street Address: 340 Sentinenl Road
    To take the TTC: From Downsview station take the 106 York University Bus to Sentinel Road and Hucknall Road stop.
    Driving: Turn south off Finch Avenue West, West of Keele street, Ample onsite parking

    Date: Thursday, April 22th, 2004
    Time: 12:00 Noon to 4:00pm
    Location: Central Square, York University
    Street Address: 4700 Keele Street
    To take the TTC: From Downsview Station, take the 196 York University Rocket to York, From Finch station, take the 60C Steeles Avenue West bus to York.
    Driving: From Keele Street enter On York Bouvevard, which is south of Steeles and North of Finch, from Vari Hall, follow the Directional Signs to Central Square.

    Both sites are Handicapped accessable.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Sunday, April 18th, 2004
    12:14 pm
    I don't know why... but I just exposed myself and [info]firefae to the lyrical Stylings of Mister William Hung.

    Current Music: William Hung - Rocketman
    10:22 am
    I was sent these by a friend.

    I can say now, I've always been scared of GDB, but....well.. read for yourself.

    "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
    - George W. Bush

    "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
    - George W. Bush

    "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "The future will be better tomorrow."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "For NASA, space is still a high priority."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    "Public speaking is very easy."
    - Governor George W. Bush

    Friday, April 16th, 2004
    3:36 pm
    Internet Radio Broafcasts?
    Does anyone know if/where/how Howard Stern or the Don & Mike show are broadcast over the internet for listening?

    I'm sure someone, somewhere must do so....
    Thursday, April 15th, 2004
    4:14 pm
    The GEEK HUNT is On!
    Okay, hopefully that got someones attention.. I need to pick someones brain about Geekdom.

    Can someone, with complete certainty, tell me what the exact order is for the Drizz't books?

    Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
    11:51 pm
    FIlm Review - "The girl next door."
    One of the key elements to making a memorable film is knowing your demographic.

    In the 1980’s no film maker demonstrated this ability with greater savy than John Hughes. His films not only launched careers and packed in box office receipts; they also spoke to a generation and helped define a cadre of actors who, to this day, still dominate their profession.

    In 2004, its hard to say exactly who to consider when awarding the title of heir-apparent. “The girl next door” director, Luke Greenfield, seems to have crafted a gem that’s worth the price of admission. But this relative unknown, whose previous efforts included Rob Schneiders 2001 effort, “The Animal”, is also working with a strong script and well cast talent.

    One of the underlying themes of “The girl next door” deals with the idea of updating school teaching material, an interesting thought given that the film itself can be considered much in the same way. The cast comment on how “Someone should update these films”, while viewing an outdated sex-ed movie from the 1950’s. “The girl next door” is as updated, in comparison, as its counter parts, “The Breakfast Club”, “Sixteen Candles” and “Weird Science”.

    Young stars, Emile Hirsch (The Emperors Club, 2001) and Elisha Cuthbert (Old School, 2003) both give credible performances and may very well look back fondly one day on this film as a ground breaking performance in their respective careers. Timothy Olyphant (Rockstar, 2001, Dreamcatcher, 2003) is likewise, both easily hateable, yet roguishly charming (a la “Han Solo”) in his role as Hirsch’s tough ex-boyfriend/boss.

    Crafted by individuals who obviously recognize that this generation accept sex and nudity without the hang-ups of the Hughes generation, “The girl next door” speaks expertly and with a cunning tone that, while it probably won’t see any Oscars, may give Greenfield the first sleeper hit of the year.

    Saturday, April 10th, 2004
    11:32 pm
    "I want my waffle sundae! Give me my carbs."
    Monday, April 5th, 2004
    9:44 am
    A true lover is constantly, and without intermission, possessed by the thought of his beloved.
    Saturday, April 3rd, 2004
    11:51 am
    A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved.
    Monday, March 29th, 2004
    1:36 pm
    Just because theres a LOTR game coming out... doesn't mean that EverQuest 2 is the grand smack daddy of them all!

    You guys should SEE the character rendering.

    EverQuest 2 Homepage
    10:58 am
    One game to Rule them all!
    Encase you live under a rock, the Lord of the Rings has broached all genres of media and become an unstoppable force in the marketing world. Its only natural, following that progression, that a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) would come along eventually, combing the richness and depth of the world of Middle Earth, and the addictive cash crop that is the MMORPG format.

    Netziens have been clawing and chomping at the bit ever since Middle earth online was announced and each week as more data is released for the upcoming beta test of the world, more members are summoned to the call.

    Some of the features for Middle earth online include:

    Time Based Advancement: The innovative advancement model of MEO allows players to gain skills even when off-line!

    Hobbit Holes and Dwarven Caves: Players will have the chance to earn houses in the Shire, Bree, and many of the other famous locations in Middle-earth.

    Epic Quests: Players will participate in a new story pitting the Free Peoples of Middle-earth against mysterious dark forces. MEO uses new "private encounters" technology to give each player an adventure they'll never forget!

    Economy: MEO reflects the complex economic system of The Lord of the Rings™ through realistic treasure, crafting, and an Elvish barter system.

    Dwarves, Humans, Elves and Hobbits, all playable races, each with at least 2 classes available to them so far.

    You can find out more about the game, including where this and other screenshots can be found, at:
    Thursday, March 25th, 2004
    12:49 pm
    Been away for a significant portion of time, so I figured I’d update my situation:

    Home: Peachy. You might even say…”Spectacular”

    Writing: All assignments, all the time. Literally, except, well… I’m DONE. Yup, just a couple of revisions to make, and one major assignment for English 1250, then I’m totally done…until summer semester /twitch

    Cats: Girls are still beating up on poor, gay, Katmandu, officially re-nicknamed, “Winky McRockies” (especially useful should he ever get into porn!)

    EverQuest: Ding, lvl. 65. Welcome to AA-ville.

    Larp: Looks like we’ve (several of us) set our sites on a game, with a group concept in the development for said game. Hush hush - don’t want to attract Hyenas.

    OSAP: It looks as though I may have slain this particular dragon, salvation is finally in sight…just…over…that…hill.

    “In order to get an A in my class, you’d need to be the Next Mozart” – T.A for Huma 1980, who just gave me an 82% on my last writing assignment. J

    I contemplated publishing one of my short stories on this journal, but I’m concerned that that may cause copyright issues when I try to get it published this summer.

    Gaming: Game is still on hold indefinitely; I don’t have the number of players I want, or a space to play.

    Health: Broke 2 toes! Go me! Between the big sick, the broken toes and whatever is wrong with my hip, our planned outing to eXtreme Fitness this evening might be a bum idea. Still heading there anyway though, the Spice Must Flow.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Dead Can Dance - Summoning of the Muses
    Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
    3:00 pm
    There once was a Knight named Sir Lancelot,
    At whom people would look at a-scance-a-lot,
    For whenever would pass,
    A buxom young lass,
    His codpiece would swiftly advance-a-lot!
    Thursday, March 11th, 2004
    11:17 am
    Fucking hell (and words that don't rhyme)
    So.. I'd booked a meeting with my Psychology TA this morning to get some study help for my Psych final thats coming up quickly. But you see, I forgot to tell "she who uses the alarm clock proficiently", and ergo, rightly so, she didn't k now to re-set it for me. Truth be told I was needing to get up shortly after her, and didn't awaken til around 9:45, a good 15 minutes from my intended meeting.

    So I scrambled around the apartment, stepped on a cats tail (I'm so sorry Thalia :(), which totally killed my momentum as I stopped to mourn and comfort her for what a reasonable person would consider "Far too long", I think I almost cried.

    But this all ties back to what woke me up, you see. I occasionally, more often than I'd like to admit, suffer from nightmares. Not the "ahhh I'm falling!" kind either, more along the line of, "I watch too much CSI" or "I study Psychology too much" nightmares. Last night was the first one I've had in a while and it was intensely painful. I woke up very angry, somewhat disoriented and with a strange dry mouth, this of course all collided head on with the purring cat sleeping on my back (again, I'm so sorry Thalia :/).

    I hate these kinds of nightmares. I'm sure I can't be the only one who gets them? Where something happens in your dream state and you wake up feeling resentful or angry about it in the waking world? I feel, almost, like someone is controlling my mind when this happens. Its frustrating and feels alot like someone else is stealing my sense of identity.


    I've started keeping track, at my English TA's behest, of the hours I spend writing, when I do that writing and if anything stimulates me to write. Of late, I've been doing so much writing for class that any other writing I might be inclined to do on a usual basis, Livejournal for example, has gone out the window. I spent 3 and a half hours on the phone yesterday with the National Student Loan Centre. I'm getting ready to consider legal action against those incompetent fools.

    Writing so far this week:

    Monday - 2:12pm til 4:30pm (Interrupted by Insanity on TV)
    5:01pm til 5:27pm (Influenced by previous Insanity
    Tuesday- 9:14am til 9:48am (Worked on Research Writ2300)
    11:45am til 3:38pm (Worked on Huma1980 Ass 6.)
    Wednes- 11:51am til 12:45pm (Worked on Huma1980 Ass6/7, stopped for lunch)
    1:27pm til 4:30pm (Worked in Huma1980, See monday Interruption)
    11:27pm til 3:14am (Worked on Huma1980 Ass 7)
    Thursd- 10:51am til 11:37am (Creative/Livejournal)

    Current Mood: annoyed
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