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[27 Apr 2004|01:10pm]
finally it stopped raining.
today's paper has an article about the amazing amount of rain that we've had this month...i guess it's more than RI has had in like 30 years or something...

aside from crappy weather, things are good. I got hired for a new job on friday. took a drug test yesterday and today's my first day. so far things seem really cool.
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I've got a broken face... [23 Apr 2004|09:51am]
Can't get that damn Pixies song out of my head.

Broken Faces, Broken Heads and a mini reunion.

God, I love hearing stories about my husband now that we're married. His friends completely held back on me, but now I know....

Freshman year in college, Kevin goes to Georgetown to visit some friends. They decide to make some "bug juice" <--- insert your standard college vodka/coolaid mix here. During the "taste testing" and sampling, Kevin drinks nearly half of the mix, gets rocked but continues to drink throughout the night - beer, vodka you name it... he passes out in the doorway to the room, guys walk over him all night until someone decides to wake him up for pizza. Yum, gotta love pizza on a drunk stomach. So, he eats like a pig - because that's generally what happens your wasted and then stops and runs to the bathroom like a mad man. In the bathroom, he gets to the first stall, the door's closed. He knocks, he knocks again, then pounds with his fist - meanwhile ignorning all pleads from inside. Then, he kicks down the door, the door smacks the poor guy sitting there in the head and he says "oh, excuse me" and walks over to the next stall and throws up.
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[22 Apr 2004|07:55pm]

my neighbors are grilling steak and it smells so good...
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[21 Apr 2004|08:17am]
watched Hard Core Logo last night, it was truly strange and morbid - but good.
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what a day, week, month... [20 Apr 2004|06:14pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

friday I got fired.

It's amazing because apparently having doctor's and dentist's appointments during normal working hours translates into "we feel you're not very interested in working here" and asking for feedback translates into "maybe we should part and go our seperate ways"

It was like a bad break-up.

They really said and I quote: "maybe we should part and go our seperate ways"

But, regardless of the specifics I am now without a job.

Other news, I'm going to Austin for a week in June. We'll be checking out apartments, UTexas, jobby jobs and hopefully if things look good we'll be leaving RI and moving to TX! I can't wait.

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[15 Apr 2004|10:36am]
“Oh, and next Friday... is Hawaiian shirt day... so, you know, if you want to you can go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt … and jeans.”
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[14 Apr 2004|05:19pm]
i've been having the worst time trying to find non-clumpy mascara. anyone have brand suggestions?
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busy easter [12 Apr 2004|11:11am]
hung out with kevin's cousin and his fiance from nyc yesterday. it was nice to be with new yorkers for a change, although i did make me a bit homesick for ny. i would love to live there again, but it's the only place that kevin refuses to live. and i suppose there are some down sides to it - like the living expenses...

so, easter sunday was good. nothing exciting, but good.

we got to hear stories about crazy new yorkers using baby carriages to push around their toy sized dogs...

hahaha! i love ny.
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[07 Apr 2004|04:39pm]
listening to the beatles right now, not sure why...

i can never decide what my favorite beatle song is - it's more like a list.

ticket to ride
day tripper
eight days a week
nowhere man
eleanor rigby
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[01 Apr 2004|03:52pm]
wonderful, now we have a flood warning.
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[01 Apr 2004|03:24pm]
it's been one of those weeks...

Monday, i was up bright and early for court. divorce court. no, not for me... my sister needed someone to "testify" on her behalf about residency and parenting. to make a long story short, i ended up not doing it because her husband's lawyer is playing some kind tactical -drag it out as long as possible- maneuver. so, now it's not settled and the court date has been pushed back. i knew this would happen, it always does.

it's been kinda strange for the rest of week. apparently, there was some kind of water main that broke or was getting repaired because our water was a really nasty color. and of course once the plummer got here everything was normal again... so, the water main thing is the diagnosis... i have a feeling it's more than that. but, we'll see. thankfully, i drink bottled water.

oh yes and the weather here fucking sucks.
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[25 Mar 2004|11:32am]
My brother stopped by on Tuesday and decided to go through my music collection. He ended up burning copies of VNV Nation, Wolfsheim, Front Line Assembly and some imported german compilations. I can't believe he's listening to this... he must be trying to impress a girl ;)

So, while we were going through my music I discovered all these mixed cd's that I made like 2 years ago. I haven't stopped listening to them since tuesday, i forgot how good they are. The best part is that none of them are labeled and not a single one has a playlist.
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[23 Mar 2004|12:12pm]
my sister's divorce is going to be final in 1 week.

it's a long story - really not lj material. anyway, i just realized that they were married for 5 years - which is exactly how long i said the marriage would last.
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[23 Mar 2004|10:40am]
i had a nice weekend.

in between sleeping for 12 hour stretches i actually had a couple of nice meals with family members. I've noticed that I can take my family in small doses and it's actually nice to spend some time with them. I'll probably live to regret just thinking that.

anyway, my grandmother recently moved back to RI and I stopped by her place to visit and check out the new digs. We ended up having dinner with her and it so nice to have a home cooked meal - that I didn't cook myself. I really don't spend enough time with my grandmother... I should really change that soon.

Sunday, I saw my mother and step-father and got some good old-fashioned family gossip. I haven't been around much, so my mother spent a couple of hours filling me in. Honestly, my family is better than any soap opera ever written.

The doctor visit on friday wasn't terrible at all. I have to go back sometime this week and have my blood tested -this would be on a day that i remember to not eat in the morning.
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[18 Mar 2004|03:18pm]
i'm trapped in my own melodrama today.
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[18 Mar 2004|12:47pm]
does everyone but me have a "regular" doctor?

what is it with the health industry, seriously you need a doctor for everything - if you're a female you need a gyno for the girly stuff, if you get pregnant you need the gyno plus the family doctor and then the pediatrician. that's just to have a kid.

there's a specialist for everything these days. it's amazing. so, recently i had what ended up being a minor issue. while i was getting checked out, the question came "do you have a regular doctor?" i'm 27 not 67 - why would i need to have a "checkup" once a year? anyway, i felt embarrassed about saying no... so, now i'm going to see one tomorrow. - and because i'm a new patient it's going to be a 45 min appointment. what's going to take 45 min???
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[17 Mar 2004|08:44am]
i'm going to be catty for a moment.

yesterday i saw this woman who must have stepped out a time machine, because i know her outfit was from 1987. she was dressed like this at work - hair pulled up in a purple scrunchie, big poofed out bangs, purple turtleneck with a white sweater, and the best part - matching purple shorts - yes shorts - with white nylons under them...and of course the white flats. i felt like was in jr. highschool again.

she seemed really nice - so i feel kinda bad. but, what a candidate for style court - someone desperately in need of an updated look.
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[17 Mar 2004|08:20am]
Have I mentioned that I think my brother-in-law is gay?

It's a confusing situation - he has this friend that joins us at every family meal, that he vacations with and that he spends every sunday morning with for brunch. Now, that doesn't really make them a couple, but neither of them date women or have dated women in years. I just wish he would come and say he is - if he is. He seems to be really happy with the guy and if they are a couple it would be nice to be able to treat their relationship as such.

The other factor involved here is our friendship, my brother-in-law and I have been friends for nearly 8 years now - which is how I met Kevin. Since our marriage, the dynamics between Kev, his brother and myself have changed - so I really hope that he doesn't feel uncomfortable about telling us because we're "married". that would suck.
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[16 Mar 2004|08:11pm]
it's snowing!!

we have snow covered streets and the hubby and i just baked peanut butter cookies :)

now it's off to watch Mambo Italiano. i can't wait to see this film, we missed it at the Avon and finally it's on DVD.

btw - Netflix truly does rule.
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spring cleaning - early [15 Mar 2004|08:44am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

so, here's to trying to update this thing on a more regular basis.

i've been busy with nothing lately. i seem to be in one of those phases of creating new things to do when i already have 20 things going on.

kevin and i cleaned our attic over the weekend and ended up with a terrifying amount of garbage. i honestly don't even know how we ended up with so much crap, actually that's not true, i have a good idea - my husband likes to "save". he nests this shit away in the attic, like a squirrel getting ready for winter. i had to pry stuff out of his hands to throw it away... well, it wasn't that bad, but it was entertaining.

i had the most amazing dream last night that involved
Chris Noth and it was good - really good.

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